Hexblade Warlock Build Guide – The Boogeyman – 2024 Update

Learn the best build for the Hexblade Warlock with full leveling guides, full spell lists, and easy to navigate sections to only read what you need!

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For all D&D guides on Nat1gaming, they only use the main sourcebooks (2024 Player’s Handbook, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) as well as Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (mostly for Silvery Barbs) as those tend to be the most commonly used books at tables. Always be sure that if you’re following a guide that you’re adhering to your tables rules about what sourcebooks you are allowed to follow. Furthermore, be sure that you’re using the most current edition of the rules, especially as some 2024 Player’s Handbook rules are updates on Tasha’s or Xanathar’s rulings.

Any spell, class, feature, or other game item that is linkable on this website is covered by the 5th edition Open Games License and will be in the Player’s Handbook, but not everything in the Player’s Handbook will be linked to. All other materials that aren’t linked to are from other sourcebooks or aren’t allowed to be linked to per the 5th Edition Open Games License, so please refer to the appropriate sourcebooks for that information.

For the purposes of this guide, it will be assumed that you would not be multiclassing. While multiclassing can be excellent for many of these, this is for those who want to play the build all the way through in the same class. Guides that use multiclassing will be separate from these.

For spellcasters, you may notice substantial overlap between the spell lists of builds with the same base class. This is due to each guide utilizing a generically good spell list and not considering extenuating factors that will influence how you particularly sculpt your spell list. When creating your own spell list, you should take into account the campaign setting, what spells any other party members are capable of casting, potential overlap (ritual spells tend to overlap so it’s rare you need multiple people capable of casting them), or potential shortcomings in the parties total spell list. While this guide can definitely help point you in the right direction for crafting a spell list, you should use your judgement and preferences to figure out what spells make the most sense for your character.

To that end, please refer to the Spell List and Spell Tier list for any substitutions you’d want to make to the build.

Why Pact of the Hexblade Warlock?

Realistically, many players are going to choose Hexblade simply because it’s the best Warlock subclass in the game! With an excellent suite of abilities and proficiencies, it is just a really strong class.

That said, Hexblade Warlocks also get to have a slightly different play pattern compared to your archetypical Warlock where, instead of focusing on being a blaster with Eldritch Blast or a more typical spellcaster using Pact of the Tome, you can be a half-martial character with spellcasting capabilties more akin to a Paladin.

Hexblade Warlock Abilities Ranked

Hexblade’s Curse (Level 3)B Tier – A solid Hex adjacent ability that gives flat damage, a wider crit range, and healing when you kill the target. This is solid, especially in conjunction with Hex.

Hex Warrior (Level 3) A Tier – This is a lot of proficiencies for one ability and the main reason Hexblade was one of the most popular multiclass dips in the game.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)B TierShield is an awesome spell, but it’s not ideal on Warlocks who get few spell slots. Really good if you’re multiclassing though!

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) – D Tier – Not great options here unfortunately, but not worthless.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5) D Tier – Once again, not great spells at all.

Accursed Specter (Level 6) – C- Tier – This is a decent ability, but being limited to humanoids can really make it hard to use this ability.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)D+ Tier – These are a bit better than your previous options, but not by a large margin.

5th Level Spells (Level 9) C- Tier – These are probably the best options on the list (besides Shield), but I will say, you don’t play Hexblade for the spell list.

Armor of Hexes (Level 10) C- Tier – Your reaction isn’t going to used too often which is nice, but it only being useful on one attack against a target you had to curse first and it still only works half the time is pretty rough for an ability.

Master of Hexes (Level 14)C+ Tier – Just being able to spread your Curse makes this easier to use as you don’t need to be concerned about focusing down your cursed target, but this is a bit sad for a capstone ability.

