Arcane Trickster Rogue Build Guide – The Magic Thief – 2024 Update

Learn the best build for the Arcane Trickster Rogue with full leveling guides, full spell list, and easy to navigate sections to only read what you need!

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For all D&D guides on Nat1gaming, they only use the main sourcebooks (Player’s Handbook, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) as well as Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (mostly for Silvery Barbs) as those tend to be the most commonly used books at tables. Always be sure that if you’re following a guide that you’re adhering to your tables rules about what sourcebooks you are allowed to follow.

Any spell, class, feature, or other game item that is linkable on this website is covered by the 5th edition Open Games License and will be in the Player’s Handbook, but not everything in the Player’s Handbook will be linked to. All other materials that aren’t linked to are from other sourcebooks or aren’t allowed to be linked to per the 5th Edition Open Games License, so please refer to the appropriate sourcebooks for that information.

For the purposes of this guide, it will be assumed that you would not be multiclassing. While multiclassing can be excellent for many of these, this is for those who want to play the build all the way through in the same class. Guides that use multiclassing will be separate from these.

For spellcasters, you may notice substantial overlap between the spell lists of builds with the same base class. This is due to each guide utilizing a generically good spell list and not considering extenuating factors that will influence how you particularly sculpt your spell list. When creating your own spell list, you should take into account the campaign setting, what spells any other party members are capable of casting, potential overlap (ritual spells tend to overlap so it’s rare you need multiple people capable of casting them), or potential shortcomings in the parties total spell list. While this guide can definitely help point you in the right direction for crafting a spell list, you should use your judgement and preferences to figure out what spells make the most sense for your character.

To that end, please refer to the Spell List and Spell Tier list for any substitutions you’d want to make to the build.

Why Arcane Trickster Rogue?

In a real sense, magic is broken and having a normal Rogue class that can also spellcast unsurprisingly makes this the strongest Rogue subclass. Beyond being able to cast spells, the Arcane Trickster also has unique and pretty strong abilities making it an excellent choice for someone who wants to play a Rogue, but doesn’t want to give up spellcasting.

Arcane Trickster Rogue Abilities Ranked

Mage Hand Legerdemain (Level 3)B- Tier – While I don’t believe this is particularly helpful in combat, being able to turn a Mage Hand invisible and pick locks with it is really nice for utility.

Cantrips & 1st Level Spells (Level 3)A+ Tier – You get so many nice options here that range from being useful for utility to lifesaving in the right circumstances.

2nd Level Spells (Level 7) A Tier – While you get awesome options, I find these to be less impactful than the 1st level spells, even though they are stronger. With fewer spell slots available to you, you really have to make these count, and realistically, you may want to save a slot or two for an emergency 1st level spell.

Magical Ambush (Level 9)B+ Tier – This won’t affect many spells in general, but this is a generally strong ability.

Versatile Trickster (Level 13)D- Tier – Unless your Mage Hand is already out, it’s going to be very hard to set this up as this will eat into multiple bonus actions to make work. I’d much rather keep my cunning action then potentially trip a second creature that I couldn’t even personally capitalize on.

3rd Level Spells (Level 13)A+ Tier – You get 3 spell slots for this pretty quick and you have all bangers here.

Spell Thief (Level 17)B Tier – On one hand, this is infinite Counterspells until you get this to work which is super cool, but once it does work, it’s not going to be that impactful. You’re looking to use this against a high level spell effect, and if you succeed, it’s not like you’ll be able to use it yourself and the enemy probably could only use it once anyway. Still, a free Counterspell is a free Counterspell!

4th Level Spells (Level 19)B- Tier – Your fourth level options are good, just getting them so late and only one spell slot a day is a little brutal.

