D&D One Shot – If You Hear Laughter, RUN!

Need help for your next dungeon? Delve into the ruins of a cursed Dwarven castle for excellent rewards, but beware the horrifying entity that still lurks there!

Over in an abandoned, Dwarven city, there once was a castle that stood tall and proud. One night, an army came and razed that town to the ground, and its leader, an unparalleled spellcaster, trapped the leader of the city and his family inside the castle and laid a powerful curse. There are tales of a mythical weapon still hidden in those halls, but none have ever attempted to retrieve it from its tomb. Will you contend with the nightmares that still guard that forsaken place?

This was one of the final dungeons I created for my campaign, and while it had significant narrative weight in that campaign, this can easily be generalized to work within any setting. My party at the time was composed of five Level 15 players, but this can easily be modified to work for any level of party.

This adventure was played on roll20 and we used an excellent map I found on Reddit called The Foundation of Woe by Legolastom. This map was massive (and awesome, thanks again Legolastom) and was completed over the course of a month in four 3ish hour sessions. While Legolastom built this dungeon with four sections in mind, I focused on creating it around the two major sections bisected by the bridge. To make this guide usable, I took screenshots of how I numbered the rooms (each section with a number will be referred to as a room for convenience, especially for Ctrl+F to find them quickly). Even if you don’t use this map or play in roll20, you can utilize this rough layout in order to achieve a similar effect.

(These images will probably be a bit zoomed out, but if you right click on them and open them in a new tab, the numbers are much easier to see)

For the purposes of this dungeon, I will not include any specific encounters (beyond the final one) nor loot, as again, that will be extremely game dependent on what makes sense. In sections where I have an encounter or item reward, I will notate that as ENCOUNTER or ITEM. For items of variable rarity, I will leave it open ended so you can give out what makes sense for the party level (for example, instead of a Potion of Superior Healing, it will be Healing Potion). DCs can be similarly modular as well, so I will put in a range that you can use that should be reasonable.

Below are two important pieces you will need – The Plea of Gruloum and the stat block of The Giggler. The Giggler was, again, designed for a 5 person Level 15 party so it will have the stats as such (it honestly could have been harder for a party of that level and size as well). Adjust as needed for your party.

The Plea of Gruloum

Yee foolish enough to enter, heed my warning and listen to my plea

In this wretched tomb are the bodies of my children

This place has trapped them, but they hold the keys

Find the 5 of them, take their shard, complete my weapon

Heed my warning

You need the sigil to escape

Even if it’s false, outside is safe from it

But If you hear its laughter


The Giggler

A grey hulking mass of muscle that towers over you with dark sunken eyes and an unnaturally large smile with razor-like teeth. Human skulls are adorned all over its body, like some sick play on jewelry. As it eyes you all up, it simply giggles louder and louder.

*The Giggler will laugh when it gets close enough to someone. If on Roll20, add a clip of a child laughing onto the soundboard and play that. My players loved that. The way you want to approach this is up to the DM whether you want to have it roaming the dungeon or leave it to certain areas specifically. You can even combine these methods. Just be sure that the Giggler is showing up more than just the indicated times. Within the dungeon itself, The Giggler will only ever use its illusory copies to hunt down the players. The main body is waiting in Room 71*

*While in the dungeon proper, The Giggler’s illusions are impossible to hurt. When your players attempt to harm it or use magic directly effecting it, describe how it doesn’t faze it at all, simply slipping through it. Spells that can affect terrain can slow it down, but will not harm the illusion. This illusion will still aim to attack players whenever it encounters them. If any fight starts to drag on too long (3-6 rounds depending on your mood, or a die roll), the Giggler may come as well*

The Giggler can not enter rooms that are in “The Outside”.

Make sure to adjust this to your parties level.

Designing Encounters and Items For This Dungeon

For better or for worse, I left the encounter design super open ended, so while that may be more work for the DM, it will also be more balanced if you want to use this adventure for lower level parties.

That said, I would recommend this for encounter design.

Regular Encounters – Total party level divided by 2-3 in CR.

The Mini Bosses (Shard Keepers) – Total Party Level divided by 1-2 in CR

The Giggler – This is harder to balance as there are three of them inherently, but I will say for my five Level 15 party members, this stat block was not particularly challenging for them (I had an unfortunate penchant of making my encounters too easy). Use your best judgement here. I would probably aim for the relative strength of a mini-boss encounter for just one Giggler, but of course, there will be 3 of them a lot. For the illusory copies, I would go for the copies having 1/5 to 2/5 of the total health of the Giggler.

CR is designed to be a reasonable challenge for 4 adventurers of that level, but as any seasoned DM can tell you, CR tends to wildly underestimate the strength of parties. I have really been liking the Total Level/2 in CR for regular encounters, and you can even go harder for more seasoned parties. Use your best judgement, but don’t be afraid to ramp up the difficulty here, especially for the mini-bosses (Shard Keepers).