Quick Level Up Guide

LevelClass Features/FeatNotes
1Eldritch Invocations, Pact Magic
Pact of the Chain
+ Booming Blade
+ Eldritch Blast
+ Armor of Agathys
+ Find Familiar (Chain)
+ Hex
2Magical Cunning
Lessons of the First Ones (Musician)
Pact of the Blade
+ Witch Bolt
3Pact of the Hexblade
Hexblade’s Curse
Hex Warrior
Expanded Spell List
+ Shield (Hexblade)
+ Wrathful Smite (Hexblade)
+ Blur (Hexblade)
+ Shining Smite (Hexblade)
+ Suggestion
4Feat: War Caster (CHA)+ Mage Hand + Mirror Image
5One with the Shadows
Thirsting Blade
– Booming Blade
– Witch Bolt
+ Prestidigitation
+ Blink (Hexblade)
+ Counterspell
+ Elemental Weapon (Hexblade)
+ Hypnotic Pattern
6Accursed Specter+ Dispel Magic
7Gaze of Two MindsSuggestion
+ Dimension Door
+ Phantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
+ Shadow of Moil
+ Staggering Smite (Hexblade)
8Feat: Charisma to 20+ Thunder Step
9Contact Patron
+ Banishing Smite (Hexblade)
+ Cone of Cold (Hexblade)
+ Contact Other Plane (Contact Patron)
+ Storm of Radiance
10Armor of Hexes+ Minor Illusion
11Mystic Arcanum (6th level)+ Teleportation Circle
+ Mass Suggestion (Mystic Arcanum)
12Feat: Constitution to 18
Devouring Blade
13Mystic Arcanum (7th level)+ Fly
+ Crown of Stars (Mystic Arcanum)
14Master of HexesNone
15Mystic Arcanum (8th level)
Visions of Distant Realms
+ Hold Monster
+ Dominate Monster (Mystic Arcanum)
16Feat: Constitution to 20None
17Mystic Arcanum (9th level)+ Hold Person
+ Wish (Mystic Arcanum)
18Witch SightNone
19Epic Boon: Boon of Combat Prowess+ Scrying
20Eldritch MasterNone

Level One Build

Species: Goliath (Hill Giant)


CONSTITUTION15 (+1 background) = 16
CHARISMA15 (+2 background) = 17

Class: Warlock

Class Features: Eldritch Invocations, Pact Magic

Skill Proficiencies: Deception and Intimidation

Background: Merchant (Lucky)

Starting Equipment: Leather Armor, Sickle, 2 Daggers, Arcane Focus, Book (occult lore), Scholar’s Pack, and 15 gp + 50 gp from background

Starting Spells:

CantripBooming Blade
CantripEldritch Blast
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex

Species: Goliath (Hill Giant)

For any martial character, it’s hard to justify not going for Goliath as the Hill Giant topple is so incredibly good to get advantage on attacks. There are other solid options for species as well like Human for an additional origin feat or Aasimar as they are just generally strong, but Goliath is generally going to be my choice.


CONSTITUTION15 (+1 background) = 16
CHARISMA15 (+2 background) = 17

Like many other casters, you want your spellcasting ability (Charisma in this case), Dexterity (14 max since Hexblades will have medium armor eventually), and Constitution all as buffed as possible. Charisma empowers your spells while Dexterity and Constitution help keep you alive.

Proficiencies: Deception and Intimidation

Being able to pick up Charisma based skills for Warlocks is definitely ideal to make you better in RPing scenarios.

Background: Merchant (Lucky)

While I would normally pick Entertainer for boosts in Dexterity and Charisma, Hexblades don’t want more than 14 DEX so having a background with a decent origin feat and grabs you Constitution and Charisma is the direction you should go.

Starting Equipment – Leather Armor, Sickle, 2 Daggers, Arcane Focus, Book (occult lore), Scholar’s Pack, and 15 gp + 50 gp from background

Functionally the only choices you’d make with starting equipment beyond taking the optional starting gold instead, but considering the starting gold won’t get you nearly this much, I recommend just choosing the standard fare.

Class – Warlock

Picking Warlock gives you two abilities from the get go: Pact Magic and Eldritch invocations.

Pact Magic is the Warlock way of casting spells which differs greatly from how every other class does it. While all casters have a prepared spell list they can draw from, Warlocks lack spell slots and instead can only cast a few spells per short or long rest at their highest possible strength for your level. To that end, choosing spells that are both high impact and ideally can be upcast in order to get their full usefulness.

