Illusion Wizard Build Guide – Unlock Your Creativity – 2024 Update

Learn the best build for the Illusion Wizard with full leveling guides, full spell lists, and easy to navigate sections to only read what you need!

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For all D&D guides on Nat1gaming, they only use the main sourcebooks (Player’s Handbook, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) as well as Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (mostly for Silvery Barbs) as those tend to be the most commonly used books at tables. Always be sure that if you’re following a guide that you’re adhering to your tables rules about what sourcebooks you are allowed to follow.

Any spell, class, feature, or other game item that is linkable on this website is covered by the 5th edition Open Games License and will be in the Player’s Handbook, but not everything in the Player’s Handbook will be linked to. All other materials that aren’t linked to are from other sourcebooks or aren’t allowed to be linked to per the 5th Edition Open Games License, so please refer to the appropriate sourcebooks for that information.

For the purposes of this guide, it will be assumed that you would not be multiclassing. While multiclassing can be excellent for many of these, this is for those who want to play the build all the way through in the same class. Guides that use multiclassing will be separate from these.

For spellcasters, you may notice substantial overlap between the spell lists of builds with the same base class. This is due to each guide utilizing a generically good spell list and not considering extenuating factors that will influence how you particularly sculpt your spell list. When creating your own spell list, you should take into account the campaign setting, what spells any other party members are capable of casting, potential overlap (ritual spells tend to overlap so it’s rare you need multiple people capable of casting them), or potential shortcomings in the parties total spell list. While this guide can definitely help point you in the right direction for crafting a spell list, you should use your judgement and preferences to figure out what spells make the most sense for your character.

To that end, please refer to the Spell List and Spell Tier list for any substitutions you’d want to make to the build.

Why Illusion Wizard?

Rather than having a prescribed impact like being good in social situations or being strong in fights, Illusionists have such a wide breadth of what they can accomplish through their mastery of illusion magic. Furthermore, you are only bound by your creativity as you can make those illusions more convincing, change, and even real once you become strong enough.

If you like thinking really creatively when you’re playing D&D, it’s hard to imagine a more fitting class for you!

Illusion Wizard Abilities Ranked

Illusion Savant (Level 3)B Tier – This ability lets you learn a lot of free spells which is always nice and frees up the spells you can grab from your level ups.

Improved Illusion (Level 3)A Tier – By RAW, this is pretty powerful as you can bonus action cast your Minor Illusion to hide yourself, then attack any enemy you want at advantage every single turn. This is a brutal interaction that can work well with anything that requires a spell attack roll.

Phantasmal Creatures (Level 6) – B Tier – Two free spells learned and prepared and you can cast each once for free. While this won’t necessarily scale that well, this will be really good for awhile.

Illusory Self (Level 10)C+ Tier – Dodging one attack can be useful as this guarantees this misses, but with multiattacking enemies, this won’t be too reliable.

Illusory Reality (Level 14)B Tier – This ability is extremely cool and can be really powerful for players who are creative enough, but this will take some amount of work to make useful.

Quick Level Up Guide

LevelClass Features/FeatSpell Change Log
1Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery+ Fire Bolt + Light (Aasimar)
+ Prestidigitation + Shape Water+ Detect Magic
+ Feather Fall + Find Familiar + Magic Missile
+ Shield + Silvery Barbs
2Scholar+ Absorb Elements + Comprehend Languages
3Illusion Savant, Improved Minor Illusion + Silent Image (Illusion)
+ Invisibility (Illusion)
+ Misty Step + Web
4Feat: War Caster (INT)+ Mage Hand
+ Augury + Suggestion
5Memorize Spell+ Counterspell + Hypnotic Pattern (Illusion)
+ Tiny Hut
6Phantasmal Creatures+ Dispel Magic + Fly
+ Summon Beast (Phantasmal)
+ Summon Fey (Phantasmal)
7+ Greater Invisibility (Illusion)
+ Dimension Door + Polymorph
8Feat: Resilient (CON)+ Conjure Minor Elementals + Wall of Fire
9+ Major Image (Illusion)
+ Telepathic Bond
+ Wall of Force
10Illusory Self+ Toll the Dead
+ Scorching Ray
+ Arcane Hand
11+ Contingency
+ Mass Suggestion
+ Mental Prison (Illusion)
12Feat: Intelligence to 20+ Scatter
+ Soul Cage
13+ Crown of Stars + Simulacrum (Illusion)
+ Teleport
14Illusory Reality+ Plane Shift
+ Reverse Gravity
15+ Dominate Monster
+ Illusory Dragon (Illusion)
+ Maze
16Feat: Constitution to 18+ Antimagic Field
+ Forcecage
17+ Mirage Arcane (Illusion)
+ True Polymorph
+ Wish
18Spell Mastery (Silent Image/Suggestion)+ Meteor Swarm
+ Shapechange
19Epic Boon: Boon of Fate+ Antipathy/Sympathy
+ Gate
20Signature Spells (Counterspell/Dispel Magic)+ Etherealness
+ Demiplane

