Clockwork Sorcerer Build Guide – Master Balance – 2024 Update

Learn the best build for the Clockwork Soul Sorcerer with full leveling guides, full spell lists, and easy to navigate sections to only read what you need!

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For all D&D guides on Nat1gaming, they only use the main sourcebooks (Player’s Handbook, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) as well as Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (mostly for Silvery Barbs) as those tend to be the most commonly used books at tables. Always be sure that if you’re following a guide that you’re adhering to your tables rules about what sourcebooks you are allowed to follow.

Any spell, class, feature, or other game item that is linkable on this website is covered by the 5th edition Open Games License and will be in the Player’s Handbook, but not everything in the Player’s Handbook will be linked to. All other materials that aren’t linked to are from other sourcebooks or aren’t allowed to be linked to per the 5th Edition Open Games License, so please refer to the appropriate sourcebooks for that information.

For the purposes of this guide, it will be assumed that you would not be multiclassing. While multiclassing can be excellent for many of these, this is for those who want to play the build all the way through in the same class. Guides that use multiclassing will be separate from these.

Finally, please refer to the Spell List and Spell Tier list for any substitutions you’d want to make to the build.

Why Clockwork Soul Sorcerer?

While a bit lacking in terms of subclass abilities, where Clockwork Soul excels is in the Expanded Spell List. With a slew of really strong spells both for more niche situations and general applications, choosing this subclass gives you one of the best, if not just the best, spell lists a Sorcerer could ask for!

Clockwork Sorcerer Abilities Ranked

Restore Balance (Level 3)C Tier – This feature is super weird, but it can be helpful from time to time as advantage/disadvantage on average equals roughly -/+ 4 to a roll.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C- Tier – Two niche, but fine options. Alarm you’ll get more use out of as you can just cast it before any rest, but you generally won’t get much warning even with this, you may just avoid being surprised.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) B+ Tier – Two good spells that Sorcerers never generally have access to.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)C- TierDispel Magic is obviously great, but you would’ve taken it anyway so it’s just an additional prepared spell. Protection from Energy is much worse than Absorb Elements, but if your table isn’t playing with Tasha’s or Xanathar’s stuff, then this can be helpful

Bastion of Law (Level 6)B- Tier – This is not the greatest use of sorcery points, but it is like giving out temporary health without it literally being temporary health considering it lasts until long rest. That has to mean something as getting temporary health from something like Inspiring Leader and using this will make someone really tough to put down.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)D+ Tier – You aren’t going to be casting either spell often, if ever, but neither spell is terrible.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)S- Tier – These spells are incredible, especially Wall of Force. Greater Restoration isn’t a spell I would normally be excited about, but it both being unique to Sorcerers and it being a free spell preparation makes this much stronger than it normally would be.

Trance of Order (Level 14)D+ Tier – I’m just not feeling this ability. Enemies not having advantage against you can be relevant if you’re knocked prone and can’t get up for some reason, but having a minimum of 10 on any d20 test is unlikely to help you at this point as spell save DCs and ACs will be pretty high at this point. If you have to pass a series of skill checks, then maybe this is reasonable, but that’s obviously pretty specific.

Clockwork Cavalcade (Level 18)B Tier – This ability is pretty cool as the healing alone would make this pretty reasonable. The other two effects may not come up, but trading your action for 100 free health is a solid trade.

