Moon Druid Build Guide – Fight Like An Animal – 2024 Update

Learn the best build for the Moon Druid with full leveling guides, full spell lists, and easy to navigate sections to only read what you need!

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For all D&D guides on Nat1gaming, they only use the main sourcebooks (Player’s Handbook, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) as well as Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (mostly for Silvery Barbs) as those tend to be the most commonly used books at tables. Always be sure that if you’re following a guide that you’re adhering to your tables rules about what sourcebooks you are allowed to follow.

Any spell, class, feature, or other game item that is linkable on this website is covered by the 5th edition Open Games License and will be in the Player’s Handbook, but not everything in the Player’s Handbook will be linked to. All other materials that aren’t linked to are from other sourcebooks or aren’t allowed to be linked to per the 5th Edition Open Games License, so please refer to the appropriate sourcebooks for that information.

For the purposes of this guide, it will be assumed that you would not be multiclassing. While multiclassing can be excellent for many of these, this is for those who want to play the build all the way through in the same class. Guides that use multiclassing will be separate from these.

For spellcasters, you may notice substantial overlap between the spell lists of builds with the same base class. This is due to each guide utilizing a generically good spell list and not considering extenuating factors that will influence how you particularly sculpt your spell list. When creating your own spell list, you should take into account the campaign setting, what spells any other party members are capable of casting, potential overlap (ritual spells tend to overlap so it’s rare you need multiple people capable of casting them), or potential shortcomings in the parties total spell list. While this guide can definitely help point you in the right direction for crafting a spell list, you should use your judgement and preferences to figure out what spells make the most sense for your character.

To that end, please refer to the Spell List and Spell Tier list for any substitutions you’d want to make to the build.

Druid Spell List and Spell Tier List

As Druid can change their spell choices with a long rest, don’t be afraid to liberally change around spells and experiment. The spell choices given in the guide are simply suggestions and do not have to be perfectly adhered to.

Why Circle of the Moon Druid?

Circle of the Moon Druid was an extremely problematic subclass in 5e which likely led to few people playing it, this version is much more balanced leading to a much more enjoyable play experience!

Moon Druids still enjoy being the best Wild Shapers around, but now the progression in which you get stronger should much more closely match your allies rather than you being way stronger, way weaker, and then way stronger again.

Moon Druid Abilities Ranked

Circle Forms (Level 3)A- Tier – It’s hard to know exactly how good this is going to be without seeing the new Monster Manual, but considering this still works similarly enough to the 2014 version, I’m going to assume that this is still a very good ability.

Cantrips and 1st Level Spells (Level 3)D Tier – Starry Wisp is good, but Druid cantrips are generally weak, so getting an additional one is not that helpful. Cure Wounds isn’t terrible, but still worse than Healing Word.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3) D+ TierMoonbeam isn’t bad, but it’s not particularly good either. Not too exciting of a pickup, especially since you could’ve just prepared it normally if you wanted to.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)C TierConjure Animals is a great spell, but one you probably would’ve prepared anyway. That said, freeing up a prepared spell slot to grab a different third level spell is nice.

Improved Circle Forms (Level 6)C- Tier – It’s hard to say how much damage resistance there’s going to be in the new Monster Manual, but without that context, this ability still seems pretty weak. Better Constitution saving throws is nice, but nothing special.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)C- Tier – Fount of Moonlight is decent on Moon Druids, and again, you could’ve just prepared this normally, but the opportunity cost would be a little high considering Druid has a lot of solid 4th level options.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)D Tier – Not an exciting pickup here unfortunately.

Moonlight Step (Level 10)A- Tier – This is similar to the Dream’s Druid Hidden Path feature, and while their ability is better, getting advantage on your next attack is nice. Obviously, you have to teleport near an enemy to get the full effect, but functionally getting Misty Step prepared for free as you can trade in 2nd level slots to use this is sweet.

Lunar Form (Level 14)B Tier – Improved damage in Wild Shape and bringing a buddy along with your Moonlight Step is definitely solid!