For Items, this is a much easier proposition as the Items should be magical of varying rarities. Even for high level parties, you don’t want too many rare magic items, but definitely a few to make this dungeon more exciting. For my party, I gave them one artifact (the Axe), a few Legendary items, and a bunch of lesser magic items. Adjust as needed for your party.

Outside of Dungeon

The grand castle stands magnificently in the distance as the spires peak out from the horizon, but as you approach, you notice that the castle is shrouded in what looks to be a thick cloud of darkness, with only small parts breaking through.

As you continue your approach, you cross over the stone bridge that signifies the border between the trail and the castle grounds and instantly chills run down your spine. While you don’t see any danger present, you feel a pit in your stomach develop – something is watching you.

As you get close to the castle, the dark fog is even thicker up close, and without magic, you can tell that something foul has cast it here. However, almost invitingly, a single door into the castle remains unaffected, almost welcoming you in. Cobwebs dust a large, grated door as miasma pours out of the dungeon. You see an old plaque on the wall adjacent to the opening and it reads:

“In caverns deep, where silence sleeps,

A warning whispered, as darkness creeps.

Ye bold who seek the Dwarven past,

Find naught but shadows, dark and vast.

No treasure gleams, no glory’s song,

Only echoes of those long gone,

Turn back now, lest fate’s cruel hand,

Claim thee in this vile land.”

Entering the Dungeon

As you enter deeper into the dungeon, the stone walls swallow you whole as you feel a drastic shift in temperature as your breath becomes visible. You continue for a bit more until you encounter a large statue of an imposing looking Dwarf. Scrawled into the stonework, you read The Plea of Gruloum.

If the party attempts to leave the dungeon, they will be encountered with an infinite hallway. No matter how far they walk, they will always be steps away from the statue.

Room 1 

You see a room littered with rubble, two Dwarf Knight statues, an ominous river of green, fulminating liquid (acid that deals 2d6 damage if touched, it can be stored if the party has a proper container), and a staircase leading into a hallway. At the bottom of the room, you see a chest sitting in the corner. Upon opening, the chest rings out an Alarm.

This Alarm will make the Giggler start roaming closer to the party. If this isn’t opened, the Giggler will still be roaming on the right half of the dungeon.

Room 2

You enter the dusty, dark hallway. On the left, you see an altar with desiccated organs strewn about and aged blood. There is also a neatly rolled parchment on the altar. (On opening the parchment, you see an elaborately drawn quarter circle sigil taking up the bottom right hand corner of the page).

Room 3

You enter the dilapidated room that looked like a former living quarters. Broken furniture is strewn everywhere and the floor is heavily damaged. (Upon a DC 18 Investigation check, party can find a Pouch Of Gold)

Room 4

You enter a small room that looks like an eerie chapel with many small prayer rugs on the ground. At the end of the room, on an altar, you see the head of a stone statue with a grotesquely wide grin, laying on its side. As you walk around the room, the eyes of the statue seem to always be following you. 

(If anyone gets close enough) 

The head will hiss “Kneel”. If players listen and kneel on the mats, the head will laugh and then say “Sacrifice”. What this means is up to the players, but if the players leave a good item on the altar or offer blood, the head will say “Very Good, its eyes will glow, and all players will be transported to room 67. If the players leave a pitiful offering, the head will say “Pathetic” and then will no longer interact with the players. If the players attempt to leave without giving an offering, the head will open its mouth and screech, alerting The Giggler who will be waiting for the party.

Room 5

As you enter the room, you are immediately hit with the bitter metallic smell of iron as blood is painted across the floor and walls. On an altar in the center of the room is the remains of a humanoid who’s organs and body parts have been not so delicately removed. Around the room, there are cloaked humanoid figured laying down in cages. Their breathing is slow, but they appear to be alive. (Encounter)

Room 6

You enter a large room that’s populated with old corpses slumped against the wall. At the far end of the room, you see a statue of a mighty looking Dwarven Warrior with an inscription (Gruloum in Dwarvish). On your immediate left, you see a chest with some sort of script written on it (Dwarvish for “Open for a Present”). When opened, you will see a corpse of a young Drawf man stuffed inside of it with a LARGE METAL SHARD stuck out of its head.

Room 7

As you peer through the cracked doorway, you hear sobbing as five spirits float around the hallway. (Encounter)

(At end of hallway)

You see five cells in terrible condition with old grime, blood, and excrement coating them. Disturbed furniture and worn blankets spot the cells. 

Room 8

You happen upon what seems to be nothing short of a room made for torture. A small, yet sturdy skeleton is still chained to a table that’s absolutely soaked through with blood. Bloody instruments adorn the other table.

A faint, rhythmic thumping echoes through the walls at irregular intervals, like a massive heartbeat. Each time it sounds, the chains on the table rattle ever so slightly, and you swear the temperature drops a few degrees.

Near the door, a dusty logbook lies open. Most pages are filled with neat, methodical entries, but the last few are covered in frenzied scribbles. One phrase stands out, repeated over and over: “No Escape.”

Room 9

You stumble upon a room with very unusual flora that has more or less withered away while the walls are covered with healthy looking vines. The tree in the middle of the room, while also withered, still has some buds sprouting  on the ends of the branches. 