Level One Build

Species: Aasimar


DEXTERITY15 (+1 background) = 16
INTELLIGENCE15 (+2 background) = 17

Class: Wizard

Class Features: Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana and Investigation

Background: Criminal (Alert)

Starting Equipment: 2 Daggers, Arcane Focus, Robe, Spellbook, Scholar’s Pack, and 5 gp + 50 gp from background

Starting Spellbook:

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile*
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
* = Prepared Spell

Species: Aasimar

The best species for your average build. Human is a consideration as well to grab Alert on top of Musician, but Aasimar just give a lot of value, and since you have a background you’re happy with, Aasimar is the next best choice.


DEXTERITY15 (+1 background) = 16
INTELLIGENCE15 (+2 background) = 17

For any Wizard your most important stat is Intelligence, and then Dexterity and Constitution. I would always go up to 17 Intelligence and keep Constitution at 15 so you can take two feats and two ability score improvements over the course of the build.

Proficiencies: Arcana and Investigation

Just two good Intelligence skills, nothing special here.

Background – Criminal

This increases the abilities you need increased and gives you the second best Origin feat with Alert. What’s not to like?

Starting Equipment – 2 Daggers, Arcane Focus, Robe, Spellbook, Scholar’s Pack, and 5 gp + 50 gp from background

Standard fare, you don’t get much so no need to overthink it.

Starting Spellbook

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMinor Illusion
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile*
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
* = Prepared Spell

This is your standard spell list for a level 1 Wizard. You have your two excellent Ritual spells (Detect Magic and Find Familiar) which you won’t need prepared, good defensive options (Feather Fall as needed, but mostly Shield), Magic Missile for unblockable damage, and the very broken Silvery Barbs. If your table doesn’t allow Silvery Barbs, I would probably grab Sleep instead as that’s a spell that’s close to good enough for the average Wizard, just not one I normally take.

For your prepared spells, you can start off by preparing every non-ritual spell which makes it a pretty easy choice what to prepare!

Before I dive into the next levels, I’ll quickly explain how the spellbook in this guide will work. Unlike all the other casters, you can’t just prepare any leveled spell from the Wizard Spell List you want, but instead you are limited by your spellbook. To that end, each level I will have the entire spellbook for each level, but for prepared spells, I’m going to put an asterisk (*) next to that spell. Obviously the spells you prepare should change depending on the situation, but I’ll prepare generally good spells if you have no strong opinions one way or another. Keep in mind that any spell with the (R) tag is a ritual spell and one you will probably never prepare as Wizards get to still use those when they aren’t prepared.

The Build Level 2 Onward

Level 2-5

Level 2

Class Features: Scholar (Investigation)

Spell Change Log: + Absorb Elements + Comprehend Languages

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements*
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile*
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
* = Prepared Spell

Level 2 brings a new class ability – Scholar. You now get Expertise in one of your Wizard skills, and I like picking Investigation. You would not believe the amount of times you’re probably going to use Investigation over the course of an average campaign.

For your spell pickups, you get Absorb Elements and Silent Image.

Absorb Elements is not necessarily good at this level, but once you start climbing up in the levels, large chunks of elemental damage will become more common and Absorb Elements will become better and better. I recommend taking this now as you won’t have a great chance otherwise, but you probably won’t be preparing this again until level 10 or so.

Your second spell choice is the very versatile Silent Image. This is pretty much just a bigger Minor Illusion, and while it’s not easy to know when you would need that effect, it is a nice effect to have.

Level 3

Arcane Tradition: Illusion

Class Feature: Illusion Savant, Improved Minor Illusion

Spell Change Log: + Minor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion) + Silent Image (Illusion) + Invisibility (Illusion) + Misty Step + Web

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile*
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellWeb*
* = Prepared Spell

Level 3 brings your subclass, two new subclass abilities, and second level spells!