Quick Level Up Guide

LevelClass Features/FeatNotes
1Druidic, Spellcasting, Primal Order (Warden)+ Guidance
+ Starry Wisp
+ Detect Magic
+ Entangle
+ Faerie Fire
+ Healing Word
2Wild Shape, Wild Companion+ Goodberry
3Circle of the Moon, Circle Forms, Circle of the Moon spells– Starry Wisp
+ Shape Water
+ Starry Wisp (Moon)
+ Cure Wounds (Moon)
+ Moonbeam (Moon)
+ Spike Growth
4Feat: War Caster (WIS)+ Thorn Whip
+ Pass Without Trace
5Wild Resurgence+ Conjure Animals (Moon)
+ Dispel Magic
+ Revivify
6Natural Recovery+ Sleet Storm
7Elemental Fury+ Fount of Moonlight (Moon)
+ Polymorph
8Feat: Resilient (CON)Faerie Fire
+ Conjure Minor Elementals
+ Conjure Woodland Beings
9+ Absorb Elements
+ Mass Cure Wounds (Moon)
+ Transmute Rock
10Nature’s Ward+ Mold Earth
+ Wall of Stone
+ Heal
+ Transport via Plants
12Feat: Wisdom to 20None
13+ Plane Shift
14Nature’s SanctuaryNone
15Improved Elemental Fury+ Animal Shapes
16Feat: Constitution to 18None
17+ Shapechange
18Beast Spells+ Foresight
19Epic Boon: Boon of Luck+ True Resurrection
20Archdruid+ Antipathy/Sympathy

Level One Build

Species: Human


CONSTITUTION14 (+1 background) = 15
WISDOM15 (+2 background) = 17

Class: Druid

Class Features: Druidic, Spellcasting, Primal Order (Warden)

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Perception, and Survival (Variant Human)

Background: Farmer

Human Feat: Musician (or Alert if two or more party members have Musician)

Starting Equipment: Leather Armor, Shield, Sickle, Druidic Focus, Explorer’s Pack, Herbalism Kit, and 9 gp + 50gp from background

Starting Spells:

CantripStarry Wisp
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellHealing Word

Species: Human

Humans are simple – you get an extra Origin feat, Heroic Inspiration each long rest, and an extra skill. This is a great species for those who didn’t get their origin feat of choice with their background.

Human Feat: Musician (or Alert)

Musician is an excellent feat that at least one party member should have, if not two. However, if your team doesn’t need a Musician, Alert is an excellent backup.


CONSTITUTION14 (+1 background) = 15
WISDOM15 (+2 background) = 17

Like other casters, Constitution and their spellcasting attribute (Wisdom in this case) should be pumped as much as possible. Since Druids with Warden have Medium Armor proficiency, there’s no reason to go above 14 Dexterity as you can only get the +2 modifier while wearing medium armor. The rest of the stat allocations are really up to you, but the best is typically having a split of neutral Intelligence and Charisma. If you don’t have anyone with good Intelligence, investing in that to have slightly better skill checks could be a good idea as well.

Proficiencies: Insight, Perception, and Survival (Human)

Solid proficiencies for Druid as they’re all Wisdom based skills.

Background: Farmer

The best background for Druids as it gives Constitution and Wisdom on top of the best Origin feat that you can get with this attribute split.

Starting Equipment – Leather Armor, Shield, Sickle, Druidic Focus, Explorer’s Pack, Herbalism Kit, and 9 gp + 50gp from background

Standard Druid fare, nothing novel.

Class – Druid

Starting out, Druids get three abilities – Druidic, Spellcasting, and Primal Warden.

Druidic is a language known only among druids, and if you want to covertly talk or leave messages to other Druids, this is how you’d do it.

Spellcasting is pretty much the same as the other full casters and will be expounded on in other sections.

Finally, you get a new feature with Primal Order. You have the choice between Magician which is exceedingly mediocre or Warden which gives you medium armor and martial weapon proficiency. I would personally always take Warden as medium armor proficiency is way too tempting to not pick up.

Starting Spells

CantripStarry Wisp
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellHealing Word

This is going to be an extremely standard spell list for a level one Druid. You have good cantrips and versatile level one spells with varying effects from healing to CC. You only have one way to deal damage at this point, but Druids are support casters first, so having spells that are good at making your allies lives easier is a good thing.

The Build Level 2 Onward

Level 2-5

Level 2

Class Features: Wild Shape, Wild Companion

Spell Change Log: + Goodberry

CantripStarry Wisp
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellGoodberry
1st Level SpellHealing Word

For your base Druid abilities, you get access to your Wild Shape, and like every Druid except for Moon Druids, you can turn into anything max CR 1/4 that can’t swim or fly. You’re really only going to use this for utility as you should be a more dangerous threat in human form, but you can use it in combat in a real pinch.