Quick Level Up Guide

LevelClass Features/FeatNotes
1Innate Sorcery
+ Fire Bolt
+ Light (Aasimar)
+ Mage Hand
+ Minor Illusion
+ Prestidigitation
+ Magic Missile
+ Shield
2Font of Magic
Metamagic (Heightened Spell, Quickened Spell)
+ Feather Fall + Silvery Barbs
3Psionic Spells, Telepathic Speech+ Alarm (Clockwork)
+ Protection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
+ Aid (Clockwork)
+ Lesser Restoration (Clockwork)
+ Suggestion
+ Web
4Feat: Inspiring Leader (CHA)+ Shape Water + Misty Step
5Magical Guidance+ Counterspell
+ Dispel Magic (Clockwork)
+ Fireball
+ Protection from Energy (Clockwork)
6Psionic Sorcery, Psionic Defenses+ Hypnotic Pattern
7Fire Bolt
+ Sorcerous Burst
+ Freedom of Movement (Clockwork)
+ Polymorph
+ Summon Construct (Clockwork)
8Feat: Speedy (CON)+ Wall of Fire
9+ Dimension Door
+ Arcane Hand
+ Greater Restoration (Clockwork)
+ Wall of Force (Clockwork)
10Metamagic (Subtle Spell)+ Elementalism
+ Absorb Elements
11+ Mass Suggestion
12Feat: Charisma to 20None
13Magic Missile
+ Crown of Stars
+ Teleport
14Revelation in FleshNone
15+ Dominate Monster
16Feat: Constitution to 18None
17Metamagic (Careful Spell)+ Wish
18Warping Implosion+ Meteor Swarm
19Epic Boon: Boon of Fate+ Gate
20Arcane Apotheosis+ Time Stop

Level One Build

Species: Aasimar


DEXTERITY15 (+1 background) = 16
CHARISMA15 (+2 background) = 17

Class: Sorcerer

Class Features: Innate Sorcery, Spellcasting

Skill Proficiencies: Insight and Persuasion

Background: Entertainer (Musician)

Starting Equipment: Spear, 2 Daggers, Arcane Focus, Dungeoneer’s Pack, and 28 gp + 50 gp from background

Starting Spells:

CantripFire Bolt
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield

Species: Aasimar

The best species for your average build. Human is a consideration as well to grab Alert on top of Musician, but Aasimar just give a lot of value, and since you have a background you’re happy with, Aasimar is the next best choice.


DEXTERITY15 (+1 background) = 16
CHARISMA15 (+2 background) = 17

A Sorcerer’s main stat is Charisma so that has to be buffed. Beyond that, Dexterity and Constitution are most important to not get constantly downed, so pumping those up is also a great idea. Having a negative Wisdom modifier isn’t ideal so you can eat into your Dexterity and go down to a +2 modifier if you want the 0 on Wisdom, but that’s also personal preference.

Proficiencies: Insight and Persuasion

Per most Charisma casters, you’re likely going to be the “face” (the person who talks the most) of the party so being really good at that is generally a good thing.

Background: Entertainer

You need a background that gives you a bonus to Charisma at a minimum, but if you can get the best Origin feat to boot? This is an easy choice for Warlocks.

Starting Equipment – Spear, 2 Daggers, Arcane Focus, Dungeoneer’s Pack, and 28 gp + 50 gp from background

Standard Sorcerer fare, nothing novel here.

Class – Sorcerer

Sorcerers get two inherent features at level one: Innate Sorcery and Spellcasting.

Innate Sorcery is a new feature from the 2024 Player’s Handbook, you can activate this twice per day as a bonus action to increase your spell save DC by 1 and to give yourself advantage on all your spell attack rolls. Save this for tough fights and this will be extremely helpful, especially for spells that require a spell attack.

Spellcasting has also been vastly improved for Sorcerer now that you both get to prepare spells rather than memorize them and you get to prepare significantly more spells than you could ever memorize from the 2014 rules.

Starting Spells

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield

This is a pretty standard spell list of a lot of utility cantrips, a solid attack cantrip, Magic Missile for more offense and Shield for defense. Very standard stuff.

A consideration some players who want maximum damage may want to make is whether you want to pick up True Strike rather than Fire Bolt right now. Technically speaking, True Strike is better than Fire Bolt if you’re using a Light Crossbow, but personally, I find having to track bolts be more annoying, even if it is a little bit better until level 5, so I personally like sticking with Fire Bolt.

The Build Level 2 Onward

Level 2-5

Level 2

Class Features: Font of Magic, Metamagic

Spell Change Log: + Feather Fall + Silvery Barbs

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpelMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs

Your first class feature is Font of Magic which introduces Sorcery Points into the mix. Until next level, Sorcery Points can only be converted into spell slots (and vice versa), so it’s just an additional first level slot right now.

