DnD 2024 Class and Subclass Tier List Breakdown

Learn the best base classes and subclasses in in D&D with an easy to navigate Tier List including links to the guides and full explanations!

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2024 Subclass Tier List

How Do You Rank The Classes/Subclasses?

While I could just use the standard S-F Tier list model (and I will) that makes it difficult to determine the rankings for classes/subclasses that are similar in power. If there are a ton of subclasses in C Tier, what relatively objective way can determine which sits on top and which doesn’t? To that end, each ability for a class and subclass is going to receive a ranking from S Tier all the way down to F Tier.

S Tier – Problematic in some way, either in power level or some sort of game play facet is problematic (a lot of the time, it’s both).

A Tier – The best of the best. These are the top dogs in terms of power without broaching into unfair territory like S Tier classes might.

B Tier – These will not be as inherently powerful as A Tier options, but are still quite strong in their own right. These are likely a bit more situational or slightly weaker than the A tier options, but still very good.

C Tier – Decent options, but likely not particularly strong. These options don’t offer too much or may just be a bit too situational to be ranked higher, but are still options you should consider as these will be the average power level.

D Tier – While weaker than your average class, these classes can still function and be useful when utilized to their full potential.

F Tier – Something has to be the worst/weakest, these are it.

If an ability is in the middle of two rankings (strong for B, but not strong enough for A), they can get a + or – to help show the differentiation with a B+ and A- being slightly different, but by a small margin.

Furthermore, abilities given earlier should be weighted heavier than abilities received later as you’ll simply have more time with them, and for abilities gained much later, a fair share of campaigns won’t even make it that far so those should have the least bearing on how strong a class is unless you are starting at a much higher level. Even if you know that you’re going to reach the higher levels, if you have to play with weaker abilities until then, a strong ability may not necessarily make up for it. There are exceptions (the Cavalier Fighter comes to mind), but those are very rare.

That said, all these rankings do take these later abilities into account, so if you play in campaigns that frequently end around levels 10-12, you’ll need to evaluate these rankings with a little more scrutiny and see why these classes received the grade they did. Some classes are carried by their mid level abilities (8-10) which may not be particularly relevant to those campaigns that end in lower levels.

With all that in mind, here are the level spreads that I am considering when ranking these classes.

Levels 1-4

Levels 5 – 8

Levels 9 – 12

Levels 13 – 16

Levels 17 – 20

Feats granted through the standard leveling progression will not be considered in this system except if they are outside the normal progression of level 4, 8, 12, 16, and 19.

Classes that receive additional charges of powerful abilities or new spells will be considered as new abilities and be ranked as such. While not explicitly mentioned, every new spell slot also counts towards the strength of a class as it is functionally another charge of a powerful ability. For the sake of any brevity, these will not be mentioned as it would be very repetitive, but getting new spell slots on level up is very good.

Keep in mind, this grading system does favor classes that get more abilities than those who have fewer, stronger abilities. To that end, some discernment will have to be used on my end to not skew too hard towards classes that have a lot of weaker abilities as I would much rather have one A class ability over 10 D class abilities, even if having a lot of abilities will generally make a class better.

As a final note, these rankings have to do solely with the base class and is not considering factors like multiclassing.

Base Class Rankings

After poring over all the changes and having good discussions with other seasoned players, this was more or less the general consensus I found on what players considered to be the strongest base characters in order.

  1. Wizard
  2. Sorcerer
  3. Warlock
  4. Bard
  5. Druid
  6. Cleric
  7. Paladin
  8. Monk
  9. Ranger
  10. Fighter
  11. Barbarian
  12. Rogue

While I still think those rankings are pretty accurate, after thoroughly assessing all of the abilities that each base class has, I rearranged the classes based on what felt like a slightly more objective measure.

  1. Wizard
  2. Bard
  3. Sorcerer
  4. Warlock
  5. Paladin
  6. Cleric
  7. Druid
  8. Monk
  9. Fighter
  10. Ranger
  11. Rogue
  12. Barbarian

(As a note, if you want to see this breakdown, it’s in the lower half of the article.)

While most classes stayed within their general tiers, I did find a few interesting changes.

First off, while Rogue was relegated to be the worst base class, my analysis brought me to Barbarian being the weakest as they simply don’t have that many abilities, and the abilities they do have, aren’t even necessarily that powerful. That isn’t to say that Barbarians or Rogues aren’t necessarily good, most of them will still feel powerful in their own right, it’s just compared to your other options and the differences are smaller than most people think.

Second, I thought Ranger would end up better than they did, but unfortunately, the relative lack of changes definitely hurt them leading them to be the only spellcasting class behind pure martial characters.

Finally, despite the general nerfs to Paladin, it still remains a really strong option even in base class form.

While analyzing how strong each base class is can be helpful, remember that these rankings only help set up where the subclasses should begin on the tier list rather than providing the full story. A bad ability from a subclass can’t make the base class worse, so everything is additive. Keep that in mind when evaluating the rankings!

Subclass Rankings

Barbarian Subclass Rankings

Barbarian Rankings

With the new changes, World Tree stands on top with a slew of great abilities. What’s nice about Barbarian though, is that besides Beast, all the subclasses are relatively close in power level so you can’t really go wrong with picking any of the top 7 if you want to have a good time with a Barbarian.

  1. World TreeC Tier
  2. ZealotC Tier
  3. Wild HeartC Tier
  4. Ancestral GuardianC- Tier
  5. BerserkerC- Tier
  6. GiantC- Tier
  7. Wild MagicC- Tier
  8. BeastD Tier
Ancestral Guardian

Ancestral Protectors (Level 3)B+ Tier – This ability lets you truly be the tank of the party as enemies are really incentivized to hit you when this is active.

Spirit Shield (Level 6)C- Tier – Using your reaction to prevent a smidgen of damage isn’t necessarily awful, but not great.

Consult the Spirits (Level 10)B Tier – Free spells are nice, and these are solid spells that can keep refreshing!

Vengeful Ancestors (Level 14)B Tier – Reflecting damage is neat, and while you aren’t preventing or dealing that much damage, healing an ally an average of 14 health and dealing that much is solid.


Form of the Beast (Level 3)C+ Tier – This is a solid ability as you have some versatility in how you fight, but this does not scale particularly well as you progress into later levels. This only really becomes an issue once you pass level 10, but will still be a bit of a pain until then.

Bestial Soul (Level 6)C- Tier – This ability is pretty good for travel and it can be useful in combat, but this is really just an ability for traveling.

Infectious Fury (Level 10)C Tier – This can be powerful if the enemy fails their saving throw, but that’s a big if most of the time.

Call the Hunt (Level 14)B- Tier – Getting temporary health and a global damage buff is solid, especially as you can functionally get this every fight, but both halves of this are so small that the benefits can feel somewhat marginal.


Frenzy (Level 3)B Tier – Extra damage is always good, even if it isn’t an abundance of extra damage.

Mindless Rage (Level 6)C Tier – Charmed and Frightened are kind of niche conditions, but not potentially losing your Rage because you get hit by one of them is nice.

Retaliation (Level 10)B Tier – Sometimes this will do nothing and other times this is an Extra Attack, and while that’s a pretty wide range, it settles on being solid on average.

Intimidating Presence (Level 14)B Tier – A mass Fear effect is definitely solid, but not necessarily good for you in particular. Still a good ability.


Giant’s Power (Level 3)D- Tier – Functionally if not completely useless.

Giant’s Havoc (Level 3)B- Tier – This is a neat ability that gives you better thrown weapons and reach with your weapon. Both are a bit niche, but it’s not too difficult to make this a good ability.

Elemental Cleaver (Level 6)B+ Tier – Extra damage and the ability to attack at a distance is quite nice, even if Barbarians are traditionally supposed to be in the thick of combat.

Mighty Impel (Level 10)B- Tier – This is decent for repositioning allies and being able to toss the occasional enemy, although most enemies at this point are likely to be pretty large.

Demiurgic Colossus (Level 14)B- Tier – More reach and more damage is nice, but may not necessarily feel that impactful.

Wild Heart

Animal Speaker (Level 3)C+ Tier – This is a bit niche, but definitely a solid ability.

Rage of the Wilds (Level 3)A+ Tier – This is a really good ability and is even better than the 2014 version was. While Bear still reigns supreme, Wolf and Eagle are very reasonable options as well.

Aspect of the Wilds (Level 6)C Tier – Being able to switch between having Darkvision, being a good swimmer, or being a good climber is some solid utility.

Nature Speaker (Level 10)C- TierCommune with Nature is a decent spell, but you may have trouble using this effectively.

Power of the Wilds (Level 14)A Tier – This is nearly (or just as) good as your initial Rage of the Wilds as all of your options are quite strong.

Wild Magic

Magical Awareness (Level 3)D+ TierDetect Magic is a great spell, but it would be shocking to me if you didn’t have a party member that could already cast this without a hard limit. The only advantage this has over the casters is this takes an action versus the 10 minutes needed for a ritual.

Wild Surge (Level 3)B Tier – All the effects you could get are good, but not being able to control it does hurt how strong this can be.

Bolstering Magic (Level 6)B- Tier – This is a really unique ability as it’s either a slightly different Guidance or a way to refresh some spell slots.

Unstable Backlash (Level 10)C- Tier – If this gave you an additional effect from your Surge without replacing your current effect, this ability would be really strong, but just replacing it isn’t that helpful considering all the effects are relatively the same power level. Still, this isn’t terrible as sometimes you’ll roll an effect that’s generically good, but just not what you want for that encounter.

Controlled Surge (Level 14)B- Tier – Choosing which effect you get is all well and good, but again, most of these effects are pretty much the same power level so it’s hard to be super excited by this.

World Tree

Vitality of the Tree (Level 3)A- Tier – While you don’t get the most temporary health, you get to give out a decent amount of temporary health even at this level which can add up over the course of a fight.

Branches of the Tree (Level 6)A- Tier – Forced reposition for enemies and keeping them there is really good, especially to peel enemies off of your squishier allies. Best yet. this only costs you your reaction which is something you’re not going to be using much of anyway!

Battering Roots (Level 10)B Tier – Some reach is neat, but an extra mastery property on top of that? That’s a nice ability.

Travel Along the Tree (Level 14)A Tier – Now every time you Rage, you can always be in the right spot and you can even get a pseudo Scatter for your allies. This is a pretty nice ability, even though you won’t always get much value out of it.


Divine Fury (Level 3) B Tier – A little bit of extra damage each turn is always nice!

Warrior of the Gods (Level 3)A- Tier – This is really potent early, and while it doesn’t scale super well, extra healing will always be nice, especially since this will be close to a full heal in earlier levels.

Fanatical Focus (Level 6)B Tier – This is similar to the Fighter’s Indomitable feature which is quite strong, but obviously more akin to their previous version rather than the current version. That said, this ability is still decent.

Zealous Presence (Level 10)B- Tier – I think this ability reads better than it plays. Advantage on all attacks for a turn is obviously solid, but it’s going to be very hard to know when granting advantage on saving throws is going to be relevant.

Rage of the Gods (Level 14)B+ Tier – While you can only use this once per day, it is pretty strong when you activate it. First, you get a Flying speed which is nice, but not necessarily the best since Barbarians generally want to stay in melee range. It is still helpful though to navigate around the map. Second, you get resistance to necrotic, radiant, and psychic damage which, depending on the enemies, may or may not be useful. Finally, if an ally would go down, you can bring them back up! This is a neat meshing of features that you’ll be happy to have for tougher boss fights.

Bard Subclass Rankings

Bard Rankings

Despite receiving no direct changes, Swords Bard shoots to the top of the rankings as the value of Scimitars have gone way up in the 2024 version due to the Nick weapon mastery. While Bard doesn’t inherently get weapon mastery, if you’re willing to use on of your feats on it and another on Dual Wielder, you can have 4 attacks a turn by level 8, and then 2 levels later, you get access to Conjure Minor Elementals. This is going to be a pretty brutal combo that’s going to shred enemies to bits in the middle levels of the game. Similar to Swords, Valor Bard is an excellent option as well boasting a little less damage potential, but better defensive capabilities. The new Dance Bard is looking good as well and just falls slightly behind the other two more aggressively leaning Bards, but overall, this is the edition for aggressive Bards!

  1. SwordsA+ Tier
  2. ValorA Tier
  3. EloquenceA- Tier
  4. LoreA- Tier
  5. DanceB+ Tier
  6. GlamourB+ Tier
  7. CreationB Tier
  8. WhispersC+ Tier

Mote of Potential (Level 3) – B+ Tier – Bardic Inspiration is already good, and making it even better is always a good thing. While the attack roll buff isn’t great

Performance of Creation (Level 3) – C Tier – Creating non-magical objects is neat, but this is not a feature you’re going to use particularly often. Still nice to have in a pinch!

Animating Performance (Level 6)B- Tier – This is a decent summon option, even if the scaling isn’t necessarily the best. Solid in earlier levels and still alright in later levels as a distraction.

Creative Crescendo (Level 14)- C Tier – Performance of Creation is alright, and upgrading it is just alright.


Dazzling Footwork (Level 3)C+ Tier – This has a lot of abilities stacked into this, but only a few really matter, the AC buff in particular is quite good. The extra damage can be alright, but it’s nothing special.

Inspiring Movement (Level 3)B- Tier – Repositioning tools are always nice, and being able to bring an ally with you is a nice bonus. This isn’t the best use of Bardic Inspiration, but is helpful in a pinch.

Tandem Footwork (Level 6)A+ Tier – Anything that increases initiative is really powerful, doubly so if you are able to share that will allies.

Leading Evasion (Level 14)C+ Tier – Giving Evasion to allies is definitely neat and incentives the squad to bundle up more against tougher enemies.


Silver Tongue (Level 3)A Tier – This functionally gives you the ability to never fail a Deception or Persuasion roll, even in earlier levels.

Unsettling Words (Level 3)D Tier – Easily one of the most misunderstood abilities in the game, while this looks good on the surface, the math does not support this at all. If you don’t know why, check out the incredible Treantmonk’s video outlining it.

Unfailing Inspiration (Level 6)A- Tier – Not wasting your Bardic Inspiration die when your roll still fails is awesome and functionally gives you way more charges of Bardic Inspiration.

Universal Speech (Level 6)D Tier – One use of Comprehend Languages is nice and all, but this is not a helpful feature considering you’re limited to using this feature only once per day.

Infectious Inspiration (Level 14)A- Tier – Even more Bardic Inspiration dice at the cost of your reaction, which you probably weren’t going to use anyway.


Beguiling Magic (Level 3)B Tier – Two free spells and a free charm/frighten once per day or when you spend a Bardic Inspiration die is decent.

Mantle of Inspiration (Level 3)B- Tier – Repositioning tools can be helpful and a smidgen of temporary health on top of it is always helpful. This can get even more value if your team is trying to escape from somewhere, but otherwise, this is just to get squishy allies out of harm’s way.

Mantle of Majesty (Level 6)A Tier – This ability is really strong as getting a free Command every turn is really going to mess your enemies up, especially since you can still spellcast normally.

Unbreakable Majesty (Level 14)C- Tier – This ability only works on the first attack, and realistically, you shouldn’t often be in a position where enemies can hit you anyway. Not bad, but definitely not great.


Bonus Proficiencies (Level 3)B- Tier – Getting proficiency in three skills is nice, but not super helpful on a class that has Jack of All Trades.

Cutting Words (Level 3)C Tier – This isn’t necessarily the best use of Bardic Inspiration, but being able to help an ally avoid a nasty attack can be useful.

Magical Discoveries (Level 6) – S+ Tier – Getting two spells outside of your class four levels earlier than other Bards is really powerful and lets you have a much more well rounded spell list than you would have otherwise.

Peerless Skill (Level 14)C- Tier – This ability would’ve been excellent if it worked for saving throws or you cared about attack rolls, but this is unfortunately not the best as it’s just not going to come up often.


Bonus Proficiencies (Level 3)B+ Tier – Medium Armor and Scimitar proficiency? You get similar offensive power to the Ranger but with an infinitely better spell list! Furthermore, you get to use your weapon as a spellcasting focus, so in conjunction with War Caster, you can seamlessly cast spells in combat. The only issue is that incentives you to either dip into another class to get Weapon Mastery or grab the feat for the mximum amount of attacks, but you’ll do what you have to!

Fighting Style (Level 3)C- Tier – A bit of extra damage if you connect with your second attack. Obviously fine, but it’s never going to be that impactful.

Blade Flourish (Level 3)B+ Tier – Beyond your Slashing Flourish, this ability is pretty strong and gives you solid uses of your Bardic Inspiration.

Extra Attack (Level 6)A Tier – While still excellent on Swords Bards, you will be tempted to spellcast in battle, and when you do, you won’t be able to use the Extra Attack. Still, this is excellent.

Master’s Flourish (Level 14)A Tier – Getting free Blade Flourishes, even if you aren’t going to get a particularly large number on average, is really strong.


Combat Inspiration (Level 3)C TierPotentially avoiding one attack or dealing a bit of extra damage is fine, but likely not the best use of your Bardic Inspiration die.

Martial Training (Level 3)A Tier – Proficiency in martial weapons, medium armor, and shields is really strong. Furthermore, you get to use your weapon as a spellcasting focus, so in conjunction with War Caster, you can seamlessly cast spells in combat.

Extra Attack (Level 6)A Tier – While still excellent on Valor Bards, you will be tempted to spellcast in battle, and when you do, you won’t be able to use the Extra Attack. Still, this is excellent as you can even weave in a cantrip into one of your attacks which is really nice.

Battle Magic (Level 14)B+ Tier – Remember how I said that casting a spell stops you from attacking? Not anymore! It may be risky to attack enemies directly at this level, but it’s still a pretty good ability.


Psychic Blades (Level 3)D Tier – Not only is this not a great use of your Bardic Inspiration, this isn’t even a Bard subclass you’re making weapon attacks with realistically. Maybe ok for a level or two, then just unusable afterwards.

Words of Terror (Level 3)D Tier – In what scenario do you need a frightened condition where you can talk to your target ahead of time? By RAW, it’s hard to imagine how this is helpful, but if your DM makes it so Intimidation or something has advantage when the target is frightened of you, then I can see this being decent.

Mantle of Whispers (Level 6)D+ Tier – This ability is really interesting, but super niche.

Shadow Lore (Level 14)C+ Tier – This is a pretty cool utility ability that creative players could take reasonably good advantage of.

Cleric Subclass Rankings

Cleric Rankings

Without any changes, Twilight and Peace Cleric still reign supreme not just over the cleric subclasses, but over all subclasses in D&D. Beyond that, the biggest mover was easily Trickery as they went from a niche option to the best, non-broken Cleric in the game due to all the buffs they’ve received (I’m still mad they lost Polymorph for Confusion though).

  1. TwilightS Tier
  2. PeaceS Tier
  3. TrickeryB+ Tier
  4. LightB- Tier
  5. ForgeB- Tier
  6. TempestB- Tier
  7. KnowledgeC+ Tier
  8. OrderC+ Tier
  9. NatureC+ Tier
  10. LifeC+ Tier
  11. WarC+ Tier
  12. GraveC Tier

Bonus Proficiencies (Level 3)D- Tier – This was a good ability until the Protector from Divine Order was a thing. Still, if you want to pick Thaumaturge (I don’t know why you would want to), then this is obviously decent.

Blessings of the Forge (Level 3)B Tier – Getting +1 equipment, especially early, is pretty good.

Channel Divinity: Artisan’s Blessing (Level 3)C- Tier – I like the idea of making stuff, but similar abilities from other classes aren’t as restrictive as this ability is. Still useful in a pinch, but nothing amazing.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D+ Tier – Not useless, but extremely mediocre options. Identify can be helpful, but Searing Smite is pretty worthless.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3)C TierHeat Metal is decent, but nothing incredible.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)D+ Tier – Not too exciting, but you may get some value out of these.

Soul of the Forge (Level 6)B+ Tier – Fire resistance and +1 AC on an ability is definitely quite nice!

4th Level Spells (Level 7)B+ TierWall of Fire is a really nice pick up and it’s better than the Cleric’s best natural option of Banishment.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)C TierAnimate Objects is a decent pickup as Cleric doesn’t really get good damage options, but you’ll still probably want to use Wall of Fire instead.