The second feature you get immediately is Eldritch Invocations, special powers you get as you go up in Warlock levels. There are definitely strong options at this point, but the best one right now is Pact of the Chain. Find Familiar is the best first level ritual spell in the game, and getting a substantially better version of it is obviously really potent. While you have a lot of options, the best choices for a familiar are easily the Imp, Quasit, or Sphinx of Wonder with their damage resistances, flight, and in combat capabilities.

Starting Spells

CantripBooming Blade
CantripEldritch Blast
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex

This is going to be the spell list I would recommend for Warlocks looking to go Pact of the Blade versus the standard casters.

For your standard melee cantrip, you’ll be going with Booming Blade until level 5 as it’s just the best melee cantrip up until you get two attacks and can’t use it anymore.

Since you’re a Warlock, of course you have to take Eldritch Blast. While you’ll normally be fighting up close, having a ranged option is good as well just in case.

For spells, you can simply take the best first level spells available to Warlocks with Armor of Agathys and Hex.

Armor of Agathys is an excellent defensive spell which will give you a bit of life to work with and punish enemies who attack you. Furthermore, it upcasts well which works perfectly with how Warlock spellcasting works.

Hex, on the other hand, is an offensive spell that lets you deal extra damage to the cursed target, and when that target goes down, you can move it onto someone else! This is really good to use in pretty much any fight that may be difficult as that damage can easily add up round after round.

On top of these spells, you also get the Find Familiar spell from your first Eldritch Invocation – Pact of the Chain. As mentioned one section ago, you get the option to pick from a lot of really excellent familiar choices like the Imp, Quasit, or Sphinx of Wonder making the already potent spell that much stronger.

The Build Level 2 Onward

Level 2-5

Level 2

Class Features: Magical Cunning, Eldritch Invocations (Lessons of the First Ones (Musician), Pact of the Blade)

Spell Change Log: + Witch Bolt

CantripBooming Blade
CantripEldritch Blast
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellWitch Bolt

Level two brings you Magical Cunning, two new Eldritch Invocations, and a new spell to work with.

Your first new ability is Magical Cunning, where once per day, you can conduct a short ritual to regain half you spell slots. This would normally be excellent, but with so few spell slots, this obviously won’t end up doing too much, but free spell slots are still free spell slots.

For your Eldritch Invocations, you get to pick up Lessons of the First Ones (Musician) and Pact of the Blade!

Since you couldn’t pick up Musician with your background, I like grabbing it here! Musician is the best origin feat so having it is a real treat. If you have a party member with it already or for some other reason don’t want it, I would grab Alert instead which is nearly as good.

For this build to work, you obviously need Pact of the Blade! Pact of the Blade has a lot of abilities, but the summary is you can use Charisma as your weapon ability modifier and you can conjure up a weapon to be your pact weapon need be. If you want to be a melee Warlock, you need this Invocation.

With all that out of the way, your actual spell choice for this level is Witch Bolt. This is a nice damage spell ever since the 2024 rules update as you get some nice damage upfront, and even if you miss, you can trade your bonus action for additional damage on that missed target. This is a great option for those who need to bring down an enemy as quickly as possible.

Level 3

Subclass: Pact of the Hexblade

Class Features: Hexblade’s Curse, Hex Warrior

Spell Change Log: + Shield (Hexblade) + Wrathful Smite (Hexblade) + Blur (Hexblade) + Branding Smite (Hexblade) + Suggestion

CantripBooming Blade
CantripEldritch Blast
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWitch Bolt
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

This level brings a lot to the table including your subclass, a new subclass feature, an expanded spell list, and second level spells.

The first ability you get with Hexblade is Hexblade’s Curse which is functionally a juiced up Hex spell as you get a wider critical range, comparable or more damage on average than Hex, and some health back when you kill the target. Obviously, this is a pretty solid ability.

The second ability you get is Hex Warrior which offers a lot and is the main reason Hexblade was one of the most popular multiclass dips. Crucially, you gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons which is obviously excellent. The second half of the ability lets you use your Charisma modifier for attack and damage rolls (which Pact of the Blade already does, but so it goes).