Your second feature is the most emblematic Sorcerer features, Metamagic! I will always recommend taking the two best Metamagic features immediately – Heightened Spell and and Quickened Spell. Heightened Spell is excellent to make any spell with saving throws much harder for enemies to pass, especially useful for spells that have no effect if the enemy passes the save. Quickened Spell, on the other hand, does as advertised and lets you cast a spell as a bonus action if you need to do something else with your action. You shouldn’t be using this too much when you have so few sorcery points, but as you gain more sorcery points, this becomes a better and better option.

For your spells, you can pick up Feather Fall and Silvery Barbs.

I always like picking up Feather Fall early as you never know when you might be plummeting to your doom.

Silvery Barbs, on the other hand, is just the best first level spell in the game so I would always recommend taking it. If your table doesn’t allow Silvery Barbs, I would recommend taking something like Absorb Elements or Detect Magic instead.

Level 3

Subclass: Clockwork Soul

Class Features: Clockwork Magic, Restore Balance

Spell Change Log: + Alarm (Clockwork) + Protection from Evil and Good (Clockwork) + Aid (Clockwork) + Lesser Restoration (Clockwork) + Suggestion + Web

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb

The first ability you get is Clockwork Spells which gives you Alarm, Protection from Evil and Good, Aid, and Lesser Restoration.

Alarm is a solid ritual spell that you can use before bed each night to alert you if something is getting too close which is nice to not get the better of you when you’re at your must vulnerable.

Protection from Evil and Good is a unique buff spell that you can only use on undead or extraplanr threats, but when you get to use it, it is pretty potent.

Aid is an absolutely stellar buff spell that lets you dole out 5 temporary health to 3 allies which is a pretty effective rate. While your Inspiring Leader (that you get next level) will do something pretty similar, being able to top off any allies who ran out of their temporary health is definitely nice.

Finally, Lesser Restoration is good to heal some status afflictions when necessary. Not something you need often, but invaluable when you do.

The second ability you get is Restore Balance. This is a very strange ability that trades your reaction for cancelling out advantage or disadvantage. How often is this going to be even usable? It’s hard to say, but if some enemies have advantage on certain saving throws or an ally has disadvantage on one, this can feel invaluable.

For your spell choices this level, I really like picking up the excellent Suggestion and Web. Both are obscenely strong combat spells, but where Suggestion is better against a single target (or in a fight with fewer, tougher enemies), Web excels when there are a lot of enemies on the battlefield to gum up. That said, they are both awesome pretty much no matter what, so you can’t go wrong having both of them.

Level 4

Feat: Inspiring Leader (CHA)

Spell Change Log: + Shape Water + Misty Step

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb

Since you want to get that coveted 18 Charisma, you should take the excellent half feat – Inspiring Leader. Inspiring Leader gives you and your team a good amount of temporary health at the end of every short or long rest which is really powerful. If you already have an ally with this feat, you can opt for War Caster instead as the temporary health won’t stack. If you do keep this feat, don’t forget about using Musician as well!

You get an additional cantrip at this point, and I would stick with more utility ones so Shape Water works well.

For spells, it’s hard to go wrong with the incredible Misty Step. Being able to reposition yourself out of danger for just a bonus action is extremely powerful, and pretty much any spellcaster who can afford to take this, should.

Level 5

Class Feature: Sorcerous Restoration

Spell Change Log: + Counterspell + Dispel Magic (Clockwork) + Fireball + Protection from Energy (Clockwork)

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)

For your class ability, you get what was formerly the level 20 Sorcerer ability – Sorcerous Restoration. Rather than regaining 4 sorcery points per long rest, once per day, you can recover half of your sorcery points instead. While this is obviously a weaker ability, it’s ironically not substantially weaker than the previous ability! Obviously this isn’t going to recover too many right now, but as you climb in levels, this is only going to get better and better.

For your Clockwork spells, you get Dispel Magic and Protection from Energy.

You won’t always be able to Counterspell a scary magical effect, so having Dispel Magic is a really good way to cover your bases and not get got by some potent magic.