Your first subclass ability is the same across all the school discipline subclasses – Illusion Savant. This time you get two Illusion spells (first or second level) for free in your spellbook, and whenever you hit a new spell level, you get another free one of that spell level or lower. Simple, sweet, and quite nice! To that end, this is a good time to grab Silent Image and Invisibility.

Silent Image is a solid illusion spell that you can make pretty large illusions with, and if you need that, this is how you’d do it.

Invisibility is a really strong spell that’s great for infiltations, escapes, or starting fights as needed.

The second ability of this class is Improved Minor Illusion. First off this gives you Minor Illusion, but lets you cast it as a bonus action without vocal or somatic components, and increases the range of illusion spells. That’s a lot of things for one ability, and before this ruleset has even officially released, there is already some contention on how this ability might work. Many players who have tested this class are using Minor Illusion as a bonus action to hide themselves in an illusory box, and as illusions need to be contested by a Study check by an enemy on their turn to determine if they are illusions or not, by the rules, the enemy will think it’s real. Then as their action, they will attack with advantage as the enemy wasn’t able to see them prior to the attack. Obviously, this is an extremely powerful interaction and one that the designers may not have intended (if that even is how they expected it to work). Some DMs are limiting players to using that trick once per enemy to balance it, but by the rules, this should be a legal interaction. To that end, this is an extremely powerful ability and can help you land a lot of spells if this is how your DM interprets it.

For your spell choices this level, you’re picking up and preparing Misty Step and Web.

Misty Step is a staple on any caster that can afford it as getting out of danger for a second level spell slot is more than worth it.

Web is an excellent battlefield control spell that can tangle up enemies, or at worst, make a good amount of difficult terrain. You could take Suggestion instead as that’s also an excellent spell, but I’m picking that up next level anyway and I find Web to be slightly more effective at lower levels.

Level 4

Feat: War Caster (INT)

Spell Change Log: + Mage Hand + Augury + Suggestion

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile*
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility* (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellWeb*
* = Prepared Spell

Level 4 brings your first feat, and you absolutely have to pick up War Caster. Buffing your intelligence to 18, getting advantage on concentration checks, and being able to spellcast when you don’t have two free hands is excellent.

For your cantrip choice this level, I like picking up Mage Hand. It’s one of the better utility cantrips so it’s always good to have.

For your spell choices, you can grab Invisibility and Suggestion.

Invisibility is a really nice utility spell to have whether you need to get into or out of a place unnoticed or to kick combat off!

As mentioned last level, you can pick up Suggestion. Being able to charm an enemy and make them do anything you want them to is obviously extremely powerful for a second level spell slot. Facing a few tough enemies? Convince one to just up and leave! While that’s my favorite application of Suggestion, the use cases are pretty much limitless making this an invaluable spell.

Level 5

Class Feature: Memorize Spell

Spell Change Log: + Counterspell + Hypnotic Pattern (Illusion) + Tiny Hut

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile*
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellWeb*
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut
* = Prepared Spell

Level 5 brings your next class feature and third level spells, which means a round of Divination Savant! For your free spell, I like having Tongues on hand. Like Comprehend Languages, not every campaign is going to care about different languages, but for the ones that do, having the means to communicate can save you a lot of headache and potential misunderstandings.

Your class feature this level is Memorize Spell. Now with each short rest you can swap around what spells you have prepared. This is a really powerful ability that’s wholly unique to Wizards as you never have to be stuck with what you originally picked.

With your free spell choice, you have to pick up Hypnotic Pattern. Hypnotic Pattern is a fantastic bit of CC that can affect a bunch of enemies as the AOE on this is pretty large. Trade your spell slot and your action to deprive many actions from your enemies is a great trade.

For your spell choices this level, I like grabbing Counterspell and Tiny Hut.

Counterspell is simply the best third level spell in the game, even when nerfed, so there’s no consideration here.

An excellent ritual and perfect for sleeping out or even sneak attacks, Tiny Hut is an incredible spell to pick up with next to no opportunity cost to have.