For your expanded spell list, you get to pick up Shield, Wrathful Smite, Blur, and Branding Smite.

The largest pickup for this expanded spell list is easily Shield. While Shield is not nearly as good on Warlocks as it is for other casters, being able to avoid a lot of damage by raising your AC can be invaluable in tougher fights.

Wrathful Smite is a decent bit of CC if you are looking to frighten a creature which can be helpful depending on the encounter, even if you have to use one of your spell slots to get it.

Blur is a solid defensive option that makes it so enemies have disadvantage when attacking you, but this does eat up your Concentration. This is a decent option in the short term, but will be outclassed by later options.

Finally, you get Shining Smite which is unfortunately not a particularly good version of Smite barring you’re facing an invisible enemy. If you are, then shine away.

Finally, for your spell choice this level, you can pick up the excellent Suggestion. This spell is a powerhouse as it has excellent out of combat applications by forcing a course of action, but is similarly powerful in combat to make an enemy do something other than fight you! No matter what, you’re going to get mileage out of this spell. Unfortunately with few spell slots and no upcast potential, this isn’t sticking around forever, so be sure to enjoy it while it lasts.

Level 4

Feat: War Caster (CHA)

Class Features: None

Spell Change Log: + Mage Hand + Mirror Image

CantripBooming Blade
CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWitch Bolt
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

Level four brings a cantrip, spell, and a feat!

For your feat choice, you can pick up War Caster! Since you’ll be holding your Pact Weapon often enough, you may have problems getting your hands free for somatic or material components, so War Caster handles that for you while also giving you advantage on all your Concentration checks – a really important feat for any gish character.

Your cantrip choice really comes down to Mage Hand or Minor Illusion at this point, so you can pick the one you prefer. I like Mage Hand the tiniest bit more, but it’s completely personal preference.

For your spell choice, you can pick up Mirror Image. Mirror Image is a unique defensive spell that doesn’t take up concentration and gives enemies three opportunities to potentially miss you if they connect with an attack. This is definitely nice for prolonged fights where you may be taking some hits.

Level 5

Class Features: One with the Shadows, Thirsting Blade

Spell Change Log: – Booming Blade – Witch Bolt / + Prestidigitation + Blink (Hexblade) + Counterspell + Elemental Weapon (Hexblade) + Hypnotic Pattern

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern

Level 5 means new Eldritch Invocations and new Pact spells!

Your first Eldritch Invocation choice with One with the Shadows. Being able to cast Invisibility when you’re in dim light or darkness for free is really strong and something you’ll be able to use really often.

For your second Invocation you get Thirsting Blade which gives you an Extra Attack, obviously a necessity for a melee build!

For your Pact spells, you unfortunately don’t get particularly compelling ones with Blink and Elemental Weapon. Blink is yet another defensive spell, but this only works 50% of the time and abandoning your friends when it actually does work is a little lame. Elemental Weapon, on the other hand, just lets you infuse your weapon with an element if you need. This isn’t particularly helpful for Pact of the Blade users who already have elemental damage, but if you know that you’re facing an enemy with a particular damage vulnerability, then this could be useful.

Now that you have an extra attack, Booming Blade isn’t an effective cantrip anymore so you’re switching to the best utility cantrip Warlocks can get – Prestidigitation. There are hundreds if not thousands of applications of this spell, and while none of them are extremely high impact, find me anything that is so versatile.

Since there are so many strong third level spell options you want at this point, something needs to go to make room. Unfortunately, that means Witch Bolt has to hit the bench. At this point, the damage isn’t going to scale that well as you may as well be swinging at them instead.

For your actual spell choices, you get to pick up the excellent Counterspell and Hypnotic Pattern.

The first spell you get access to is Counterspell, which is simply the best third level spell in the game. Using your reaction to rid an enemy of their action and trade spell slots is incredibly powerful and any ally who can learn Counterspell should.

For your second spell, this is a good time to pick up the excellent Hypnotic Pattern. This spell is such a potent CC spell that it’s in contention for best third level combat spell with Fireball as being able to potentially lock down multiple enemies with one spell slot is extremely powerful.