Quick Level Up Guide

LevelClass Features/FeatNotes
1Expertise, Sneak Attack, Thieves’ Cant, Weapon MasterySneak Attack 1d6
2Cunning ActionNone
3Arcane Trickster
Mage Hand Legerdemain
Sneak Attack to 2d6
+ Mage Hand + Minor Illusion + Prestidigitation + Feather Fall + Find Familiar + Shield
4Feat: Skulker (DEX)+ Absorb Elements
5Cunning Strike, Uncanny DodgeSneak Attack to 3d6
7Evasion, Reliable TalentSneak Attack to 4d6
+ Misty Step
8Feat: War Caster (INT)+ Suggestion
9Magical AmbushSneak Attack to 5d6
10Feat: Defensive Duelist (DEX)+ Shape Water + Knock
11Improved Cunning StrikeSneak Attack to 6d6
+ Augury
12Feat: Mage Slayer (DEX)None
13Versatile TricksterSneak Attack to 7d6
+ Counterspell
14Devious Strikes+ Dispel Magic
15Slippery MindSneak Attack to 8d6
16Feat: Intelligence to 18+ Haste
17Spell ThiefSneak Attack to 9d6
19Epic Boon: Boon of Combat ProwessSneak Attack to 10d6
+ Dimension Door
20Stroke of LuckNone
+ Greater Invisibility

Level One Build

Species: Halfling


DEXTERITY15 (+2 background) = 17
CONSTITUTION15 (+1 background) = 16

Class: Rogue

Class Features: Expertise, Sneak Attack, Thieves’ Cant, Weapon Mastery

Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Insight, Investigation, and Perception

Background: Criminal (Alert)

Starting Equipment: Scimitar, Dagger, Shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools, and 11 gp + 50 gp from background

Species: Halfling

While I’m not a big fan of what Halfling brings to the table, being able to Hide behind a larger party member is really good if you miss with your Vex weapon and don’t have any other form of obscurement in combat. That said, the other abilities are decent as well, even if they won’t be relevant that often.


DEXTERITY15 (+2 background) = 17
CONSTITUTION15 (+1 background) = 16

Dexterity and Constitution are always going to be the Rogue’s primary stats, and for the Arcane Trickster in particular, Intelligence will matter a lot so you need to pump that as well.

Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Insight, Investigation, and Perception

Common proficiencies for Rogue as between these and your background you have all the DEX skills covered as well as other great proficiencies.

Background: Criminal

Good proficiencies, great feat, and it makes a lot of sense with Rogue in general

Starting Equipment – Scimitar, Dagger, Shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools, and 11 gp + 50 gp from background

This is very similar to the starting equipment, but the Scimitar is much better than the Shortsword so you have to take the starting gold to get it.

Class – Rogue

Rogues are a very versatile class with a lot of practical applications in and out of combat making them a fan favorite. Starting off, Rogues come with three abilities: Expertise, Sneak Attack, Thieves’ Cant, and Weapon Mastery.

Expertise allows you to take two of your skills and add double your proficiency bonus to them to make them extremely reliable. While the skills you select really depends on what you personally prioritize, it’s hard to go wrong with Perception and Stealth. These are two excellent skills you are going to constantly use so making them as consistent as possible will constantly pay off.

The second ability is the Rogue’s most iconic one – Sneak Attack. Sneak Attack adds extra damage if you can attack an enemy while you have advantage from any means. Normally, this is going to mean you’re hiding, beat the enemies Perception check, and you’ll have advantage on that attack and can Sneak Attack. Every two levels you add an additional d6 to the damage you deal which is pretty solid scaling, although it will generally not keep up compared to other martial classes.

The third ability, which is really just pure flavor, is Thieves’ Cant. This is like its own language that only other rogues or similarly nefarious individuals would know so you can speak in code and such.

The final ability is Weapon Mastery, and you should take the Scimitar and Shortbow mastery considering that’s what you’re going to be using! As a note, make sure your Scimitar is in your main hand to make use of its Weapon Mastery property effectively.

The Build Level 2 Onward

Level 2-5

Level 2

Class Features: Cunning Action

One of the best abilities on Rogue, you can now convert your Bonus Action into a Dash, Disengage, or the Hide action. For the average Rogue, the Hide action would probably be the most common choice, but for Swashbucklers, you’ll definitely be using Dash more often. As you don’t want to stay within the melee range of your target if you can help it, Dash can help you make a quick escape in conjunction with an ability you get next level – Fancy Footwork.

