The Complete Cleric Spell List

Cleric Cantrips

TierSpell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeComponentsDuration
*SGuidanceDivination1 ActionTouchV, SConcentration up to 1 minute
BLightEvocation1 ActionTouchV, M1 hour
DMendingTransmutation1 MinuteTouchV, S, MInstantaneous
DResistanceAbjuration1 ActionTouchV, S, MConcentration up to 1 minute
ASacred FlameEvocation1 Action60 feetV, SInstantaneous
DSpare the DyingNecromancy1 ActionTouchV, SInstantaneous
DThaumaturgyTransmutation1 Action30 feetVUp to 1 minute
AToll the DeadNecromancy1 Action60 feetV, SInstantaneous
CWord of RadianceEvocation1 Action5 feetV, MInstantaneous

Cleric 1st Level Spells

TierSpell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeComponentsDuration
DBaneEnchantment1 Action30 feetV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 minute
ABlessEnchantment1 Action30 feetV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 minute
DCeremonyEvocation1 Action (Ritual)TouchV, S, MInstantaneous
BCommandEnchantment1 Action60 feetV1 round
DCreate or Destroy WaterTransmutation1 Action30 feetV, S, MInstantaneous
DCure WoundsEvocation1 ActionTouchV, SInstantaneous
CDetect Evil and GoodDivination1 ActionSelfV, SConcentration, up to 10 minutes
BDetect MagicDivination1 Action (Ritual)SelfV, SConcentration, up to 10 minutes
FDetect Poison and DiseaseDivination1 Action (Ritual)SelfV, S, MConcentration, up to 10 minutes
AGuiding BoltEvocation1 Action120 feetV, S1 round
*SHealing WordEvocation1 Bonus Action60 feetVInstantaneous
CInflict WoundsNecromancy1 ActionTouchV, SInstantaneous
CProtection from Evil and GoodAbjuration1 ActionTouchV, S, MConcentration, up to 10 minutes
FPurify Food and DrinkTransmutation1 Action (Ritual)10 feetV, SInstantaneous
CSanctuaryAbjuration1 Bonus Action30 feetV, S, M1 minute
CShield of FaithAbjuration1 Bonus Action60 feetV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 minute

Cleric 2nd Level Spells

TierSpell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeComponentsDuration
AAidAbjuration1 Action30 FeetV, S, M8 hours
AAuguryDivination1 Minute (Ritual)SelfV, S, MInstantaneous
BBlindness/DeafnessNecromancy1 Action30 FeetV1 minute
CCalm EmotionsEnchantment1 Action60 feetV, SConcentration, up to 1 minute
BContinual FlameEvocation1 ActionTouchV, S, MUntil dispelled
BEnhance AbilityTransmutation1 ActionTouchV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 hour
FFind TrapsDivination1 Action120 feetV, SInstantaneous
FGentle ReposeNecromancy1 Action (Ritual)TouchV, S, M10 days
CHold PersonEnchantment1 Action60 feetV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 minute
BLesser RestorationAbjuration1 ActionTouchV, SInstantaneous
CLocate ObjectDivination1 ActionSelfV, S, MConcentration, up to 10 minutes
CPrayer of HealingEvocation10 Minutes30 feetVInstantaneous
CProtection from PoisonAbjuration1 ActionTouchV, S1 hour
BSilenceIllusion1 Action (Ritual)120 feetV, SConcentration, up to 10 minutes
DSpiritual WeaponEvocation1 Bonus Action60 feetV, S1 minute
DWarding BondAbjuration1 ActionTouchV, S, M1 hour
DZone of TruthEnchantment1 Action60 feetV, S10 minutes

Cleric 3rd Level Spells

TierSpell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeComponentsDuration
CAnimate DeadNecromancy1 Minute10 feetV, S, MInstantaneous
BAura of VitalityEvocation1 ActionSelf (30-foot radius)VConcentration, up to 1 minute
FBeacon of HopeAbjuration1 Action30 feetV, SConcentration, up to 1 minute
CBestow CurseNecromancy1 ActionTouchV, SConcentration, up to 1 minute
BClairvoyanceDivination10 Minutes1 mileV, S, MConcentration, up to 10 minutes
DCreate Food and WaterConjuration1 Action30 feetV, SInstantaneous
DDaylightEvocation1 Action60 feetV, S1 hour
ADispel MagicAbjuration1 Action120 feetV, SInstantaneous
FFeign DeathNecromancy1 Action (Ritual)TouchV, S, M1 hour
CGlyph of WardingAbjuration1 HourTouchV, S, MUntil dispelled or triggered
FLife TransferenceNecromancy1 Action30 feetV, SInstantaneous
DMagic CircleAbjuration1 Minute10 feetV, S, M1 hour
DMass Healing WordEvocation1 Bonus Action60 feetVInstantaneous
FMeld into StoneTransmutation1 Action (Ritual)TouchV, S8 hours
CProtection from EnergyAbjuration1 ActionTouchV, SConcentration, up to 1 hour
CRemove CurseAbjuration1 ActionTouchV, SInstantaneous
*SRevivifyNecromancy1 ActionTouchV, S, MInstantaneous
BSendingEvocation1 ActionUnlimitedV, S, M1 round
DSpeak with DeadNecromancy1 Action10 feetV, S, M10 minutes
*SSpirit GuardiansConjuration1 ActionSelf (15-foot radius)V, S, MConcentration, up to 10 minutes
FSpirit ShroudNecromancy1 Bonus ActionSelfV, SConcentration, up to 1 minute
BTonguesDivination1 ActionTouchV, M1 hour
DWater WalkTransmutation1 Action (Ritual)30 feetV, S, M1 hour

