Eldritch Knight Fighter Build Guide – 2024 Update

Learn the best build for the Eldritch Knight Fighter with full leveling guides, full spell lists, and easy to navigate sections to only read what you need!

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For all D&D guides on Nat1gaming, they only use the main sourcebooks (Player’s Handbook, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) as well as Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (mostly for Silvery Barbs) as those tend to be the most commonly used books at tables. Always be sure that if you’re following a guide that you’re adhering to your tables rules about what sourcebooks you are allowed to follow.

Any spell, class, feature, or other game item that is linkable on this website is covered by the 5th edition Open Games License and will be in the Player’s Handbook, but not everything in the Player’s Handbook will be linked to. All other materials that aren’t linked to are from other sourcebooks or aren’t allowed to be linked to per the 5th Edition Open Games License, so please refer to the appropriate sourcebooks for that information.

For the purposes of this guide, it will be assumed that you would not be multiclassing. While multiclassing can be excellent for many of these, this is for those who want to play the build all the way through in the same class. Guides that use multiclassing will be separate from these.

For spellcasters, you may notice substantial overlap between the spell lists of builds with the same base class. This is due to each guide utilizing a generically good spell list and not considering extenuating factors that will influence how you particularly sculpt your spell list. When creating your own spell list, you should take into account the campaign setting, what spells any other party members are capable of casting, potential overlap (ritual spells tend to overlap so it’s rare you need multiple people capable of casting them), or potential shortcomings in the parties total spell list. While this guide can definitely help point you in the right direction for crafting a spell list, you should use your judgement and preferences to figure out what spells make the most sense for your character.

To that end, please refer to the Spell List and Spell Tier list for any substitutions you’d want to make to the build.

Why Eldritch Knight Fighter?

You are a Fighter, but you can spellcast! What’s not to love? While you would think you’re giving up a lot for the ability to spellcast, the Eldritch Knight abilities just tend to be pretty strong anyway making this an incredibly powerful subclass that gives you nearly all the advantages of the typical Fighter coupled with the utility of a spellcaster!

Eldritch Knight Abilities Ranked

War Bond (Level 3)D Tier – While this ability is really cool, it isn’t that useful. Few enemies will disarm you and very rarely do you need to summon your weapon. Creative players may find something to do with this, but I wouldn’t count on this being a great ability or anything.

Cantrips & 1st Level Spells (Level 3)A+ Tier – Getting spells as a fighter? Incredible! Wizard cantrips and spells are very strong, and even when you’re limited in how many of them you can cast, now that the school restriction has been lifted, Eldritch Knights are going to be extremely strong.

War Magic (Level 7)B+ Tier – Weaving a cantrip into your normal attacks will generally just be a flat, but good damage boost with something like Booming Blade. However, you could get fancy and get something like Blade Ward if that serves you better which is some nice versatility.

2nd Level Spells (Level 7)A- Tier – Your second level spell options are definitely excellent, you just don’t get that many slots to fully utilize them compared to four 1st level spells per day at this point.

Eldritch Strike (Level 10)B- Tier – While this ability won’t reach its full strength until you get to your level 18 ability, this does pair pretty nicely with Suggestion if you think that’s a more effective use of your action than attacking.

3rd Level Spells (Level 13)A+ Tier – Your third level spells are extremely strong and you get to cast three per day pretty quickly making this a bigger power jump than 2nd level spells were.

Arcane Charge (Level 15)B Tier – I’m never mad at free teleportation. This ability is really strong, it just won’t come up that often due to you only being able to Action Surge so much and you won’t always want to teleport when you Action Surge.

Improved War Magic (Level 18)B Tier – While not as strong as it may seem, being able to weave in a Suggestion after getting your Eldritch Strike to trigger is a pretty strong combination, especially if you’re ok with potentially burning an enemies charge of Legendary Resistance.

4th Level Spells (Level 19)B- Tier – Your fourth level options are good, just getting them so late and only one spell slot a day is a little brutal.