Level 6-10

Level 6

Class Feature: Phantasmal Creatures

Spell Change Log: + Dispel Magic + Fly + Summon Beast (Phantasmal) + Summon Fey (Phantasmal)

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile*
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb*
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
* = Prepared Spell

Level 6 brings your next subclass feature – Phantasmal Creatures. This means you get Summon Beast and Summon Fey as permanently prepared spells, and you can cast both of them for free once per day at a cost of half of their health. Even at that cost, obviously free spells are very powerful so this is a really strong ability in the earlier levels. While it may not scale particularly well, you can still find use for these summons even at higher levels.

With your spell choices this level, you can pick up Dispel Magic and Fly.

Counterspell isn’t always going to save you from a magical effect, so having Dispel Magic to help you with the rest of the things that might snag you up is excellent.

Fly is a great buff spell to have on hand whether you’re in a combat with creatures that exclusively attack on the ground or for when you’re exploring places with sheer cliffs. Either way, having this in your spellbook is really nice.

Level 7

Spell Change Log: + Greater Invisibility (Illusion) + Dimension Door + Polymorph

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb*
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
* = Prepared Spell

Level 7 brings fourth level spells and your next round of Illusion Savant!

For Illusion Savant, I like picking up Greater Invisibility. It’s a great buff spell, just not one you would necessarily need, but this will be excellent when you have Contingency as well!

For your spell choices, you get to pick up and prepare some excellent ones with Dimension Door and Polymorph.

Dimension Door is a great utility spell that you’re going to get a lot of mileage out of. Teleportation without seeing where you’re going is generally reserved for higher level spells and you even get to bring a friend along! Just an excellent spell all around.

For your second spell choice, you have to take one of the best – Polymorph. This is just an excellent spell to have in case you or an ally are nearly out of the fight, whether it’s because of low health, spell slots, or otherwise, to turn into a Giant Ape or Tyrannosaurus Rex, and get right back into the fight. This can even be used as CC on hostile targets in a pinch making it extremely reliable all around.

Level 8

Feat: Resilient (CON)

Spell Change Log: + Conjure Minor Elementals + Wall of Fire

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb*
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility* (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
4th Level SpellWall of Fire*
* = Prepared Spell

You get your next feat, and while you could push your Intelligence to 20, I recommend picking up Resilient (CON) instead. Proficiency in Constitution saving throws on top of getting the +3 modifier is extremely good for more health and substantially better concentration saves.

For what you’re adding to your spell list, you can grab Conjure Minor Elementals and Wall of Fire.

To be frank, the new iteration of Conjure Minor Elementals is absolutely busted. While an additional 2d8 damage per attack roll is solid by itself, when upcast, all attacks you do deal an additional 2d8 damage per spell level. That can get out of control really quickly, especially as you start getting higher level spell slots as you can combine this with anything that has multiple attack rolls (so Scorching Ray in a few levels) to deal an obscene amount of damage.

Wall of one of my favorite fourth level spells as it has good range, great AOE coverage, and good damage to absolutely incinerate enemies. Use this to bisect a battlefield and you’ll make tougher fights a lot easier, especially if you have allies that can force enemies to move around.

Level 9

Spell Change Log: + Major Image (Illusion) + Telepathic Bond + Wall of Force

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements*
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellMajor Image (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
4th Level SpellWall of Fire*
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellWall of Force*
* = Prepared Spell

You now get fifth level spells and yet another round of Illusion Savant!

While you won’t be using it yet, Major Image is a great pick up for when you get Illusory Reality in a few levels. Until then, Major Image can be a solid choice for all your illusory needs.

For spell choices, you can pick up two excellent ones with Telepathic Bond and Wall of Force.

Telepathic Bond is a great option to talk covertly with your buds which is stronger than it may seem, and since it’s a ritual, it doesn’t eat into one of your precious fifth level spell slots nor your prepared spell list!

For your second spell, you have to grab Wall of Force. Splitting an encounter in half is unbelievable or even just trapping the main enemy of the encounter, taking out all of the minions, and then going after the boss is an incredible use of this. You do have to be careful how often you use this as your DM might start preparing more active countermeasures to not have their encounters hosed by this, but otherwise, this is going to be incredible.

Level 10

Class Feature: Illusory Self

Spell Change Log: + Toll the Dead + Scorching Ray + Arcane Hand

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements*
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellMajor Image (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals*
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
4th Level SpellWall of Fire*
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellWall of Force*
* = Prepared Spell

With level 10 you get your penultimate class feature with Illusory Self. Simply put, you get to simply say an attack misses if someone would hit you either once per short/long rest or when you expend a second level spell slot or higher. This feature is simple, but obviously quite strong. It is a bit awkward as a lot of enemies have multi-attacks, and if they hit you once, they can probably connect again, but it’s still powerful if you’re low on health and can’t afford to go down.