(If anyone gets too close to a vine, they must make a DC 13-18 DEX saving throw to avoid being grappled by them. Every turn that someone is grappled, the vines deal (1-3)d6 damage to them.)

Upon closer inspection of the flower, they are collecting a small amount of liquid in the middle, but unfortunately, the liquid stinks of carrion. (if you drink it, restore (2-4)d10 health. Four buds)

Room 10

The pillars that were supposedly supporting this room have been destroyed with rubble scattered across the ground. At the end of the hallway, a podium with blood spattered around it hoists an open grimoire. 

If someone touches the grimoire, the grimoire will steal some life from the reader. The target must pass a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the reader takes 4d6 damage with half on a passed save. The blood siphoned from the reader fills the open pages and this turns into a Scroll of Life Transference. If another person picks up the grimoire, the blood drains from the grimoire and the reader is healed for double the amount the original reader lost. 

Room 11

You enter a room with a creaky wooden floor and spilled bags of long, desiccated around the room. On the opposite wall, you see the etchings of a bunch of circles of various sizes all connected by a straight line, save the smallest ones at the ends that are higher and lower respectively. At the corner of the room, you see a treasure chest. (Chest is a Mimic)

Room 12

Dim purple candles light the room with empty cages flanking each wall. In the middle, you see three smaller seats sitting atop of magic circles connected to a larger seat with a larger magic circle under it. 

(If players sit in the chair, players can give up spell slots in the smaller chairs to give the individual in the big chair those spell slots).

Room 13

You enter the room and see a blazing inferno bisecting it, but strangely, the air doesn’t feel heavy for the amount of fire in the room nor do you feel the heat from it. 

*Upon Detect Magic* Illusion Magic (The trick is that the fire is real, illusion magic is masking the heat and smoke from it)

DC 15 Investigation check will reveal hidden lever to turn fire off

(2-5)d8 damage if walked through without pulling the lever turning it off

Room 14

You enter a nearly empty room with a statue of a hulking gray monster smiling down at the players. Its finger is pointing into the wall. At the base of the statue, there is an unmarked gravestone with this epitaph etched in.

“In the realm of reflections, illusions thrive, Where shadows dance and echoes connive. Amidst the masquerade, truth lies concealed, Find the heart’s pulse, and the foe shall yield.”

(On a DC 15 Investigation check, a false brick in the wall can be pressed in to reveal a door)

Room 15

“Stars” twinkle on the ceiling and with the cool and comforting temperature, it’s hard to tell that you’re underground. Across the way you see a bridge that leads to a large, raised area. 

*On the area*

You see seven coffins with a Coat of Arms carved on the outside of it. Engraved on each is a name: Gruloum, Mokrouth, Kokack, Houlor, Uleade, Reildrana, Hadotaline. Each coffin, except for Hadotaline, has a skeleton inside. While Gruloum’s skeleton is short and stout like an archetypical dwarf, the other skeletons are more classically humanoid. (For any amount of shards they have, that child’s sigil will light up)

Room 16

A narrow hallway is filled with the all too familiar stench of death. In the hallway, you see multiple undead roaming aimlessly. (Encounter)

Room 17

Confrontation with The Giggler who crawls after them.

Room 18

“Stars” twinkle on the ceiling and with the cool and comforting temperature, it’s hard to tell that you’re underground. Leaning against a small rock, you see a satchel. If you reach inside the satchel you’ll find 10 Lockpicks, 2 rations, and a rolled up piece of parchment. (Upon reading the parchment, you see an elaborately drawn quarter circle sigil taking up the bottom left hand corner of the page.

Room 19

You find an empty room with a strange hole at the middle of it. *Encounter comes out of hole*

Room 20

Rubble litters the floor, it is unclear if it was from structures that were there before or if it was moved. 

(When inspecting the rubble)

On a DC 15 Investigation check, you find that the rubble was obscuring, but not covering some stone channels. 

Room 21

You find a room with a giant vat of fulminating green liquid in a clear container and a giant wheel in front of it. 

On a DC 14 Investigation check, you’ll see two channels in the room on the floor.

(If players use wheel without covering all four drains)

The door seals and the room quickly fills with the green liquid. At the beginning of each turn, if someone is in the liquid, they take 2d8 acid damage. In 5 turns, the room will be filled to the top unless the players can find ways to divert the acid. Once the acid is cleared, the tank has an ornate wooden vessel at the bottom of it, completely undamaged. (Item)

Room 22

Looking inside, it appears to be a completely empty room. As you try to walk inside, you are immediately greeted by a gelatinous sensation that attempts to suck you deeper into the room. (Encounter with Gelatinous Cube, adjust strength as needed)

Room 23

You enter a room depicting a battle between warring armies: dwarves and cloaked soldiers. The far left and right walls are lined with statues. At the far end of the room, you can see a stone with small etchings on it ( It reads “Their pathetic last stand”). 

