The Ultimate One D&D Rogue Guide – Mastering Rogues

Learn everything you need to know about Rogues in One D&D from what to consider level 1 to potential play styles so you can create your perfect Rogues!

This handbook will focus on all the facets that go into building a Bard including the initial build (the best species and background choices) to how to make your Bard unique (between play styles, subclasses, and even feats that you should consider).

How Our Rankings Work

I do a standard S-F tier ranking and here’s how I categorize them:

S Tier – The absolute best of the best. These options can even broach into unfair territory and may be subject to being banned at certain tables. If you’re looking for power level alone, there’s functionally no reason not to use these.

A Tier – While not as broken as the S Tier options, these are as good as you can get without broaching into unfair territory, although some of them may be strong enough to feel unfair!

B Tier – These will not be as inherently powerful as A Tier options, but are still quite strong in their own right. These are likely a bit more situational or slightly weaker than the A tier options, but still very good.

C Tier – Decent options, but likely not particularly strong. These options don’t offer too much or may just be a bit too situational to be ranked higher, but are still options you should consider as these will be the average power level.

D Tier – While not completely useless, these options are either very weak or very situational so are unlikely to be used, but unlike F tier, these aren’t completely unusable or actively detrimental.

F Tier – Either so weak or so situational that these should functionally never be taken or considered unless in the most niche of circumstances.

Rogue Class Features

Level 1

Starting Proficiencies – B+ Tier – Solid proficiencies over all, especially as Light Armor works well on Rogues with 20 DEX!

ExpertiseB Tier – Expertise in 2 skills is pretty good!

Sneak AttackA Tier – This is a really strong ability and can make up for the lack of Extra Attack as it’s pretty easy to set up.

Thieves’ CantD- Tier – Functionally useless unless you’re dealing with other Rogues.

Weapon MasteryB- Tier – Weapon Masteries are overall pretty good and add a decent amount of power and versatility to your weapons, and if you like this, Fighters get more of them than everyone else.

Level 2

Cunning Action A Tier – Getting bonus action Hide, Dash, or Disengage is great. You will be using Hide the most often to get easy Sneak Attacks, but you’ll definitely get value out of all 3 features.

Level 3

Steady AimC+ Tier – While getting advantage on your attack is obviously awesome on Rogues, giving up your movement for the turn is a pretty big downside. You may be able to use this on occasion, but not being able to reposition is definitely a bit risky.

Level 5

Cunning StrikeC+ Tier – While these options can be pretty solid, it is overall not the best as you have to give up damage to get the CC, which may not even work if the target passes their save. However, Trip can be pretty good and Withdraw can also be really nice in the right situation, so this is still a reasonable ability.

Uncanny Dodge – D+ Tier – Having the damage of a single attack can be useful, but is rarely going to be a particularly good use of your reaction. If you don’t pick up Defensive Duelist, then this is pretty free, but if you do, I would almost never use this.

Level 6

ExpertiseB Tier – Once again, Expertise in 2 skills is pretty good!

Level 7

Evasion B Tier – Being able to dodge nasty spells and effects is great, but only so many things force a Dexterity saving throw.

Reliable TalentB+ Tier – This is really good at ensuring that any skill check you make with a proficient skill is very likely to pass which is nice insurance to have.

Level 10

Additional FeatA- Tier – Rogue is one of the two classes that gets extra feats, and if it wasn’t obvious, feats are pretty powerful in general!

Level 11

Improved Cunning StrikeB- Tier – While the Cunning Strike options are still not amazing, being able to attach two does make them a bit more enticing to use.

Level 14

Devious StrikesC- Tier – While two of the three options are not that exciting, Obscure can be a decent option making this ability somewhat tenable.

Level 15

Slippery MindA- Tier – Slippery Mind is almost two feats in one ability with you getting proficiency in both Wisdom and Charisma saving throws. That said, Charisma saving throws are pretty uncommon, so the power of this really comes from proficiency in Wisdom saves.

Level 18

Elusive D Tier – It is so rare that enemies have advantage against you, and even if they do, your AC as a Rogue is going to be low enough that you’re probably getting hit if they enemies have advantage or not.

Level 20

Stroke of LuckA Tier – Turning a failed roll into a critical success is really powerful and this is pretty reminiscent of the Fighter’s Action Surge as it’s functionally getting back your roll and getting the best possible result.

Rogue Species

AasimarA Tier – A generically strong species that gives you a lot of things for Rogues. Necrotic and Radiant resistance is always good, Darkvision is great to have, you get a bit of healing which Rogue doesn’t really get, you get Light for free, and a cool ability to transform into 3 different forms, all of which are reasonable to use. Assimar will always be a solid choice, no matter the class.

DragonbornB Tier – A decent race in general as you get a damage resistance, Darkvision, Flight at level 5, and a breath weapon that can be useful in a pinch. Decent in general as you get things Rogue doesn’t normally afford you, but generally outshined by Aasimar.

DwarfC+ Tier – Long range Darkvision, Tremorsense for scouting, and extra health is definitely nice. Resistance to poison damage and advantage to save against the poisoned condition is alright, but pretty rare so it’s not going to come up that often.

ElfB Tier – Darkvision is always great, an extra skill proficiency, as well as advantage on saving throws against being Charmed (even if it isn’t that common), but the real treat is being able to pick your lineage which all comes with things you’d be happy to have as a Rogue. I would say the Wood Elf lineage is probably the most appealing for the extra movement speed and Pass Without Trace, but any of the options would be solid.

GnomeC- Tier – Advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws is excellent, especially for Rogues as these spells/effects can cause you to lose out on damage which is kind of your whole deal, but that’s the only exciting thing Gnome really gives you so you get no benefits until you’re making a saving throw.