Level 6-10

Level 6

Class Features: Accursed Specter

Spell Change Log: + Dispel Magic

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern

Level 6 brings your next subclass ability with Accursed Specter which functions similarly to Animate Dead, but limited to things that you’ve killed. A bit of a strange ability, but getting a temporary ally for combat is rarely going to be a bad thing.

For your spell choice, you can pick up Dispel Magic.

Dispel Magic is no Counterspell, but having access to both means you’ll never get caught flat footed by a spell.

Level 7

Class Features: Gaze of Two Minds

Spell Change Log: Suggestion / + Dimension Door + Phantasmal Killer (Hexblade) + Shadow of Moil + Staggering Smite (Hexblade)

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)

Level 7 brings fourth level spells, more Pact spells, and yet another Eldritch Invocation!

For your Eldritch invocation, your choice this level is Gaze of Two Minds, which is now extremely powerful with Pact of the Chain. Not only can you scout through your familiar (Imp and Quasit have natural invisibility), but you can even spellcast through your familiar. Imagine sending your invisible familiar into a room and having them cause mayhem with your spells without enemies being any the wiser!

For your Pact spells you get Phantasmal Killer and Staggering Smite.

Phantasmal Killer is a middling CC spell that can potentially really mess up a target who fails the Wisdom saving throw, but at this point, trading one of your spell slots and your action just for the chance to mess with an enemy is not a great trade.

Staggering Smite, on the other hand, is a pretty brutal Smite spell if you the opponent fails their save which will lead them to take an ok amount of damage, them getting disadvantage on attacks, and they lose their reactions. No Counterspell for them!

For the second and final time, I recommend swapping out a spell to make room for more. While it’s definitely served you well up until this point, Suggestion hits the bin as it has no upcast feature and it’s getting harder and harder to justify using one of your few spell slots on it.

Your first spell choice is one of the best teleportation spells in the game with Dimension Door. Teleporting without line of sight is really powerful, and being able to take an ally with you makes this even better. If you need to infiltrate a building or make a quick escape, it’s difficult to do better than this.

Your second spell choice this level is the very excellent Shadow of Moil. Making yourself heavily obscured is functionally the same thing as going invisible, plus you get the additional rider of the shadow attacking anyone who is close and manages to hit you for a bit of additional damage. A really excellent effect you’re going to be using often.

Level 8

Feat: Charisma to 20

Spell Change Log: + Thunder Step

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellThunder Step
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)

Level 8 brings your second feat and this is a good time to max out your Charisma. Having the best possible spells on top of weapon attacks is simply too good to pass up.

For your spell choice, this is a good time to pick up Thunder Step. While most casters would prefer Misty Step, since you don’t haver normal spell slots, you may as well pick up the stronger Thunder Step for your movement option! You won’t always need teleportation, but when you do, this is the way you’ll do it.

Level 9

Class Features: Contact Patron, Lifedrinker

Spell Change Log: + Banishing Smite (Hexblade) + Cone of Cold (Hexblade) + Contact Other Plane (Contact Patron) + Storm of Radiance

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellThunder Step
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellBanishing Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellCone of Cold (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellContact Other Plane (Contact Patron)
5th Level SpellStorm of Radiance

Level 9 means yet another class ability, Eldritch Invocation, your final round of Pact spells, and the last spell level you’ll naturally get – 5th level spells.

Your class ability is Contact Patron which is simply the Contact Other Plane for free once per day which is nice and super flavorful that you actually have a way to talk to your patron now!

For your Eldritch Invocation, you’re going to pick up Thisting Blade which nabs you a little more damage and potential healing when you really need it. Even if the healing isn’t ideal, you’ll always take extra damage.

For your final Pact spells, you get access to Banishing Smite and Cone of Cold.

Banishing Smite deals a good amount of damage, and if your hurt an extraplanar threat enough, you just straight up banish them. Even if the threat isn’t extraplanar, you can keep concentrating on it to keep the target in a harmless demiplane while you deal with the rest of their friends.