Level 3

Class: Arcane Trickster

Class Features: Spellcasting, Mage Hand Legerdemain, Sneak Attack to 2d6

Spell List Change: + Mage Hand + Minor Illusion + Prestidigitation + Feather Fall + Find Familiar + Shield

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield

Level 3 brings your subclass, Arcane Trickster, and two new features to the table – Spellcasting and Mage Hand Legerdemain.

Spellcasting is what makes Arcane Trickster so powerful, even if you are only a “one-third caster”. To that end, you get a lot of spells this level with three cantrips and three first level spells.

Mage Hand is a forced cantrip choice as you need it for your other ability this level – Mage Hand Legerdemain. More on this later!

Minor Illusion is a nice cantrip that’s only limited by your creativity! While you’re mostly going to be using this out of combat, you could use this in combat if your DM is willing to play ball!

Finally, you get one of the strongest cantrips in D&D – Prestidigitation. Prestidigitation has six functions but it can in theory have hundreds if not thousands of different applications making this the most versatile cantrip in the game.

For your leveled spells, you get to pick up Feather Fall, Find Familiar, and Shield.

Feather Fall isn’t a spell you’ll need often, but especially in lower levels, fall damage can be super brutal so avoiding that entirely is always good.

While not a ritual caster, Find Familiar is an excellent spell as having a familiar can help you scout locations, help in combat, and many more helpful uses!

Finally, you have the excellent Shield to help protect you if an enemy gets close enough to hit you!

You could pick up Silvery Barbs over Feather Fall if your table allows it, and if so, you’ll pick up Feather Fall next level.

For your second ability, you get Mage Hand Legerdemain which is a huge buff to Mage Hand. Now you can cast Mage Hand as a bonus action, make your Mage Hand invisible, it can stow items in containers, retrieve items from other creatures, or have it use thieves’ tools for you to pick locks or trigger traps from a distance. This does take up your Cunning Action in combat so you probably wouldn’t use this too often, but this is excellent out of combat with all the versatility it grants.

Level 4

Feat: Skulker (DEX)

Spell Change List: + Absorb Elements

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield

Level 4 brings your first feat, and Skulker is perfect for Rogues! Getting some amount of Blindsight is nice, but the real prizes here are the advantage to hide in battle and missing with an attack doesn’t reveal you which gives you another chance to get that Sneak Attack! These are some really nice abilities that you’re going to get a lot of mileage out of.

For your spell, you can pick up Absorb Elements. While it is better in later levels where large chunks of elemental damage are more common, it can still be strong early to not get randomly got by a random deluge of elemental damage. If your table isn’t playing with spells outside of the 2024 rulebook, I would grab Jump as a nice utility option instead.

Level 5

Class Features: Cunning Strike, Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack to 3d6

Spell Change List: None

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield

Level 5 brings two new features to the table with Cunning Strike and Uncanny Dodge.

Cunning Strike is an interesting ability that lets you trade in Sneak Attack damage dice for a small, but generally good additional effect. You start with three different options for your Cunning Strike – Poison, Trip, or Withdraw.

Poison can be solid, but Constitution saving throws are generally the easiest to save out of.

Trip is definitely solid if you have other martial allies and especially if they’re behind you in the turn order (which they will likely be).

Withdraw lets you reposition without drawing opportunity attacks so you don’t have to use your Cunning Action to disengage.

Overall, this ability is pretty good as you have versatile options that can all be impactful!

Uncanny Dodge lets you use your reaction to halve the damage of one incoming attack. Unfortunately, this is a pretty bad ability as multiattacks are going to become more common making the ability to halve just one of those attacks pretty forgettable. Furthermore, Defensive Duelist is going to be taking your reaction more often than not, but if you know that you have to take some damage on a turn, then this is here for you.

Level 6-10

Level 6

Class Features: Expertise

Spell Change List: None

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield

You get two more bouts of Expertise to pass around, and once again, it really depends on whatever skills you find yourself using often. In a generic sense, Persuasion and Sleight of Hand are both solid skills you’ll likely be using often that like Expertise. If you have no Artificer or Wizard in your party, you could opt for Arcana instead of Persuasion (as you’ll likely have a Charisma caster then).