DC 14-18 Perception will let someone notice that the Dwarf statues have chains attached to their back

DC 14-18 Investigation roll before approaching will reveal many pressure plates on the floor

If the trap is triggered, the party takes (1-4)d10 piercing damage and (1-4)d10 bludgeoning damage from the falling statues


(If acid was clogged, you’ll see evidence of that it was channeled here as there will be bits of acid on the floor and the holes in the floor have acid in them)

In the center of the room, you see a magical floating cube with an etching on it. (In Dwarvish “I run smoother than most any rhyme; I love to fall but cannot climb.” Answer is splashing water on it) On successfully solving the puzzle, inside there will be an Item.

Room 24

In a chamber filled with the soft glow of celestial bodies and the faint hum of arcane energy, the adventurers find themselves standing before a grand celestial clock. The clock consists of a central dial adorned with intricate constellations and surrounded by several smaller dials representing planets and moons. These orbs lay on tracks and can be pushed along the track. Papers are thrown around the room and strewn across desks. 

Research notes are strewn across desks charting celestial bodies and their varying effects on magic, mainly their potency. Considering the eclecticism in how this was written, these notes feel more like ramblings than true scientific research. 

(If orbs are aligned with correct order from Room 11)

The orbs all thrum and dispense a small, metallic box. Upon opening the box, you see a miniature solar system that slowly moves along tracks. This is the Miniature Orrery. Once per day, the Orrery allows the user to cast the “Augury” spell without expanding a spell slot.

Room 25

As you peer into the room, you see snarling monstrosities fighting over dried scraps of meat attached to old bones. (Encounter)

Room 26

This hallway is adorned with large mirrors on both sides. As you look into the mirrors, you realize that your reflections movements don’t quite match your own. Enemies Abound DC 13-17 Wisdom save

Room 27

Flickering candles light the room as you see an altar with three bowls on it. From left to right, you see inscriptions on the bowls that read “Life, Both, Death”. On the end of the room, there is a statue of a knight holding a bowl. On a stone slab beneath the Knight reads “Bring me the three liquids here born, one nourishing, one killing, and one that spilled with scorn” (Acid, Water, Blood)

Upon solving the puzzle, the bottom of the bowl drops, leaving a stone circle. The stone fizzles against the liquid combination revealing an Item.

Room 28

Giggler encounter.

Room 29

Bones and alchemical ingredients are placed neatly on assorted tables where many different magic sigils are drawn. Even those unfamiliar with magic can recognize a necromancer’s chambers when they see it. (Alchemical ingredients total up to 1000-5000 gold). While the bones are clearly old and this room has been undisturbed for a long time, the chemicals still look viable and expensive.

Room 30

When you enter the room, you are immediately greeted with the skeletal heads of three dragons, all pointed at the door. On the table you see bones strewn about, but uniquely, these bones look to either be plated or simply made of solid gold. 

(If party disturbs bones)

The largest dragon’s head comes to life and the dragon exhales acid in a 60-­‐foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 14-18 Dexterity saving throw, taking (4-12)d8 acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Room 31

You enter a room that is adorned with statues depicting a great Dwarven knight and her accomplishments. Her battles and victories are etched in stone, until further down the room you see a statue detailing her demise as she fell in battle. “Syr Reildrana”. On an altar at the end of the room, you see what is presumably the remains of Syr Reildrana, her body whole and her clutching a LARGE METAL SHARD in one hand. Suddenly, her body begins to quake as she slowly sits up on the altar. She looks towards you with piercing red eyes and shrieks. Roll initiative. (For my players, this was a Death Knight)

Upon slaying Syr Reildrana, the players find two Items and can take the LARGE METAL SHARD.

Room 32

As you open the door, you find a surprisingly neat living quarters, though blanketed in dust. This was clearly once the room of someone important. Books line the walls but crumble at the slightest touch. A large desk holds an open ledger, its final entry unfinished. The bed, still made with tattered silk sheets, bears a chilling message scratched into its headboard: “It’s in the walls.” Despite the decay, there’s an eerie sense that the room’s occupant might return at any moment.

DC 15 Investigation check reveals an Item hidden in the walls attached to a humanoid corpse

Room 33

You enter the room and see three knight statues, one painted gold, one painted silver, and one painted bronze. In the center of the room, on the table, you see three weapons: a longsword, a mace, and a dagger. Etched in the stone it reads “Return the weapons to their rightful owners”. It continues: The valiant knight always tells the truth, the deserter will always lie, and the usurper may do either. 

Gold (Knight): Bronze is the deserter

Silver (Usurper): Gold is the knight

Bronze(Deserter): I am the usurper

If the puzzle is successfully solved, an ITEM will uncover itself on the table.

If the players get it wrong, the knights will drop their weapons and shriek. The Giggler will then be waiting for them outside of the room.

Room 34

You enter a room with an old ballista and many rounds neatly arranged in racks on the walls. The ballista is pointing towards the wall, away from the door. 

*DC 15 Investigation check on wall the ballista is pointing to*

The illusory wall drops and you can see (Encounter) roaming the halls underneath this room.