Finally, you get Cone of Cold which isn’t the highest damage blast spell, but it has an absolutely massive AOE, so if you’re fighting an army, this is what you want to hit them with.

For your spell choices I recommend taking the best fifth level spells Warlocks naturally have access to – Storm of Radiance.

Storm of Radiance is a nice AOE damage and CC spell that can be really brutal if your allies can help you out a bit. While the damage itself isn’t super special, blinding and deafening anyone in the spell area is powerful against melee attackers, but ridiculous against any casters in the area. If your allies can help keep your enemies in that area, they will be substantially nerfed which will make that fight much easier.

As an aside, there is also a good chance that you should pick up Synaptic Static at this point over Teleportation Circle so you have two excellent combat options, but I believe that’s pretty contingent on whether or not your campaign can facilitate the use of Teleportation Circle or if someone else can use it. If you don’t need this, I would definitely pick up Synaptic Static now.

Level 10

Class Features: Armor of Hexes

Spell Change Log: + Minor Illusion

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellThunder Step
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellBanishing Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellCone of Cold (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellContact Other Plane (Contact Patron)
5th Level SpellStorm of Radiance

You get your penultimate subclass feature here with Armor of Hexes!

This is a very minor buff to Hexblade’s Curse as you can use your reaction against your cursed target to give them a 50/50 to hit you if they already connected with an attack roll. Not a terrible ability, but not exciting.

Since you don’t get another known spell at this level, you have to settle with picking up another cantrip in Minor Illusion. This is the best cantrip Warlocks can learn that you don’t already have, so you may as well pick it up!

Level 11-15

Level 11

Class Features: Mystic Arcanum (6th level)

Spell Change Log: + Teleportation Circle + Scatter (Mystic Arcanum)

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellThunder Step
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellBanishing Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellCone of Cold (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellContact Other Plane (Contact Patron)
5th Level SpellStorm of Radiance
5th Level SpellTeleportation Circle
6th Level SpellScatter

Unlike other full casters where you get unfettered access to sixth level spells, you get Mystic Arcanum instead which used to be a lot more restrictive, but now is just a single prepared spell for each spell level that can be swapped out.

For your spell choice at this level, you get the best teleportation spells Warlocks can get – Teleportation Circle. While this does cost you 50gp per use and you need to use an established circle, this is a really effective way to travel without needing to hire a carraige or go on foot. Some DMs may be stingy with what areas have a circle to teleport to which can be a pain, but in the average campaign (and per the spell description), most major areas should have one making this an effective way of getting around.

For your Mystic Arcanum, I like picking up Scatter. This spell is extremely versatile as you can use this to move allies and enemies alike around on the battlefield. Whether you need to make an escape, get allies to safety, or move enemies into hazardous areas, Scatter will get the job done.

Level 12

Feat: Constitution to 18

Class Feature: Devouring Blade

Spell Change Log: None

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellThunder Step
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellBanishing Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellCone of Cold (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellContact Other Plane (Contact Patron)
5th Level SpellStorm of Radiance
5th Level SpellTeleportation Circle
6th Level SpellScatter (Mystic Arcanum)

Your next feat is here, and since your Charisma is already maxed out, it’s time to work on your Constitution. More health is always going to be welcome, especially if you’re going to be taking some hits.

For your Eldritch Invocation, it’s time to take the absolutely incredible Devouring Blade. You now get as many attacks as a Fighter with three total attacks per turn which is incredible! You are now the only other class in the game that can get more than two attacks (not including Two Weapon Fighting or the Nick property).

Level 13

Class Features: Mystic Arcanum (7th level)

Spell Change Log: + Synaptic Static + Crown of Stars (Mystic Arcanum)

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellThunder Step
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellBanishing Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellCone of Cold (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellContact Other Plane (Contact Patron)
5th Level SpellStorm of Radiance
5th Level SpellSynaptic Static
5th Level SpellTeleportation Circle
6th Level SpellScatter (Mystic Arcanum)
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars (Mystic Arcanum)

Level 13 brings a new spell and your seventh level Mystic Arcanum.