Protection from Energy is less exciting, but if you’re going into a fight where one element is going to be really popular, it is nice to help negate that. You probably won’t know this often, but sometimes the theme of the area will give it away.

For your actual spell choices, I like picking up Counterspell and Fireball.

Even though it’s been a little nerfed, Counterspell is still invaluable for every caster to have. To potentially deprive the enemy of their action only at the cost of your reaction is incredibly powerful.

For your second spell choice I think it’s less clear cut between Fireball and Hypnotic Pattern. I acknowledge that Hypnotic Pattern is likely stronger than Fireball, but when I think spellcasters, I think Fireball. That said, you can pick up Hypnotic Pattern with this build too and you will next level!

Level 6-10

Level 6

Class Features: Bastion of Law

Spell Change Log: + Hypnotic Pattern

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)

You get your next subclass features at level 6 with Bastion of Law!

This is a barrier that functions very similarly to temporary health for the cost of 1-5 sorcery points. Since it has such a long duration, it’s likely in your best interest to cast this early in the day so you don’t have to waste an action in combat. All that said, how good is this? It’s decent, but not necessarily yet. Your Sorcery points are going to be taken up a lot to power up your spells, so it can be pretty hard to spare them. However, waiting until later in the game to start using this won’t be great either as the barrier amount doesn’t scale with level. It’s a bit awkward, but this is a decent ability that should be considered at the start of the adventuring day, especially if you have a martial that isn’t particularly tanky like a Monk or Rogue that could use it.

For your spell choice, you can pick up Hypnotic Pattern. It is hard to find more effective CC than this as one spell slot and once action can potentially rid a boat load of enemies of their action which is an extremely good trade. If you’re facing a weak group of enemies, Fireball will probably be more effective, but don’t discount the power of some good CC,

Level 7

Spell Change Log: Fire Bolt / + Sorcerous Burst + Freedom of Movement (Clockwork) + Polymorph + Summon Construct (Clockwork)

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)

You get your next set of Clockwork spells with Freedom of Movement and Summon Construct. To be frank, neither of these spells are that exciting with Freedom of Movement being very nice and Summon Construct being a pretty middling summon option. Will you ever use these? Maybe, but I wouldn’t be too excited to.

For your first (and only) cantrip swap, I like moving off of Fire Bolt to grab Sorcerous Burst. While Sorcerous Burst will technically deal two less damage than Fire Bolt at this level, being able to choose the element you’re attacking with will likely start being important once you run into more damage resistances/immunities. If the idea of 1 less average damage haunts you, you can instead swap out a utility cantrip you don’t find yourself using.

For your spell choice, you absolutely have to take Polymorph the second you are allowed to. Polymorph is simply one of the best spells in the game, and it’s particularly good at getting yourself or allies back into a fight when you/they are low on health, spell slots, or other relevant resources. Going from near dead into a Giant Ape or Tyrannosaurus Rex is quite nice!

Level 8

ASI: Speedy (CON)

Spell Change Log: + Wall of Fire

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellWall of Fire

You get your next feat for level 8, and while you could push your Charisma to 20, I like taking Speedy to increase your Constitution! Having extra speed and enemies having disadvantage on hitting you with opportunity attacks can be life saving in tough encounters.

For your spell choice, I really like picking up the excellent Wall of Fire! Good range, amazing AOE coverage, and solid damage make this a really potent spell for any encounter.

Level 9

Spell Change Log: + Dimension Door + Arcane Hand + Greater Restoration (Clockwork) + Wall of Force (Clockwork)

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration (Clockwork)
5th Level SpellWall of Force (Clockwork)

For your final round of Clockwork spells, this level brings you the best ones on the list with Greater Restoration and Wall of Force.

You never know when you might need Greater Restoration which can make it feel bad to prepare, but having it always prepared means you’re ready to heal yourself or an ally in a moment’s notice when a nasty effect comes around.

While Greater Restoration is great, Wall of Force is absolutely unbelievable. Excellent range, excellent AOE coverage, and absolutely no save or way around this wall make it the best CC spell in the game. Your enemies will have next to no recourse when this thing comes down.

For your spell choices, you get to pick up Dimension Door and Arcane Hand .