Saint of Forge and Fire (Level 17)B Tier – Immunity to Fire damage and resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing makes you much tankier. That said, you probably shouldn’t be in the line of fire much anyway so it’s hard to say how relevant this is going to be.


Circle of Mortality (Level 3)B- Tier – This will be more impactful in earlier levels compared to later levels, but this will be decent for a little while!

Eyes of the Grave (Level 3)F Tier – Easily one of the worst abilities in the game. Literally just looking around will accomplish the same thing.

Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave (Level 3)C+ Tier – This can work really well with allies who hit super hard on one attack, like Rogues, but you do need to coordinate to make that possible.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D Tier – Both spells are just pretty bad, not worthless, but bad.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3)D+ TierRay of Enfeeblement is alright, but not particularly good either.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)C- TierRevivify is a decent pickup since that frees up a prepared spell, but that’s not a particularly big deal.

Sentinel at Death’s Door (Level 6)C- Tier – You are not going to use this ability often, but it is nice when you get the opportunity to do so!

4th Level Spells (Level 7)C- TierDeath Ward is nice, but you probably would’ve taken that anyway so this isn’t that impactful.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)D Tier – Both spells are super niche and not that exciting.

Keeper of Souls (Level 17)B+ Tier – This is actually a pretty strong ability, but too bad it comes late in an extremely weak subclass.


Blessings of Knowledge (Level 3)B+ Tier – Two languages and two Expertise is a really nice feature!

Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages (Level 3)C Tier – This is a super niche, but unique ability that could be useful for those who are creative enough to make good use of it.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C- Tier – Alright options, but nothing that enticing.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3)A- Tier – These are two solid options that you’re very happy to get!

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)D Tier – Both spells are pretty bad unfortunately.

Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts (Level 6)C Tier – This is super weird, but can be useful for those who really like finding unconventional solutions to their problems.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)C+ TierArcane Eye is a solid pickup, but Confusion is definitely not exciting. Not unusable as Clerics don’t really get CC like this often, but not something I would be too happy to use.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)D Tier – Neither spell is useless, but not spells I’m excited to use either.

Visions of the Past (Level 17) – C- Tier – I’m not sure why Wizards was so incensed to make every feature in this class weirdly specific, but this is at least one of the most unique subclasses in the game.


Disciple of Life (Level 3)C- Tier – A bit of extra health when you cast healing spells can be useful, especially in earlier levels, but it’s never going to be super helpful as this isn’t too impactful for low level spells and it doesn’t scale well with higher level spells.

Preserve Life (Level 3)C- Tier – This can be decent as you get into later levels and the health points start really piling up, but this is really only useful to full heal a party member that has a small health pool. This isn’t bad, but it is kind of specific and you really don’t have enough healing to meaningfully help more than 1-2 party members.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C Tier – Both spells are solid, but are options you had access to anyway.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3)C+ Tier – Same deal as the first level spells, but your options here are slightly better.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)C- TierRevivify is a decent pickup since that frees up a prepared spell, but that’s not a particularly big deal.

Blessed Healer (Level 6)D Tier – A little bit of healing for yourself when you use healing spells is nice, but it’s unlikely to really add up unless you are using all of your spell slots on healing.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)C- TierDeath Ward is nice, but you probably would’ve taken that anyway so this isn’t that impactful.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)C- TierGreater Restoration is a decent pickup, but again, you’re just getting spells you could easily take anyway.

Supreme Healer (Level 17)D Tier – This would be a sweet ability if the late game healing spells were roll based rather than a flat amount. This still can be helpful if you’re upcasting lower level healing spells, but that’s pretty much the only way you can use this at all effectively.


Channel Divinity: Radiance of the Dawn (Level 3)C+ Tier – This Channel Divinity is pretty good in the early game as getting an average of 14 damage AOE blast at level 3 is a really good rate. However, as you keep progressing in levels, this will be weaker and weaker until you’ll only want to use it when you’re trying to preserve spell slots, functionally why you would choose to use a cantrip in combat.

Warding Flare (Level 3) – C+ Tier – Similar to the Channel Divinity, this ability is much stronger in the earlier levels than later as multiattacks can really put a damper in the effectiveness of this. That said, this is still reasonable in later levels as Clerics are functionally never using their reaction anyway.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C+ Tier – You get two spells you normally couldn’t get, and while Burning Hands is not an exciting one, Faerie Fire is a solid pickup you can get some value out of!

2nd Level Spells (Level 3)C+ TierSee Invisibility is a strange pickup when you already have Faerie Fire, but Scorching Ray is a nice one as Clerics don’t normally get good damage spells.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)A- Tier – The most exciting spells on the list, getting Fireball as a Cleric is just so sweet. Furthermore, I actually kind of like getting Daylight as it’s not a spell you would ever normally want, but if you’re facing any enemy with sunlight sensitivity or Vampires, this can be devastating.

Improved Warding Flare (Level 6)B Tier – Getting substantially more charges of Warding Flare and doling out some temporary health is definitely a pretty nice improvement. This still won’t scale that well into later levels, but this makes it more useful.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)A Tier – Two truly excellent spells as both Arcane Eye and Wall of Fire are both unique to the Cleric spell list and really strong. This is a huge power bump to Light Clerics.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)D Tier – How can the 3rd and 4th level spell options be so much better than the final ones? Really disappointing as you pick up two spells you may literally never cast in your campaign.

Corona of Light (Level 17)D+ Tier – Spending an action to give enemies disadvantage against a few of your spells is not generally how I want to spend my action. This can be useful if you’re in a really long fight, but even then, functionally skipping your turn is a pretty big risk.


Acolyte of Nature (Level 3)C- Tier – Getting a cantrip isn’t nothing as you can grab a decent utility option or even an offensive option if you feel so compelled.

Bonus Proficiency (Level 3)D- Tier – This was a good ability until the Protector from Divine Order was a thing. Still, if you want to pick Thaumaturge (I don’t know why you would want to), then this is obviously decent.

Channel Divinity: Charm Animals and Plants (Level 3)D Tier – This is better than other charm effects that don’t help your allies, but this is so specific. This can be ok if you are facing a lot of animals in combat (there are next to no plant enemies in 5e, maybe that will change in the 2024 update), but only while they are still a threat to your party, which realistically, won’t be for long.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D Tier – Both spells are just pretty bad. Speak with Animals can have some value, but only in pretty niche situations.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) A TierBarkskin can be alright to help protect a squishier ally, but that’s going to be hard to justify over the incredible Spike Growth. Getting Spike Growth is probably the sole reason players would ever consider this class realistically.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)C- TierPlant Growth is a solid pickup, just a little niche. Wind Wall is atrocious so that can be ignored.

Dampen Elements (Level 6)C Tier – A free Absorb Elements is alright, especially as it can protect an ally if you need instead. Unfortunately, this only works for one instance of elemental damage, but a lot of the time, that is all you will need.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)D+ TierDominate Beast is going to be worthless most of the time where Grasping Vine can be usable, but far from exciting.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)D TierTree Stride is easily one of the worst spells in the game, but Insect Plague can be ok.

Master of Nature (Level 17) D- Tier – It would be a miracle if your Channel Divinity was still relevant at this point, but potentially commanding a bunch of plants and animals could(?) be useful.


Bonus Proficiencies (Level 3) D Tier – This was a good ability until the Protector from Divine Order was a thing. Still, if you want to pick Thaumaturge (I don’t know why you would want to), then this is obviously decent.

Voice of Authority (Level 3)C+ Tier – This ability is super unique and while I can’t rate it too highly, I do kind of love it. In the average party, this will be just ok as extra damage is decent. However, if you have an ally that can hit like a truck for one attack (specifically a Rogue and their Sneak Attack), then you can get substantially more value out of this. Funny that an Order Cleric has to pair with a lawless Rogue to get the most out of this ability.

Channel Divinity: Order’s Demand (Level 3)C- Tier – This ability is super cool, but is really only helpful against enemies that are carrying weapons which is not super common. Even then, if they pass the saving throw or their turn comes before an ally who can go grab their weapon, then this ability is useless.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D+ Tier – Not spells you’re excited about, and you could just pick up Command if you wanted it.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3)D+ Tier – Situational spells and not particularly good ones. Hold Person can be more helpful if you find yourself fighting humanoid enemies often enough.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)B TierSlow is a really strong pickup as Cleric does not normally get good CC options. Mass Healing Word is not particularly good, but can be useful in situations where multiple allies are down so this isn’t useless.

Embodiment of Law (Level 6)C Tier – Being able to cast spells as a bonus action that normally take an action can be good, but only if you have a relevant action you want to take on top of it. A cantrip isn’t the worst action to take with your freed up action economy, but it’s not that exciting either.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)F Tier – I don’t think I would ever consider casting either spell except in the most unbelievably specific scenario.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)C- Tier – Getting Commune for free is nice, but you would’ve picked that up anyway so this just frees up a prepared spell.

Order’s Wrath (Level 17)D- Tier – Free damage is free damage, but this could’ve been a level 6 ability, not the Order Domain capstone. This is a minimal damage boost that you have to set up with your cantrip that you still need to connect with to get.


Implement of Peace (Level 3)D+ Tier – A free skill proficiency is nice, but not particularly high impact.

Emboldening Bond (Level 3) (Level 3)S- Tier – A very powerful ability. Getting a 1d4 every turn on a relevant roll will slow games down tremendously (especially as more and more players get the bond), but is just much more powerful than it looks in general.

Channel Divinity: Balm of PeaceA+ Tier – While this will be extremely powerful in earlier levels as you can heal a good amount of health with each use of this, this doesn’t scale particularly well and its usefulness is pretty dependent on how large your party is.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D- Tier – While it may seem like Peace can do no wrong in terms of quality, these spells are pretty bad and I would be surprised if I ever used either.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3)C Tier – You do get some solid options here, but both spells you could just grab if you wanted and the opportunity cost for taking them was pretty low already.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)D+ Tier – These spells aren’t useless, but you probably aren’t getting much if any use out of them.

Protective Bond (Level 6)A+ Tier – This ability functionally lets you pool your health together as, if someone is in a better position to take damage, they can take it for someone else. Once again, this ability is going to slow games down a lot like Emboldening Bond, but it is very powerful.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)D+ TierResilient Sphere is an interesting pick up, but it functions so similarly to Banishment that it’s not that impactful.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)C TierGreater Restoration was a spell you were interested in grabbing anyway, but Telepathic Bond is a pretty nice pick up that you wouldn’t normally get.

Expansive Bond (Level 17)S Tier – Your broken abilities are now somehow even better. Peace really got all the love.


Bonus Proficiencies (Level 3) D Tier – This was a good ability until the Protector from Divine Order was a thing. Still, since you get both martial weapon and heavy armor proficiency, you can grab Thaumaturge which sucks, but it is free. To that end, this ranking is for Thaumaturge rather than the proficiencies.

Wrath of the Storm (Level 3)D+ Tier – Not bad early, but this damage doesn’t scale at all making it weaker and weaker as you level up. Still, your reaction is rarely going to be used so free damage is free damage.

Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath (Level 3)C Tier – This ability is actually pretty good, but Tempest Cleric receive so few spells they can use with this that it really limits the usefulness of them. Would it really have been so terrible to give this class Lightning Bolt? Ok, that would be really strong as you could sling 48 damage Lightning Bolts starting level 5, but there is definitely something that could’ve been done to make this more balanced.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C- TierThunderwave is ok and works with your Channel Divinity and Fog Cloud is really niche, but may have some use.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3)D TierShatter is not good, but it is a decent target for your Channel Divinity for a couple of levels.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)A- TierCall Lightning is going to be your main damage spell as it is alright and does work with your Channel Divinity. Wish this spell was a bit stronger as it would make this class more appealing, but what can you do? Sleet Storm, on the other hand, is an excellent CC spell that Clerics don’t normally get access to so this is a big pickup.

Thunderous Strike (Level 6)C+ Tier – Pushing enemies can be good, especially in this new edition which has a lot of emanation effects, but you do need to connect with a spell that deals thunder or lightning damage which makes this a bit restrictive.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)F Tier – Two terrible spells that you will likely never use.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)C TierInsect Plague isn’t great, but using your Channel Divinity on Destructive Wave will give you an average of 47.5 damage which is definitely not bad.

Stormborn (Level 17)B Tier – A little specific, but an indefinite flying speed is still really powerful.


Blessings of the Trickster (Level 3)C Tier – Niche, but a pretty potent ability. I generally don’t like abilities that incentivize characters going off alone, but Stealth is one of those things that you sometimes have to send someone by themselves.

Invoke Duplicity (Level 3)B Tier – This is just a solid ability both in and out of combat. Having a greater functional range on your spells, getting advantage on your attacks, and just being a general distraction when you use this is pretty solid.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D Tier – Not spells I’m excited to cast, but do have a bit of usefulness sometimes.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3)A+ Tier – What a quality jump between your 1st and 2nd level spells! Picking up two options that are both extremely powerful and spells Cleric doesn’t normally get is really strong.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)A- Tier – While Nondetection sucks, Hypnotic Pattern is a huge pickup for Clerics as it gives you an additional third level combat option beyond Spirit Guardians.

Trickster’s Transportation (Level 6)B Tier – Clerics don’t get teleportation options, and this can be a pretty good one if you’re willing to set it up a little bit.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)B Tier – I am not happy about Confusion considering you used to get Polymorph, but Dimension Door is a very solid pickup.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)D- Tier – Neither spell I would be happy about casting unless under the most specific of scenarios.

Improved Duplicity (Level 17)C Tier – If you still got four illusory copies of yourself like the previous iteration of this ability, then this would be extremely powerful, but as is, it’s just ok.


Bonus Proficiencies (Level 3) D Tier – This was a good ability until the Protector from Divine Order was a thing. Still, since you get both martial weapon and heavy armor proficiency, you can grab Thaumaturge which sucks, but it is free. To that end, this ranking is for Thaumaturge rather than the proficiencies.

Eyes of Night (Level 3)B Tier – Having a longer range Darkvision than literally everything else in the game is going to come up pretty often, and the ability to share it too is quite nice to launch a surprise attack on unsuspecting enemies.

Vigilant Blessing (Level 3)B Tier – Although this only impacts one person, advantage on Initiative for absolutely free is obviously pretty good.

Channel Divinity: Twilight Sanctuary (Level 3)S+ Tier – This is easily the single most powerful ability in all of D&D when you consider the level you get it at. Activating this means it’s functionally impossible to lose a fight as your team will just be drowning in temporary hp or you can even stop them from being charmed or frightened.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)B Tier – These are two solid spells that you wouldn’t normally get access to!

2nd Level Spells (Level 3)C- Tier – Pretty middling, but unique options for Cleric.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)B+ Tier – While Aura of Vitality is already a spell you could pick up, Tiny Hut is a really nice and rare pick up as this is the only class outside of Wizard that can get it.

Steps of Night (Level 6)B+ Tier – Free flying when you’re in dim light or darkness! That sounds specific, but your Twilight Sanctuary makes a 30 foot sphere of dim light that follows you around making this really easy to use.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)B+ TierGreater Invisibility is completely unique to Clerics and a really potent buff for any martial allies you have! Aura of Life isn’t too exciting, but can be decent if you have multiple allies down or close to it so it’s not like this has no utility.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)C Tier – Not great, but not terrible options as Circle of Power is a solid spell.

Twilight Shroud (Level 17)C Tier – Surprisingly weak for an ability in this class, but still far from bad.


Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (Level 3)B- Tier – While this is mainly helpful on those who hit like a truck with one attack or when an enemy is really low on health, converting a miss into a hit is still a reasonably powerful ability

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C Tier – Two solid spells, but both are options you can just pick up normally.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3)C- TierMagic Weapon is not a particularly exciting spell, but Spiritual Weapon is solid, but again, you could’ve just grabbed this yourself no problem.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)C+ Tier – Once again, you get two solid spells, but at least Crusader’s Mantle is not a spell you could normally get for Clerics.

War God’s Blessing (Level 6)D Tier – Using a Channel Divinity just for +2 AC or a base Spiritual Weapon may be acceptable early, but it is not going to scale well at all. I would much rather save my charges for Guided Strike.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)D Tier – Two very mediocre spells, even if Fire Shield isn’t part of the Cleric spell list.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)B- Tier – Two pretty solid spells and both are unique to Cleric! Steel Wind Strike, in particular, is a nice pick up.

Avatar of Battle (Level 17)B- Tier – The ability is good, it just comes really late as Barbarian’s get this with their Rage normally. Still a strong ability.

Druid Subclass Rankings

Druid Rankings

With all the changes, Land Druid now reigns supreme as the best casters of the bunch. Despite not receiving changes, Wildfire Druid is close behind as they use Conjure Minor Elementals better than any other Druid. The new Sea Druid makes a splash at the top half of the list which is nice to see. However, easily my favorite changes were to the Moon Druid which took it from a completely unbalanced mess to a very reasonable subclass option. Kudos to Wizards on that one!

  1. LandB+ Tier
  2. WildfireB Tier
  3. StarsB- Tier
  4. SeaC+ (Sea) Tier
  5. MoonC+ Tier
  6. SporesC Tier
  7. DreamsC Tier
  8. ShepherdC Tier

Balm of the Summer Court (Level 3)A- Tier – You have a functional wellspring of Healing Words, and better yet, this actually scales really well. You have to devote so many spell slots to Healing Word normally that this frees up both a prepared spell and a bunch of spell slots per day.

Hearth of Moonlight and Shadow (Level 6)C Tier – While this is a bit weaker than Tiny Hut, this is still a pretty great replacement for it if you don’t have access. Still, this is a little niche for an ability as it only does this.

Hidden Paths (Level 10)A- Tier – First Healing Word, now better Misty Step! Druids don’t get good short range teleportation options generally, so this is a pretty nice pick up, especially as you can move your allies around as well.

Walker in Dreams (Level 14)C- Tier – This is a very cool, but very strange ability. You aren’t always going to get good use out of this, but you certainly can without a terrible amount of effort.


Land’s Aid (Level 3)C Tier – Middling early and pretty mediocre later as well. Still being able to hurt and heal simultaneously at the cost of a Wild Shape which this build probably isn’t using much isn’t much of an opportunity cost.

Cantrips, 1st Level Spells, & 2nd Level Spells (Level 3)B+ Tier – Land is unique in that you can cycle through different prepared spells, and with versatility, comes with a lot of strength! That said, spell lists come in packages so you have to evaluate them as a group rather than individually. That said, Temperate is pretty good for your 1st and 2nd level options as both Sleep and Misty Step are solid spells that are not normally accessible to Druids.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)A- Tier – Your third level options are pretty strong with Fireball being the best on the list, but Lightning Bolt out of Temperate being a close second that still lets you keep the strong 1st and 2nd level spells.

Natural Recovery (Level 6)A+ Tier – At level 6, this ability gives you two additional 3rd level spells lots per day, and by level 10, you can get two additional 5th level slots (or lower). That is obviously very strong, even if one of those slots has to be dedicated to casting one of your Land spells.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)D Tier – A pretty big whiff on all the spell lists this level unfortunately, especially as the best spell (Polymorph) is a spell you can already pick up and on the weakest land spell list.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)B Tier – You have some solid options here with the best one being Wall of Stone on the Arid spell list which you wouldn’t mind being on anyway.

Nature’s Ward (Level 10)C Tier – Immunity to the Poisoned condition is super specific, but resistance to elemental damage can definitely be solid if you know what type of creatures you may encounter.

Nature’s Sanctuary (Level 14)B- Tier – If this ability only grants half-cover, it is alright, but nothing special. If the elemental damage resistance is relevant, though, then this becomes really strong. That said, you probably won’t have the right resistance enough to make this ability excellent, but it definitely will come up some amount of the time.


Circle Forms (Level 3)A- Tier – It’s hard to know exactly how good this is going to be without seeing the new Monster Manual, but considering this still works similarly enough to the 2014 version, I’m going to assume that this is still a very good ability.

Cantrips and 1st Level Spells (Level 3)D Tier – Starry Wisp is good, but Druid cantrips are generally weak, so getting an additional one is not that helpful. Cure Wounds isn’t terrible, but still worse than Healing Word.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) D+ TierMoonbeam isn’t bad, but it’s not particularly good either. Not too exciting of a pickup, especially since you could’ve just prepared it normally if you wanted to.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)C TierConjure Animals is a great spell, but one you probably would’ve prepared anyway. That said, freeing up a prepared spell slot to grab a different third level spell is nice.