Quick Level Up Guide

LevelClass Features/FeatNotes
1Fighting Style (Defense), Second Wind, Weapon MasterySecond Wind Charges: 2
Weapon Masteries: 3
2Action Surge (x1)Second Wind Charges: 2
Weapon Masteries: 3
3Eldritch Knight
War Bond
+ Booming Blade + Fire Bolt + Find Familiar + Shield + Silvery Barbs (or Feather Fall)
Second Wind Charges: 2
Weapon Masteries: 3
4Feat: Great Weapon Master (STR)+ Feather Fall (or Absorb Elements if previously chosen)
Second Wind Charges: 3
Weapon Masteries: 4
5Extra Attack, Tactical ShiftSecond Wind Charges: 3
Weapon Masteries: 4
6Feat: War Caster (INT)Second Wind Charges: 3
Weapon Masteries: 4
7War Magic+ Misty Step
Second Wind Charges: 3
Weapon Masteries: 4
8Feat: Mage Slayer (STR)+ Suggestion
Second Wind Charges: 3
Weapon Masteries: 4
9Indomitable (x1), Tactical MasterSecond Wind Charges: 3
Weapon Masteries: 4
10Eldritch Strike+ Blade Ward + Mirror Image
Second Wind Charges: 4
Weapon Masteries: 5
11Extra Attack (x2)+ Absorb Elements (or Augury if previously chosen)
Second Wind Charges: 4
Weapon Masteries: 5
12Feat: Heavy Armor Master (STR)Second Wind Charges: 4
Weapon Masteries: 5
13Indomitable (x2), Studied Attacks+ Counterspell
Second Wind Charges: 4
Weapon Masteries: 5
14Feat: Intelligence to 18+ Haste
Second Wind Charges: 4
Weapon Masteries: 5
15Arcane ChargeSecond Wind Charges: 4
Weapon Masteries: 5
16Feat: Resilient (WIS)+ Dispel Magic
Second Wind Charges: 4
Weapon Masteries: 6
17Action Surge (x2), Indomitable (x3)Second Wind Charges: 4
Weapon Masteries: 6
18Improved War MagicSecond Wind Charges: 4
Weapon Masteries: 6
19Feat: Boon of Combat Prowess+ Greater Invisibility
Second Wind Charges: 4
Weapon Masteries: 6
20Extra Attack (x3)+ Dimension Door
Second Wind Charges: 4
Weapon Masteries: 6

Level One Build

Species: Goliath (Hill Giant)


STRENGTH15 (+2 background) = 17
CONSTITUTION15 (+1 background) = 16

Class: Fighter

Class Features: Fighting Style, Second Wind, Weapon Mastery

Skill Proficiencies: Insight and Perception

Background: Farmer (Tough)

Starting Equipment: Greataxe, 10 Javelins, Chain Mail, Shield, Dungeoneer’s Pack, and 38 gp + 50 gp from background

Species: Goliath (Hill Giant)

For any martial character, it’s hard to justify not going for Goliath as the Hill Giant topple is so incredibly good to get advantage on attacks. There are other solid options for species as well like Human for an additional origin feat or Aasimar as they are just generally strong, but Goliath is generally going to be my choice.


STRENGTH15 (+2 background) = 17
CONSTITUTION15 (+1 background) = 16

This is the standard stat distribution for Strength based Fighters as you have maxed out Strength and Constitution, but since you need to care about Intelligence, that gets buffed as well!

Proficiencies: Insight and Perception

Just excellent skill proficiencies for any character.

Background: Farmer

The best attributes with the best feat for martial characters that care about Strength.

Starting Equipment – Greataxe, 10 Javelins, Chain Mail, Dungeoneer’s Pack, and 33 gp + 50 gp from background

For two hander Fighters, this is the standard equipment. You could pick any two hander you want as both the Greatsword and Maul deal slightly more damage on average when their Mastery properties aren’t considered, but if you consider the Cleave property from Greataxe, this technically does the most. If you want a different weapon, I’d probably pick the Maul as the mastery property is better and gives you the option to take the Crusher feat.