Level 7

Class Features: Evasion, Reliable Talent, Sneak Attack to 4d6

Spell Change List: + Misty Step

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellMisty Step

Level 7 brings two neat abilities with Evasion and Reliable Talent.

Evasion is a really solid ability that makes any effects that forces Dexterity based saving throws way worse against you as you naturally mitigate half of their effect and potentially the whole effect if you pass the save.

Reliable Talent is a cool ability that makes all rolls for skills you’re proficient in be a minimum of a 10, which means you have a much higher chance of passing skill checks with skills you are proficient in and you’ll very rarely fail checks involving skills you have Expertise in.

For your spellcasting, you now get second level spells! This is an easy choice for what spell to grab as Misty Step is just excellent on any character that can afford to take it.

Level 8

Feat: War Caster (INT)

Spell Change List: + Suggestion

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

Level 8 brings another feat and this is a good opportunity to pick up War Caster. Being able to spellcast with your hands full is really important considering you are always going to have your hands full, and advantage on concentration checks is also very nice!

For spells, you can’t go wrong with Suggestion. This has excellent in and out of combat utility and works extremely well with Magical Ambush! This is a great pick up overall!

Level 9

Class Features: Magical Ambush, Sneak Attack to 5d6

Spell Change List: None

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

Magical Ambush is a super cool ability that makes the best use of your sneaky attributes! If you have the Invisible condition (which the Hide action gives you) any enemy you’re using a spell against has disadvantage on saving throws against your spells! Suggestion in particular works extremely well with this as getting this to work as they only get the initial save in order to stave off the effects.

Level 10

Feat: Defensive Duelist (DEX)

Spell Change List: + Shape Water + Knock

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellKnock
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

Level 10 brings another feat, and while you could go straight to 20 Dexterity for the highest AC, attack rolls, and initiative, I like taking two feats instead. To that end, and I really like grabbing Defensive Duelist! Rogues rarely get to use their reaction and they tend to have low ACs, so having the means to deflect attacks if you’re drawing any aggro is really nice.

For spells this level, you get a new one and a new cantrip with Shape Water and Knock.

Shape Water is just a versatile utility cantrip which is always nice to have.

As the Rogue, your party is going to expect you to open locks, and sometimes, you will embarassingly fail those checks or face a lock you can’t unlock with conventional means. That’s where Knock comes in! Use this when you really need it as it does make a loud sound that can alert enemies in the area!

Level 11-15

Level 11

Class Features: Improved Cunning Strike, Sneak Attack to 6d6

Spell Change Log: + Augury

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellKnock
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

Level 11 brings an improvement to your Cunning Strike! Now you can use two Cunning Strike features simultaneously, and while you still have to pay the associated costs, this is still a pretty solid ability!

You get to grab another prepared spell this level, and I’m always a big fan of Augury. Information gathering spells are generally underrated in D&D as even getting to ask one question of the DM can be really powerful.

Level 12

Feat: Mage Slayer (DEX)

Spell Change List: None

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellKnock
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

You get yet another feat this level, and you can finally get 20 DEX with Mage Slayer. Being able to really mess with casters is nice as a martial character, and getting a functional charge of Legendary Resistance? Incredible! A really strong feat that I have most of my martial characters taking.

Level 13

Class Features: Versatile Trickster, Sneak Attack to 7d6

Spell Change Log: + Counterspell

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellKnock
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell

Level 13 brings another spell and your next subclass ability – Versatile Trickster!

Versatile Trickster is a new way to gain advantage on attack rolls by having your Mage Hand mess with your enemies. If you use the Trip Cunning Strike feature, your Mage Hand can also trip a creature that’s within 5 feet of it. While this can be a good ability, that means you would need to set up your Mage Hand earlier in the combat which may not be particularly feasible, and even then, you’ll probably have to move it around to get this to work. I’m not sure that, in the average level 13 encounter, you can justify using two of your bonus actions just to potentially trip a target. Unfortunately, this ability is a bit disappointing.