Cleric 4th Level Spells

TierSpell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeComponentsDuration
CAura of LifeAbjuration1 ActionSelf (30-foot radius)VConcentration, up to 10 minutes
DAura of PurityAbjuration1 ActionSelf (30-foot radius)VConcentration, up to 10 minutes
ABanishmentAbjuration1 Action60 feetV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 minutes
DControl WaterTransmutation1 Action300 feetV, S, MConcentration, up to 10 minutes
BDeath WardAbjuration1 ActionTouchV, S8 hours
BDivinationDivination1 Action RSelfV, S, MInstantaneous
CFreedom of MovementAbjuration1 ActionTouchV, S, M1 hour
DGuardian of FaithConjuration1 Action30 feetV8 hours
DLocate CreatureDivination1 ActionSelfV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 hour
CStone ShapeTransmutation1 ActionTouchV, S, MInstantaneous

Cleric 5th Level Spells

TierSpell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeComponentsDuration
*SCommuneDivination1 Minute (Ritual)SelfV, S, M1 minute
DContagionNecromancy1 ActionTouchV, S7 days
FDawnEvocation1 Action60 FeetV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 minute
DDispel Evil and GoodAbjuration1 ActionSelfV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 minute
CFlame StrikeEvocation1 Action60 feetV, S, MInstantaneous
FGeasEnchantment1 Minute60 feetV30 days
BGreater RestorationAbjuration1 ActionTouchV, S, MInstantaneous
DHallowEvocation24 HoursTouchV, S, MUntil dispelled
CHoly WeaponEvocation1 Bonus ActionTouchV, SConcentration, up to 1 hour
DInsect PlagueConjuration1 Action300 feetV, S, MConcentration, up to 10 minutes
DLegend LoreDivination10 MinutesSelfV, S, MInstantaneous
DMass Cure WoundsEvocation1 Action60 feetV, SInstantaneous
*S*Planar BindingAbjuration1 Hour60 feetV, S, M24 hours
CRaise DeadNecromancy1 ActionTouchV, S, MInstantaneous
CScryingDivination10 MinutesSelfV, S, MConcentration, up to 10 minutes
BSummon CelestialConjuration1 Action90 feetV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 hour

Cleric 6th Level Spells

TierSpell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeComponentsDuration
BBlade BarrierEvocation1 Action90 feetV, SConcentration, up to 10 minutes
FCreate UndeadNecromancy1 Minute10 feetV, S, MInstantaneous
DFind the PathDivination1 MinuteSelfV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 day
*S*ForbiddanceAbjuration10 Minutes RTouchV, S, M1 day
DHarmNecromancy1 Action60 feetV, SInstantaneous
AHealEvocation1 Action60 feetV, SInstantaneous
DHeroes’ FeastConjuration10 Minutes30 feetV, S, MInstantaneous
FPlanar AllyConjuration1 Action60 feetV, SInstantaneous
DSunbeamEvocation1 ActionSelf (60-foot line)V, S, MConcentration, up to 1 minute
DTrue SeeingDivination1 ActionTouchV, S, M1 hour
CWord of RecallConjuration1 Action5 feetVInstantaneous

Cleric 7th Level Spells

TierSpell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeComponentsDuration
AConjure CelestialConjurationAction90 feetV, SConcentration, up to 10 minutes
CDivine WordEvocation1 Bonus Action30 feetVInstantaneous
BEtherealnessTransmutation1 ActionSelfV, SUp to 8 hours
DFire StormEvocation1 Action150 feetV, SInstantaneous
BPower Word: FortifyEnchantment1 Action60 feetVInstantaneous
APlane ShiftConjuration1 ActionTouchV, S, MInstantaneous
FRegenerateTransmutation1 MinuteTouchV, S, M1 hour
DResurrectionNecromancy1 HourTouchV, S, MInstantaneous
FSymbolAbjuration1 MinuteTouchV, S, MUntil dispelled or triggered
FTemple of the GodsConjuration1 hour120 feetV, S, M24 hours

Cleric 8th Level Spells

TierSpell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeComponentsDuration
CAntimagic FieldAbjuration1 ActionSelf (10-foot radius sphere)V, S, MConcentration, up to 1 hour
FControl WeatherTransmutation10 MinutesSelf (5 mile radius)V, S, MConcentration, Up to 8 hours
DEarthquakeEvocation1 Action500 feetV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 minute
AHoly AuraAbjuration1 ActionSelfV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 minute
DSunburstEvocation1 Action150 feetV, S, MInstantaneous

Cleric 9th Level Spells

TierSpell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeComponentsDuration
DAstral ProjectionEvocation1 Hour10 feetV, S, MSpecial
CGateConjuration1 Action60 feetV, S, MConcentration, up to 1 minute
AMass HealEvocation1 Action60 feetV, SInstantaneous
CPower Word: HealEvocation1 ActionTouchV, SInstantaneous
BTrue ResurrectionNecromancy1 HourTouchV, S, MInstantaneous

Unlinked spells are not covered by the 5e OGL (Open Games License) and thus can not be directly linked to.

An asterisk (*) after a spell tier (S-F) means that the spell is in that ranking conditionally, please refer to the spell tier list to see why it’s ranked that way. There is an asterisk (*) in front of S tier spells so the table properly sorts when the tier is clicked on.


DoggertQBones is an avid player of games, predominately D&D! Previously a highly published author for another popular Wizards of the Coast game, Magic: the Gathering, he's been playing D&D since childhood as both player and DM!

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