Class – Fighter

Rangers get three abilities to start off with in Fighting Style, Second Wind, and Weapon Mastery.

You get to pick your Fighting Style, and since this build wants to use a two hander, you should just pick up Defense as it’s a generically good Fighting Style.

Second Wind is a cool feature where, for a bonus action, you can heal yourself a bit. This is obviously great for tough fights when you are running low on health and this not only scales with level, but also gets additional features later on.

Weapon Mastery gives you the Mastery property of three weapons, and you should obviously pick the Greataxe, Javelin, and any weapon of your choice. While you will get more and more weapon masteries as you level up, you will realistically only ever need a few to make your build work.

The Build Level 2 Onward

Level 2-5

Level 2

Class Features: Action Surge, Tactical Mind

Level 2 brings two new features with Action Surge and Tactical Mind.

The Fighter is one of the most popular multiclass options in D&D, and Action Surge is a huge reason why. While you can only use this once every short or long rest (twice at 17), getting an additional action almost always means a whole new slew of attacks. Even at level 2, this is a powerful ability, but once you get multiple Extra Attacks, this becomes an extremely powerful feature that can dole out an obscene amount of damage. In a pinch, this can be used for other actions such as Dash as well which adds to the power and utility of this ability.

Tactical Mind is a neat new feature that allows you to use a Second Wind charge to reroll a failed ability check with a bit of a bonus. While this won’t come up too often, this is a nice feature to have for particularly important ability checks.

Level 3

Class: Eldritch Knight

Class Features: Spellcasting, War Bond

Spell Change Log: + Booming Blade + Fire Bolt + Find Familiar + Shield + Silvery Barbs (or Feather Fall)

CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs

Level 3 brings your subclass, Eldritch Knight, and two new abilities with Spellcasting and War Bond!

Spellcasting is obviously unique to just this class for Fighters, and even though you are a 1/3 caster, spells are still extremely powerful.

To that end, you get two cantrips and three prepared spells and I like picking up Booming Blade, Fire Bolt, Find Familiar, Shield, and Silvery Barbs (or Feather Fall).

Booming Blade is going to be your attack cantrip of choice as it’s just free damage on your normal attack. What’s not to like? If you’re going to play with just 2024 content, I would pick up Blade Ward instead.

While you won’t use it often, having Fire Bolt as a decent ranged option is a luxury that Strength Fighters generally don’t get. This can deal surprisingly good damage as you level up, so if you are out of reach of an enemy you want to hit, lob some fire at them!

Find Familiar is one of or just the best ritual spell in the game as familiars are really strong, even if they were slightly nerfed in 2024. These are extremely useful for scouting, transporting items, or providing useful actions in combat! An excellent spell for anyone who can afford to take it.

Shield is incredible, +5 AC for a first level spell slot. Yeesh.

Finally, Silvery Barbs is a really nice reaction that can force a reroll from an enemy or ally and then you can give advantage to a yourself or a friend for functionally every d20 test. A really strong spell, but as some tables won’t allow it, you can take Feather Fall instead as having that in the back pocket for nasty falls is really nice.

War Bond is a unique ability that lets you bond with one weapon, and as a bonus action, you can summon it to your hands no matter where it is and you can’t be disarmed of it. This is a really niche ability that works better if you are a thrown weapon user, but only being able to resummon your weapon as a bonus action rather than a free action makes that less viable than it was in Baldur’s Gate 3. This is cool, but not particularly relevant.

Level 4

Feat: Great Weapon Master (STR)

Class Features: None

Spell Change Log: + Feather Fall

CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs

You get your first feat and you can’t go wrong with Great Weapon Master! Extra damage on your weapon attacks and potentially getting a bonus action attack? Incredible! This is a truly excellent feat and great reason to use a two handed weapon.

For your spell choice, you can pick up Feather Fall! Falls can be really deadly in lower levels, so having the means to not just splat onto the ground is definitely welcome. If you already have Feather Fall, Absorb Elements is a great spell to pick up to not get got by a bunch of elemental damage. If your table is trying to play with 2024 rulebook only, then I would take Jump as a unique utility option.