(The Ballista has the Loading property and can be used to deal 2d10 piercing damage. Use DEX for attack and damage rolls).

Room 35

You enter a room with three knight statues, each with a lever in them. As the last person enters the room, the door slams shut and seals. You see a magical hourglass turn and sand starts pouring to the bottom. You approximate that the hourglass has enough sand for around 10 seconds. 

(The team just has to not pull a lever for 10 seconds)

Once the team waits out the hourglass, you will hear the knights boom with laughter as one will continue to say “Those who fear death so, be wary, as death can come from all directions, even above”

Peering through the door, you see (Encounter).

(If players didn’t uncover the illusory wall, a specter will be firing the ballista at them from above)

(At end of the hallway) 

You find Item, but no way through.

Room 36

The floor is covered completely with moss as you see a hunched figure peering into a crystal ball. In the crystal ball, you clearly see your party from behind. As the figure turns, you see its sickly grey skin, sunken eyes, and too wide smile peering back at you. It cackles as it pushes the orb to the ground, shattering it. (Encounter)

Room 37

As you enter the room you hear the very faint hum of music further in. In this room, you see statues of three knights, one knight with a mace raised high, another knight with his hand on his shoulder and holding a knife to his back. A knight with a longsword is running away. 

As you enter the room, you are immediately greeted with a very soft singing similar to choir music. As you continue into the hall, you see a ghostly choir of Dwarves singing in an ancient Dwarf tongue lost to the ages. 

In the middle of the room stands a giant demon cloaked in flame as it grins sinisterly at your party. (For my party, this was a Balor)

(Once they kill it)

At the end of the hall, you see a treasure chest gleaning and faintly glowing. In the center of the room on a pedestal, you see a book of music and sounding out what you hear versus what you read, it seems to be the words of the song. 

Party member needs to sing with them, if they do, the choir will disappear and the chest will open

Inside the chest is a LARGE METAL SHARD.

Room 38

In the center of the room, you see a large stone coffin which reads – “It is best to not wake the dead”. (If anyone opens) A glyph activates the Stinking Cloud or Cloudkill spell with a DC 13-17 check to pass.

Room 39

“Stars” twinkle on the ceiling and with the cool and comforting temperature, it’s hard to tell that you’re underground. Across the way you see a large bridge flanked by two large statues of Knights. 

(If Party has the two obtainable parts of the Sigil at this point, The Giggler shows up, otherwise it doesn’t)

As you cross the bridge, you see The Giggler squeeze through the door and start bowling after the party. 

(Once they cross bridge)

As the hulking monstrosity attempts to cross the bridge, the knight statues swiftly bring their weapons down on it, impaling it with giant stone swords. The monster shrieks, trembles, and then falls limp. (This doesn’t do anything beyond give them a false sense of security, the Giggler is still very much alive. Past this point, the Giggler should show up even more often)

On the door, you see a half-completed Sigil. (Party has to put the drawings of the Sigil in the missing spots to open)

Room 40

You enter a room with two coffins side by side and two statues depicting two Dwarves, one male one female. On the closest coffin there is a note – “Let our ancestors help us, even now”. (If coffin is opened) Surprisingly there are no corpses in there, but a small bag. 

Bag of Holding

3 Health Potions

Room 41

You see a group of Zombies and Skeletons sitting at a dining table, eating rotten food and drinking sludge beverages. It seems they are almost finished with their meal.

(If the party waits “3 rounds”)

The Zombies will belch as the skeletons neatly stack plates. The Zombie will then slowly say “How may I help you?” (This will be treated as a functional Speak with Dead). Once the questions are asked, they will all collapse like marionettes with their strings cut.

(They will not react if the party attacks, they will continue their meal to the best of their ability for 3 rounds. If any are still alive after 3 rounds, what’s written above occurs)

Room 42

You enter a room that was once a jail cell. Both sets of gates lie in twisted ruins, as if torn apart by immense force. Scattered around are fragments of small statues, their faces frozen in expressions of terror. Claw marks gouge the walls, some disturbingly high up.

Near the remnants of a cot, you notice a loose stone in the wall. Behind it is a small cavity containing a crudely drawn map. It seems to depict part of the dungeon, with one area repeatedly circled and labeled “OUT” in shaky Dwarvish script. (This can reveal Room 67s location)

Room 43

The room is extremely dark with the only lights affixed to narrow stone walkways over pools of green, bubbling acid. In the center, you see a much larger light fixture that’s barely glowing. 

(Upon interacting with the light)

The light turns on and anyone looking at it has to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. When the room lights up, the two monsters hiding on the ceiling attack. (Encounter)

Room 44

You see corpses strewn around the room and two large chests at the back of the room. 

(Investigating the Corpses)

Every corpse you see has been absolutely pulverized with many bones broken and some even powdered.

(Both chests are trapped with Glyphs of Warding that deal (2-5)d8 force damage with a DC 14-17 DEX save to avoid)

Room 45

The hallway is strikingly serene, with polished marble floors reflecting the glow from ornate crystal chandeliers hanging overhead. Soft, harmonious music plays from hidden sources, creating an oddly peaceful atmosphere. However, the calm is deceptive: along the walls, eerie portraits with shifting eyes seem to follow you as you move. At the end of the hallway, a grand mirror stands prominently, its surface slightly fogged as if recently touched.