Improved Circle Forms (Level 6)C- Tier – It’s hard to say how much damage resistance there’s going to be in the new Monster Manual, but without that context, this ability still seems pretty weak. Better Constitution saving throws is nice, but nothing special.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)C- Tier – Fount of Moonlight is decent on Moon Druids, and again, you could’ve just prepared this normally, but the opportunity cost would be a little high considering Druid has a lot of solid 4th level options.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)D Tier – Not an exciting pickup here unfortunately.

Moonlight Step (Level 10)A- Tier – This is similar to the Dream’s Druid Hidden Path feature, and while their ability is better, getting advantage on your next attack is nice. Obviously, you have to teleport near an enemy to get the full effect, but functionally getting Misty Step prepared for free as you can trade in 2nd level slots to use this is sweet.

Lunar Form (Level 14)B Tier – Improved damage in Wild Shape and bringing a buddy along with your Moonlight Step is definitely solid!


Wrath of the Sea (Level 3)B Tier – Having to stand right next to enemies is not ideal, but using a bonus action every turn to deal a decent amount of damage and potentially shove enemies around is definitely very interesting.

Cantrips and 1st Level Spells (Level 3)D+ TierThunderwave is something, but not nearly enough to salvage this ranking.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) D TierShatter isn’t useless, but Gust of Wind certainly is.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)A- TierLightning Bolt is already an excellent option for Druids as they get functionally no good damage options and Water Breathing isn’t half bad either! This is a really nice level for the Sea Druid.

Aquatic Affinity (Level 6)C- Tier – While doubling the emanation range sounds good, you are probably in no less danger from 10 feet away than you were 5 feet away. The only advantage that distance brings is not being hit with an opportunity attack if the enemy has no form of reach. The swim speed is a nice little addition as well making this an alright, but unexciting ability.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)F Tier – Two truly terrible spells.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)D+ Tier – Once again, pretty rough spells. It’s sad that the only great spell on this spell list is Lightning Bolt from 4 levels ago.

Stormborn (Level 10) A- Tier – A fly speed is already very nice, but three elemental damage resistances is quite strong.

Oceanic Gift (Level 14)B+ Tier – Doubling up on your main ability, even if you have to pay the cost twice, is a pretty strong ability. The downside is that you will be really limited in how many fights you can use this. Alternatively, you may be able to really change your team dynamic if you want to stay back and put this on an ally who can make better use of it than you can.


Speech of the Woods (Level 3)C+ Tier – This is a functional Speak with Animals that works all the time! While I don’t love Speak with Animals, you can use it a lot more liberally when it’s always active.

Spirit Totem (Level 3)B+ Tier – This ability has a lot of utility and many good options on top of it. None of the totems are super stand out, but all of them have their purpose.

Mighty Summoner (Level 6)C+ Tier – This is a reasonably decent buff to your summons, but non-magical weapon resistance no longer exists so the second half of this ability is kind of awkward. If your DM makes a reasonable house rule to make this work (maybe just saying it’s force damage which was kind of how this operated in 5e rules anyway), then this ability is around B tier. If not, then this is probably C- tier as some additional health isn’t great.

Guardian Spirit (Level 10)C+ Tier – As long as you can keep your summon inside the totem area, then they do get a decent stream of healing, even if it’s just a little bit at a time. Not too bad, but nothing incredible here.

Faithful Summons (Level 14)B- Tier – This ability kind of breaks under the new rules as Conjure Animals no longer summons literal animals, but if you just use it as it summoning four CR 2 or lower beasts, then this works just fine. Anyway, this ability is good, it just sucks that you can’t really control when it happens making this pretty unreliable.


Halo of Spores (Level 3)D- Tier – I have been saying that free damage is free damage and Druids really don’t use their reaction, but this is pitiful damage.

Symbiotic Entity (Level 3) A- Tier – You get so many temporary hit points with this ability, it’s pretty incredible. This also makes you a decent martial character for a few levels until you are obviously outpaced by those who get Extra Attack (but you still surprisingly don’t lag behind too terribly). I wish I could rank this ability even higher as it does somewhat deserve it, but you are unlikely to be in the line of fire often so the temporary health is not super helpful on you, but still solid.

Cantrips and 1st Level Spells (Level 3)C Tier – The cantrip sucks, but Blindness/Deafness is a decent CC option that you’ll likely use.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) F TierGentle Repose is butt cheeks.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)D Tier – Both spells are very unexciting, but neither is completely useless.

Fungal Infestation (Level 6)D Tier – This is a super weird ability, but a free minion is a free minion. This definitely does not scale the best as the Zombie stat block never changes, but you don’t have to use it for combat necessarily!

4th Level Spells (Level 7)D- Tier – Not completely useless spells, but man are they flirting with it.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)D+ Tier – I’m not really a fan of either spell, but it’s not like they’re unusable.

Spreading Spores (Level 10)D Tier – This ability is really bad, but if you have a squad that can keep pushing and pulling enemies, then this can be somewhat acceptable, but much worse than any AOE damage option pretty much anyone else could do.

Fungal Body (Level 14)C Tier – This is a lot of status immunities which is neat, but it’s hard to say how often this is going to come up. It really depends on what monsters your DM throws at you.


Star Map (Level 3)B- Tier – Getting both Guidance and Guiding Bolt for free is pretty nice, but being able to get multiple free casts of Guiding Bolt per day is quite nice as it’s like a really good attack cantrip early and still a decent one in later levels.

Starry Form (Level 3) A- Tier – Three good forms that are great now and remain great over the course of many levels.

Cosmic Omen (Level 6)A- Tier – Even though this takes up your reaction, being able to use your reaction every turn to add an average of 3.5 to a friend’s roll or subtract 3.5 from an enemies roll is very strong and will likely be better than it may seem.

Twinkling Constellations (Level 10)A Tier – A strong upgrade to an already strong ability.

Full of Stars (Level 14)B+ Tier – While it’s unlikely that you’re getting hit often, having resistance to the most common damage types is still really nice.


Summon Wildfire Spirit (Level 3)B+ Tier – While this isn’t the toughest in a fight, being able to teleport allies around the battlefield is really strong and this can be surprisingly annoying with a decent health pool and a natural flying speed.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D Tier – Neither spell you’re excited about, but both are usable in a pinch.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) B Tier – Right now, both of these spells are just decent damage options, nothing spectacular. However, once you get access to Conjure Minor Elementals, having Scorching Ray makes your potential damage output extremely high, higher than any other Druid subclass by a pretty significant margin. You do need four more levels to get to this point and more levels to capitalize on it, but if your campaign is going to at least level 10, you will get some good value out of this. All that said, I’m trying to weigh abilities how they are now rather than how they will be, so right now it’s in the C+ to B- range, but by level 9, I would put this at A to A+ tier based on how strong the interaction between Conjure Minor Elementals and Scorching Ray is. To that end, I’m going with a rough average of B to not skew the rankings too much.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)B- Tier – Freeing up a prepared slot with Revivify is nice, but Plant Growth is definitely a solid option that Druids don’t normally get.

Enhanced Bond (Level 6)B- Tier – A modest increase to your Fire and Healing spells as you gain an average of 4.5 to your rolls. Decent overall, but this is nice to functionally upgrade your Produce Flame.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)D+ Tier – Not terrible, but really unexciting options here.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)D+ Tier – Once again, not good but not unusable spells here.

Cauterizing Flame (Level 10)C+ Tier – Being able to trade your reaction for a small amount of healing (or damage, but enemies are probably going to avoid that spot) is not a bad deal at all. An average of 11 + WIS isn’t a huge difference, but it can be relevant, especially since there is functionally no opportunity cost to use this.

Blazing Revival (Level 14)A- Tier – Abilities that stop you from going down are really powerful, and they become even better when you have a choice in the matter, and they become better again when you get a big heal! This is a great ability and worthy of being a Druid capstone.

Fighter Subclass Rankings

Fighter Rankings

Without intervention, Echo Knight still reigns supreme, but Eldritch Knight is much closer to Echo Knight’s power level now that they aren’t restricted in what schools of magic they can access. Beyond that, most of the rankings from 2014 have functionally remained the same.

  1. Echo KnightA- Tier
  2. Eldritch KnightB Tier
  3. Rune KnightB- Tier
  4. Battle MasterC Tier
  5. Psi WarriorC Tier
  6. CavalierC Tier
  7. Arcane ArcherC Tier
  8. ChampionC Tier
  9. SamuraiC Tier
Arcane Archer

Arcane Archer Lore (Level 3)C+ Tier – A skill proficiency and a good cantrip is a decent ability.

Arcane Shot (Level 3)B- Tier – The ability itself is quite good, but the fact that you only ever get two Arcane Shots per short or long rest is so brutal. The guide details potential fixes for this at level 3, but at base, this ability is still pretty good as the arrows are strong, you just don’t get enough of them.

Magic Arrow (Level 7)C+ Tier – This ability doesn’t work anymore since 2024 no longer has non-magical weapon resistance, but if this was homebrewed to make your arrows deal force damage or you can choose an elemental damage type, then this would be pretty good. I’m assuming the average DM would have some sort of solution for this making this a pretty solid ability, but if they are only playing by base and won’t homebrew, then this is obviously F tier as it does nothing.

Curving Shot (Level 7)B+ Tier – This somewhat functions like a bonus action attack most of the time as you’re not always going to hit. Extra attacks are great, even if it’s not against the target you initially wanted. This obviously doesn’t do anything if you don’t miss or there’s one enemy, but this will still be strong on average.

New Arcane Shot Option (Level 7)B- Tier – You already have the best two shots, but you get to pick up Shadow Arrow at this level as well which is also quite good.

New Arcane Shot Option (Level 10, 15, and 18)D Tier – I’m bundling all these together as they are around the same power level. You get three more Arcane Shot options, and while none of them are bad, none are that good either as you’re likely to stick to the first three that you got instead.

Ever Ready Shot (Level 15)B- Tier – Getting a charge of your main ability each fight is definitely nice whether you’re playing RAW or with homebrew rules.

Battle Master

Combat Superiority (Level 3)A Tier – Most maneuvers are quite strong, you start with a d8 for your Superiority dice, and you get enough of them to make this feel constantly impactful.

Student of War (Level 3)C Tier – A tool and skill proficiency are cool, but nothing special.

Know Your Enemy (Level 7)C Tier – I’m a big fan of this ability as being able to discern any vulnerabilities or resistances/immunities can be really helpful information, but being limited to once per day (without using Superiority dice anyway) is confusing both from a balance perspective and a game play perspective. None the less, this is good, but you are really limited in how often you can use this.

Additional Maneuvers (Level 7)B Tier – More maneuvers and you still have a bunch of good options left!

Improved Combat Superiority (Level 10)B Tier – Improving your average roll by 1 is always solid.

Additional Maneuvers (Level 10)B Tier – More maneuvers and you still have a bunch of good options left!

Relentless (Level 15)A+ Tier – Maneuvers are the strongest part of your kit, now you get infinite of them. This is extremely strong and nearly S Tier.

Additional Maneuvers (Level 15)B- Tier – While you already picked up the best maneuvers, it’s not like you have to pick up bad ones now.

Ultimate Combat Superiority (Level 18)B Tier – Improving your average roll by 1 is always solid.


Bonus Proficiency (Level 3)C- Tier – One skill proficiency out of limited choices or a language is alright, but not great.

Born to Saddle (Level 3)D+ Tier – Even if you are using a mount, none of these abilities are really that impactful, and considering there is a decent chance someone will pick this class and not plan on using a mount, this ability is pretty bad.

Unwavering Mark (Level 3)B Tier – The conditions in which this works are a bit specific, but it is a strong ability to incentivize attacks to come to you and to heavily punish an enemy who doesn’t abide.

Warding Maneuver (Level 7)D Tier – If this gave AC/resistance until the affected allies next turn, this ability would be really good. Unfortunately as is, it’s not that good and conflicts with the Protection Fighting Style that this class would probably want.

Hold the Line (Level 10)B+ Tier – A really good ability for any martial, especially if you decided to go with a Polearm that can potentially lock down an enemy out of reach to hurt anyone.

Ferocious Charger (Level 15)C+ Tier – Repeatable CC is nice, but you’re not always going to be able to use this effectively, at least without risking a lot of opportunity attacks.

Vigilant Defender (Level 18)S Tier – Easily the strongest ability on a Fighter as this just means one million attacks per round of combat. If you know you’re making it this far in the campaign or you’re starting at a high level, I would definitely use a Polearm to maximize the odds of having an enemy in range on every turn.


Improved Critical (Level 3)D Tier – While an awesome ability and the main draw to this class, the math doesn’t favor this ability. To make the most of this ability, you incentivized to make as many attacks as possible which favors Dual Wielding, but the doubling the damage on something like a Scimitar is neat, but not super impactful. You could go for something like a Greatsword instead for maximizing the damage potential, but you’re getting a 5% increased chance of getting the average of 2d6 damage which is 7. To put that into perspective, not accounting for advantage or disadvantage (which does affect the math, generally positively), this ability gives you an additional 0.35 damage to your average damage over the course of however many attacks you make. Again, while this ability is super cool, just getting a +1 to your damage, mathematically, would serve you better in the long run. Still, if you have many ways to gain advantage so you’re rolling twice the number of attack dice, you will get critical hits more often, but even still, the math doesn’t favor you. All that said, this ability isn’t bad or anything as it’s still extra damage and hitting a critical is always a dopamine rush, so no complaints there.

Remarkable Athlete (Level 3)B Tier – If nothing else, advantage on initiative rolls is really good. The advantage on Athletics won’t matter often, and the extra movement after a critical hit is a nice little feature that may or may not be relevant.

Additional Fighting Style (Level 7)C+ Tier – A free feat is a free feat, even if Fighting Styles are much weaker than your average feat.

Heroic Warrior (Level 10)A- Tier – Having Inspiration every turn is really good. Being able to reroll dice in a dice game is a strong ability!

Superior Critical (Level 15)D Tier – See Improved Critical as everything I said applies here as well. That said, now having a 15% chance of nabbing a critical hit on any roll is relatively solid odds if you are fighting with Two Weapons with a Scimitar (for the Nick property) and Dual Wielder (for the extra attack) as you’ll get 5 attacks a turn and you’ll be somewhat close to nabbing a critical each round or statistically likely for doing so if all of your attacks are at advantage. Critical hits are always fun!

Survivor (Level 18)B- Tier – This is a pretty specific, but pretty neat ability. Gaining 10 health per turn (assuming 20 CON) is definitely not irrelevant if you’re hurt, but you do have to be at half health which is not necessarily a spot you want to be in.

Echo Knight

Manifest Echo (Level 3)S Tier – Your main feature is very good as getting an unlimited number of clones who can let you functionally be in two places at once and teleport as you please is obviously extremely strong.

Unleash Incarnation (Level 3)B Tier – This will be pretty impactful early as it’s just an extra attack a few times, but it won’t be that special for long. Extra damage is extra damage though.

Echo Avatar (Level 7)B TierUtility skills on Fighters tend not to be great, but this is a very reasonable one! The main issue I have with this ability is that it’s clearly for scouting, but the main advantage of scouting is not alerting your target to your presence which your echo may not be able to do successfully. Still, a scouting ability is always nice.

Shadow Martyr (Level 10)C- Tier – Potentially stopping one attack can be impactful, even against multiattacking enemies, but only being able to use this every short or long rest really limits how useful this is.

Reclaim Potential (Level 15)C+ Tier – Free healing when your echo pops, even if it’s a small amount, is nice.

Legion of One (Level 18)A Tier – Getting two echos to work with and a fresh Unleash Incarnation charge each combat is obviously great.

Eldritch Knight

War Bond (Level 3)D Tier – While this ability is really cool, it isn’t that useful. Few enemies will disarm you and very rarely do you need to summon your weapon. Creative players may find something to do with this, but I wouldn’t count on this being a great ability or anything.

Cantrips & 1st Level Spells (Level 3)A+ Tier – Getting spells as a fighter? Incredible! Wizard cantrips and spells are very strong, and even when you’re limited in how many of them you can cast, now that the school restriction has been lifted, Eldritch Knights are going to be extremely strong.

War Magic (Level 7)B+ Tier – Weaving a cantrip into your normal attacks will generally just be a flat, but good damage boost with something like Booming Blade. However, you could get fancy and get something like Blade Ward if that serves you better which is some nice versatility.

2nd Level Spells (Level 7)A- Tier – Your second level spell options are definitely excellent, you just don’t get that many slots to fully utilize them compared to four 1st level spells per day at this point.

Eldritch Strike (Level 10)B- Tier – While this ability won’t reach its full strength until you get to your level 18 ability, this does pair pretty nicely with Suggestion if you think that’s a more effective use of your action than attacking.

3rd Level Spells (Level 13)A+ Tier – Your third level spells are extremely strong and you get to cast three per day pretty quickly making this a bigger power jump than 2nd level spells were.

Arcane Charge (Level 15)B Tier – I’m never mad at free teleportation. This ability is really strong, it just won’t come up that often due to you only being able to Action Surge so much and you won’t always want to teleport when you Action Surge.

Improved War Magic (Level 18)B Tier – While not as strong as it may seem, being able to weave in a Suggestion after getting your Eldritch Strike to trigger is a pretty strong combination, especially if you’re ok with potentially burning an enemies charge of Legendary Resistance.

4th Level Spells (Level 19)B- Tier – Your fourth level options are good, just getting them so late and only one spell slot a day is a little brutal.

Psi Warrior

Psionic Power (Level 3)B+ Tier – You get functionally three abilities with this, and all of them have their time and place. The damage boost is likely the one you’re going to use the most, but having the option to move allies around (even if it is an action) or reduce damage for yourself or an ally is definitely nice. These are a bit weaker compared to the Battle Master and their maneuvers, but these are still good.

Telekinetic Adept (Level 7)A- Tier – These are two reasonably strong psionic abilities that closely rival the general strength of maneuvers.

Guarded Mind (Level 10)C Tier – Resistance to psychic damage likely isn’t coming up often if ever, but being able to end the charmed or frightened condition on yourself (even at the cost of a psionic die) is decent.

Bulwark of Force (Level 15)B- Tier – Giving the squad +2 AC for a fight definitely isn’t bad, just be sure to not get incapacitated as this ability ends then!

Telekinetic Master (Level 18)B TierTelekinesis is nice and all and even being able to attack once while using it is very solid, but it may not be better than just attacking every turn. This is still pretty solid though, especially as you can spend a psionic die to restore it.

Rune Knight

Rune Carver (Level 3)A Tier – Runes are really strong as their passive abilities can be solid and their activated abilities can be really strong.

Giant’s Might (Level 3)D+ Tier – For the old grappling rules, this ability was pretty good. Now it’s just a fine ability that gives you a small damage boost.

Runic Shield (Level 7)C Tier – A Silvery Barbs just for one attack can be useful if an ally is getting hit by a critical hit or they’ll go down very soon, but potentially stopping one attack of a multiattacking enemy is never too exciting.

Additional Rune (Level 7)A+ Tier – You can now access the best runes so it’s no surprise that this ability is really strong. Hill Giant’s Rune, in particular, is very good.

Great Stature (Level 10)D- Tier – This ability tests my patience as I can’t give it an F because it does do something.

Master of Runes (Level 15)S- Tier – Runes are good, and getting double charges of all of them is excellent.

Runic Juggernaut (Level 18)D+ Tier – More damage from Giant’s Might is ok even if it’s a small boost and additional reach can be ok, but it likely won’t be that impactful.


Combat Superiority (Level 3)C+ Tier – A skill and language proficiency is always fine.

Fighting Spirit (Level 3)C Tier – This is a decent feature and it does somewhat scale both in temporary health and it functionally scales as you get more attacks, but only 3 charges per day is extremely restrictive considering this is your main ability. I do recommend potential changes to give this ability a little more life in the linked article, but RAW, this ability is good, just limited.

Know Your Enemy (Level 7)B- Tier – You probably shouldn’t be talking, but a small boost in Persuasion can be nice. However, the bigger prize is proficiency in Wisdom saving throws as that’s just a functional feat.

Tireless Spirit (Level 10)C- Tier – Getting one charge of Fighting Spirit is realistically not that impactful, but it is per fight so I guess this isn’t terrible.