Level 5

Class Features: Extra Attack, Tactical Shift

Spell Change Log: None

CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs

Easily the most exciting feature for martial characters, level 5 brings your Extra Attack! Being able to double your damage output is obviously really strong, but since you’re a Fighter, you’ll eventually get even more attacks on top of this!

Level 5 also brings a new feature with Tactical Shift. Now when you use Second Wind, you can move up to half your speed without provoking an opportunity attack. A heal, disengage, and extra movement? Sign me up!

Level 6-10

Level 6

Feat: War Caster (INT)

Class Features: None

Spell Change Log: None

CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs

Level 6 brings another feat and this is a good opportunity to pick up War Caster. Being able to spellcast with your hands full is really important considering you are always going to have your hands full, and advantage on concentration checks is also very nice!

Level 7

Class Features: War Magic

Spell Change Log: + Misty Step

CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMisty Step

Level 7 brings your next subclass ability – War Magic! Now you get the Bladesinger treatment and you can swap out one attack on your turn with a cantrip. Now you can always have a normal attack and a Booming Blade attack on any given turn!

For your spellcasting, you now get second level spells! This is an easy choice for what spell to grab as Misty Step is just excellent on any character that can afford to take it.

Level 8

Feat: Mage Slayer (STR)

Class Features: None

Spell Change Log: + Suggestion

CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

You get yet another feat this level, and you can grab an excellent one with Mage Slayer. Being able to really mess with casters is nice as a martial character, and getting a functional charge of Legendary Resistance? Incredible! A really strong feat that I have most of my martial characters taking.

For spells, you can’t go wrong with Suggestion. While it won’t often be better using this compared to just attacking, this has excellent in and out of combat utility which makes it worth having around. If you find yourself not using this often, consider a ritual or utility spell instead when you level up! That said, I would probably wait until level 10 when you get Eldritch Strike to decide if Suggestion is worth your time.

Level 9

Class Features: Indomitable (x1), Tactical Master

Spell Change Log: None

CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

Level 9 brings a base Fighter feature – Indomitable! You can reroll a saving throw that you fail and add your Fighter level on top of it which is extremely powerful. As you climb in levels, this will almost be like a player’s version of Legendary Resistance which is super cool.

Tactical Master is a new ability lets you replace a weapon mastery property when you attack with Push, Sap, or Slow. This is yet another great feature as you may not always want the mastery property on the weapon you happen to be using, so having options is always welcome.

Level 10

Class Features: Eldritch Strike

Spell Change Log: + Blade Ward + Mirror Image

CantripBlade Ward
CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

Level 10 brings your next subclass feature – Eldritch Strike!

Now whenever you hit an enemy with an attack, they have disadvantage on a saving throw for any spell you cast until the end of your next turn. That means you can attack an enemy normally one turn, and go for a Suggestion on the next with a much better chance or it succeeding! Cool ability and it can be pretty solid if planned around!

For your spell pick ups, you get a new cantrip with Blade Ward and another second level spell with Mirror Image.

Blade Ward is a unique concentration cantrip that functionally gives you an additional 2.5 AC against melee enemies which is obviously pretty solid. If you already have this, I would pick up a utility cantrip instead like Minor Illusion or Prestidigitation.

Mirror Image, similarly, is a defensive spell that makes illusory copies of yourself that can take some hits for you if you are getting hit in combat. While this spell was nerfed, having a 50/50 chance for an enemy to miss you even if they hit is pretty nice!

Level 11-15

Level 11

Class Features: Extra Attack (x2)

Spell Change Log: + Absorb Elements (or Augury if previously chosen or banned at table)

CantripBlade Ward
CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

Level 11 brings yet another Extra Attack, which like at level 5, is incredibly good.

For your spell choice, I really like picking up Absorb Elements. Large swaths of elemental damage is going to become more common in higher levels, so having the means to mitigate it is really strong.