For your cantrip, I recommend taking Toll the Dead. You might encounter some enemies with fire resistance, so this is a good cantrip to have just in case you need it.

For your spell choices this level, you’re going to go back a few levels to grab and prepare Scorching Ray and Arcane Hand.

As mentioned before, Scorching Ray works phenomenally well with Conjure Minor Elementals as each ray counts as its own attack so the damage can stack up extremely quickly. For example, if you upcast Conjure Minor Elementals so each attack deals an additional 4d8 damage and use your other fifth level spell slot for Scorching Ray, each ray would deal 4d8+2d6 damage on hit (an average of 25 damage per hit). So if you hit with just three of them, that’s 75 damage and you still have Conjure Minor Elementals active! If you’re in a tough fight, it’s really easy to absolutely shred a tough enemy with this combination.

Arcane Hand is an extremely versatile combat spell that can attack, defend, provide CC, you name it! If you need a really versatile spell for combat, then this is the one you’d pick.

Level 11-15

Level 11

Spell Change Log: + Contingency + Mass Suggestion + Mental Prison (Illusion)

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements*
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellMajor Image (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals*
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
4th Level SpellWall of Fire*
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellWall of Force*
6th Level SpellContingency
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion*
6th Level SpellMental Prison (Illusion)
* = Prepared Spell

Sixth level spells time and more Illusion Savant spells, and you can pick up a strong one with Mental Prison. This spell is a little risky as, if the target saves, you just get a bit of damage. However, if they fail, then they take damage and are trapped unless they want to take even more damage. High risk, high reward.

For your spell choices this level, you get to pick up Contingency and Mass Suggestion.

Contingency is a very weird spell and this current spell list doesn’t have too many targets for it, but assigning a codeword or condition to get a free Polymorph is more than good enough to make this spell excellent. I would never prepare this at the beginning of the day, but instead use Memorize Spell to swap around spells to prepare this and then use this before bed.

Mass Suggestion, on the other hand, is an incredibly powerful AOE spell that has the potential to absolutely obliterate some encounters by convincing up to TWELVE enemies to stop fighting you. Suggestion is already great, how about 12 of them?

Level 12

Feat: Intelligence to 20

Spell Change Log: + Scatter + Soul Cage

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements*
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellMajor Image (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals*
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
4th Level SpellWall of Fire*
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellWall of Force*
6th Level SpellContingency
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion*
6th Level SpellMental Prison (Illusion)
6th Level SpellScatter*
6th Level SpellSoul Cage
* = Prepared Spell

Your third feat and now it’s time to max out your Intelligence. Having the most powerful spells possible is definitely in your best interest.

For your spell choices you get some nice ones with Scatter and Soul Cage.

Scatter is a really unique spell as it allows you to reposition allies freely and potentially move enemies away from allies or into more dangerous terrain which is really nice. This is excellent in any fight that’s not going as planned as shuffling allies and enemies around can generally make a huge impact.

Soul Cage is a really unique spell that you can only cast when something dies, but once it’s active, you can use it to heal, ask that soul questions, get advantage on a roll, or a functional scrying spell. This is a super versatile spell, and while none of the modes are that potent, having the option to do any is what makes this spell so interesting.

Level 13

Spell Change Log: + Crown of Stars + Simulacrum (Illusion) + Teleport

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements*
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellMajor Image (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals*
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
4th Level SpellWall of Fire*
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellWall of Force*
6th Level SpellContingency
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion*
6th Level SpellMental Prison (Illusion)
6th Level SpellScatter
6th Level SpellSoul Cage
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars*
7th Level SpellSimulacrum (Illusion)
7th Level SpellTeleport*
* = Prepared Spell

Seventh level spell time and another round of Illusion Savant, and you have to pick the best one – Simulacrum. Simulacrum, while a spell you won’t prepare often, is very messed up. While this is almost at its worse on Bladesingers as a lot of your abilities care about being in melee range and your Simulacrum can break pretty easily, this is just so powerful that it doesn’t matter. Prepare and use this when you know you’re going into a really tough fight as having a second, but little weaker version of you is really powerful.