Rapid Strike (Level 15)A Tier – Getting an extra attack is definitely no joke, but you do need advantage on one of your attacks to get it. Still with all the ways to knock enemies prone in the new rules and obviously your Fighting Spirit, this should work pretty consistently.

Strength Before Death (Level 18)C- Tier – While this ability is cool, this is much worse than similar abilities as you can still very easily die on that extra turn you get without intervention. This will feel super relevant if you’re in a really close fight, but otherwise, you probably can’t have too much of an impact before just passing out anyway.

Monk Subclass Rankings

Monk Rankings

What’s striking to me is the quality between the top 4 and the bottom 4 subclasses here is quite large, more so than the other classes. Unsurprisingly, the top 4 subclasses are all those features in the 2024 rulebook so it just goes to show how bad the previous iteration of Monk was, even if they aren’t that far separated on the tier list.

  1. ShadowB- Tier
  2. MercyB- Tier
  3. Open HandC Tier
  4. ElementsC Tier
  5. Astral SelfC- Tier
  6. Drunken MasterC- Tier
  7. KenseiC- Tier
  8. Sun SoulC- Tier
Astral Self

Arms of Astral Self (Level 3)D+ Tier – A smidgen of damage and a smidgen of reach is not particularly exciting.

Visage of the Astral Self (Level 6)D+ Tier – This ability is also pretty bad barring you don’t have a team member that loves casting Darkness. If you do, then this can be pretty potent.

Body of the Astral Self (Level 11)C- Tier – Deflecting elemental damage is neat (and differs slightly from the main class ability so it isn’t useless), and getting an additional die of damage per turn is also solid. This is a fine ability, it’s just painful to spend 2 focus points on it.

Awakened Astral Self (Level 17)A- Tier – +2 AC and an additional attack is definitely great, even if you have to spend some focus points to get it.

Drunken Master

Bonus Proficiencies (Level 3)D- Tier – Not technically worthless, but definitely flirting with it,

Drunken Technique (Level 3)B- Tier – A free Disengage and extra speed for functionally free is really good.

Tipsy Sway (Level 6)D+ Tier – Standing from prone quickly isn’t that helpful, but redirecting missed attacks is somewhat interesting. That said, I would not really want to spend focus on this most of the time as you won’t know how hard the enemy was going to hit you making this really unreliable.

Drunkard’s Luck (Level 11)D Tier – Spending 2 focus points to cancel disadvantage on a roll is a pretty bad deal. Maybe if you were able to give yourself advantage or cancel disadvantage I can see this being somewhat reasonable, but this is crappy as is.

Intoxicated Frenzy (Level 17)C+ Tier – Potentially getting three additional attacks is really good, but you do need to be in a really specific set of circumstances for this to work. This is still nice though!


Elemental Attunement (Level 3)A- Tier – 10 feet of reach, the ability to imbue your unarmed strikes with elemental damage, and the ability to move enemies around is a lot of abilities packed into one. This is, unsurprisingly, very good.

Manipulate Elements (Level 3)D- Tier – Elementalism is cute, but this is just a flavor ability rather than something that’s supposed to really help the class.

Elemental Burst (Level 6)C- Tier – 2 Focus points for a not so great Fireball (that can change elements) isn’t great, but this does somewhat scale and getting AOE damage in a class that doesn’t ever get that has its value.

Stride of the Elements (Level 11)B Tier – I do love me some Flying speed, and since you can attack from a range, this ability is pretty strong.

Elemental Epitome (Level 17)D- Tier – Not technically worthless, but definitely flirting with it,


Path of the Kensei (Level 3)B Tier – Getting a better range of Monk weapons to utilize (which means better damage) is always nice, and the option to give up some damage for a higher AC is interesting as well. The ranged damage boost sucks and the proficiency is purely flavor, but the first two abilities (especially the weapon proficiencies) are solid.

One with the Blade (Level 6)D+ Tier – Non-magical weapon resistance doesn’t exist anymore, so the first part of this ability is irrelevant (if your DM homebrewed it so you can deal force damage or something, then this rating would be higher) and spending a focus point to get a little more damage is functionally akin to the base Flurry of Blows so this ability isn’t that bad. This is unexciting and doesn’t scale that well as you’d never use this past level 9 (if you were even using it prior), but it’s there.

Sharpen the Blade (Level 11)F Tier – This doesn’t work on magic weapons. Why does this not work on magic weapons? Even if it did, would you trade six unarmed strikes for this? I wouldn’t. Maybe this would have some utility against high AC targets, but you should be using a magic weapon at this point.

Unerring Accuracy (Level 17)A Tier – With how many attacks you get, you are almost certainly going to miss with at least one, and in that scenario, this is functionally an additional attack.


Hand of Harm (Level 3)C+ Tier – A bit of extra damage is always fine in my book, but nothing too special.

Hand of Healing (Level 3)B Tier – Healing outside of support casting classes is already somewhat rare, but healing other people/ That’s super rare! While this isn’t the best healing around, being able to use it to bring downed allies back is nice, and you can even use it in the midst of your Flurry of Blows for no additional charge if it makes sense to do so!

Implement of Mercy (Level 3)B- Tier – Free proficiencies are always nice!

Physician’s Touch (Level 6)B+ Tier – This is a really sizable upgrade to both your Hand of Harm/Healing as your Harm now inflicts the poisoned condition (with no save given) and Healing now heals status conditions. Upgrades like this generally cost more to get, but these are just strict improvements.

Flurry of Healing and Harm (Level 11)A- Tier – While nerfed from its previous version, being able to replace unarmed strikes in your Flurry of Blows with Hands of Healing and/or use a Hand of Harm for free is still really good.

Hand of Ultimate Mercy (Level 17)C Tier – This is somewhat niche as you likely have a party member that knows Revivify, but just in case that fails, this is a decent backup.

Open Hand

Open Hand Technique (Level 3)B Tier – You want to Flurry of Blows most of the time anyway, so getting potentially free CC effects on top of it is quite good!

Wholeness of Body (Level 6)C+ Tier – While worse than the Fighter’s Second Wind feature, this isn’t that much worse and you do get a reasonable amount of uses for it. Not incredible, but not bad in a pinch.

Fleet Step (Level 11)B+ Tier – Functionally doubling your movement speed in every fight can be really strong, even better when you have a lot of casters who can produce nasty AOEs around the battlefield.

Quivering Palm (Level 17)B+ Tier – While this will cost you a lot of focus, this will deal a lot of damage over the course of a fight, plain and simple. I do like the flavor of the old ability more, but this ability is definitely better.


Shadow Arts (Level 3)B Tier – While casting Darkness can be a hindrance for your team, you being able to see in it is extremely powerful, especially for just 1 focus point. If your team is able to capitalize on this in any way though (Devil’s Sight, Blindsense, etc.) then this gets even stronger.

Shadow Step (Level 6)B+ Tier – You are limited in when you can use this, but when you can, it is very powerful as it’s a really good teleport and free advantage on an attack!

Improved Shadow Step (Level 11)B+ Tier – While teleportation isn’t super vital on a class as mobile as this, only needing a single focus point in order to teleport whenever you want is very nice.

Cloak of Shadows (Level 17) A Tier – This is functionally a Greater Invisibility that you can only use in dim light or darkness which is a bit unfortunate (synergizes well with Shadow Arts though), but also lets you get your Flurry of Blows for free. Not too expensive, pretty easy to set up, and this is quite powerful.

Sun Soul

Radiant Sun Bolt (Level 3)D Tier – If taken as RAW (which this rating will do), this is a pretty abysmal ability that’s just a ranged unarmed strike. Even if you homebrew it that it matches up with your martial arts die, that’s only for anything using the Attack action specifically, not a replacement for unarmed strikes. Not completely useless of course as Monks don’t have the best ranged options, but this is rough.

Searing Arc Strike (Level 6)D Tier – The ki to damage ratio here is just not good. Though, because it’s a spell, this isn’t terrible, but it’s close to it.

Searing Sunburst (Level 11)D- Tier – This is just embarrassing. The damage here is abysmal, but again, no ability that does anything deserves an F tier rating.

Sun Shield (Level 17) – D- Tier – No comment. This ability is abysmal for a capstone, I can’t even understand why they made it this way. Again, not completely useless

Paladin Subclass Rankings

Paladin Rankings

Even with the 2024 updates, the rankings between the 2014 Paladin subclasses and the 2024 Paladin subclasses are nearly identical. A little awkward, but not all changes can be winners.

  1. ConquestA Tier
  2. VengeanceA Tier
  3. WatchersB+ Tier
  4. OathbreakerB Tier
  5. RedemptionB- Tier
  6. DevotionB- Tier
  7. GloryB- Tier
  8. AncientsC+ Tier

Nature’s Wrath (Level 3)C+ Tier – This is a much more restrictive Entangle, but even that’s still pretty decent (at least in lower levels).

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D+ Tier – I’m not too thrilled with either option here, but Ensnaring Strike can be solid for a bit.

2nd Level Spells (Level 5) B Tier – If nothing else, Misty Step is a great pickup. Moonbeam isn’t great, but it’s something you can consider using.

Aura of Warding (Level 7) D Tier – While we don’t know how monsters are going to be changed in 2024, if we’re basing it off the current monster manual, these damage resistances are really niche. Resistance in general is nice, but allies would also have to stick pretty close by you to get this rather niche effect.

3rd Level Spells (Level 9)C Tier – Not great, but not horrendous spells.

4th Level Spells (Level 13)D+ Tier Ice Storm is really bad, but Stoneskin isn’t too bad. It’s not something I would be excited about, but reasonable if you are the lone front line, you’re low on health, or you’re in a tough encounter.

Undying Sentinel (Level 15)B+ Tier – I’m all about abilities that stop you from going down, and healing 45 health (thus far) when you would normally start napping is quite strong, even if it only triggers once per day.

5th Level Spells (Level 17)D- Tier – Tempted to give this an F, but Commune with Nature does have some value.

Elder Champion (Level 20)A+ Tier – Three excellent abilities packed into one. This is what I want to see out of a capstone.


Channel Divinity (Level 3)B+ Tier – A mass fear effect or an attack roll boost is definitely solid. I mention in the guide that if you want to follow the new Paladin guideline more, I would just go for the mass feat effect for your Channel Divinity option, but even still, I would give this a B+.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)B- Tier – Two solid spells, it’s just a shame that Armor of Agathys received a nerf making it way less appealing for front line characters.

2nd Level Spells (Level 5) C+ TierHold Person is only going to be helpful in specific situations, but Spiritual Weapon is an alright option, even if you get it two levels later than Clerics.

Aura of Conquest (Level 7)A Tier – This combines deliciously with your Channel Divinity to lock enemies in place. If you knock them prone, they are stuck there as well which is a really brutal interaction this subclass loves taking advantage of!

3rd Level Spells (Level 9)B+ TierBestow Curse isn’t the best, but Fear is an excellent option with your Aura.

4th Level Spells (Level 13)D+ Tier Dominate Beast is really bad, but Stoneskin isn’t too bad. It’s not something I would be excited about, but reasonable if you are the lone front line, you’re low on health, or you’re in a tough encounter.

Scornful Rebuke (Level 15)C Tier – This damage won’t be much, but this is literally free damage so it’s not a bad feature.

5th Level Spells (Level 17)D+ Tier – Two pretty niche, but not terrible options.

Invincible Conqueror (Level 20)A Tier – While taking an Action sucks (you could homebrew it to bonus action if you’re following how the updated Paladins work), having resistance to all damage, getting an extra attack, and doubling your critical hit range is really strong.


Sacred Weapon (Level 3)B Tier – This is a solid attack roll boost to your weapon and it can even deal Radiant damage if you’re facing any susceptible undead.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C- Tier – Two niche defense spells, neither great, but you’ll probably get some value out of both.

2nd Level Spells (Level 5) C- TierAid is solid, Zone of Truth is terrible.

Aura of Warding (Level 7)D Tier – This Aura is way too specific. This effect tends to come with Frightened immunity too, but base class Paladin gets that so you’re left with just half a feature.

3rd Level Spells (Level 9)C- TierDispel Magic is good, but you would’ve taken this anyway so it’s just freeing up a prepared spell slot.

4th Level Spells (Level 13)D Tier – Both of these spells are yucky as they’re incredibly niche.

Smite of Protection (Level 15)D+ Tier – You have to Divine Smite (so you have to hit with an attack) and you need allies near you just to gain +2 AC. Not terrible, but the payoff is not there.

5th Level Spells (Level 17)C TierCommune is a solid pickup so I’m happy with that.

Holy Nimbus (Level 20)C- Tier – This ability isn’t bad, but it just doesn’t do that much either, just a small amount of passive damage. What did Devotion Paladin do to D&D designers to take them from nearly unplayable to still not that unplayable?


Inspiring Smite (Level 3)C- Tier – Spending a Channel Divinity for a slightly better Aid is not something I would want to do, but considering how bad Peerless Athlete is, this looks more acceptable.

Peerless Athlete (Level 3)D- Tier – There may be scenarios where this is helpful, like exploration, but that is going to be incredibly rare.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D+ Tier – Two extremely unexciting spells. Guiding Bolt is ok, but it will only be ok for a level or two until it is outclassed both by your allies and by you just attacking normally.

2nd Level Spells (Level 5) D+ TierEnhance Ability can be alright, but it’s pretty niche.

Aura of Alacrity (Level 7)B- Tier – Movement speed buffs are solid, even if this is really only going to impact your fellow martials.

3rd Level Spells (Level 9)B TierProtection from Energy can be ok in the right context, but Haste on yourself is always going to be an appealing play.

4th Level Spells (Level 13)D- Tier – Yuck. These spells aren’t complete garbage, but they are close.

Glorious Defense (Level 15)C+ Tier – Adding AC to yourself or an ally for one attack is not ideal, but being able to strike back if this ability prevents that attack from connecting is quite nice.

5th Level Spells (Level 17)D+ Tier – Regal Presence is solid, but pretty unexciting for the level. Legend Lore is very specific and will not be relevant most of the time.

Living Legend (Level 20)A Tier – Being able to reroll saving throws and converting a missed attack into a hit is really strong.


Channel Divinity (Level 3)C Tier – The Emissary of Peace option is not good, but Rebuke the Violent can be solid, especially if an enemy gets a critical hit. Additionally, if you want to homebrew this class to more so follow how the updated Paladins work, I would keep Rebuke the Violent as the Channel Divinity feature.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D+ Tier – Sleep can be decent, but you get it late and your spell save DC won’t be as high as a full casters for awhile.

2nd Level Spells (Level 5) D+ Tier – Two pretty specific spells, but Hold Person can be useful in the right encounters.

Aura of Warding (Level 7)C- Tier – You taking damage the damage over an ally can be useful in the right situation, but this is obviously not too an exciting of a prospect.

3rd Level Spells (Level 9)A+ Tier– Holy moly. I’m having a tough time deciding whether this deserves an A+ or S- as these are two of the best third level spells in the game, both of which Paladin does not normally get. If you chose this class, it was likely because you get these.

4th Level Spells (Level 13)C- Tier Stoneskin isn’t too bad as it can be useful in a pinch and Resilient Sphere is a good spell, but it’s very similar to Banishment so there’s a lot of overlap there.

Protective Spirit (Level 15)B Tier – While you only get this if you’re below half health, this will regenerate a solid amount of health per turn.

5th Level Spells (Level 17)A TierHold Monster can be alright, but Wall of Force is broken and easily one of the strongest spells in the entire game.

Emissary of Redemption (Level 20)C Tier – Admittedly this is a tough ability to evaluate as the effects are extremely strong, but not being able to target a creature with a spell or damage it in any capacity really limits the usefulness of this. In an encounter with a lot of enemies, this could be useful as these enemies may be throwing themselves onto you and getting burned in return. Alternatively, you can focus on casting spells and using abilities that doesn’t directly target enemies which can be a somewhat feasible option. Ultimately, I do think that the usefulness of this is limited, but the fact that it’s just always active (until you break the condition against an enemy) rather than having to activate makes it more appealing.


Channel Divinity (Level 3)D+ Tier – Both features are really niche, but they have their moments. Additionally, if you want to homebrew this so it more so follows how the updated Paladins work, I would keep Abjure the Extraplanar as that’s definitely more the vibe of the Watchers than Watcher’s Will.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C Tier – Two solid rituals you probably couldn’t justify preparing otherwise.

2nd Level Spells (Level 5) D+ Tier – Neither option is great, but See Invisibility can have its moments.

Aura of Sentinel (Level 7)S Tier – Giving yourself a bonus to initiative is great, but the whole party? Now that’s extremely good.

3rd Level Spells (Level 9)A- Tier – Getting Counterspell is a big reason why many choose this class.

4th Level Spells (Level 13)D+ Tier Banishment is obviously great, but the opportunity cost for preparing it naturally was nearly nonexistent so this isn’t a good bonus.

Vigilant Rebuke (Level 15)D Tier – The damage is pretty abysmal for the level, but if your reaction would go unused otherwise, why not use this?

5th Level Spells (Level 17)C- Tier – Both Hold Monster and Scrying can be useful, but they won’t always be.

Mortal Bulwark (Level 20)D+ Tier – This is very strong against extraplanar foes and nearly worthless otherwise.


Vow of Enmity (Level 3)A- Tier – Advantage on all attack rolls against your target and can be transferred without requiring an action is really strong. This is a really sweet use of Channel Divinity!

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C TierBane sucks, but Hunter’s Mark works well with your Vow of Enmity.

2nd Level Spells (Level 5) B+ TierHold Person can be helpful, but Misty Step is a big pickup.

Relentless Avenger (Level 7)C Tier – The ability to keep enemies locked in place is always nice, even if you won’t be getting the chance to use opportunity attacks too often.

3rd Level Spells (Level 9)B TierProtection from Energy can be ok in the right context, but Haste on yourself is always going to be an appealing play, especially with your Vow of Enmity and Hunter’s Mark.

4th Level Spells (Level 13)B Tier Banishment is a good spell, but you were going to take it anyway. Dimension Door, however, is a really nice pickup and wholly unique to Paladin.

Soul of Vengeance (Level 15)B+ Tier – This is a little specific, but is somewhat close to just getting an extra attack!

5th Level Spells (Level 17)C- Tier – Both Hold Monster and Scrying can be useful, but they won’t always be.

Avenging Angel (Level 20)B Tier – Both the flight speed and mass fear aura are good, but Flying is at its worst on frontliners and a lot of enemies may be immune to fear at this level. Not bad, but not amazing.


Channel Divinity (Level 3)A+ Tier – Control Undead is pretty niche, but it is a cool feature. However, this gets an A+ because of Dreadful Aspect which is a really powerful fear enabler as targets can only start making saves when they are far enough away from you, which can be really devastating for enemies if they can’t get away from you. Additionally, if you want to homebrew this to more so line up with how the updated Paladins work, I would personally keep Dreadful Aspect as it’s more powerful and more flavorful.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D Tier – Neither spell here is particularly good here as the damage is just not high enough to justify using your spell slots most of the time.

2nd Level Spells (Level 5) D Tier – Unless you are in a party that can make great use of magical darkness, this is not a good set of spells for you.

Aura of Hate (Level 7)F* Tier – It really sucks that this hasn’t been officially fixed as this is the only ability in the entire game that is an active detriment to you and your team as it doesn’t specify that the undead have to be friendly.

3rd Level Spells (Level 9)C- Tier – Once again, neither option is great, but Animate Dead is important so your Aura of Hate isn’t an active detriment.

4th Level Spells (Level 13)D- Tier – These are a yeesh.

Supernatural Resistance (Level 15)B+ Tier – While the wording of this ability is a bit awkward because it specifies non-magical, since the new rule book doesn’t concern itself with magical attacks specifically, then I would assume this just blanket applies to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage which is obviously quite good.

5th Level Spells (Level 17)D- Tier – Once again, not good, but not unusable spells here.

Dread Lord (Level 20)A- Tier – A bunch of extra damage and making it harder to hit you and your friends is definitely pretty strong. The only downside is the action cast time, but if you want to make this ability line up with the updated Paladins, homebrew it so it activates as a bonus action.