What isn’t disappointing, however, is access to third level spells!

Counterspell is simply the best third level spell in the game and should be an auto-include for any caster. Being able to stop an enemies action with your reaction is extremely powerful.

Level 14

Class Features: Devious Strikes

Spell Change List: + Dispel Magic

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellKnock
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic

You get your final upgrades to your Cunning Strikes with Devious Strikes!

Like the original Cunning Strikes, you get three more options that have both higher costs and more powerful effects with Daze, Knock Out, and Obscure.

Daze can limit somewhat limit what an enemy does on their turn, but considering not many monsters have uses for their Bonus Action, this probably isn’t that good of a feature.

Knockout takes out most of your Sneak Attack dice, but you have a chance to render an enemy unconscious until it passes the save or takes damage. This ability could have been strong if they were stunned for a full turn cycle, but just one ally being able to take advantage of this makes this pretty bad.

Obscure is easily the best of these options as you can potentially blind an enemy which is a pretty brutal status condition.

Overall, this ability is not particularly great, but they can’t all be winners.

For your spell choice, I like picking up Dispel Magic. You won’t be able to Counterspell everything, so having another means of dealing with a nasty spell effect is really important.

Level 15

Class Features: Slippery Mind, Sneak Attack to 8d6

Spell Change List: None

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellKnock
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic

Gaining proficiency in Wisdom and Charisma saving throws is very strong, even if it comes a bit late in your progression. Wisdom, in particular, is the most common spell saving throw you’ll have to contend with so you’ll have a substantially better chance of passing these saves now.

Level 16-20

Level 16

Feat: Intelligence to 18

Spell Change List: + Haste

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellKnock
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHaste

Since your Dexterity is now maxed out, you can opt for pumping Intelligence instead for better spells!

For your spell choice, this is a good time to pick up one of the best buff spells in the game – Haste. While it wouldn’t be that strong on you, giving this to one of your martial allies can turn them into a monster as them getting an additional attack each turn can stack up damage extremely quickly.

Level 17

Class Features: Spell Thief, Sneak Attack to 9d6

Spell Change Log: None

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellKnock
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHaste

Level 17 brings your subclass capstone feature – Spell Thief!

This is easily one of the coolest abilities in the entire game as you can use your reaction to functionally Counterspell, and if the target fails their Intelligence saving throw, you deprive them of using that spell for 8 hours and you can use it for 8 hours. The main downside of this ability is that, as a 1/3 caster, you probably can’t take and use anything too high impact, but even just getting a free Counterspell can be useful!

Level 18

Class Features: Elusive

Spell Change Log: None

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellKnock
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHaste

As long as you aren’t unconscious, enemies can’t have attacks at advantage against you anymore. This can be good, but it’s not too often that enemies are going to have advantage on attacks against you anyway, so this likely isn’t going to come up often.

Level 19

Epic Boon: Boon of Combat Prowess

Class Feature: Sneak Attack to 10d6

Spell Change Log: + Dimension Door

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellKnock
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHaste
4th Level SpellDimension Door

Your Epic Boon choice, as I will pick for every martial character, is the Boon of Combat Prowess. Converting a miss into a hit is functionally getting an Extra Attack, but better, and I will take an additional attack every day of the week.

For your spell choice, I like taking the excellent teleportation spell – Dimension Door. Being able to teleport without seeing your destination is generally reserved for higher level teleportation spells making this a really excellent option for infiltrations or escapes.

Level 20

Class Feature: Stroke of Luck

Spell Change Log: + Greater Invisibility

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellKnock
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHaste
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility

Every short or long rest, you can turn any failed d20 test into a critical success. Obviously this is pretty strong, even if you don’t get to use it often.

You also get your final known spell and it’s a great time to pick up Greater Invisibility. Invisibility that doesn’t break with using an action is extremely powerful for you as that’s constant sneak attacks, but can be similarly good for a martial ally to help them land their bonks.


DoggertQBones is an avid player of games, predominately D&D! Previously a highly published author for another popular Wizards of the Coast game, Magic: the Gathering, he's been playing D&D since childhood as both player and DM!

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