For your Mystic Arcanum you should pick up the best seventh level spell available to Warlocks – Crown of Stars. This spell is easy to set up, only costs you a bonus action to use, and can even last through multiple combats if you’re lucky.

For your spell choice, I like picking up Synaptic Static. This is a nice blast spell that doesn’t deal the most damage, but makes up for it by tacking on a little bit of CC on top of it. Not a bad spell and a nice alternative if Storm of Radiance wouldn’t be as helpful in a particular encounter.

Level 14

Class Features: Master of Hexes

Spell Change Log: None

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellThunder Step
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellBanishing Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellCone of Cold (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellContact Other Plane (Contact Patron)
5th Level SpellStorm of Radiance
5th Level SpellSynaptic Static
5th Level SpellTeleportation Circle
6th Level SpellScatter (Mystic Arcanum)
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars (Mystic Arcanum)

While no new spells this level, you get your final subclass ability with Master of Hexes.

Your Hexblade’s Curse upgrades once again and you can move it from slain target to slain target like you could with normal Hex. A bit underwhelming for a capstone ability, but considering how strong Hexblade’s Curse is at this point, this is better than it may look.

Level 15

Class Features: Mystic Arcanum (8th Level), Lessons of the First Ones (Alarm)

Spell Change Log: + Hold Monster + Dominate Monster (Mystic Arcanum)

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellThunder Step
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellBanishing Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellCone of Cold (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellContact Other Plane (Contact Patron)
5th Level SpellHold Monster
5th Level SpellStorm of Radiance
5th Level SpellSynaptic Static
5th Level SpellTeleportation Circle
6th Level SpellScatter (Mystic Arcanum)
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars (Mystic Arcanum)
8th Level SpellDominate Monster (Mystic Arcanum)

Your next Eldritch Invocation, your next Mystic Arcanum, and another prepared spell is here!

For Eldritch Invocation, this is a great time to pick up Lessons of the First Ones. While grabbing an origin feat now may seem crazy, Alarm is really good at this level as it’s even better than the old Alarm feat at this point.

For your Mystic Arcanum, there isn’t as obvious of a pick, but I still think there’s a clear winner with Dominate Monster. As I mention frequently, save or suck spells are a scary proposition, especially when you only have one shot per day, but if this hits, this is devastating. Taking control of a tough monsters will not only trivialize this combat, but potentially the next ones as well as long as the spell is holding. You do have to be mindful of Legendary Resistances at this point in the campaign, but as long as you do, this has a good chance of being a powerhouse.

For your spell choice, I like picking up Hold Monster. While “save or suck” spells can be really risky as using one of your few spell slots to get nothing is brutal, the upside is extremely high. If the target fails their saving throw, your martial allies can absolutely feast on them which will likely end them very quickly.

Level 16-20

Level 16

Feat: Constitution to 20

Spell Change Log: None

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellThunder Step
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellBanishing Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellCone of Cold (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellContact Other Plane (Contact Patron)
5th Level SpellHold Monster
5th Level SpellStorm of Radiance
5th Level SpellSynaptic Static
5th Level SpellTeleportation Circle
6th Level SpellScatter (Mystic Arcanum)
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars (Mystic Arcanum)
8th Level SpellDominate Monster (Mystic Arcanum)

Since you already have maxed out Charisma, it’s time to bolster your Constitution more. Since this is your final feat, you may as well push up your Constitution with the +2 for better saving throws and a little more health.

Level 17

Class Features: Mystic Arcanum (9th level)

Spell Change Log: + Fly + True Polymorph (Mystic Arcanum)

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellThunder Step
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellBanishing Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellCone of Cold (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellContact Other Plane (Contact Patron)
5th Level SpellHold Monster
5th Level SpellStorm of Radiance
5th Level SpellSynaptic Static
5th Level SpellTeleportation Circle
6th Level SpellScatter (Mystic Arcanum)
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars (Mystic Arcanum)
8th Level SpellDominate Monster (Mystic Arcanum)
9th Level SpellTrue Polymorph (Mystic Arcanum)

Your final Mystic Arcanum and known spell are here!