Dimension Door is one of the best teleportation spells in the game as you can get pretty far without even seeing your destination, something generally reserved for higher level spells. Since you can also take someone with you, this is excellent for infiltrations, escapes, or repositioning on a big battlefield with a friend.

Arcane Hand is an extremely versatile combat spell that can deal damage, defend you, CC enemies, you name it. This thing is super versatile, and while the initial cast is a full action, each subsequent use of this only takes up a bonus action which is super efficient letting you still spellcast while this is on the battlefield.

Level 10

Class Features: Metamagic (Subtle Spell)

Spell Change Log: + Elementalism + Absorb Elements

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration (Clockwork)
5th Level SpellWall of Force (Clockwork)

Level 10 brings your your third Metamagic feature, final cantrip choice, and another spell!

For your third Metamagic feature, I personally like Subtle Spell. Being able to spellcast without giving away that it’s you casting the spell can be really powerful in situations where you need to be covert. Furthermore, many anti-magic measures like Silence or Counterspell don’t work against Subtle Spell giving additional utility there.

For your final cantrip, as you already have all the ones you’re realistically interested in, I like picking up Elementalism. It is a worse Prestidigitation, but it has enough differences to make this a solid option.

For your spell choice, I like picking up a first level spell, Absorb Elements! Large chunks of elemental damage is going to become more common as you enter the later levels, so having some means to defend against it is extremely welcome.

Level 11-15

Level 11

Spell Change Log: + Mass Suggestion

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration (Clockwork)
5th Level SpellWall of Force (Clockwork)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion

Level 11 is yet another easy level up as the only sixth level spell I’m very interested in is Mass Suggestion. Suggestion is incredible, and being able to possibly do that to TWELVE targets is extremely powerful.

Level 12

ASI: Charisma to 20

Spell Change Log: None

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration (Clockwork)
5th Level SpellWall of Force (Clockwork)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion

You’re now at the point where you aren’t getting a new spell every level, and this spell list is very well rounded so no changes needed at this point.

For your ASI, it’s time to max out your Charisma for the strongest possible spells, plain and simple.

Level 13

Spell Change Log: Magic Missile / + Crown of Stars + Teleport

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration (Clockwork)
5th Level SpellWall of Force (Clockwork)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars
7th Level SpellTeleport

Level 13 means seventh level spells!

While it’s a shame to part with old reliable, I believe it’s time to swap out Chromatic Orb to get two seventh level spells immediately – Crown of Stars and Teleport.

I like getting both of these spells immediately as they have wildly different use cases. Crown of Stars is a damage spell that can be set up ahead of time, requires no concentration, and deals pretty solid damage making it an awesome option for a tougher encounter. Teleport, on the other hand, is going to be used mostly for long distance travel, but also as an escape option some amount of the time. Having both means your seventh level slot wouldn’t be languishing waiting for the opportunity to Teleport as you’d pick that over Crown of Stars if you didn’t swap anything out.

Level 14

Class Features: Trance of Order

Spell Change Log: None

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration (Clockwork)
5th Level SpellWall of Force (Clockwork)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars
7th Level SpellTeleport

No more spells this level, but you get your penultimate subclass feature – Trance of Order. This is an interesting ability that stops any attacks from having advantage against you (hard to know how often that comes up, if ever), but also any d20 roll you make can’t be treated as lower than a 10. Is this ability good? Honestly, I don’t think so, but it is super interesting.

Level 15

Spell Change Log: + Dominate Monster

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration (Clockwork)
5th Level SpellWall of Force (Clockwork)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars
7th Level SpellTeleport
8th Level SpellDominate Monster

You now have access to eighth level spells, and the clear winner for all your Heightened spell needs is Dominate Monster. While this is an inherently risky spell to cast, getting two attempts at this (giving the target disadvantage on the saving throw so functionally two attempts) is really powerful. You do have to be careful about Legendary Resistances at this point, but if you don’t believe the monster you’re dealing with has them, this can instantly end an encounter and give you a new buddy for an hour!