(When party approaches the mirror)

In the mirror’s fog, writing appears – “Don’t Look At Me”. (The players have to all turn around and turn around/remove all the paintings on the wall as they are also looking at the mirror)

(If solved)

The mirror opens up like a door revealing a hidden compartment with an Item.

Room 46

As you enter the small room, you see what almost looks like a tree stump with flayed wood sitting on the floor, blood spilled all along the wood. At the other end of the room, an altar with a note “Feed the shrine, earn thy prize”. 

If the adventurers put a corpse onto the shrine, the body will be drained of all blood leaving just a completely drained corpse behind. If they do it twice more, the shrine will reanimate the three corpses as Zombies and they will follow the party for the length of the dungeon.

Room 47

You find a cold stone room with many cages and cells. Inside you see many women wearing rags and laying on the floor or the bottom of the cages. It is unclear if they are breathing or not. 

(If party walks up to cages, they are entangled by invisible Webs and need a DC 14-17 to break out of them) (Encounter with Drider or Driders that are hidden)

Room 48

A stone hallway with three destroyed statues as well as three remaining statues.

(If examining the statues)

Two statues are holding a book and one is positioned as if it was reading a book. 

(If putting a book into its hands)

The statue will then speak “What’s the point of reading without people to discuss it with?”

If the party then moves the statue into the same room as the others, a magic circle will appear in the room and will give the party a short rest equivalent to 5 HD without using any resources.

Room 49

You find a humble living quarters that seems mostly undisturbed. On the desk at the far side of the room, you see a parchment. Upon opening the parchment, you see an elaborately drawn quarter circle sigil taking up the top left hand corner of the page.

Room 50

As you open the door, feral humanoids with pale skin, sharp fangs, and long matted hair pounce at you. 

Room 51 

Even through the door, you can hear bickering but it’s too faint to hear what about. When you open it, you see two regally dressed and pale skinned men arguing over the merits of staying in this dungeon versus leaving. As they see you, they smile with bared fangs as one of them hisses “I told you it would be worth the wait”. Roll Initiative. (Encounter) These were two buffed Vampires for my party, could be Vampire Spawn for lower level parties.

At the end of the room, there is a small treasure chest. Inside the chest is a LARGE METAL SHARD.

Room 52

The room has a small walkway with a ladder leading down into a pit. At the bottom of the pit are two humanoids with black and red wings chained up by their necks. As you enter the room, they both simply stare.

(If you free them quickly)

Feeling particularly generous, one of the creatures divulges “You’ll find that disgusting monster in the innermost sanctum. While it may look like it, it never actually leaves there. Stick it for me”

(Free them too slowly)

(Encounter) They are restrained for the duration

(If attacked)

(Encounter) They are restrained for the duration

Room 53

Peering through the door, you see a well lit room with destroyed furniture scattered about with a few skeletons lining the walls. Just hovering above the ground, you see apparitions, all face in hands sobbing. (Encounter)

Room 54

Giggler encounter.

Room 55

As you enter the room, a putrid smell immediately greets you. The walls seem to be made of rough stone, but a closer inspection reveals that the surface is unnervingly organic, as if the stone has been fused with something alive. A faint green light pulses from within the walls, casting unsettling shadows. The room’s eerie silence is occasionally broken by faint, unintelligible whispers that seem to come from the altar in the middle of it.

(Upon examining the altar)

Visions wrack your mind of unimaginable atrocities interspersed with the chanting of a prayer. (DC 14-18 WIS saving throw).

(If saving throw failed)

The images are too much to bear as your body is wracked with pain. (2-5)d8 psychic damage.

(If saving throw passed)

You learn of a prayer that seems to deter some of the evil that lurks here as the owners of the castle used it to almost escape. However, you see the Giggler laugh as a lone Dwarf attempted to use it.

The Dwarven Ward

Take 1d8 damage (add another d8 for each use). Enemies within a 20 foot radius of you must make a WIS saving throw equal to your spellcasting modifier (with WIS being you spellcasting stat). On a failed save, the targets are charmed for one minute.

Room 56

Fake Spikes – You enter a room and are immediately greeted by a 20 foot drop into spikes below. The pit seems to span 10 feet, and at the end, you see a Treasure chest. (The ceiling has spikes as well covered up by illusion magic and the first 10 feet of spikes are fake, illusion magic is covering the real spikes in the second half of the room. Walking over the pit or attempting to fly over will cause the target to run into spikes. They have to jump over the pit to not get hurt).

The spikes deal (1-4)d8 damage on hit. When they reach the chest, there’s a Glyph of Warding on the chest with a Gust of Wind spell that requires a DC 13-17 Strength saving throw to not get blown away into the spikes below.