It may feel a little late, but I like grabbing Fly at this point. While you probably won’t be using this in combat that often, this can be helpful for quick infiltrations, escapes, or even exploration.

For your Mystic Arcanum, you get the powerful True Polymorph. Being able to transform into any creature with a CR your level or lower is extremely powerful and can help you or an ally get back into a combat when they’re low on health or other resources that would normally invalidate them in that combat. Even at this level, you have quite the array of powerful options to pick from.

Level 18

Class Features: Witch Sight

Spell Change Log: None

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellThunder Step
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellBanishing Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellCone of Cold (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellContact Other Plane (Contact Patron)
5th Level SpellHold Monster
5th Level SpellStorm of Radiance
5th Level SpellSynaptic Static
5th Level SpellTeleportation Circle
6th Level SpellScatter (Mystic Arcanum)
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars (Mystic Arcanum)
8th Level SpellDominate Monster (Mystic Arcanum)
9th Level SpellTrue Polymorph (Mystic Arcanum)

For your final Eldritch Invocation, you should definitely pick up Witch Sight. It’s hard to say how often Truesight will be relevant, but it’s such a nice insurance policy to have just in case you encounter convincing illusions or issues in the Ethereal Plane.

Level 19

Epic Boon: Boon of Fate

Spell Change Log: + Scrying

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellThunder Step
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellBanishing Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellCone of Cold (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellContact Other Plane (Contact Patron)
5th Level SpellHold Monster
5th Level SpellScrying
5th Level SpellStorm of Radiance
5th Level SpellSynaptic Static
5th Level SpellTeleportation Circle
6th Level SpellScatter (Mystic Arcanum)
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars (Mystic Arcanum)
8th Level SpellDominate Monster (Mystic Arcanum)
9th Level SpellTrue Polymorph (Mystic Arcanum)

Level 19 brings your final prepared spell as well as your Epic Boon!

For your Epic Boon, you have to take the Boon of Combat Prowess. Since you can covert a missed attack into a hit, this functionally gives you an Extra Attack which is obviously more than worth the boon.

For your spell choice, you’re honestly running low on good options so the best of the rest seems to be Scrying. While definitely not the best scouting spell, it’s the only option you have if you’re looking to keep tabs on someone who is extremely far away from you.

Level 20

Class Feature: Eldritch Master

Spell Change Log: None

CantripEldritch Blast
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellArmor of Agathys
1st Level Spell Find Familiar (Chain)
1st Level SpellHex
1st Level SpellShield (Hexblade)
1st Level SpellWrathful Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellBlur (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellShining Smite (Hexblade)
2nd Level SpellMirror Image
3rd Level SpellBlink (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellCounterspell
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellElemental Weapon (Hexblade)
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellThunder Step
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPhantasmal Killer (Hexblade)
4th Level SpellShadow of Moil
4th Level SpellStaggering Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellBanishing Smite (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellCone of Cold (Hexblade)
5th Level SpellContact Other Plane (Contact Patron)
5th Level SpellHold Monster
5th Level SpellScrying
5th Level SpellStorm of Radiance
5th Level SpellSynaptic Static
5th Level SpellTeleportation Circle
6th Level SpellScatter (Mystic Arcanum)
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars (Mystic Arcanum)
8th Level SpellDominate Monster (Mystic Arcanum)
9th Level SpellTrue Polymorph (Mystic Arcanum)

For your capstone ability, you get Eldritch Master! The power of this ability is pretty up in the air as this only refreshes your expended spell slots rather than your Mystic Arcanum, and since those already come back on short rest, it’s campaign dependent on how good this is. Does your DM allow you to short rest as often as you want without repercussions? Then this is useless. Do they highly limit short rests? Then this can be very powerful. I wish a Warlock’s capstone ability was a bit more interesting/better, but you could do worse.


DoggertQBones is an avid player of games, predominately D&D! Previously a highly published author for another popular Wizards of the Coast game, Magic: the Gathering, he's been playing D&D since childhood as both player and DM!

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