For your spell choices, you get to pick up Crown of Stars and Teleport!

Crown of Stars is a good damage spell that can be set up ahead of time, requires no Concentration, and only takes future bonus actions. Nothing too showstopping, but very solid.

Teleport, on the other hand, is a really good utility spell to substantially cut down on travel time and can be a decent escape mechanism if you can get your party close enough to you when casting it.

Level 14

Class Feature: Illusory Reality

Spell Change Log: + Plane Shift + Reverse Gravity

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements*
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellMajor Image* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals*
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
4th Level SpellWall of Fire*
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellWall of Force*
6th Level SpellContingency
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion*
6th Level SpellMental Prison (Illusion)
6th Level SpellScatter
6th Level SpellSoul Cage
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars*
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
7th Level SpellReverse Gravity
7th Level SpellSimulacrum (Illusion)
7th Level SpellTeleport*
* = Prepared Spell

You get your final subclass feature of Illusory Reality. This feature is absolutely bonkers as every time you cast any illusion, you can make one part of that real for one minute. While you can’t make anything real that inherently hurts someone, you can make a lot of things that could indirectly hurt an enemy which is nearly as good. None the less, the amount of things you can do this with is staggering between creating bridges, making fake gemstones to sell and skip town, and anything else you can think of.

For your spell choices you can grab Plane Shift and Reverse Gravity.

Plane Shift is not a spell you’ll need often, but if you need to get onto a different plane, this is how you’d do it.

Reverse Gravity is a unique CC spell that, as the spell states, reverses gravity. The spell itself is a little ambiguous as what exactly happens when an enemy makes the save is unclear, but this spell is brutal for any enemy who primarily (or exclusively) attacks at melee range.

Level 15

Spell Change Log: + Dominate Monster + Illusory Dragon (Illusion) + Maze

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements*
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellMajor Image* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals*
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellWall of Force*
6th Level SpellContingency
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion*
6th Level SpellMental Prison (Illusion)
6th Level SpellScatter
6th Level SpellSoul Cage
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars*
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
7th Level SpellReverse Gravity
7th Level SpellSimulacrum (Illusion)
7th Level SpellTeleport*
8th Level SpellDominate Monster
8th Level SpellIllusory Dragon* (Illusion)
8th Level SpellMaze*
* = Prepared Spell

You’re almost at ninth level spells, but until then, you get eighth level spells and another Illusion Savant spell! For your free spell choice, you may as well pick up Illusory Dragon. Illusory Dragon, on the other hand, is a really unique combat spell that gives you a pretty formidable ally that enemies can potentially waste a lot of actions on trying to discern if it’s real or not or attacking it while they’re taking damage from it all the while.

For your spell choices, you can grab Dominate Monster and Maze.

While really swingy, Dominate Monster is one of the highest impact (and swingiest) spells in the game that can instantly end an encounter if the target fails their save. While that may be hard when more and more enemies have legendary resistances, when this works, it is unbelievable.

Maze is always a fun one as Intelligence saving throws are pretty hard to pass for most characters, and if you’re facing an enemy with a negative bonus to Intelligence, they literally can’t escape (barring your DM doesn’t rule nat 20s as auto-successes no matter the DC like Baldur’s Gate 3 does), making this excellent.

Level 16-20

Level 16

Feat: Constitution to 18

Spell Change Log: + Antimagic Field + Forcecage

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements*
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellMajor Image* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals*
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellWall of Force*
6th Level SpellContingency
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion*
6th Level SpellMental Prison (Illusion)
6th Level SpellScatter*
6th Level SpellSoul Cage
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars*
7th Level SpellForcecage
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
7th Level SpellReverse Gravity
7th Level SpellSimulacrum (Illusion)
7th Level SpellTeleport*
8th Level SpellAntimagic Field
8th Level SpellDominate Monster
8th Level SpellIllusory Dragon* (Illusion)
8th Level SpellMaze*
* = Prepared Spell

You get your final feat, and while not super exciting, getting 18 Constitution for the most health and best saves possible is where you want to be.

For your spells this level, you can grab Antimagic Field and Forcecage.

This is yet another spell you won’t need often, but Antimagic Field can be really potent in the right scenarios. Need to make magic worthless? Here’s your solution.