Ranger Subclass Rankings

Ranger Rankings

These rankings in particular I found to be a bit more awkward than the rest of the classes. Gloom Stalker and Swarmkeeper still reign supreme which wasn’t a big surprise, but there were tougher decisions past that. As mentioned in the beginning, the way I’m grading these classes does unfairly favor classes with multiple weaker abilities rather than fewer, stronger ones, but that really cam to a head here. While Beast Master has all solid abilities, it is only four total abilities where Horizon Walker and Fey Wanderer have substantially more, but weaker abilities. While by the rankings, both Horizon Walker and Fey Wanderer outclass Beast Master, in reality, I believe Beast Master is going to feel stronger than them, especially in earlier levels. With that in mind, Beast Master received a significant bump in the rankings and may shift around more as more playtesting occurs.

  1. Gloom StalkerB+ Tier
  2. SwarmkeeperC+ Tier
  3. Beast MasterC Tier
  4. Horizon WalkerC Tier
  5. Fey WandererC- Tier
  6. HunterC- Tier
  7. Monster SlayerC- Tier
Beast Master

Primal Companion (Level 3)B Tier – Your companion is pretty good as you get multiple forms and it does scale, but this will constantly eat into your bonus action which is really at odds with a class that’s more or less built around Hunter’s Mark.

Exceptional Training (Level 7)B Tier – Solid upgrades to your main ability as you’ll ignore all resistances and make your companion that much harder to hit.

Bestial Fury (Level 11)B- Tier – Extra attack for your companion isn’t as good as it would be on a player, but it is still more damage. Furthermore, they can share in the Hunter’s Mark damage as well, but how are you going to have time to use Hunter’s Mark with a companion?

Share Spells (Level 15)B- Tier – While you don’t have many options here, you do have some solid options to share making this pretty reasonable.

Fey Wanderer

Dreadful Strikes (Level 3)D+ Tier – Free damage is free damage I guess.

Otherworldly Glamour (Level 3)C- Tier – If you have to make Charisma rolls, then this ability is good, but realistically you should not be doing these checks often.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D- Tier – Not a good spell, but thematic I guess.

2nd Level Spells (Level 5) B+ Tier Misty Step is awesome and pretty important to this class.

Beguiling Twist (Level 7)C+ Tier – This ability is super niche, but it is pretty solid if you come across enemies that charm or frighten.

3rd Level Spells (Level 9)D+ Tier – Not a great summoning spell, but usable need be.

Fey Reinforcements (Level 11)C- Tier – Getting a free cast of Summon Fey that doesn’t require concentration is definitely nice, but you only get this once per day which is super restrictive.

4th Level Spells (Level 13)B Tier – Dimension Door is a great pickup and not normally available to Rangers!

Misty Wanderer (Level 15)A- Tier – A bunch of free teleportations and you can bring a friend? Great ability when you need to reposition constantly.

5th Level Spells (Level 17)D Tier – Not a fan of this spell at all, but it is pretty unique.

Gloom Stalker

Dread Ambusher (Level 3)A- Tier – While this is way worse than the previous version, this is still a very powerful ability. Bonus speed for a turn, bonus damage a few times a day, and bonuses to initiative make the old version of this proud. These are good changes, even if the ability is weaker.

Umbral Sight (Level 3)B Tier – Better Darkvision (or Darkvision if you didn’t have it) and you can be invisible to any enemy that’s relying on darkvision to see you. Specific, but solid.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D TierDisguise Self is not always going to be helpful, but it at least can be in unique situations.

2nd Level Spells (Level 5) D- Tier – I personally hate Rope Trick as it’s so specific in when you’d even want to use it, but if you’re short resting in dangerous territory and simply hate having available spell slots, you have this I guess.

Iron Mind (Level 7)B- Tier – Proficiency in Wisdom is really good and makes passing those checks that much easier.

3rd Level Spells (Level 9) B TierFear is a great spell and Rangers never gets good CC so this is a pretty great spell to pick up.

Stalker’s Flurry (Level 11)C+ Tier – Additional damage and additional effects for your Dreadful Strike is definitely nice, but with how few charges you get of Dreadful Strike, this won’t be as impactful as you’d like.

4th Level Spells (Level 13)B+ Tier – An excellent buff that any Ranger would be happy to have for tougher fights.

Shadowy Dodge (Level 15)A Tier – Imposing disadvantage on one attack isn’t great, but teleporting away with your reaction is really good and could potentially make the enemy waste their turn. The most interesting thing about this feature is that there’s no limit on how many times a day you can use this, so you can be a real pain in the butt if you keep walking up to the enemy you’re teleporting away from.

5th Level Spells (Level 17)D Tier – Unique, but very specific use cases make this really hard to use.

Horizon Walker

Detect Portal (Level 3)F Tier – When is this ability supposed to be helpful?

Planar Warrior (Level 3)C+ Tier – Not a big damage increase, but if you have no better use of your bonus action, this has no limit on charges. The issue is you probably do have better uses for your bonus action, but still.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C- Tier – Specific, but this can be really good against extraplanar enemies if you encounter them.

2nd Level Spells (Level 5) B+ Tier Misty Step is awesome and you’ll always be happy to have it.

Ethereal Step (Level 7)D+ TierEtherealness is an alright spell, but only one cast per short or long rest is a bit restrictive. Realistically though, how often do you need to cast this?

3rd Level Spells (Level 9)B TierHaste is a really solid buff whether you use it on yourself or another martial ally.

Distant Strike (Level 11)B- Tier – This ability is super weird, but free teleportation is always good, so I guess this is pretty good? A really hard ability to evaluate as it is so combat specific.

4th Level Spells (Level 13)B Tier – Single target CC is nice and Banishment is one of the better ones.

Spectral Defense (Level 15)D+ Tier – Resistance to one attack is not great, but if you have no better use for your reaction, have at it.

5th Level Spells (Level 17)C+ Tier – Rangers normally can’t teleport long distances, but now you can! Help your full caster homies out!


Hunter’s Lore (Level 3) – B- Tier – I’m not sure if I’m overrating or underrating this ability, but I love it. You want to use Hunter’s Mark liberally anyway, so getting the full work up on what the enemy is about seems good to me.

Hunter’s Prey (Level 3)C+ Tier – Do you want a little bit of extra damage that’s a little specific to set up or do you want a little bit of extra damage that’s a little specific to set up? Both abilities are fine, whichever you decide on.

Defensive Tactics (Level 7)C Tier – Both abilities are really specific, but Multiattack Defense is acceptable, even if it isn’t exciting.

Superior Hunter’s Prey (Level 11)D- Tier – Free damage is free damage, but why on earth is this all the ability does?

Superior Hunter’s Defense (Level 15)C+ Tier – Trading your reaction for resistance for the turn is a pretty good deal, especially since Multiattack Defense will make it difficult for enemies to connect multiple times.

Monster Slayer

Hunter’s Sense (Level 3)C Tier – A worse version of Hunter’s Lore, but I still do love this ability.

Slayer’s Prey (Level 3)D+ Tier – This is an additional, but worse Hunter’s Mark. Not terrible, especially in prolonged fights, but this ability is pretty weak.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C- Tier – Specific, but this can be really good against extraplanar enemies if you encounter them.

2nd Level Spells (Level 5) D- Tier – While cool in concept, Zone of Truth just doesn’t really function correctly in practice. Not a well designed spell unfortunately.

Supernatural Defense (Level 7)C+ Tier – A little specific, but mathematically, this is close to having advantage on rolls so with that perspective, this is decent.

3rd Level Spells (Level 9)D- Tier – Realistically this probably deserves F Tier and I’m being kind, but this spell is so incredibly niche that I’ve only ever heard of it being used in conjunction with Planar Binding.

Magic’s-User Nemesis (Level 11)C+ Tier – Every short or long rest, you get a slightly worse, but free Counterspell. What’s not to like?

4th Level Spells (Level 13)B Tier – Single target CC is nice and Banishment is one of the better ones.

Slayer’s Counter (Level 15)B+ Tier – This ability is so weird, so cool, and pretty strong all at the same time. A Dragon tries to hit you with their breath weapon and you just plop em with an arrow and you’re mostly good to go.

5th Level Spells (Level 17)C- Tier – I’m not a big fan of this spell, but it can be helpful in the right encounter.


Gathered Swarm (Level 3)B Tier – A smidgen of damage, forced movement, or a small amount of free movement with a successful attack is definitely solid!

Cantrips & 1st Level Spells (Level 3)C+ Tier – Both Mage Hand and Faerie Fire are solid spells, even if Faerie Fire is at odds with Hunter’s Mark.

2nd Level Spells (Level 5) C- TierWeb is a great spell, but you already have Entangle which does a very similar thing, but you have both need be.

Writhing Tide (Level 7)B+ Tier – Any flying speed can be really good, and this is no different.

3rd Level Spells (Level 9)D TierGaseous Form is a really niche spell, but it can be helpful if you’re trying to break in or escape from somewhere.

Mighty Swarm (Level 11)B+ Tier – Strong buffs to an already good ability.

4th Level Spells (Level 13)B Tier Arcane Eye is a great spell, you just won’t always have the spell slots for it. Still, probably better you casting it as you’re still useful without spells than a full caster ally.

Swarming Dispersal (Level 15)B+ Tier – This is just a worse version of the new Gloom Stalker capstone ability, but realistically, even a worse version of that ability is pretty good!

5th Level Spells (Level 17)D- Tier – Especially for this level, Insect Plague is just not a great spell.

Rogue Subclass Rankings

Rogues Rankings

The quality jumps between these subclasses is extremely stark. Arcane Trickster was already the best Rogue subclass, but with the changes, it is now leagues better than every other option. The Phantom also boasts a pretty strong suite of abilities and stands out amongst the Rogues, just at a lower tier compared to Arcane Trickster. After that, many of the Rogue subclasses have similar power levels with a lot of them being mostly unimpressive.

  1. Arcane TricksterC Tier
  2. PhantomC- Tier
  3. SwashbucklerD Tier
  4. SoulknifeD Tier
  5. AssassinD Tier
  6. ScoutD Tier
  7. ThiefD Tier
  8. InquisitiveD Tier
  9. MastermindF Tier
Arcane Trickster

Mage Hand Legerdemain (Level 3)B- Tier – While I don’t believe this is particularly helpful in combat, being able to turn a Mage Hand invisible and pick locks with it is really nice for utility.

Cantrips & 1st Level Spells (Level 3)A+ Tier – You get so many nice options here that range from being useful for utility to lifesaving in the right circumstances.

2nd Level Spells (Level 7) A Tier – While you get awesome options, I find these to be less impactful than the 1st level spells, even though they are stronger. With fewer spell slots available to you, you really have to make these count, and realistically, you may want to save a slot or two for an emergency 1st level spell.

Magical Ambush (Level 9)B+ Tier – This won’t affect many spells in general, but this is a generally strong ability.

Versatile Trickster (Level 13)D- Tier – Unless your Mage Hand is already out, it’s going to be very hard to set this up as this will eat into multiple bonus actions to make work. I’d much rather keep my cunning action then potentially trip a second creature that I couldn’t even personally capitalize on.

3rd Level Spells (Level 13)A+ Tier – You get 3 spell slots for this pretty quick and you have all bangers here.

Spell Thief (Level 17)B Tier – On one hand, this is infinite Counterspells until you get this to work which is super cool, but once it does work, it’s not going to be that impactful. You’re looking to use this against a high level spell effect, and if you succeed, it’s not like you’ll be able to use it yourself and the enemy probably could only use it once anyway. Still, a free Counterspell is a free Counterspell!

4th Level Spells (Level 19)B- Tier – Your fourth level options are good, just getting them so late and only one spell slot a day is a little brutal.


Assassinate (Level 3)B+ Tier – Weaker than it used to be, but this feature is still quite good as advantage on initiative and you get to Sneak Attack most targets round one is nice.

Assassin’s Tools (Level 3) C+ Tier – I’ll never say no to two proficiencies, and both can be good if you’re creative with them.

Infiltration Expertise (Level 9)C+ Tier – The first half of this ability is pure utility, and can be useful in the right situations. Roving Aim is definitely useful as well, but I question how often you want to be attacking from range which does limit the usefulness of this ability. Overall, I’d say this ability is solid but that will definitely vary from player to player.

Envenom Weapons (Level 13)D+ Tier – The Poison cunning strike is not the option I would want to use most of the time, and the additional damage granted by this ability isn’t much of an incentive. This isn’t bad if you’re facing an enemy with low Constitution, but this is very unexciting.

Death Strike (Level 17)B Tier – Constitution saving throws are rough as a lot of enemies have really high Constitution scores, but if they fail against this, they can get obliterated which is always fun.


Ear for Deceit (Level 3)D Tier – Very specific and may only be useful once your level is high enough to have a good PB.

Eye for Detail (Level 3) D Tier – Once again, a really specific ability and only really helpful if your DM likes giving you encounters where you need to figure something out/find something in the midst of it.

Insightful Fighting (Level 3) C- Tier – In regular encounters this probably won’t be helpful, but this can be good in boss encounters as trading one bonus action to potentially always have Sneak Attack against a target can be a good trade.

Steady Eye (Level 9)C Tier – Helpful for general utility or if you’re using your Eye for Detail.

Unerring Eye (Level 13)D+ Tier – The Poison cunning strike is not the option I would want to use most of the time, and the additional damage granted by this ability isn’t much of an incentive. This isn’t bad if you’re facing an enemy with low Constitution, but this is very unexciting.

Eye for Weakness (Level 17)C Tier – This forces you to use Insightful Fighting which is annoying, but this is a decent damage boost in the capacity that you can use your Cunning Strikes a bit more liberally.


Master of Intrigue (Level 3)B- Tier – This is a lot of proficiencies packed into one skill, and if you’re picking this class, I would assume you can make them useful.

Master of Tactics (Level 3) C Tier – This is a really interesting feature, and while it’s hard to say if you’d prefer to do this or a different Cunning Action, this ability is good enough to at least consider using it over your Cunning Action.

Insightful Manipulator (Level 9)D- Tier – There are similar features to this that are so much better, and while this isn’t useless, it’s close.

Misdirection (Level 13)D- Tier – While this is actually a strong ability, the amount of set up required to fully capitalize on this is ridiculous. This would only work if an enemy is covering you from another enemy attacking at ranged, and even then, they can probably establish another sight line instead. I will say though that there is a lot of comedic value to using this on your allies assuming your table is close enough friends where this would be funny rather than infuriating. That said, even if you could use this tactically with allies (hide behind your tank), enemies could still just move in such a way to not trigger this pretty easily.

Soul of Deceit (Level 17)D- Tier – This should’ve been a third level ability, and even if it were, it would get this rating. This is so unbelievably niche that I’m surprised this was approved to be the capstone.


Whispers of the Dead (Level 3)B Tier – A rotating proficiency is stronger than it may seem as it can help you solve a problem you couldn’t solve prior to your short rest. Your party can’t identify these strange looking runes? Short rest, get proficiency in Arcana, and try again!

Wails from the Grave (Level 3) C+ Tier – Free damage is free damage, especially if this requires no additional action to make work. While this doesn’t work the best with cunning strike, if you’re looking for pure damage output, you can just avoid using them for a turn.

Tokens of the Departed (Level 9)B+ Tier – With the amount of goons the average player mows through, you should have a nearly endless supply of these to use for combat or utility! The only issue is the Speak with Dead adjacent feature as you’ll have to track who’s trinkets you have unless you’re planning on using them immediately.

Ghost Walk (Level 13)A Tier – This ability is very strong, especially since you’ll have an endless supply of Soul Trinkets that will make this ability available to you functionally every fight.

Death’s Friend (Level 17)B- Tier – You probably didn’t need help in the Soul Trinket department, but it is nice as well as getting more damage for free. A little weak for a capstone, but not alarmingly so.


Skirmisher (Level 3)C Tier – If an enemy ends their turn near you, then it’s a little late for this ability, but free repositioning tools can still be helpful as you can get far enough away where other enemies can’t get to you.

Survivalist (Level 3) B- Tier – Double Expertise for free is no joke, even if they are pretty niche skills.

Superior Mobility (Level 9)D+ Tier – 10 extra feet of movement isn’t bad, but after waiting 6 levels to get an additional ability, you would hope it’s a little bit more than just this.

Ambush Master (Level 13)B- Tier – Advantage on initiative rolls is great and getting advantage on your first attack is also nice, but I still wish this did more to help make up for the lack of abilities prior to this.

Sudden Strike (Level 17)A Tier – Getting two Sneak Attacks in one turn is extremely good, it’s just a shame it took this long to get an exciting ability.


Psionic Power (Level 3)C- Tier – Neither ability is necessarily bad, but they are both very unexciting.

Psychic Blades (Level 3) C- Tier – While this is the main feature of the class, it’s just not that exciting. This is going to be generally worse than Dual Wielding Scimitars, but you do have the utility of the Thrown property, the Vex Mastery, and they leave no marks and such. It is cool, and they aren’t bad, but they don’t get particularly useful until future abilities buff them.

Soul Blades (Level 9)A- Tier – Now this is a pretty nice upgrade. Being able to use your Psionic dice is more exciting ways is obviously awesome and being able to convert misses into potential hits or a much longer short range teleport are both strong abilities.

Psychic Veil (Level 13)B- Tier – The ability to stay invisible for an hour is pretty solid for a lot of varying scenarios, no surprise there.

Rend Mind (Level 17)B Tier – The stunned condition is really strong, but reusing the ability does cost a lot of dice, even for this level. Use sparingly, but it can be devastating when it works.


Fancy Footwork (Level 3)B+ Tier – This is a really nice ability as Rogues seldom want to be right next to enemies when they end their turn.

Rakish Audacity (Level 3)A- Tier – Bonuses to your initiative and a new and easy way to trigger Sneak Attack is really strong as this means you don’t have to constantly use your cunning action to hide if you need damage.

Panache (Level 9)C+ Tier – This is an interesting ability as it has both in and out of combat applications, but it isn’t easy justifying using this in combat versus just attacking the enemy. That said, if you want to really hurt an enemies damage potential and you can stay out of their way, you could go for this check and just keep a solid distance so they can’t get to you.

Elegant Maneuver (Level 13)D Tier – Useful out of combat, I can’t imagine when you would use this in combat.

Master Duelist (Level 17)C Tier – Turning a missed attack into a potential sneak attack is nice, but you don’t get to use this often and abilities similar to this tend to be stronger.


Fast Hands (Level 3)C Tier – The first half of this ability is pretty niche, but being able to activate a magic item with just a bonus action is definitely pretty solid if you always have one with you.

Second Story Work (Level 3) D Tier – This ability isn’t bad, but it’s super easy to find alternative ways to climb a structure or find you way across a chasm.

Supreme Sneak (Level 9)D Tier – This is very specific, only works if you are planning on attacking from range, and isn’t even that useful as you can just look to use your cunning action to hide again away. If you did use this, what would you use your bonus action for? I don’t really get the point of this, but maybe I’m missing something.

Use Magic Device (Level 13) B+ Tier – The ability to use scrolls or get a potential free charge from magical items is neat and all, but this rating is mostly for the fourth attunement slot which is really good. There’s a lot of good magic items out there, especially at this level!

Thief’s Reflexes (Level 17)B+ Tier – I think this is probably weaker than most people anticipate, but this is still a very strong ability.

Sorcerer Subclass Rankings

Sorcerers Rankings

While half of the subclasses get additional spells, the three that don’t are the clear winners here. You give up additional spells for raw power as the top 3 subclasses all boast some pretty strong abilities, with the top two both having an S rank ability in there. Remember, even though the bottom 3 subclasses have way more abilities, having fewer stronger abilities will supersede numerous weaker abilities. To that end, removing the ability to swap spells from the Aberrant and Clockwork spell lists hit those classes particularly hard propelling them from excellent options to the worse ones available (but both are still solid, don’t let the ranking fool you).

  1. Wild MagicA+ Tier
  2. Divine SoulA Tier
  3. Shadow MagicB+ Tier
  4. DraconicB+ Tier
  5. ClockworkB Tier
  6. AberrantB Tier
Aberrant Mind

Telepathic Speech (Level 3)D Tier – Not terrible, but in what situation is a telepathic communication that: only works between two people, you need to share a language, and it only lasts minutes when you can be miles from each other AFTER they were within 30 feet of you? I’m not saying this will never come up, but this is pretty specific.