Level 16-20

Level 16

ASI: Constitution to 18

Spell Change Log: None

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration (Clockwork)
5th Level SpellWall of Force (Clockwork)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars
7th Level SpellTeleport
8th Level SpellDominate Monster

No spell changes and simply pumping Constitution to 18 for more health and better Concentration checks. A little boring, but hard to go wrong here.

Level 17

Class Feature: Metamagic (Careful Spell)

Spell Change Log: + Wish

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration (Clockwork)
5th Level SpellWall of Force (Clockwork)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars
7th Level SpellTeleport
8th Level SpellDominate Monster
9th Level SpellWish

You get your final Metamagic feature here, and I think Careful Spell is likely the best of the bunch. Being able to use a spell without worrying if your allies in the way is very nice, especially when using some of your real heavy hitters.

For your spell choice this level, it’s impossible to go wrong with Wish. Wish is just the best spell in the game. While it does come with inherent risk, such as not being able to cast it again, the things it can allow you to do are literally unparalleled. That said, I would use it only in case of emergencies unless you’re just replicating a weaker spell which comes at no penalty.

Level 18

Class Features: Clockwork Cavalcade

Spell Change Log: + Meteor Swarm

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration (Clockwork)
5th Level SpellWall of Force (Clockwork)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars
7th Level SpellTeleport
8th Level SpellDominate Monster
9th Level SpellMeteor Swarm
9th Level SpellWish

You get your final subclass feature with Clockwork Cavalcade! I’m not sure why it works this way, but this is functionally a Heal that can be split up amongst members in a given area. This isn’t a bad ability, but definitely a bit lacking for this level. This is much better out of combat, so make sure to use this at least once a day.

For your spell choice this level, you should pick up Meteor Swarm. This is fantastic with Careful spell to not hurt your allies and is the highest damage spell in the game. What’s not to like?

Level 19

Epic Boon: Boon of Fate

Spell Change Log: + Gate

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration (Clockwork)
5th Level SpellWall of Force (Clockwork)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars
7th Level SpellTeleport
8th Level SpellDominate Monster
9th Level SpellGate
9th Level SpellMeteor Swarm
9th Level SpellWish

Level 19 always means an Epic Boon, and I like the universally good Boon of Fate. Being able to potentially turn a failure into a success and vice versa, even if it’s once per short or long rest, can be the difference between surviving an encounter and not.

For your spell choice, I’m going with Gate. This spell is super weird and you’ll only want it for niche scenarios, but being able to use it for extraplanar transport or to forcibly bring an extraplanar entity to you is really nice. Not many use cases, but really helpful when you need it.

Level 20

Class Feature: Arcane Apotheosis

Spell Change Log: + Scatter

CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripShape Water
CantripSorcerous Restoration
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellAlarm (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellProtection from Evil and Good (Clockwork)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellAid (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration (Clockwork)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic (Clockwork)
3rd Level SpellFireball
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellProtection from Energy (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellFreedom of Movement (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
4th Level SpellSummon Construct (Clockwork)
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration (Clockwork)
5th Level SpellWall of Force (Clockwork)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
6th Level SpellScatter
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars
7th Level SpellTeleport
8th Level SpellDominate Monster
9th Level SpellGate
9th Level SpellMeteor Swarm
9th Level SpellWish

Level 20 brings one more spell and your final class ability – Arcane Apotheosis.

With Arcane Apotheosis, while your Innate Sorcery is active, you get one Metamagic ability per turn for free. That is extremely strong and much better than the previous Sorcerous Restoration capstone. This is a really nice change!

The final spell choice is pretty difficult as you functionally have everything you would want at this point, but since you may as well choose, I’m a pretty big fan fo Scatter. This spell is extremely versatile as you can use this to move allies and enemies alike around on the battlefield. Whether you need to make an escape, get allies to safety, or move enemies into hazardous areas, Scatter will get the job done.


DoggertQBones is an avid player of games, predominately D&D! Previously a highly published author for another popular Wizards of the Coast game, Magic: the Gathering, he's been playing D&D since childhood as both player and DM!

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