The final ability that you get at this level is Wild Companion. You can use Wild Shape to cast Find Familiar, and while it’s not permanent like a Wizard’s would be, getting it for a bit is still pretty good!

For your actual spell choice, you can pick up Goodberry. Goodberry is a weird spell as it functions as food replacement, but also heals whoever eats it by 1. This is good to dish out some light healing in early levels, avoid using rations, and if your DM is willing to play ball (while it doesn’t work within the official rules, most DMs allow it), you can feed it to downed allies to bring them back up with your action (and sometimes a Medicine check). This use is good in particular as each ally can carry a few berries around to bring up anyone who gets downed (you in particular if you have no other healer in the party).

Level 3

Class: Circle of the Moon

Class Features: Circle Forms, Circle of Moon Spells

Spell Change Log: – Starry Wisp/ + Shape Water + Starry Wisp (Moon) + Cure Wounds (Moon) + Moonbeam (Moon) + Spike Growth

CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellGoodberry
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth

Level 3 brings a lot for you as you get your subclass, two new abilities, and a slew of new spells!

The first ability you get is easily the most important – Circle Forms. This lets you ignore the usual Wild Shape restrictions, and instead, Wild Shape to any beast that has 1/3 your level in CR which means you can immediately Wild Shape to a CR 1 beast. Furthermore, if that forms AC is lower than 13 + your WIS modifier, it becomes that instead. Finally, you get temporary health equal to three times your druid level when you Wild Shape. While this ability is still weaker than it was in 5e, I think this remains faithful to what the designers were intending (a stronger Wild Shape) rather than what we had (horrible balancing issues).

The second ability is Circle of the Moon spells that gives you a decent list. Starry Wisp is fine, but Druids are never really hurting for additional cantrips so this was a bit unnecessary. The leveled spells you get are Cure Wounds and Moonbeam, but unfortunately, neither is particularly exciting. Cure Wounds is much worse than Healing Word and Moonbeam is not that exciting in terms of damage. Neither are terrible spells , but I’m probably not going to be casting either too often.

For level three you get one of the strongest Druid spells in general, not just in the second level slot – Spike Growth. This spell is truly messed up for many reasons. First off, the range on this is absolutely massive with the AOE also being quite solid. Second, enemies take 2d4 damage for every 5 feet that it travels, and considering this is difficult terrain, that can add up. Lastly (as mentioned previously), this is 5 feet traveled, not moved. If you or your allies have a way to force movement, you can stack up an unholy amount of damage extremely quickly. Even if you have literally zero other ways to make this good, it’s still such a good spell that it doesn’t matter.

Level 4

Feat: War Caster (WIS)

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: + Thorn Whip + Pass Without Trace

CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellGoodberry
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth

Hitting level four means a feat, a cantrip, and more spells.

For your first feat, you absolutely have to pick up War Caster. Buffing your Wisdom to 18, getting advantage on concentration checks, and being able to spellcast when you don’t have two free hands is excellent.

For your cantrip choice this level, I like Shape Water. This cantrip is surprisingly versatile so it’s nice to have!

Furthermore, you get a new spell to work with this level!

You get the best stealth spell in the gamePass Without Trace. Pass Without Trace grants your squad a natural PLUS TEN on all stealth checks. That is absolutely egregious and can make even the most heavy-footed companions reasonably stealthy. An absolute essential for any Druid.

Level 5

Class Feature: Wild Resurgence

Spell Change Log: + Conjure Animals (Moon) + Dispel Magic + Revivify

CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellGoodberry
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify

Now you get access to third level spells and Wild Resurgence!

Wild Resurgence lets you, on each of your turns, to convert a spell slot into a Wild Shape charge if you have none. Conversely, once per day, you can exchange a Wild Shape charge for a first level slot if you like. While not ideal for other Druids, this is pretty nice for Moon Druids who are pretty reliant on Wild Shape.

For your Moon spell, you get Conjure Animals. This is a solid spell that moves around the battlefield absolutely demolishing anything that comes across it. This is nice as you don’t have to even get close to enemies to put the hurt on them!

For your spell choices, you get the excellent Dispel Magic and Revivify.

Dispel Magic is no Counterspell, but it is the next best thing! Being able to stop an existing magical effect is a staple for every party and you really can’t have too many of them.

Revivify is an absolute staple for every party to have and you can never have too many people who can cast it. You likely won’t cast this often, but it’s invaluable to always have it prepared.