Cantrips and 1st Level Spells (Level 3)D Tier – Pretty bad options here unfortunately as I’m not excited about any of these? Will you ever use them? There’s a chance, but I wouldn’t count on it.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) D Tier – Two very niche options that I wouldn’t be excited to cast even when the situation called for it.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)C Tier – Finally you at least get some alright options. These aren’t better than your naturally prepared spells, but you will probably use them at some point.

Psionic Sorcery (Level 6)B+ Tier – The ability to do a 1 to 1 sorcery point to spell slot trade is pretty nice, and to be able to spellcast without any components is really sneaky and can be good for both in and out of combat situations.

Psionic Defenses (Level 6)C- Tier – Not a bad ability, but pretty niche as only so many enemies use charm or frighten effects against you.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)C+ Tier Black Tentacles is quite solid and I could see casting it over some of your 4th level options. Summon Aberration can be alright, but not exciting.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)C TierTelepathic Bond is a nice pick up, but Telekinesis was already a Sorcerer option and not really better than the alternatives.

Revelation in Flesh (Level 14)A- Tier – This ability is pretty cheap to activate and has a lot of nice potential features, so I’m a fan. If nothing else, spending a Bonus Action and Sorcery Point for Flying every fight would already make this ability quite good.

Warping Implosion (Level 18)D+ Tier – This ability isn’t bad, but in most scenarios, I would rather just Misty Step. The damage is too low to justify using a full action or reusing this ability for 5 sorcery points. You get a free cast a day which you can use, but again, I’d almost always rather Misty Step.

Clockwork Sorcery

Restore Balance (Level 3)C Tier – This feature is super weird, but it can be helpful from time to time as advantage/disadvantage on average equals roughly -/+ 4 to a roll.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C- Tier – Two niche, but fine options. Alarm you’ll get more use out of as you can just cast it before any rest, but you generally won’t get much warning even with this, you may just avoid being surprised.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) B+ Tier – Two good spells that Sorcerers never generally have access to.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)C- TierDispel Magic is obviously great, but you would’ve taken it anyway so it’s just an additional prepared spell. Protection from Energy is much worse than Absorb Elements, but if your table isn’t playing with Tasha’s or Xanathar’s stuff, then this can be helpful

Bastion of Law (Level 6)B- Tier – This is not the greatest use of sorcery points, but it is like giving out temporary health without it literally being temporary health considering it lasts until long rest. That has to mean something as getting temporary health from something like Inspiring Leader and using this will make someone really tough to put down.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)D+ Tier – You aren’t going to be casting either spell often, if ever, but neither spell is terrible.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)S- Tier – These spells are incredible, especially Wall of Force. Greater Restoration isn’t a spell I would normally be excited about, but it both being unique to Sorcerers and it being a free spell preparation makes this much stronger than it normally would be.

Trance of Order (Level 14)D+ Tier – I’m just not feeling this ability. Enemies not having advantage against you can be relevant if you’re knocked prone and can’t get up for some reason, but having a minimum of 10 on any d20 test is unlikely to help you at this point as spell save DCs and ACs will be pretty high at this point. If you have to pass a series of skill checks, then maybe this is reasonable, but that’s obviously pretty specific.

Clockwork Cavalcade (Level 18)B Tier – This ability is pretty cool as the healing alone would make this pretty reasonable. The other two effects may not come up, but trading your action for 100 free health is a solid trade.

Divine Soul

Divine Magic (Level 3)S Tier – Working off of two spell lists is really incredible, just ask the Bard.

Favored by the Gods (Level 3)B+ Tier – You don’t get this often, but this is a really nice feature to avoid some real nastiness.

Empowered Healing (Level 6)C- Tier – Super niche, but can be nice if you or an ally really low roll a healing spell.

Angelic Form (Level 14)A+ Tier – You can just fly now, that is extremely good.

Unearthly Recovery (Level 18)A- Tier – This is like a super charged short rest and only takes your bonus action to activate!

Draconic Sorcery

Draconic Resilience (Level 3)A- Tier – More health and a better version of the typical Unarmored Defense is very solid! In one level, you’ll probably have an AC of 17 which is obviously much better than the average Sorcerer AC.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C- Tier – Chromatic Orb is great, but you would’ve grabbed that anyway so it just frees up a prepared spell slot. Command isn’t good yet, but it can be reasonable when upcasted so there is some value in getting it.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) D Tier – Neither spell I would be excited casting, but they aren’t useless.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)B Tier – Two very solid spells. You already had access to both, but being able to prepare more 3rd level spells is always a good thing as there are a lot of excellent options.

Elemental Affinity (Level 6)B+ Tier – This is a great ability as Resistance and additional damage is a real one, two punch, especially if you chose a more common element like Fire to be resistant to.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)C+ Tier Arcane Eye is a solid pick up, but Charm Monster sucks. Can’t win them all.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)C+ TierLegend Lore sucks, but Summon Dragon is a solid summoning spell.

Dragon Wings (Level 14)B+ Tier – Getting Flying is awesome and the Sorcery Point cost to rebuy this isn’t too bad either, so this is definitely solid even if it’s weaker than its previous version.

Dragon Companion (Level 18)B- Tier – One free casting of Summon Dragon that doesn’t require concentration is solid for this level, but always being able to cast it without concentration at the expense of its duration is a pretty solid ability. Upcasting this to 8th level and then casting a different concentration spell on your next turn is a pretty strong sequence!

Shadow Sorcery

Eyes of the Dark (Level 3)B+ Tier – Long range darkvision is nice, but being able to cast a Darkness you can see through is really strong. You do need a team to more or less build around this for the full effectiveness otherwise they’ll be blind as well, but if you do build around this, this can be really strong in most fights.

Strength of the Grave (Level 3)B Tier – Staving off unconsciousness is really nice, but the DC is only going to get harder and harder to pass as you level up as it’s based on damage taken and not how much damage over an enemy did to you. Still, any effect that lets you keep fighting when you should go down is generally quite good.

Hound of Ill-Omen (Level 6)B+ Tier – This ability is quite good for messing up an enemy as this dog can attack a target and give them disadvantage on all of your spells. If you need, you can summon multiple of these hounds as well to get multiple enemies or just really bully one!

Shadow Walk (Level 14)A Tier – While limited to dim light or darkness, free teleportation is free teleportation.

Umbral Form (Level 18)B- Tier – You should not be in the line of fire normally so the resistance to damage is just alright, but no free activation of this really hurts as it’s a lot of sorcery points to activate, and for just damage resistance, that is not a great deal. This is still good in a pinch, but I’m not excited by it.

Wild Magic

Wild Magic Surge (Level 3)A+ Tier – While the old Wild Magic table was much more about being chaotic and fun, this table is much more powerful. With a 68% chance of getting an actively good effect or an 84% chance of receiving a good or neutral effect, most of the time, you are getting a nice addition to your spells.

Tides of Chaos (Level 3)S- Tier – So you get advantage on any d20 test and you get to roll on the Wild Magic table when you cast a spell? This ability is obscenely good.

Bend Luck (Level 6)B Tier – This won’t come up often, but when an average of 2.5 can really affect the outcome of an action, this is nearly free to use.

Controlled Chaos (Level 14)A+ Tier – Wild Magic Surge is good and now you can mitigate rolling a bad or even neutral roll. Now the odds of you getting a bad effect is 2.5% versus 16% which is obviously a much nicer figure.

Tamed Surge (Level 18) B Tier – Getting a free magical effect is nice, but only once per day does limit its usefulness. This is still a good ability regardless.

Warlock Subclass Rankings

Warlocks Rankings

Finally, the Hexblade has been toppled from it’s throne (kind of) and is no longer than obvious best Warlock. I say kind of as it’s still by far the best multiclass dip, but there’s not much you can do about that. Beyond that, Genie is still a great option with Fiend and Archfey looking really good in this iteration as well. Unfortunately, Great Old One still lags behind despite getting a face lift in 2024.

  1. GenieA+ Tier
  2. FiendA Tier
  3. HexbladeA Tier
  4. ArchfeyB+ Tier
  5. CelestialB Tier
  6. FathomlessB Tier
  7. Great Old OneB- Tier

Steps of the Fey (Level 3)A Tier – Free Misty Steps are already good, but two good abilities attached to it as well? We are cooking. Neither ability is super high impact, but both are definitely good making this a strong ability.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C- Tier – Two decent options, but neither upcast well making them a bit awkward.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) B TierMisty Step is a big pick up even if the other two spells are a bit of a whiff for Warlocks, but even then, Misty Step is a bit painful to cast considering how few spell slots you have.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)C Tier – I personally hate Blink, but Plant Growth is solid.

Misty Escape (Level 6)B Tier – Two more potential effects to the Steps of the Fey arsenal, and both are solid additions.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)C+ Tier Greater Invisibility is a solid spell if you plan on sharing the love, but if you aren’t, Shadow of Moil will do the same thing but a bit better for you anyway.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)D Tier – Not excited about either of these, but they have their moments.

Beguiling Defense (Level 10)C- Tier – Reflecting some of a big attack can be good, but most of the time, enemies are going to be hitting you with multiple attacks rather than one big attack.

Bewitching Magic (Level 14)B Tier – More free Misty Steps are always welcome, but you are restricted in how you get them.


Healing Light (Level 3)A Tier – You have a functional wellspring of Healing Words, and better yet, this actually scales really well. Best yet, Warlock does not normally get access to healing, especially a spell as good as Healing Word, so this is an excellent alternative for having a dedicated healer on the team.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C- Tier – Two cantrips and two reasonable spells. While your cantrips won’t get much use and Guiding Bolt will only remain reasonable for a few levels, an upcasted Cure Wounds can be solid in a pinch.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) B Tier – Two solid spells as Lesser Restoration is good in a pinch and Aid upcasts well.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)A- Tier – If you don’t have any party member that can cast Revivify, this is a necessity for your team. If you do, then this is insurance.

Radiant Soul (Level 6)C- Tier – Extra damage is always nice, even if it’s a bit restrictive in when you get it.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)A- Tier Guardian of Faith is not great, but can help protect you during a rest. The real prize is Wall of Fire as it’s a great spell Warlock doesn’t normally get.

5th Level Spells (Level 9) – C Tier – Not bad spells, but not too exciting either.

Celestial Resilience (Level 10)B- Tier – This is a solid ability if you don’t have any party members with the Inspiring Leader feat, but if you do, then this is pretty much worthless as that’s just better. That said, this rating is assuming nobody has the feature, but even if someone does, you do also get to use this post Magical Cunning so it’s not like you get nothing out of it.

Searing Vengeance (Level 14)A Tier – I’m a big fan of abilities that let you (or allies) keep fighting ewhen they should be downed, and this is easily one of the best ones. This works for either yourself or allies, gives them a massive heal, damages enemies around them and potentially blinds them while avoiding your allies. This is really strong, even if you only get it once per day.


Tentacle of the Deep (Level 3)C+ Tier – A little bit of damage is CC is nice and it only costs a bonus action which Warlocks aren’t using much of anyway.

Gift of the Sea (Level 3) – D Tier – Breathing underwater can be helpful in rare cases, but that’s about all this has going for it.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D- Tier – These spells are not good unfortunately.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) D+ TierSilence can have its moments, but it’s rare.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)A+ Tier – A great blast spell and a great CC spell, two things that Warlocks do not generally get, so this is obviously a really nice pick up.

Oceanic Soul (Level 6)D+ Tier – Cold damage is pretty uncommon so this resistance isn’t the best. The two way Tongues spell when you’re underwater is really interesting, but very situational.

Guardian Coil (Level 6)D+ Tier – Your reaction isn’t being used much anyway, but this is a pretty paltry amount of damage reduction.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)D Tier – Once again, not good options.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)B Tier – Both are pretty solid spells you’d be relatively happy to cast.

Grasping Tentacles (Level 10)C+ Tier – You get a good spell and temporary health when you cast it. A bit underwhelming for an ability, but definitely decent.

Fathomless Plunge (Level 14)B Tier – This is excellent as an escape mechanism as it gives you a pretty big range to grab your friends from and teleports you far enough away that it will be nearly impossible to find you. A bit niche in application, but this is a nice option.


Dark One’s Blessing (Level 3)B+ Tier – While you shouldn’t be getting hit often anyway, having a constant stream of temporary health makes you really hard to knock down.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D+ TierBurning Hands is atrocious, but Command can be good once you start getting higher spell levels.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3)C+ Tier – Both spells are solid, even if Suggestion can’t be upcasted.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)A- TierFireball is a huge pickup for Warlocks who normally don’t get good blast spells. This is easily one of the biggest reasons players pick Fiend!

Dark One’s Own Luck (Level 6)B Tier – This is a pretty significant boost to your rolls and is even better than getting advantage on it as you both see the number first and, mathematically, you’ll get more from this than advantage.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)A- TierFire Shield isn’t ideal, but Wall of Fire is excellent and a spell Warlocks can’t normally get.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)D- Tier – Yuck.

Fiendish Resilience (Level 10)B Tier – Customizable damage resistance is really cool, and crucially, this is not limited to elemental damage types!

Hurl Through Hell (Level 14)B Tier – While this is weaker than its previous version, it is still pretty good! If this works, this is some really nasty CC to use against a creature, just watch out for Legendary Resistances!


*These rankings will be for what’s considered the strongest path of Genie which is going for Dao

Genie’s Vessel (Level 3)B Tier – The first half of this ability is cool and will be more relevant later, but the second half of it is what makes the build work. Getting extra damage to your cantrips is nice, but bludgeoning damage in particular is important to push enemies around with Crusher.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)D+ Tier – Really situational spells, but not completely unusable.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) – A+ TierSpike Growth is broken and this build can make really good use of it. You’re going to be a huge asset to your party with this as you can absolutely shred enemies.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)D Tier – Pretty niche spells, but Create Food and Water can be solid in the right adventures/campaigns.

Elemental Gift (Level 6) – A Tier – Bludgeoning resistance is solid, but getting multiple bouts of flight a day is really strong.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)D+ Tier – Some ok adjacent spells, but not spells I would be too happy about casting.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)B TierWall of Stone is a great spell, especially as Warlocks do not normally get good CC spells.

Sanctuary Vessel (Level 10)C- Tier – This ability is very specific, but getting protected short and long rests with your team is definitely nice.

Limited Wish (Level 14)C Tier – This ability is powerful, but you do not get it often. Make sure you really make it count when you use this.

Wish (Level 17) – S Tier – While technically not that much better than your other 9th level options, Wish is still the best spell in the game for a reason.

Great Old One

Awakened Mind (Level 3)D Tier – Not terrible, but in what situation is a telepathic communication that: only works between two people, you need to share a language, and it only lasts minutes when you can be miles from each other AFTER they were within 30 feet of you? I’m not saying this will never come up, but this is pretty specific.

Psychic Spells (Level 3) C Tier – Being able to switch damage type to Psychic to avoid damage resistances is nice, but casting some spells without somatic or vocal components is really sneaky and can be good!

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C- TierHideous Laughter is alright as it does now upcast, but nothing special.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) – D Tier – Not too happy about these options, but they have their uses.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5) C+ Tier – Two solid, but somewhat unexciting spells.

Clairvoyant Combatant (Level 6) – B Tier – Using a bonus action to potentially get functional invisibility against an enemy each short or long rest or by using a spell slot is a pretty solid ability! Obviously this may be a bit inconsistent, but when this works, it works really well!

4th Level Spells (Level 7)D+ Tier – Definitely not great options, but Summon Aberration is alright.

5th Level Spells (Level 9) C- TierTelekinesis is a solid spell and not something Warlock normally gets, but it’s not so good that this is super exciting.

Eldritch Hex (Level 10)D Tier – This can be useful if you have a lot of caster allies with a lot of CC, but otherwise, this is not particularly useful.

Thought Shield (Level 10)D- Tier – Extremely specific and I’d be somewhat surprise if anything came up.

Create Thrall (Level 14)C Tier – The ability to make a Summon Aberration stronger and not need concentration is nice, but this isn’t that exciting for a capstone.


Hexblade’s Curse (Level 3)B Tier – A solid Hex adjacent ability that gives flat damage, a wider crit range, and healing when you kill the target. This is solid, especially in conjunction with Hex.

Hex Warrior (Level 3) A Tier – This is a lot of proficiencies for one ability and the main reason Hexblade was one of the most popular multiclass dips in the game.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)B TierShield is an awesome spell, but it’s not ideal on Warlocks who get few spell slots. Really good if you’re multiclassing though!

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) – D Tier – Not great options here unfortunately, but not worthless.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5) D Tier – Once again, not great spells at all.

Accursed Specter (Level 6) – C- Tier – This is a decent ability, but being limited to humanoids can really make it hard to use this ability.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)D+ Tier – These are a bit better than your previous options, but not by a large margin.

5th Level Spells (Level 9) C- Tier – These are probably the best options on the list (besides Shield), but I will say, you don’t play Hexblade for the spell list.

Armor of Hexes (Level 10) C- Tier – Your reaction isn’t going to used too often which is nice, but it only being useful on one attack against a target you had to curse first and it still only works half the time is pretty rough for an ability.

Master of Hexes (Level 14)C+ Tier – Just being able to spread your Curse makes this easier to use as you don’t need to be concerned about focusing down your cursed target, but this is a bit sad for a capstone ability.

Wizard Subclasses Ranked

Wizards Rankings

Most Wizards were not changed too substantially, so how I would’ve ranked the 2014 Wizards versus the 2024 Wizards are not that different beyond Illusion going from one of the worst to one of the best subclasses for Wizards.

Necromancers get an S Tier ranking based on how problematic they can technically be between an infinitely expanding army and an infinitely expanding health bar. If these are reigned in to not break your table, Necromancy is a fine subclass that plays really uniquely compared to most other subclasses in D&D.

  1. NecromancyS* Tier
  2. DivinationA+ Tier
  3. War MagicA+ Tier
  4. IllusionA+ Tier
  5. BladesingingA+ Tier
  6. AbjurationA- Tier
  7. EnchantmentA- Tier
  8. EvocationA- Tier
  9. ConjurationB Tier
  10. TransmutationB Tier
  11. ScribesB Tier

Abjuration Savant (Level 3)B Tier – This ability lets you learn a lot of free spells which is always nice and frees up the spells you can grab from your level ups.

Arcane Ward (Level 3)B Tier – This will absorb a decent amount of damage and you can restore it with spells, and while this is helpful, this is never going to be too strong of a buffer.

Projected Ward (Level 6)B Tier – Being able to protect an ally with your ward is really nice.

Spell Breaker (Level 10)A- Tier – Extra prepared spells is always nice, especially if they are good spells. Furthermore, you don’t even lose your spell slot if you can’t break a spell one way or another which makes using these so much less risky.

Spell Resistance (Level 14)B Tier – This ability is good, but most nasty effects that are going to get you are abilities rather than spells, but there are still definitely enough spells used against you that make this a worthwhile ability to have.


Training in War and Song (Level 3)B Tier – Light Armor and a weapon proficiency is definitely nice and pretty pivotal for this class.

Bladesong (Level 3)A Tier – A big AC boost, bonuses to concentration, and more speed make up the key feature to this class. You’ll be super hard to hit as you continue to either poke enemies or bombard them with spells.

Extra Attack (Level 6)A Tier – Extra Attacks are always great, especially when you can weave a cantrip in as well.

Song of Defense (Level 10)B- Tier – I don’t love abilities that trade reactions for damage reductions, especially when they take up a tangible resource, but damage reduction can be really important when you’re concentrating on a spell, so this is better on Bladesingers than it would normally be.

Song of Victory (Level 14)B Tier – While this would normally be a good feature, in reality, you probably shouldn’t be in melee range most of the time by this point anyway which limits this abilities usefulness. However, if you’re still getting up in the enemies business, this is obviously a good ability.


Conjuration Savant (Level 3)B Tier – This ability lets you learn a lot of free spells which is always nice and frees up the spells you can grab from your level ups.

Minor Conjuration (Level 3)C Tier – Making items out of thin air can be helpful, but it won’t be particularly often as you are limited in what you can make.

Benign Transportation (Level 6)B Tier – Being able to reposition both yourself and an ally is really powerful, but using an action to do it is a bit painful. This will be good still, but when you teleport, you really want it to be as a bonus action.