Forcecage was the best CC spell in 5e, but with the nerfs, it’s still a reasonable, but costly option. That said, the 1,500 gp material component should be no issue for level 20 adventurers, so I like having this as a solid CC option at this point.

Level 17

Spell Change Log: + Mirage Arcane (Illusion) + True Polymorph + Wish

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements*
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image* (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellMajor Image* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals*
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellWall of Force*
6th Level SpellContingency
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion*
6th Level SpellMental Prison (Illusion)
6th Level SpellScatter
6th Level SpellSoul Cage
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars*
7th Level SpellForcecage
7th Level SpellMirage Arcane (Illusion)
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
7th Level SpellReverse Gravity
7th Level SpellSimulacrum (Illusion)
7th Level SpellTeleport*
8th Level SpellAntimagic Field
8th Level SpellDominate Monster
8th Level SpellIllusory Dragon (Illusion)
8th Level SpellMaze*
9th Level SpellTrue Polymorph*
9th Level SpellWish*
* = Prepared Spell

If you’ve made it this far in your campaign, congratulations as stuff gets weird at this point with some ninth level spells and your final Illusion Savant spell.

For your Illusion Savant spell, you can pick up the biggest illusion spell imaginable – Mirage Arcane. I’m not sure how often you’ll need this or can even use this, but this is a pretty massive illusion that works pretty nicely with Illusory Reality.

For your actual spell choices, you have to pick up True Polymorph and Wish as they are two of the most game breaking spells out there.

True Polymorph has all the advantages of Polymorph, but you get to pick from any creature that’s your CR or lower, and if you hold Concentration for an hour, the change is permanent* (once you lose the temp HP pool, you revert, but this is still pretty good). While the old version of this spell was stronger, you can use the “permanent” transformation more liberally as you can always revert once you take enough damage. Better yet, once your Simulacrum has almost run its course, you can just permanently change it into a huge threat to get more use out of it!

Wish is the best spell in the game, but can come with some real drawbacks depending on what you wish for, one of them being the potential to lose the ability to cast Wish. You can safely replicate eighth level spell effects or lower, but it’s just pure chaos from that point. Know who wouldn’t mind casting Wish though? Your Simulacrum! Make them cast the Wish for you and then True Polymorph them into something better. What a combo!

Level 18

Class Feature: Spell Mastery (Silent Image/Suggestion)

Spell Change Log: + Meteor Swarm + Shapechange

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements*
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image* (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellMajor Image* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals*
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellWall of Force*
6th Level SpellContingency
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion*
6th Level SpellMental Prison (Illusion)
6th Level SpellScatter
6th Level SpellSoul Cage
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars*
7th Level SpellForcecage
7th Level SpellMirage Arcane (Illusion)
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
7th Level SpellReverse Gravity
7th Level SpellSimulacrum (Illusion)
7th Level SpellTeleport*
8th Level SpellAntimagic Field
8th Level SpellDominate Monster
8th Level SpellIllusory Dragon (Illusion)
8th Level SpellMaze*
9th Level SpellMeteor Swarm
9th Level SpellShapechange*
9th Level SpellTrue Polymorph*
9th Level SpellWish*
* = Prepared Spell

With level 18 you get an innocuously powerful ability in Spell Mastery. Unfortunately this ability got nerfed so you have to pick spells that have a cast timing of one action, so you have to pick up Silent Image and Suggestion. While for most classes, a free Silent Image is mediocre, for us and Illusory Reality, this can be extremely potent as you can keep creating obkects whenever you want. The size of the object will be limited, but doing it as many times as you want should be more than good enough. As for Suggestion, Suggestion is going to be a solid spell no matter the level, so may as well get it for free!

In terms of spells, you get two more excellent ninth level options with Meteor Swarm and Shapechange.

Meteor Swarm is the best damage spell in the game, hands down. With a massive AOE and incredible damage, this can flatten enemies in an instant, but can be dangerous to use when your allies are also on the battlefield. Powerful, yet a bit unwieldy.

Shapechange does a very similar thing as True Polymorph, but instead of being able to make the transformation permanent, you can change forms in order to reset health and any other abilities the new form you’re switching to will have. Excellent for tough fights, just a bit less versatile than True Polymorph.