Level 12

Feat: Heavy Armor Master (STR)

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: None

CantripBlade Ward
CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

Level 12 brings another feat and it’s time to max out Strength with Heavy Armor Master! Being able to mitigate some amount of damage as a frontliner is going to add up really quickly and just save you a ton of health in the long run.

Level 13

Class Features: Indomitable (x2), Studied Attack

Spell Change Log: + Counterspell

CantripBlade Ward
CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell

Level 13 brings another charge of Indomitable and a powerful new feature, Studied Attack!

Studied Attack is a super cool feature that, if you miss with one of your attacks against one enemy, you have advantage on your next attack against that same target! Anything that helps you connect with your enemy is always exciting!

For your spell choice, you have to pick up Counterspell. Every party needs as many Counterspell users as they can get, plain and simple.

Level 14

Class Features: Intelligence to 18

Spell Change Log: + Haste

CantripBlade Ward
CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellHaste

Another feat and now it’s time to start buffing Intelligence again. Make those spells stronger!

For your spell choice, I really like picking up Haste. While this can be brutal if you accidentally drop concentration, having +2 AC, more speed, and another attack is really powerful for a tough fight.

Level 15

Class Features: Arcane Charge

Spell Change Log: None

CantripBlade Ward
CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellHaste

Level 15 brings your penultimate class feature – Arcane Charge!

Arcane Charge lets you Misty Step when you Action Surge and lets you choose to do so before or after that additional action. A really neat ability you may not get the most out of, but still really nice to have!

Level 16-20

Level 16

Feat: Resilient (WIS)

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: + Dispel Magic

CantripBlade Ward
CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHaste

For your final feat, you may as well grab Resilient ()WIS to make your saving throws that much better and make it less likely that you need to use your Indomitable or Mage Slayer charges.

For your spell choice, I like picking up Dispel Magic. You won’t be able to Counterspell everything, so having another means of dealing with a nasty spell effect is really important.

Level 17

Class Features: Action Surge (x2), Indomitable (x3)

Spell Change Log: None

CantripBlade Ward
CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHaste

More charges for your best base Fighter abilities is obviously excellent.

Level 18

Class Features: Improved War Magic

Spell Change Log: None

CantripBlade Ward
CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHaste

Level 18 brings your subclass capstone ability – Improved War Magic!

Now when you attack on your turn, you can replace up to two attacks with a 1st or 2nd level spell. That may not seem that good, but this is a much better ability than it looks as it gives you so much more action economy than a caster should normally get. The only downside is that you don’t have that many spells to capitalize on this, but the ones that you do have will still be really good with this. Imagine hitting the enemy, triggering Eldritch Strike, then going for Suggestion!

Level 19

Epic Boon: Boon of Combat Prowess

Class Features: None

Spell Change Log: + Greater Invisibility

CantripBlade Ward
CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHaste
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility

Your Epic Boon choice, as I will pick for every martial character, is the Boon of Combat Prowess. Converting a miss into a hit is functionally getting an Extra Attack, but better, and I will take an additional attack every day of the week.

For your spell choice, I like picking up Greater Invisibility. A buff that gives you advantage on all of your attacks and the enemies disadvantage on all their attacks to hit you is obviously excellent on a martial character!

Level 20

Class Feature: Extra Attack (x3)

Spell Change Log: + Dimension Door

CantripBlade Ward
CantripBooming Blade
CantripFire Bolt
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellShield
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellMisty Step
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHaste
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility

Level 20 brings your capstone ability – Extra Attack (x3). No frills, no fuss, just a bunch of attacks which is perfect for a Fighter.

For your final spell choice, I like picking up Dimension Door! This is an excellent teleportation option that can move you reasonably far, doesn’t require you to see where you’re going, and lets you bring a friend along! This is excellent for any infiltrations or escapes you may need to make!


DoggertQBones is an avid player of games, predominately D&D! Previously a highly published author for another popular Wizards of the Coast game, Magic: the Gathering, he's been playing D&D since childhood as both player and DM!

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