Level 6-10

Level 6

Class Features: Improved Circle Forms

Spell Change Log: + Sleet Storm

CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellGoodberry
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm

Level 6 brings a new Class Feature with Improved Circle Forms. Now you can change your Wild Shape attacks to radiant damage and you can add your WIS modifier to CON saving throws. Nothing too exciting, but definitely a solid feature.

For your spell choice, you can pick up Sleet Storm! This is an excellent AOE spell that makes a lot of difficult terrain, blinds enemies, can knock enemies prone, and can really stifle spellcasters. This is really brutal against pretty much any enemy that doesn’t have an excellent ranged attack option.

Level 7

Class Feature: Elemental Fury

Spell Change Log: + Fount of Moonlight (Moon) + Polymorph

CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellGoodberry
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph

Level 7 brings Elemental Fury and fourth level spells!

Your Druid feature is Elemental Fury which lets you choose between adding your WIS modifier to cantrips or you get 1d8 elemental damage to a melee attack once per turn. While most Druids would want the cantrip improvement, this build obviously wants the extra melee damage!

For your subclass spell, you get Fount of Moonlight! This is a decent buff spell that adds extra damage to your melee attacks and can blind enemies that well. Solid, but realistically, not as strong as other spells you’re going to get soon.

Polymorph is so egregiously good as it can take yourself or an ally who’s low on health, low on resources, or for whatever reason not able to fight and turn you back into a threat. While the Beasts don’t scale past level 8, Giant Ape and Tyrannosaurus Rex will remain viable for quite a long time regardless. Furthermore, this can function as CC as well to turn an enemy into something harmless like a Crab for a little bit in case you need that. Excellent spell all around.

Level 8

Feat: Resilient (CON)

Class Features: None

Spell Change Log: Faerie Fire / + Conjure Minor Elementals + Conjure Woodland Beings

CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellGoodberry
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellConjure Woodland Beings
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph

You get another fear this level and I like going for Resilient (Constitution). Getting 16 Constitution and proficiency in Constitution saving throws makes you even tankier than you were before and makes it much harder to lose concentration on your spells.

Since there’s a few spells you want, something has to go, and right now it’s Faerie Fire. This is decent CC, but not something you’re looking to use anymore.

Your first spell is Conjure Minor Elementals, the spell that everyone is hyping up! Getting a base 2d8 additional damage per attack is pretty strong, but each upcasted level granting an additional 2d8 damage is obscenely powerful. Cast this, go into Wild Shape, and prepare to deal a bunch of damage with each attack!

For your second spell, you can grab Conjure Woodland Beings. This is like a slightly juiced up Spirit Guardians with less range and no difficult terrain. That said, this spell is still plenty strong as it can dole out a lot of damage if you’re willing to run around the battlefield, something you won’t have issue with as a Moon Druid.

Level 9

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: + Absorb Elements + Mass Cure Wounds (Moon) + Transmute Rock

CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellGoodberry
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellConjure Woodland Beings
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellMass Cure Wounds (Moon)
5th Level SpellTransmute Rock

Level 9 brings fifth level spells, and you get your final Circle spell as well!

Your final Circle spell is Mass Cure Wounds, which unfortunately is not a great one. This can be good if you have multiple allies down at the same time, but it’s not going to be better than your cheaper healing options otherwise.

For your spell choices, you’re going with a first level option and a fifth level option: Absorb Elements and Transmute Rock.

Absorb Elements is great at defending yourself against large blasts of elemental damage, like from a Dragon’s Breath weapon. While those types of attacks were likely not common earlier in your campaign, they’ll definitely become more common as you keep ascending in levels, so this is a good time to grab it.

Transmute Rock has an incredible amount of versatility as you can get get enemies stuck in a -4x speed terrain, trap them in stone, destroy buildings/hallways, and so much more. Extremely versatile with strong uses in and out of combat.

Level 10

Class Features: Moonlight Step

Spell Change Log: + Mold Earth + Wall of Stone

CantripMold Earth
CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellGoodberry
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellConjure Woodland Beings
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellMass Cure Wounds (Moon)
5th Level SpellTransmute Rock
5th Level SpellWall of Stone

For level 10 you get another subclass ability, cantrip, and spell!

You get your penultimate subclass ability with Moonlight Step. This is a Misty Step that you get a few times a day and gives you advantage on your next attack after you use it. This is a very nice ability to reposition and interpose yourself between a squishy ally or make a quick escape!

For your cantrip choice, you pretty much have all the ones you’d be interested in, so you can now pick up Mold Earth. You never know when you might need to move around a lot of dirt and this can be surprisingly useful.