Level 19

Epic Boon: Boon of Fate

Spell Change Log: + Antipathy/Sympathy + Gate

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements*
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image* (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellMajor Image* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals*
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellWall of Force*
6th Level SpellContingency
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion*
6th Level SpellMental Prison (Illusion)
6th Level SpellScatter
6th Level SpellSoul Cage
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars*
7th Level SpellForcecage*
7th Level SpellMirage Arcane (Illusion)
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
7th Level SpellReverse Gravity
7th Level SpellSimulacrum (Illusion)
7th Level SpellTeleport*
8th Level SpellAntimagic Field
8th Level SpellDominate Monster
8th Level SpellIllusory Dragon* (Illusion)
8th Level SpellMaze*
9th Level SpellGate
9th Level SpellMeteor Swarm
9th Level SpellShapechange*
9th Level SpellTrue Polymorph*
9th Level SpellWish*
* = Prepared Spell

Level 19 brings your Epic Boon, and it’s hard to go wrong with Boon of Fate. Being able to potentially turn a failure into a success and vice versa, even if it’s once per short or long rest, can be the difference between surviving an encounter and not.

For your spell choices, I like picking up Antipathy/Sympathy and Gate.

Antipathy/Sympathy is a super weird spell that you really have to prepare ahead of time, but if you have a grand plan of luring an enemy into a known location, this is a spell you’ll probably have interest in.

Similarly, Gate is super weird and you’ll only want it for niche scenarios, but being able to use it for extraplanar transport or to forcibly bring an extraplanar entity to you is really nice. Not many use cases, but really helpful when you need it.

Level 20

Class Feature: Signature Spells (Counterspell/Dispel Magic)

Spell Change Log: + Etherealness + Demiplane

CantripFire Bolt
CantripLight (Aasimar)
CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion (Improved Minor Illusion)
CantripShape Water
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements*
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall*
1st Level SpellFind Familiar (R)
1st Level SpellMagic Missile
1st Level SpellShield*
1st Level SpellSilent Image* (Illusion)
1st Level SpellSilvery Barbs*
2nd Level SpellAugury (R)
2nd Level SpellInvisibility (Illusion)
2nd Level SpellMisty Step*
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray*
2nd Level SpellSuggestion*
2nd Level SpellSummon Beast* (Phantasmal)
2nd Level SpellWeb
3rd Level SpellCounterspell*
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic*
3rd Level SpellFly
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellMajor Image* (Illusion)
3rd Level SpellSummon Fey* (Phanstasmal)
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals*
4th Level SpellDimension Door*
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility (Illusion)
4th Level SpellPolymorph*
4th Level SpellWall of Fire
5th Level SpellArcane Hand
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellWall of Force*
6th Level SpellContingency
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion*
6th Level SpellMental Prison (Illusion)
6th Level SpellScatter*
6th Level SpellSoul Cage
7th Level SpellCrown of Stars*
7th Level SpellEtherealness
7th Level SpellForcecage*
7th Level SpellMirage Arcane (Illusion)
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
7th Level SpellReverse Gravity*
7th Level SpellSimulacrum (Illusion)
7th Level SpellTeleport*
8th Level SpellAntimagic Field
8th Level SpellDemiplane
8th Level SpellDominate Monster*
8th Level SpellIllusory Dragon* (Illusion)
8th Level SpellMaze*
9th Level SpellGate
9th Level SpellMeteor Swarm
9th Level SpellShapechange*
9th Level SpellTrue Polymorph*
9th Level SpellWish*
* = Prepared Spell

For your final level up, you get an alright ability and your last two spells.

Signature Spells is similar to Spell Mastery, but you only get one free cast of the chosen spells per day. Still, as you get some spells for free, you’ll likely just want two excellent ones with Counterspell and Dispel Magic. Having free castings of two really important spells is great, and while picking both Counterspell and Dispel Magic may be a bit overkill, I like having as many chances to get these to work as possible.

For your final spell choices, I like picking up Demiplane and Etherealness.

Demiplane is not a spell you want prepared often, but it can helped when you need to hide out somewhere, access your portable storehouse, or whatever other reason you may need this for.

Etherealness is a unique spell that lets you (and potentially others) take a trip to the Etheral Plane which lets you really effectively sneak in or out of any place you want!


DoggertQBones is an avid player of games, predominately D&D! Previously a highly published author for another popular Wizards of the Coast game, Magic: the Gathering, he's been playing D&D since childhood as both player and DM!

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