Focused Conjuration (Level 10)D Tier – This can be a decent feature, but not only is losing concentration to damage not a big concern at this level, you’re probably not using summons that often anyway.

Durable Summons (Level 14)C Tier – This does make summons pretty durable if you’re using them!


Divination Savant (Level 3)B Tier – This ability lets you learn a lot of free spells which is always nice and frees up the spells you can grab from your level ups.

Portent (Level 3)A+ Tier – The standout ability and the main reason players choose this class. Being able to swap out two die rolls today is extremely powerful and very fun.

Expert Divination (Level 6)A- Tier – This gives you back so many spell slots if you’re casting a lot of Divination spells which is really helpful, especially if you like casting spells like Clairvoyance or Arcane Eye.

The Third Eye (Level 10)C Tier – Getting one of three low level spells as a free ability per short or long rest is fine, just a little disappointing.

Greater Portent (Level 14)A Tier – 50% more Portent dice is obviously strong.


Enchantment Savant (Level 3)B Tier – This ability lets you learn a lot of free spells which is always nice and frees up the spells you can grab from your level ups.

Hypnotic Gaze (Level 3)B+ Tier – This ability can make Enchanters feel a bit one note, but this is really good for locking one enemy out of the fight while your allies deal with the rest of the goons.

Instinctive Charm (Level 6)C- Tier – Being able to redirect attacks is neat, but this only works against an enemy once, they may just hit a friend of yours instead, and you won’t even know if the attack was going to hit or miss which isn’t ideal.

Split Enchantment (Level 10)A Tier – Doubling the effectiveness of some amount of spells is really good.

Alter Memories (Level 14)D Tier – This is super specific, but it can be helpful for non-combat encounters I guess.


Evocation Savant (Level 3)B Tier – This ability lets you learn a lot of free spells which is always nice and frees up the spells you can grab from your level ups.

Potent Cantrip (Level 3)C+ Tier – Functional extra damage on your cantrip is solid, especially as your cantrips become stronger.

Sculpt Spells (Level 6)B Tier – A big concern of some evocation spells is that your friends can get caught in it, but now they won’t which is awesome! There are some really potent combinations you can do now, like trapping enemies in a Sickening Radiance or Storm of Radiance that can’t hurt your allies.

Empowered Evocation (Level 10)C Tier – A small upgrade to your spell’s damage (unfortunately this no longer works with Magic Missile), but this also works with cantrips which is nice.

Overchannel (Level 14)B Tier – For one spell a day, you can absolutely pop off with an evocation spell which is fun! 64 damage Cone of Cold away!


Illusion Savant (Level 3)B Tier – This ability lets you learn a lot of free spells which is always nice and frees up the spells you can grab from your level ups.

Improved Illusion (Level 3)A Tier – By RAW, this is pretty powerful as you can bonus action cast your Minor Illusion to hide yourself, then attack any enemy you want at advantage every single turn. This is a brutal interaction that can work well with anything that requires a spell attack roll.

Phantasmal Creatures (Level 6) – B Tier – Two free spells learned and prepared and you can cast each once for free. While this won’t necessarily scale that well, this will be really good for awhile.

Illusory Self (Level 10)C+ Tier – Dodging one attack can be useful as this guarantees this misses, but with multiattacking enemies, this won’t be too reliable.

Illusory Reality (Level 14)B Tier – This ability is extremely cool and can be really powerful for players who are creative enough, but this will take some amount of work to make useful.


Necromancy Savant (Level 3)C+ Tier – This ability lets you learn a lot of free spells which is always nice and frees up the spells you can grab from your level ups. Unlike the other schools, though, Necromancy probably has the worst spells overall making this less powerful than it is on the other classes.

Grim Harvest (Level 3)D Tier – Regaining health on a Wizard is a luxury functionally no Wizard has, but the healing is so small it’s nearly insignificant. That said, this will become more powerful as you get better spells, but it’ll still not be that strong.

Undead Thralls (Level 6)S Tier – The perfect ability for those looking to raise an undead army. Extra health to your skeletons and them getting a bonus to their weapon damage is quite good, especially as you get more and more of them. With enough planning, this ability can easily ruin your campaign.

Inured to Undeath (Level 10)S Tier – Necrotic resistance is really niche at this point and so few creatures are going to attack your hit point maximum so those uses of it are not helpful. However, any spell that increases your hit point maximum (Aid, Heroes Feast) can be infinitely stacked for you. Your DM will likely not allow this and will count it as temporary health instead, but by RAW, this would work.

Command Undead (Level 14)B Tier – This ability is really campaign dependent as some DMs won’t throw high level undead at you, but if they do, you can get some mileage out of this.


Wizardly Quill (Level 3)F Tier – This is a flavor ability, but still this is functionally useless in nearly every scenario.

Awakened Spellbook (Level 3)D+ Tier – Changing damage types can be helpful, but that’s the only part of this ability that’s at all helpful.

Manifest Mind (Level 6)D+ Tier – I do like surveillance spells, but not when they alert whoever your surveilling to your presence. Casting from your spellbook’s origin is solid as well, but not that impactful.

Master Scrivener (Level 10)D+ Tier – If this worked for a spell of any level and you could share it, I would be all about this ability as that would be really cool. As is, this ability is just not that helpful and really just gives you an extra 1st or 2nd level spell slot per day.

One with the Word (Level 14)D+ Tier – Preventing all damage can be helpful, but at the cost of losing a bunch of spells for literal days is a pretty ridiculous downside. This still could be good in a pinch, but it is brutal.


Transmutation Savant (Level 3)B Tier – This ability lets you learn a lot of free spells which is always nice and frees up the spells you can grab from your level ups.

Minor Alchemy (Level 3)D- Tier – Unless you plan on scamming (or at least attempting to) scam some poor merchants, this ability doesn’t really do much.

Transmuter’s Stone (Level 6)B Tier – This ability is really versatile as it gives you so many choices and the opportunity to change the stone’s effect with each transmutation spell cast. While none of the abilities are that strong, the utility makes it good.

Shapechanger (Level 10)C- Tier – Learning Polymorph for free and getting a functional Wild Shape out of it is interesting, but this really only frees up one prepared spell slot which isn’t great, especially as you feel compelled to wait to grab this three levels after you’d want it.

Master Transmuter (Level 14)C- Tier – Blowing up a stone produces some solid effects, but nothing amazing.

War Magic

Arcane Deflection (Level 3)A Tier – Only being able to use cantrips after activating this sucks, but if it’s to get a bonus to your AC or to pass a saving throw, it can well be worth it.

Tactical Wit (Level 3)B Tier – Flat bonuses to initiative are always great.

Power Surge (Level 6)D Tier – Free damage is free damage, but this is not much free damage.

Durable Magic (Level 10)A- Tier – +2 to AC and saving throws is really good.

Deflecting Shroud (Level 14)C Tier – Free damage is free damage, even if it isn’t much per target, but 21 total damage at this level for free is definitely not bad.

Base Class Breakdowns

Barbarian Ranking

Levels 1-4

Level 1

Starting ProficienciesA- Tier – Solid proficiencies you’ll be happy to have. You’re only missing Heavy Armor which is unfortunate (obviously doesn’t work with Rage anyway, but more so if it did), but it’s not the end of the world.

Rage A Tier – The iconic ability of the Barbarians. It is easier to keep up than it used to be and has a very strong effect. Excellent for anyone looking to tussle on the front lines.

Unarmored Defense D Tier – Unfortunately, just wearing Medium Armor is going to be better than this most of the time. However, this may be stronger in the early game or with the assistance of particular items.

Weapon Mastery B- Tier – Weapon Masteries are overall pretty good and add a decent amount of power and versatility to your weapons.

Level 2

Danger Sense C Tier – Weaker than Evasion, but still a reasonably good way to dodge some nasty spells or abilities.

Reckless Attack B- Tier – This ability has a high risk and reward, but when used properly, this can be a pretty devastating way to force through damage.

Level 3

Primal Knowledge C- Tier – Getting a skill proficiency is always nice, but the rest of this ability feels like flavor text.

Levels 5 – 8

Level 5

Extra Attack A+ Tier – Extra Attack is probably the most important ability on any martial class.

Fast Movement C Tier – Extra movement is always nice, but this is not going to be particularly relevant often.

Level 7

Feral InstinctA Tier – Acting before your enemies is really strong, and this helps you do that.

Instinctive PounceC Tier – This can be a useful repositioning tool, but it’s not likely to come up often.

Levels 9 – 12

Level 9

Brutal StrikeC Tier – Giving up advantage for some mediocre CC and a smidgen more damage is not that exciting of a prospect, especially when enemies will have a very easy time hitting you after the fact. The push ability can definitely be useful, but 15 feet may actually be a little too much forced movement if your allies can’t plan around it properly.

Level 11

Relentless RageA+ Tier – An extremely powerful ability, nearly S Tier. Being able to continue fighting when you shouldn’t be able to and healing a decent amount of health can make putting you down to 0 feel near impossible.

Levels 13 – 16

Level 13

Improved Brutal StrikeB Tier – Unlike the first set of abilities, these abilities are much more enticing to give up advantage for.

Level 15

Persistent RageB- Tier – Regaining all uses of Rage is definitely nice, but in the average adventuring day or even campaign, you are unlikely to need this as long as you have taken a short rest or two. This ability does gain more stock if your DM likes throwing a lot of encounters at you per day though!

Levels 17 – 20

Level 17

Improved Brutal StrikeA Tier – Getting 2d10 additional damage by giving up advantage is akin to how Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter used to work, but you also get to use two Brutal Strike abilities with each attack! This is very powerful and would easily be an S Tier ability if enemies didn’t have advantage to hit you after using this.

Level 18

Indomitable MightD Tier – This will be helpful when enemies try to grapple you as you’ll almost certainly autopass the save, but useless otherwise. Is it even bad if an enemy manages to grapple you?

Level 20

Primal ChampionA Tier – This buff is the equivalent of four ability score improvements so it’s obviously great!

Bard Ranking

Levels 1-4

Level 1

Starting Proficiencies C- Tier – Light Armor is better than nothing, and the classes you need heavier armor in will give you those proficiencies anyway.

Bardic InspirationA Tier – Bardic Inspiration is both an iconic and really powerful ability. Being able to help out an important die roll will always be a welcome and extremely relevant ability.

1st Level SpellsA+ Tier – First level spells are foundational to all casters, and Bard is no different. You get really powerful utility options here you are going to use for the rest of your campaign.

Level 2

ExpertiseB- Tier – Expertise is great, no denying that, but the least relevant on the Bard as Jack of All Trades makes you already pretty proficient at skill checks.

Jack of All TradesB Tier – Not having any skill that’s a complete dump is really nice and makes Bards known as “the skills class”. This won’t be super potent early, but will obviously get better over time.

Level 3

2nd Level SpellsA Tier – While not as impactful as 1st level spells, Bard has some excellent 2nd level options you’re going to be more than happy to use.

Levels 5 – 8

Level 5

Font of InspirationA+ Tier – Being able to easily refresh your excellent Bardic Inspiration is obviously very powerful and lets you dole out even more dice!

3rd Level SpellsA+ Tier – 3rd level spells, like a martial characters Extra Attack, is a huge power spike for every full caster as you have a lot of extremely powerful spells to pick from now.

Level 7

CountercharmC- Tier – This ability is not going to come up often as it only works against charmed or frightened effects, but when it does, this will be pretty helpful for at least one party member. The downside of this is that charm/frighten effects from enemies tend to be en masse, so you may not be able to help everyone immediately.

4th Level SpellsA Tier – Unsurprisingly, you get excellent options here as the few 4th level spells you want are extremely powerful.

Levels 9 – 12

Level 9

ExpertiseB- Tier – Same deal as last time, fine, but not amazing.

5th Level SpellsB+ Tier – While 5th level spells are great, they do lack the power that the earlier options have. That said, it isn’t going to matter much for Bard because of Magical Secrets.

Level 10

Magical SecretsS Tier – Being able to pick spells from four different spell lists is incredible, even if realistically, most of them are going to come from the Wizard spell list. An absolutely incredible ability.

Level 11

6th Level SpellsB Tier – Bard doesn’t get much from 6th level spells beyond Mass Suggestion, but Mass Suggestion is great!

Levels 13 – 16

Level 13

7th Level SpellsA+ Tier – You get a lot of power here and every 7th level spell you take is going to be extremely impactful.

Level 15

8th Level SpellsB Tier – Like 6th level spells, you do get a good option in Maze, but that’s all you’re really interested in.

Levels 17 – 20

Level 17

9th Level SpellsS Tier – 9th level spells are absolutely broken and the game is very much going to revolve around when you get to use them.

Level 18

Superior InspirationB Tier – This is a fine ability, but it is pretty hard to run out of uses of Bardic Inspiration when you can refuel them on a short rest. Still solid!

Level 20

Words of CreationC Tier – This ability is super cool, but your other 9th level options are likely going to be better most of the time. Still, this definitely can come in handy.

Cleric Ranking

Levels 1-4

Level 1

Starting Proficiencies A- Tier – Good proficiencies, but you’re probably taking the Protector part of your Divine Order anyway!

Divine Order A Tier – Being able to grab Heavy Armor proficiency for free is definitely quite nice. The rest of the abilities tend not to really matter, but this is more or less like a free feat!

1st Level SpellsA+ Tier – First level spells are foundational to all casters, and Cleric is no different. You get really powerful utility options here you are going to use for the rest of your campaign.

Level 2

Channel Divinity A Tier – While a really important feature for Clerics and their subclasses, the base Channel Divinity is not that great. Turn Undead is good, but pretty niche, and Divine Spark is a not so great healing spell. You’ll almost always use your subclass Channel Divinity instead, but these are nice to have in a pinch. That said, the ability itself is really powerful as your subclass will likely make good use of it.

Level 3

2nd Level SpellsB+ Tier – While not as impactful as 1st level spells, Cleric has some solid 2nd level options you’re going to be more than happy to use.

Levels 5 – 8

Level 5

Sear Undead C- Tier – This is niche, but will make you an absolute menace against any undead.

3rd Level SpellsA+ Tier – 3rd level spells, like a martial characters Extra Attack, is a huge power spike for every full caster as you have a lot of extremely powerful spells to pick from now.

Level 6

Third Channel Divinity ChargeA Tier – Subclass Channel Divinity features tend to be really strong, so having 50% more of them per day is almost always great.

Level 7

Blessed Strikes C Tier – You get a choice between two alright abilities, nothing special here.

4th Level SpellsB Tier – While you do get some solid 4th level options, these aren’t incredible like your 3rd level options were.

Levels 9 – 12

Level 9

5th Level SpellsB+ Tier – Better than your fourth level options, but not by a substantial margin.

Level 10

Divine Intervention A Tier – This used to be much more of a gamble when you used this, but the sure thing is much better! Getting any 5th level spell (or lower) once per day is excellent.

Level 11

6th Level SpellsB Tier – Cleric doesn’t get much from 6th level spells beyond Heal, but no complaints about getting Heal!

Levels 13 – 16

Level 13

7th Level SpellsA+ Tier – You get a lot of power here and every 7th level spell you take is going to be really impactful.

Level 14

Improved Blessed StrikeB Tier – Your Blessed Strikes are better and these are some solid upgrades, even for this level.

Level 15

8th Level SpellsB Tier – Like 6th level spells, you do get a good option in Holy Aura, but that’s all you’re really interested in.

Levels 17 – 20

Level 17

9th Level SpellsS Tier – 9th level spells are absolutely broken and the game is very much going to revolve around when you get to use them.

Level 18

Fourth Channel Divinity ChargeA Tier – Like the third charge, an additional charge of your Channel Divinity will likely be strong, even this late in the game.

Level 20

Words of CreationC Tier – This ability is super cool, but your other 9th level options are likely going to be better most of the time. Still, this definitely can come in handy.

Druid Ranking

Levels 1-4

Level 1

Starting Proficiencies – B- Tier – Solid proficiencies, but you’re probably taking the Warden Primal Order feature anyway.

DruidicD Tier – Worthless unless you’re dealing with other Druids.

Primal OrderB+ Tier – Proficiency with Medium Armor is really nice, even if the other two abilities really don’t matter much.

1st Level SpellsA+ Tier – First level spells are foundational to all casters, and Druid is no different. You get really powerful utility options here you are going to use for the rest of your campaign.

Level 2

Wild Shape B+ Tier – The average Druid can’t fight in their Wild Shape form, but this will still provide enough utility that this will be similar to additional spells per day which is really nice.

Wild Companion B Tier – Getting Find Familiar that doesn’t require material components but does require a spell slot or Wild Shape charge is decent, but not as good as just having access to the spell.

Level 3

2nd Level SpellsS Tier – Druids have access to the best 2nd level spells in the game making this level a huge power spike for them.

Levels 5 – 8

Level 5

Wild Resurgence C+ Tier – Being able to recharge your Wild Shape is nice, but at the cost of your spell slot does hurt. That said, in situations where you need to use a lot of Wild Shape charges, being able to convert 1st level slots into more (you can also do it the opposite way specifically for 1st level slots) is solid.

3rd Level SpellsA+ Tier – 3rd level spells, like a martial characters Extra Attack, is a huge power spike for every full caster as you have a lot of extremely powerful spells to pick from now.

Level 7

Elemental Fury C- Tier – You get a choice between two alright abilities, nothing special here.

4th Level SpellsA+ Tier – Unsurprisingly, you get excellent options here as the few 4th level spells you want are extremely powerful. Better yet, Druids get better 4th level spell options than nearly any other class.

Levels 9 – 12

Level 9

5th Level SpellsB Tier – While 5th level spells are great, they do lack the power that the earlier options have for Druids.

Level 11

6th Level SpellsB+ Tier – Druids can pretty solid options for 6th level spells, even if you only want a couple of them.

Levels 13 – 16

Level 13

7th Level SpellsB Tier – While Druids may have the trophy for best 4th level spells, their 7th level spells are definitely not as exciting.

Level 15

Improved Elemental FuryD Tier – While improved is in the name, it certainly doesn’t feel like Elemental Fury really gets improved here.

8th Level SpellsB Tier – Like 7th level spells, you do have a decent option, but nothing too exciting.

Levels 17 – 20

Level 17

9th Level SpellsS- Tier – 9th level spells are absolutely broken and the game is very much going to revolve around when you get to use them. That being said, Druids may have the weakest 9th level spells so instead of an S class ranking, they get marginally downgraded to A+ tier.

Level 18

Beast Spells C Tier – This is an alright ability as not needing to come out of Wild Shape to spellcast is nice, but for the average Druid, this isn’t going to be that useful.

Level 20

ArchdruidC Tier – Unfortunately, the 5e version of Archdruid was much more powerful as this only really gives you more Wild Shapes or lower level spell slots to work with. This is still a decent ability, but not super exciting as a capstone.

Fighter Ranking

Levels 1-4

Level 1

Starting Proficiencies – A+ Tier – Got every proficiency you’d ever want!

Fighting StyleB Tier – Functionally a slightly weaker feat (they are technically feats), but still quite solid!

Second WindC Tier – A little bit of extra healing that gets upgraded as you level. Nothing super special, but definitely a solid ability.

Weapon MasteryB- Tier – Weapon Masteries are overall pretty good and add a decent amount of power and versatility to your weapons, and if you like this, Fighters get more of them than everyone else.

Level 2

Action SurgeS Tier – One of the strongest class abilities in the game as this is close to just getting an extra turn in combat every short rest.

Tactical MindC+ Tier – Generally you don’t want to spend your Second Wind charges for an ability check, but considering it’s not spent if you still fail, you can use this on really important skill checks without fear of wasting it either way.

Levels 5 – 8

Level 5

Extra AttackA+ Tier – Extra Attack is probably the most important ability on any martial class.

Tactical ShiftB Tier – Being able to get healing, a Disengage, and movement for a bonus action is a pretty good deal!

Level 6

Additional FeatA- Tier – Fighter is one of the two classes that gets extra feats, and if it wasn’t obvious, feats are pretty powerful in general!

Levels 9 – 12

Level 9

IndomitableA Tier – With the recent upgrades to this, Indomitable is close to a charge of Legendary Resistance and is only going to get more and more powerful as you level up! While really strong, charges only coming back on Long Rests does really limit how often you get to use this and it probably won’t feel like you ever have enough of these.