Finally, for your spell choice you can pick up Wall of Stone. Unlike the other CC spells currently available to you, Wall of Stone is good at truly trapping enemies where they are. While the wall can be broken through, it is very tough so it will likely consume at least a couple of turns worth of actions to get through. However, sometimes that’s all you need as bisecting fights and cutting enemy action economies in half is extremely powerful.

Level 11-15

Level 11

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: Goodberry / + Heal + Transport via Plants

CantripMold Earth
CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellConjure Woodland Beings
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellMass Cure Wounds (Moon)
5th Level SpellTransmute Rock
5th Level SpellWall of Stone
6th Level SpellHeal
6th Level SpellTransport via Plants

Sixth level spell time and you need to make a little more room to get multiple of them. With that, Goodberry should be nixed at this point as that’s the only non-essential spell still in your rotation. If there ever comes a time you really need it, you can always bring it back.

For spell pickups, you can grab Heal and Transport via Plants.

Heal is excellent as it’s 70 flat points of recovery with some status recoveries on top of it. A little pricey, but worthwhile.

For your second spell, you get the excellent Transport via Plants. While there are limitations here compared to Teleport, this is a full spell level lower and has no failure rate, you just need two big plants you know about. This should be a simple ask and will only stop you from getting where you want to go in very specific biomes or if your DM is being a real stickler.

Level 12

Feat: Wisdom to 20

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: None

CantripMold Earth
CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellConjure Woodland Beings
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellMass Cure Wounds (Moon)
5th Level SpellTransmute Rock
5th Level SpellWall of Stone
6th Level SpellHeal
6th Level SpellTransport via Plants

Twelve level brings another feat, and I would recommend simply pushing your Wisdom to 20 for the best spells possible.

Level 13

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: + Plane Shift

CantripMold Earth
CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellConjure Woodland Beings
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellMass Cure Wounds (Moon)
5th Level SpellTransmute Rock
5th Level SpellWall of Stone
6th Level SpellHeal
6th Level SpellTransport via Plants
7th Level SpellPlane Shift

Seventh level spell time, and you can pick up another excellent transportation option – Plane Shift. While you can’t use it to travel within the same plane, this can be a decent escape tool provided you aren’t in combat and you have the magic fork attuned to the plane you’re trying to go to. What’s nice about this, though, is that if you’re going back to your original plane, this doesn’t have a fail chance like Teleport would. In a real pinch, you can try to banish creatures with this as well making it rather versatile.

Level 14

Class Features: Lunar Form

Spell Change Log: None

CantripMold Earth
CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellConjure Woodland Beings
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellMass Cure Wounds (Moon)
5th Level SpellTransmute Rock
5th Level SpellWall of Stone
6th Level SpellHeal
6th Level SpellTransport via Plants
7th Level SpellPlane Shift

Level 14 brings your final subclass feature – Lunar Form.

Lunar Form gives you an additional 2d10 radiant damage on your Wild Shape hits and your Moonlight Step can now bring one ally along if they’re close enough. This is really simple, but a really strong ability. The only issue is that your Wild Shape forms may not be too exciting at this point, but this in conjunction with other buff spells will still let you deal some really solid damage.

Level 15

Class Feature: Improved Elemental Fury

Spell Change Log: + Animal Shapes

CantripMold Earth
CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellConjure Woodland Beings
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellMass Cure Wounds (Moon)
5th Level SpellTransmute Rock
5th Level SpellWall of Stone
6th Level SpellHeal
6th Level SpellTransport via Plants
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
8th Level SpellAnimal Shapes

You get improvement to your Elemental Fury and access to eighth level spells!

Now you get an additional 2d8 elemental damage once per turn over 1d8. This is a solid improvement, but nothing spectacular.

Now you get access to eighth level spells so you can take what’s arguably the best one – Animal Shapes. Rather than dive into it, you should check out the Druid spell tier list to see why I rate this spell so highly, but even without its broken uses, you can still find some solid utility for this.

Level 16-20

Level 16

Feat: Constitution to 18

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: None

CantripMold Earth
CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellConjure Woodland Beings
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellMass Cure Wounds (Moon)
5th Level SpellTransmute Rock
5th Level SpellWall of Stone
6th Level SpellHeal
6th Level SpellTransport via Plants
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
8th Level SpellAnimal Shapes

You get your final feat, and while a bit boring, I like just buffing up Constitution. More health and better concentration checks can never be bad.