(If chest is opened)

A Glyph with Gust of Wind blows anyone backwards into the spikes

Room 57

You enter a room and you see 10 feet away, a 20 foot drop into a spike pit. The pit seems to span 10 feet, and at the end, you see a Treasure chest.

(If Chest is Opened)

It’s a Glyph of Warding that explodes for (2-5)d8 Thunder Damage with DEX save for half.

Room 58

This small, cold chamber is barely large enough to hold the solitary stone coffin that dominates the center of the room. The walls are damp and slick with condensation, and the air carries a faint metallic scent, as if tinged with blood. The coffin itself is ornately carved with ancient symbols and glyphs, some of which glow faintly in the darkness.

(Upon a DC 13-17 Arcana or Religion check on the glyphs)

These are sealing glyphs made to forcefully keep whatever is behind them inside.

(If opened)

A skeleton and spirit of one of the Dwarven family members, Kokack, was trapped inside. When released, he thanks you as his spirit has been trapped for what felt like an eternity. He can offer to lead the Giggler away once in this dungeon before he goes to eternal rest if the party calls upon him.

Room 59 

You find a small room with an oubliette in the middle of the floor. The hatch is missing, but it’s too dark to see inside of it. 

The oubliette is enchanted with illusion magic so that any attempt to discern how deep it is will make it seem drastically deeper than it really is (light not shining further than a few feet, dropping something into it will only produce a sound a minute later, etc.)

(If party goes into oubliette)

You find a pile of corpses with one of them clutching an Item.

Room 60

The room is mainly empty with two gaping holes in the floor and a small golden statuette in the middle of a bloody sigil on the floor. As you enter, the door slams behind you.

(If statue is disturbed in any way)

Poison gas will seep into the room dealing (2-5)d8 damage per round with a DC 13-17 CON saving throw to avoid.

Placing something else down will not stop the spell. The door has been unlocked this entire time.

Room 61

This chamber is filled with an unsettling stillness, broken only by the presence of numerous knight statues that line the walls and stand in clusters throughout the room. The statues vary in size, with some towering over the party in full armor, weapons raised as if in mid-battle, while others are smaller, almost human-sized, and appear more ceremonial. Each statue is exquisitely detailed, with lifelike features and intricate armor that reflects the light in an uncanny way. In the center of the room, a large and unmistakable pressure plate is set into the floor, drawing immediate attention.

(if plate is pressed)

The Knights swiftly smash their shields together onto whoever is on the pressure plate. DC 13-17 Dexterity saving throw for (3-8)d8 bludgeoning damage, half on save for everyone in the room.

Room 62

The room is small and unadorned, with only a few candles placed strategically around the edges, casting long, wavering shadows across the bare stone walls. At the far end of the room, there is a simple wooden confessional booth, its door slightly ajar. The booth is the only piece of furniture in the room, and it seems out of place in the otherwise empty chamber. The air inside is heavy, almost oppressive, with a faint scent of incense that lingers as if from a long-forgotten service.

(Inside the booth)

The confessional is old and worn, its wood creaking softly when touched. Inside, the seating area is narrow with a rolled up parchment on it, with only a small window covered by a lattice through which one might speak to a confessor. Through the opening, you hear gibbering whispers, but you don’t see anyone on the other side.

(If someone attempts to talk to voices)

You will hear them whisper at you “Give and take, give and take. Do you agree?” If they agree, that player is afflicted with a curse that makes them lose one random skill proficiency and gain one random skill proficiency. This curse also makes them have nightmares from another person’s perspective every night when they sleep. A Remove Curse spell reverses both of these effects.

(If opening the parchment)

Upon opening the parchment, you see an elaborately drawn quarter circle sigil taking up the top right hand corner of the page.

Room 63 

A giant Basilisk stares at you as it crushes pews underfoot. At the far end of the room is a small statue with its back towards you.

(Upon defeating the basilisk) (My party fought a heavily modified Basilisk, do what makes sense for your party or a different mini-boss altogether)

The Corpse Statue is hugging a LARGE METAL SHARD.

Room 64

This small, dusty room was clearly once a storeroom where vital supplies were stored. Now, its contents long since abandoned and left to rot. The air is thick with the scent of mildew, and the faint odor of something long decayed. Aged crates and barrels are stacked haphazardly against the walls, many of them broken or partially collapsed, their contents spilling onto the stone floor. Cobwebs cling to every corner, and the dim light struggles to penetrate the gloom.

(Upon DC 15 Investigation)

Hidden amongst the destroyed goods are 3 Healing Potions

Room 65 

The atmosphere of the dungeon radically changes as you’re greeted with a magnificent blue carpet leading down the hallway. 

(Upon DC 15 Investigation or Perception on carpet)

The previously unremarkable pattern seems to unravel in front of you revealing what looks to be a map of the dungeon. You see the entire layout and any area you have previously entered glows in a pale, blue light. (If on Roll20, use this opportunity to reveal the whole map, but you can keep the rooms unexplored within the Fog of War if you can easily do that. If not, revealing all the rooms is fine).