Tactical MasterB- Tier – Being able to replace the mastery property of your weapon with Push, Sap, or Slow is definitely nice if your best happen doesn’t have a mastery property you’re happy with.

Level 11

Extra Attack (x2)A+ Tier – If one extra attack was good, two is better!

Levels 13 – 16

Level 13

Indomitable (x2)A Tier – Two charges of one of your best abilities is obviously great.

Studied AttacksB Tier – Getting advantage on a subsequent attack after you miss is definitely nice!

Level 14

Additional FeatA- Tier – Fighter is one of the two classes that gets extra feats, and if it wasn’t obvious, feats are pretty powerful in general!

Levels 17 – 20

Level 17

Action Surge (x2)S Tier – An additional charge of one of the games best abilities is incredibly good.

Indomitable (x3)A Tier – Three charges of one of your best abilities is obviously great.

Level 20

Extra Attack (x3)A+ Tier – Every additional attack is just that more damage and makes your Action Surge that much more potent.

Monk Ranking

Levels 1-4

Level 1

Starting Proficiencies – C- Tier – Rough having to rely on no armor and not even get martial weapon proficiency, but still not bad.

Martial ArtsB+ Tier – Martial Arts is going to be your main way to deal additional damage and this will get better and better with time!

Unarmored DefenseB- Tier – While this won’t give you the best AC in the world, it will give you an acceptable AC for a good amount of time.

Level 2

Monk’s FocusA+ Tier – The key (get it) feature for Monks and easily their best, especially since it was buffed in 2024. This gives you three different abilities that give you a base ability, and then focus points to make those abilities even better!

Unarmored MovementB Tier – Extra movement is nice, but definitely at its best on Monks.

Uncanny MetabolismB+ Tier – Abilities like this generally come at much later levels, but getting this now is really strong and makes it harder to run out of focus!

Level 3

Deflect Attacks B Tier – This ability is super cool and will be pretty strong in earlier levels, but as more attacks are heading your way, this does get weaker and weaker with time.

Level 4

Slow FallC- Tier – Not a bad feature, it just isn’t going to come up that often.

Levels 5 – 8

Level 5

Extra AttackA+ Tier – Extra Attack is generally the most important ability on any martial class.

Stunning Strike – B- Tier – While still a decent ability, this has definitely been pretty substantially nerfed from the initial version.

Level 6

Empowered StrikesC Tier – Some enemies have bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing resistance, and this is helpful in those scenarios, but only in those scenarios.

Level 7

Evasion B Tier – Being able to dodge nasty spells and effects is great, but only so many things force a Dexterity saving throw.

Levels 9 – 12

Level 9

Acrobatic MovementC- Tier – This ability is super cool and definitely thematic, but it’s likely not going to come up that often unless the map is laid out in a pretty specific way.

Level 10

Heightened FocusA Tier – Improving your Monks Focus is great, and these are rather substantial improvements!

Self RestorationC- Tier – Not needing food or water is probably flavor text, but cleansing yourself of the charmed, frightened, or poisoned condition can be helpful in the fights where that’s relevant.

Levels 13 – 16

Level 13

Deflect EnergyC- Tier – If this let you deflect spell or ability effects, this would be an extremely potent ability. However, most non-bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing attacks are spells or abilities making this not particularly helpful.

Level 14

Disciplined SurvivorA+ Tier – Proficiency in all saving throws and the ability to reroll them is really powerful. Now this is a later game ability!

Level 15

Perfect FocusA Tier – This makes it way harder to run out of Focus, and considering it’s your lifeblood of your class, this is quite strong.

Levels 17 – 20

Level 18

Superior DefenseC+ Tier – This isn’t a bad effect, but this is functionally the Barbarian Rage ability but much more costly.

Level 20

Body and MindS- Tier – Functionally four ability score improvements is obviously no joke, especially when this increases your AC by 4 in the process!

Paladin Ranking

Levels 1-4

Level 1

Starting Proficiencies – A+ Tier – Got every proficiency you’d ever want!

Lay on HandsB+ Tier – Healing is always nice and this a pretty reliable source of small ball healing to revive .

Weapon MasteryB- Tier – Weapon Masteries are overall pretty good and add a decent amount of power and versatility to your weapons, and if you like this, Fighters get more of them than everyone else.

1st Level SpellsB Tier – Spells are awesome, but they are definitely weaker on half-casters than they are on full casters.

Level 2

Fighting StyleB Tier – Functionally a slightly weaker feat (they are technically feats), but still quite solid!

Paladin’s Smite B Tier – A free prepared spell that you can cast for free once per day is nice, even if Divine Smite was unfortunately nerfed.

Level 3

Channel DivinityB Tier – The base Channel Divinity for Paladin is pretty bad, but the ability itself is excellent as your subclass Channel Divinity tends to be quite good!

Levels 5 – 8

Level 5

Extra AttackA+ Tier – Extra Attack is generally the most important ability on any martial class.

Faithful SteedB- Tier – Getting Find Steed for free is nice, even if you don’t plan on fighting on horseback.

2nd Level SpellsB+ Tier – You get some solid 2nd level options, but you’ll only have so many spell slots and none of the spells are super high impact.

Level 6

Aura of Protection S+++ Tier – One of the best abilities in all of D&D, this makes Paladins a staple in most parties as having a Paladin makes it much easier to pass your saving throws.

Levels 9 – 12

Level 9

Abjure FoesB Tier – A solid alternative use of your Channel Divinity if your subclass doesn’t provide a good one.

3rd Level SpellsA Tier – You’ll never have too many third level spell slots as the spells you can get at this point are very high impact.

Level 10

Aura of Courage B Tier – Being able to completely prevent allies from being frightened can be really strong, it’s just a bit niche.

Level 11

Radiant Strikes B- Tier – A bit of extra damage on your melee attacks is definitely never a bad thing!

Levels 13 – 16

Level 13

4th Level SpellsB Tier – The 4th level spell options are definitely solid, but not terribly exciting.

Level 14

Restoring Touch A- Tier – This will function similarly to Greater Restoration, and since you only need 5 health from your pool to use it, this is a pretty great deal!

Levels 17 – 20

Level 17

5th Level SpellsB Tier – You definitely get solid options, but nothing that amazing for the level.

Level 18

Aura Expansion A- Tier – Upgrading your aura radius from 10 feet to 30 feet is quite a big upgrade!

Ranger Ranking

Levels 1-4

Level 1

Starting Proficiencies – A Tier – Nearly the best proficiencies you can get! You’re only missing Heavy Armor which Ranger probably wouldn’t wear even if they could. Shield Proficiency is a bit wasted on Ranger, but you can totally make it work.

Favored EnemyB Tier – Despite popular opinion, getting Hunter’s Mark for free and free castings of it is still pretty good.

Weapon MasteryB- Tier – Weapon Masteries are overall pretty good and add a decent amount of power and versatility to your weapons, and if you like this, Fighters get more of them than everyone else.

1st Level SpellsA Tier – Spells are awesome, and even though they are weaker on half-casters, your first level options are still really strong.

Level 2

Deft Explorer B- Tier – Expertise in a skill and languages are nice!

Levels 5 – 8

Level 5

Extra AttackA+ Tier – Extra Attack is generally the most important ability on any martial class.

2nd Level SpellsA+ Tier – While getting second level spells two levels later than full casters, your spell choices are incredibly strong.

Level 6

Roving B Tier – Extra movement speed on top of a climb and swim speed is solid.

Levels 9 – 12

Level 9

Expertise B Tier – Expertise in two skills can definitely be relevant for good skill checks.

3rd Level SpellsA+ Tier – You’ll never have too many third level spell slots as the spells you can get at this point are very high impact.

Level 10

Tireless C- Tier – This ability is alright, but a pretty poor copy of the Fighter Second Wind.

Levels 13 – 16

Level 13

Relentless HunterC Tier – Not losing concentration on Hunter’s Mark from damage is nice and all, but not that important.

4th Level SpellsB Tier – You do have some solid options, but only really a standout or two that’s not even that strong for the character level.

Level 14

Nature’s VeilC Tier – Being able to go invisible a few times a day is definitely neat, this just isn’t that strong of an ability for the level.

Levels 17 – 20

Level 17

Precise HunterB+ Tier – Getting advantage on all of your attacks against one target is definitely pretty strong!

5th Level SpellsB- Tier – Out of all your spell levels, this is the least impactful.

Level 18

Feral Sense C Tier – Blindsense can be good, but it’s mainly only relevant when built around.

Level 20

Foe SlayerD- Tier – Not technically useless, but close.

Rogue Ranking

Levels 1-4

Level 1

Starting Proficiencies – B+ Tier – Solid proficiencies over all, especially as Light Armor works well on Rogues with 20 DEX!

ExpertiseB Tier – Expertise in 2 skills is pretty good!

Sneak AttackA Tier – This is a really strong ability and can make up for the lack of Extra Attack as it’s pretty easy to set up.

Thieves’ CantD- Tier – Functionally useless unless you’re dealing with other Rogues.

Weapon MasteryB- Tier – Weapon Masteries are overall pretty good and add a decent amount of power and versatility to your weapons, and if you like this, Fighters get more of them than everyone else.

Level 2

Cunning Action A Tier – Getting bonus action Hide, Dash, or Disengage is great. You will be using Hide the most often to get easy Sneak Attacks, but you’ll definitely get value out of all 3 features.

Level 3

Steady AimC+ Tier – While getting advantage on your attack is obviously awesome on Rogues, giving up your movement for the turn is a pretty big downside. You may be able to use this on occasion, but not being able to reposition is definitely a bit risky.

Levels 5 – 8

Level 5

Cunning StrikeC+ Tier – While these options can be pretty solid, it is overall not the best as you have to give up damage to get the CC, which may not even work if the target passes their save. However, Trip can be pretty good and Withdraw can also be really nice in the right situation, so this is still a reasonable ability.

Uncanny Dodge – D+ Tier – Having the damage of a single attack can be useful, but is rarely going to be a particularly good use of your reaction. If you don’t pick up Defensive Duelist, then this is pretty free, but if you do, I would almost never use this.

Level 6

ExpertiseB Tier – Once again, Expertise in 2 skills is pretty good!

Level 7

Evasion B Tier – Being able to dodge nasty spells and effects is great, but only so many things force a Dexterity saving throw.

Reliable TalentB+ Tier – This is really good at ensuring that any skill check you make with a proficient skill is very likely to pass which is nice insurance to have.

Levels 9 – 12

Level 10

Additional FeatA- Tier – Rogue is one of the two classes that gets extra feats, and if it wasn’t obvious, feats are pretty powerful in general!

Level 11

Improved Cunning StrikeB- Tier – While the Cunning Strike options are still not amazing, being able to attach two does make them a bit more enticing to use.

Levels 13 – 16

Level 14

Devious StrikesC- Tier – While two of the three options are not that exciting, Obscure can be a decent option making this ability somewhat tenable.

Level 15

Slippery MindA- Tier – Slippery Mind is almost two feats in one ability with you getting proficiency in both Wisdom and Charisma saving throws. That said, Charisma saving throws are pretty uncommon, so the power of this really comes from proficiency in Wisdom saves.

Levels 17 – 20

Level 18

Elusive D Tier – It is so rare that enemies have advantage against you, and even if they do, your AC as a Rogue is going to be low enough that you’re probably getting hit if they enemies have advantage or not.

Level 20

Stroke of LuckA Tier – Turning a failed roll into a critical success is really powerful and this is pretty reminiscent of the Fighter’s Action Surge as it’s functionally getting back your roll and getting the best possible result.

Sorcerer Ranking

Levels 1-4

Level 1

Starting Proficiencies – D Tier – Obviously Simple Weapon proficiency is not taking this class very far. The only reason this isn’t in F Tier is because you do get to use True Strike if you want, but that’s personally not a big improvement.

Innate Sorcery A- Tier – Adding 1 to your spell save DC is no big deal, but advantage on all of your spell attacks? That is a really strong ability, even if you only get to use two of them a day.

1st Level SpellsA+ Tier – First level spells are foundational to all casters, and Sorcerer is no different. You get really powerful utility options here you are going to use for the rest of your campaign.

Level 2

Font of Magic B+ Tier – Font of Magic is a really solid ability, especially now that Sorcerers can prepare and cast substantially more spells. Having the choice between prioritizing Metamagic features or simply getting more spells is always a good choice to have.

MetamagicA+ Tier – The main feature of Sorcerers and it’s even better than it was in the 2014 version. While you won’t have that many sorcery points to use right now, as you progress this will become substantially more powerful.

Level 3

2nd Level SpellsA+ Tier – While generally your 1st level spell options are going to be your staples, the second level spells Sorcerers get access to may arguably be better!

Levels 5 – 8

Level 5

Sorcerous Restoration B+ Tier – Recovering sorcery points is awesome, and although this won’t be recovering that many, any extra is always good.

3rd Level SpellsA+ Tier – Third level spells, like a martial characters Extra Attack, is a huge power spike for every full caster as you have a lot of devastating combat options on the list.

Level 7

Sorcery Incarnate A Tier – The ability to get more Innate Sorceries per day is already great, especially since you’ll have enough Sorcery points to make this viable, but the ability to add two Metamagic features to a spell? That’s really strong. This ability will eat up your Sorcery points really quickly, but this can be extremely powerful even if you use it just to reactivate Innate Sorcery.

4th Level SpellsA+ Tier – The hits keep on hitting as the Sorcerer spell list still does not disappoint, even now.

Levels 9 – 12

Level 9

5th Level SpellsB- Tier – Unfortunately, your 5th level spells are lacking and this is not a big power spike for you like it can be for other casters.

Level 10

Additional Metamagic Feature B Tier – I may be in the minority here, but the first two metamagic features you chose are likely the ones you’re the most interested in using. Additional is great, but it’s hard to say how badly you need more of them.

Levels 13 – 16

Level 11

6th Level SpellsB+ Tier – Sorcerer gets few, but solid options here. You don’t increase your strength too much, but this is still good.

Level 13

7th Level SpellsA Tier – You don’t need many spells here, but you get some great ones to work with!

Level 15

8th Level SpellsB- Tier – You only get one reasonable option here in Dominate Monster, and that’s just ok. However, your Metamagic features do make this better so it’s still potentially impactful.

Levels 17 – 20

Level 17

Additional Metamagic Feature B- Tier – Personally, I think each subsequent Metamagic Feature is slightly weaker than the last, but still good.

9th Level SpellsS Tier – 9th level spells are absolutely broken and the game is very much going to revolve around when you get to use them.

Level 20

Arcane ApotheosisA+ Tier – Now this is a capstone ability! Getting a free metamagic every turn is obviously extremely strong.

Warlock Ranking

Levels 1-4

Level 1

Starting Proficiencies – C- Tier – While not ideal, light armor is better than no armor!

Eldritch Invocations B+ Tier – Eldritch Invocations are excellent and each additional one you get is generally a big power spike to this class.

1st Level SpellsB- Tier – First level spells are foundational to all casters, but Warlock does get the short end of the stick in this capacity both because their options aren’t the best and your later spells will likely overtake these options really quickly.

Level 2

Two Additional Eldritch Invocations A Tier – Getting two Eldritch Invocations at the same time is really strong.

Magical CunningB- Tier – While getting more spells per day is nice, this is going to be just one additional spell per day for most of the campaign. Definitely solid, but not super high impact.

Level 3

2nd Level SpellsA- Tier – Since Warlocks spellcast differently, your higher spell levels tend to be better than the previous iteration. That said, you do get much better options than your first level spells so this is a solid power spike.

Levels 5 – 8

Level 5

Two Additional Eldritch Invocations A Tier – Getting two Eldritch Invocations at the same time is really strong.

3rd Level SpellsA+ Tier – Third level spells, like a martial characters Extra Attack, is a huge power spike for every full caster as you have a lot of extremely powerful options on the list.

Level 7

Additional Eldritch Invocation B+ Tier – Each additional Eldritch invocation is really good!

4th Level SpellsA- Tier – Warlocks get great spells and all your spell slots are the same so you may as well use your best ones! Your third level options are generally a bit more impactful as you have better options, but you do get some strong spells here.

Levels 9 – 12

Level 9

Contact PatronC+ Tier – Getting to Contact Other Plane once a day for free is nice, but not super standout.

Additional Eldritch Invocation B+ Tier – Each additional Eldritch invocation is really good!

5th Level SpellsB+ Tier – In a perfect world, your 5th level spells would be the best ones since Warlock has to use the same spell slot for each, the spells you get are just good, not incredible.

Level 11

Mystic Arcanum (6th Level Spell) B- Tier – You used to have a really good sixth level option with Mass Suggestion, but you still have some decent options.

Level 12

Additional Eldritch Invocation B+ Tier – Each additional Eldritch invocation is really good!

Levels 13 – 16

Level 13

Mystic Arcanum (7th Level Spells)B Tier – Crown of Stars is a solid option, but only being able to pick one 7th level spell to cast is definitely weaker than what other full casters.

Level 15

Additional Eldritch Invocation B Tier – Each additional Eldritch invocation is good, but now that you’ve gotten nearly every one you want, this additional one isn’t as impactful.

8th Level SpellsC Tier – Unfortunately, Warlocks don’t have the best 8th level options so this isn’t going to be that large of a power spike.

Levels 17 – 20

Level 17

Mystic Arcanum (9th Level Spells) – A Tier – While only getting one 9th level spell option does hurt, they are absolutely broken and the game is very much going to revolve around using them at this point.

Level 18

Additional Eldritch Invocation B- Tier – You probably already have all the Invocations you really want, but they are still good.

Level 20

Eldritch Master B Tier – Making your Magical Cunning refresh all your spell slots is solid, but a little unexciting for a capstone ability.

Wizard Ranking

Levels 1-4

Level 1

Starting Proficiencies – D Tier – Obviously Simple Weapon proficiency is not taking this class very far. The only reason this isn’t in F Tier is because you do get to use True Strike if you want, but that’s personally not a big improvement.

Ritual Adept S+ Tier – This is the main reason why Wizards stand at the top of the casters. Every Ritual you get you don’t have to prepare to use which is extremely powerful, especially since you can learn more spells as you go.

Arcane RecoveryA- Tier – Recovering spell slots is always nice, and as you level up, you can recover a good amount of spells!

1st Level SpellsS Tier – With Ritual Adept, your 1st level spells are even stronger than the other classes as you get to pick up a bunch of excellent ritual spells pretty quickly.

Level 2

Scholar B- Tier – Getting Expertise in one skill is nice, but nothing too exciting.

Level 3

2nd Level SpellsA+ Tier – Wizards get a lot of excellent 2nd level options, and while you can’t grab as many 2nd level spells compared to 1st, they are still super impactful.

Levels 5 – 8

Level 5

Memorize SpellB+ Tier – The ability to switch out a prepared spell with a short rest makes it that much more difficult to not have the right spell for the job.

3rd Level SpellsS Tier – Third level spells, like a martial characters Extra Attack, is a huge power spike for every full caster as you have a lot of extremely powerful options, and Wizards gets to grab and use more than anyone else!

Level 7

4th Level SpellsS+ Tier – There are a lot of messed up fourth level spells, and you get to use a bunch of them!

Levels 9 – 12

Level 9

5th Level SpellsA Tier – While you don’t get too many good options, getting access to Telepathic Bond and Wall of Force is really strong, and is once again, a pretty substantial power spike.

Level 11

6th Level SpellsA+ Tier – Unlike functionally all the other casters, Wizards get a lot of really good 6th level spells.

Levels 13 – 16

Level 13

7th Level SpellsA+ Tier – Like 6th level spells, Wizards get substantially better 7th level options than other casters.

Level 15

8th Level SpellsA- Tier – While still better than the other casters, even Wizard can’t avoid having good, but not as powerful 8th level spells compared to your previous ones.

Levels 17 – 20

Level 17

9th Level SpellsS Tier – 9th level spells are absolutely broken and the game is very much going to revolve around when you get to use them.

Level 18

Spell Mastery B- Tier – This used to be an absolutely broken feature, but since the changes to it, it’s solid but nothing incredible.

Level 20

Signature Spells C Tier – Two additional third level spell slots that you can’t use for any spell is fine, but not the most exciting.


DoggertQBones is an avid player of games, predominately D&D! Previously a highly published author for another popular Wizards of the Coast game, Magic: the Gathering, he's been playing D&D since childhood as both player and DM!

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