Level 17

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: + Shapechange

CantripMold Earth
CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellConjure Woodland Beings
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellMass Cure Wounds (Moon)
5th Level SpellTransmute Rock
5th Level SpellWall of Stone
6th Level SpellHeal
6th Level SpellTransport via Plants
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
8th Level SpellAnimal Shapes
9th Level SpellShapechange

Finally, you’ve reached ninth level spells!

To kick it off, you have to take the Druid’s best ninth level spell with Shapechange.

Shapechange is a better Polymorph that lets you turn into anything and even change forms as needed if the current one is working for you. This is an incredibly powerful spell as a CR 17-20 monster should be substantially stronger than a single level 17-20 adventurer making you a much bigger threat in a given fight. That said, since this spell lasts an hour. It is possible that you may get to fight multiple times with the spell active making it even more potent!

Level 18

Class Features: Beast Spells

Spell Change Log: + Foresight

CantripMold Earth
CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellConjure Woodland Beings
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellMass Cure Wounds (Moon)
5th Level SpellTransmute Rock
5th Level SpellWall of Stone
6th Level SpellHeal
6th Level SpellTransport via Plants
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
8th Level SpellAnimal Shapes
9th Level SpellForesight
9th Level SpellShapechange

Level 18 brings a new Druid ability with Beast Spells.

Beast Spells is definitely more interesting as it allows you to spellcast in Wild Shape (provided the spell doesn’t need a material component). This is pretty strong as you can turn into a Flying creature and be a lot more mobile while spellcasting which can drastically increase your odds of surviving an encounter.

For your spell, you can take the best buff spell in the game with Foresight. Foresight turns any melee ally into an absolute beast by giving them advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, saving throws, and all enemies have disadvantage against them. That is extremely powerful, and lasting nearly a whole day is the cherry on top.

Level 19

Epic Boon: Boon of Luck

Class Features: None

Spell Change Log: + True Resurrection

CantripMold Earth
CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellConjure Woodland Beings
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellMass Cure Wounds (Moon)
5th Level SpellTransmute Rock
5th Level SpellWall of Stone
6th Level SpellHeal
6th Level SpellTransport via Plants
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
8th Level SpellAnimal Shapes
9th Level SpellForesight
9th Level SpellShapechange
9th Level SpellTrue Resurrection

Level 19 brings your Epic Boon, and it’s hard to go wrong with Boon of Fate. Being able to potentially turn a failure into a success and vice versa, even if it’s once per short or long rest, can be the difference between surviving an encounter and not.

For your spell choice, you can pick up True Resurrection. While you are unlikely to cast this often, being able to restore a being in their entirety is pretty strong if you’re in a situation where a Revivify doesn’t get the job done.

Level 20

Class Feature: Archdruid

Spell Change Log: + Antipathy/Sympathy

CantripMold Earth
CantripShape Water
CantripStarry Wisp (Moon)
CantripThorn Whip
1st Level SpellAbsorb Elements
1st Level SpellCure Wounds (Moon)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellEntangle
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellMoonbeam (Moon)
2nd Level SpellPass Without Trace
2nd Level SpellSpike Growth
3rd Level SpellConjure Animals (Moon)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellConjure Woodland Beings
4th Level SpellFount of Moonlight (Moon)
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellMass Cure Wounds (Moon)
5th Level SpellTransmute Rock
5th Level SpellWall of Stone
6th Level SpellHeal
6th Level SpellTransport via Plants
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
8th Level SpellAnimal Shapes
8th Level SpellAntipathy/Sympathy
9th Level SpellForesight
9th Level SpellShapechange
9th Level SpellTrue Resurrection

Your final level brings you the capstone ability – Archdruid. You can regain a charge of Wild Shape when you roll initiative if you have none and you can convert Wild Shape charges into spell slots. This is much weaker than the previous iteration of Archdruid, but so few campaigns make it this far so it probably doesn’t matter much.

For your spell choice, you can pick up Antipathy/Sympathy. This spell is super weird, but can be really good if you know what types of enemies you’re dealing with as it can be set up well in advance in an area of your choosing. Definitely niche and not the easiest to use, but it can be powerful with careful planning.


DoggertQBones is an avid player of games, predominately D&D! Previously a highly published author for another popular Wizards of the Coast game, Magic: the Gathering, he's been playing D&D since childhood as both player and DM!

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