Room 66

The small, austere room is dimly lit by the faint glow of bioluminescent fungi growing on the walls. The room’s floor is covered with a thick layer of dust, it clearly hasn’t been used for a long time. Along one wall, there are several makeshift bedding arrangements—simple mats and blankets that have long since fallen into disrepair. A small wooden table holds a single, unlit lantern and a few personal belongings, including a rusty dagger and a worn journal.

(Upon reading the journal)

The journal details the account of Uleade, who seemed to be the last survivor of the Dwarven family that initially lived here. She details how she hasn’t seen her family in months and had to subsist on monster corpses to survive. She then says how she is going to finally go through the dungeon to find a way to escape as her final entry as she was running out of food and water and needed to take the risk.

Room 67

The small room is illuminated by the faint blue glow of three distinct magic circles. 

(DC 15 Arcana roll)

While you can’t tell where these lead, these are an offshoot of a Teleportation Circle. It seems that stepping inside of them will activate them. 

(Left most circle teleports to Room 18, Center teleports to Room 70, Right teleports to Room 4)

(Investigation DC 15)

Nearly faded away, you see the words “Sanctum” etched into the stairs leading up to the middle circle.

Room 68

Alchemical ingredients litter this small laboratory as you see books detailing grueling and cruel experiments on Dwarves. You can tell that the author of this took particular glee in these experiments subjecting helpless subjects to many magical effects simply to see what happens.

As you continue reading the book, you get to the part about Teleportation circles and how the author managed to have them transport users just by walking on them. Left to relax, Right to chat, Center for the Sanctum.

Room 69

As you enter the room, you see a large statue of a Knight with a Bugle. The statue speaks “Fill the silence with merriment, or I will”. (One player has to pass a DC 13-17 Performance check to sing or do some sort of auditory performance)

(On Fail or Party Doesn’t Do the Right Thing)

The Knight lets their bugle ring out, alerting the Giggler.

(On Pass)

The knight says “How Wonderful” and drops an Item.

Room 70

The hallway is pitch black with only candles piercing through the otherwise impenetrable veil. Leaned up against the wall you see the unmistakable shaft of an axe.

(If they have all the shards)

Like a magnet, the shards jump back into place reforging the Axe. (For my party, this was a more powerful Axe of the Dwarven Lords)

Room 71

You break through the shadowy veil to see the demon that has been tormenting you this whole time alongside two other copies of it. All three of them giggle loudly making your blood run cold. Roll initiative.

(Upon Beating Giggler)

With a shriek, the Gigglers grey mass becomes to bubble and melt. The grey liquid slowly pooling on the floor as it’s shriek turns into uproarious laughter that trails away into the castle.

Room 72

You are greeted with an absolutely bitter cold as you see some pipes, a vent, and a wheel mechanism at the end of the room. 

(Anyone who enters)

Each round they must make a DC 13-17 Constitution saving throw or take (2-5)d8 Cold damage, half on a successful save. In this room, anyone moving through it must spend 4 feet of movement for every 1 foot they move.

(If you spin the valve)

The cold begins to dissipate as it is sucked into the vent and out of the room.

Room 73

(If puzzle isn’t complete)

Simply opening the door immediately bombards you with the heat of lava. Your lungs burn simply keeping the door open. At the end of the room, you see a pedastal with a large diamond fused into it.

(Upon Entering)

The blistering heat lashes at your skin as you feel your very blood boil. Each round they must make a DC 13-17 Constitution saving throw or take (2-5)d8 Fire damage, half on a successful save.

(If Interacting With Diamond)

The Diamond chars your skin as you try to touch it (2d8 Fire damage, DC 14 CON save for half)

(If puzzle is complete)

The cooled lava hisses at you as you open the door, but it seems that its treacherous heat has completely left it.

(Upon interacting with diamond, it shatters into 2-4 300 gp diamonds)

Room 74 

You enter a nearly empty room with broken furniture and a letter folded on a half-broken table. The letter reads “Only use the heat supply in emergencies”. 

If party opens door

Whoever opens the door needs a DC 13-17 DEX or STR saving throw to not fall into the lava on the other side. (2-6)d10 damage each turn.

Room 75

This small, quaint room has an air of eerie calmness. A single wooden table sits in the center, covered with a meal that’s half-finished and now entangled in thick, dusty webs. The food appears to be old and moldy, with the remnants of a simple but hearty fare—bread, cheese, and some sort of stew. Next to the table, there’s a set of old cabinets with worn handles. Inside the cabinets, four vials filled with a muted red liquid are neatly arranged.

(Expired Health potions. 1d8 healing, DC 15 Constitution check to not be sickened and spit it out and DC 15 Medicine Check to determine what they are)

Concluding The Adventure

With the demon purged and the axe reforged, the darkness shrouding the castle dissipates and any remaining enemies within the dungeon drop dead as a result. With the entire castle grounds purged of this evil, people may return to the city and the party may keep the castle if you wish.


DoggertQBones is an avid player of games, predominately D&D! Previously a highly published author for another popular Wizards of the Coast game, Magic: the Gathering, he's been playing D&D since childhood as both player and DM!

Articles: 883