GoliathA- Tier – Large Form and Powerful Build aren’t exciting for really any class, but getting a higher base speed and one of the many excellent Giant Ancestry abilities is awesome, especially Hill Giant for Topple which all martial classes love. That said, not all Rogues are attacking from up close which means that may not always be the species you’ll want.

HalflingA Tier – Brave and Lucky are both fine abilities, but you’re really interested in Naturally Stealthy which lets you hide behind a larger creature than you in combat. Between this and Skulker, you can very consistently hide in combat to pretty much guarantee a Sneak Attack every turn in functionally any situation.

HumanA- Tier – A free Heroic Inspiration every day, a free skill, and a free Origin feat is great for any class.

OrcC- Tier – Rogues can already Dash as a bonus action so that ability is unfortunately redundant, not going down once per day is nice but shouldn’t happen to Rogues often, and you get Darkvision. Unfortunately with the main draw of this species being taken away from you, it’s hard to justify playing an Orc Rogue.

TieflingD Tier – Damage resistances and Darkvision are always great, but the spells package is just worse than what Elves could give you.

Rogue Backgrounds

AcolyteD Tier – Getting some cantrips and once a day healing is nice, but at the cost of getting no ability score you want is a pretty terrible tradeoff.

ArtisanC- Tier – While you get solid proficiencies and you can buff Dexterity, the feat is terrible and only buffing Dexterity isn’t ideal.

CharlatanB+ Tier – Perfect ability scores, solid feat, and solid proficiencies for a Rogue. This is a great choice all around.

CriminalA+ Tier – Perfect ability scores, excellent feat, excellent profiencies. This is the standard for Rogues.

EntertainerB Tier – Buffing Dexterity is great and you get an excellent feat, but the rest is a bit disappointing. Still a solid choice, especially if nobody else in your party has the Musician feat.

FarmerC Tier – You do get a good feat and you can buff Constitution, but the proficiencies leave a lot to be desired.

GuardD+ Tier – While you do get an awesome feat and proficiency in Perception, none of the ability scores you want are there.

Guide A- Tier – Perfect ability scores, a solid feat, and good proficiencies. While you can probably only use your spell once per day, even a once per day Healing Word or Goodberry can be high impact.

HermitD- Tier – Beyond buffing Constitution and an ok feat, nothing here is what you’re looking for.

MerchantD Tier – Only boosting Constitution is not great and the rest of the package does not make up for it.

NobleF Tier – Just a complete miss for Rogues beyond Persuasion proficiency.

SageC- Tier – Magic Initiate (Wizard) is good, but not getting particularly exciting ability scores nor proficiencies to get it is not exciting.

SailorD+ Tier – You go get to boost Dexterity and your proficiencies are good, your feat is horrendous.

ScribeC Tier – You get to boost Dexterity, you get an ok feat, and you get good skill proficiencies. Decent, but nothing special.

SoldierC+ Tier – Perfect ability scores, but that’s about all this gives you that you’re excited about.

WayfarerC+ Tier – You only get to boost Dexterity, but you do get an alright feat and really good proficiencies.

Rogue Skills

AcrobaticsB- Tier – Not a particularly common skill check, but being good at alternative movement is still solid.

AthleticsD Tier – Not a common skill check and Rogues are generally really weak so this is an awkward choice all around.

DeceptionC+ Tier – This is a great proficiency, but most Rogues won’t be particularly charismatic

InsightA+ Tier – An absolutely excellent skill that at least one party member should be good at.

IntimidationC Tier – Like Deception, this is a good proficiency it just doesn’t make too much sense on a Rogue.

InvestigationB Tier – While you very likely won’t have good Intelligence, Investigation is an excellent skill for someone to be good at.

PerceptionA+ Tier – An awesome skill that you definitely want to be good at as it’s going to come up extremely often.

Sleight of HandB+ Tier – This isn’t a particularly common skill check unless you make it common, but as a Rogue, you are kind of expected to be good at this.

Stealth A+ Tier – An excellent skill that a Rogue is going to be using constantly.

Rogue Feats

While not every feat can be mentioned as that would be an oppressively long list, the ones I would at all consider would be here (all the Origin feats included as any of the backgrounds could be potential choices). Feats left off the list are not ones I would normally not consider for any Rogue build, but a full reference on the all the feats in the Player’s Handbook and their associated rankings, check the link below.

Origin Feats

While your Origin feat is tied to your background, it’s good to know how good each feat is to help consider which background you may want or if you decided to pick Human as your species. Past level one, I would functionally never consider taking an origin feat (though it is allowed).

AlertA Tier – An excellent feat, but a little awkward with Rogues in general as you actually may want to be a little later in the turn order.

CrafterF Tier – The feat is just bad unless there’s something big about it I’m missing.

HealerC Tier – It’s an alright feat overall, especially since Rogue doesn’t really have a good way to heal their allies.

LuckyC Tier – A decent feat in general, fine for any class or build.

Magic Initiate (Cleric)B- TierGuidance is an excellent cantrip to have and you can never have too many Guidance on your team (plus you get another cantrip which can be an attack cantrip to give you a decent ranged option iif you lack it). Getting long distance healing in the form of Healing Word is nice, but you only get to do it once per day as a Fighter.

Magic Initiate (Druid)B- Tier – Like Cleric, Guidance and Healing Word are great to have, and if you are feeling spicy, you can take something like Entangle or Goodberry instead. While your second cantrip option is less consequential (probably an attack cantrip for a decent ranged option, but a utility option can be reasonable as well), but if you are playing with spells from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, Magic Stone can be a good pickup to synergize with your team if they are about that lifestyle.

Magic Initiate (Wizard)C+ Tier – These cantrips can give you a decent ranged option for Fighter compared to the other initiate feats which is nice and you can pick up a pretty strong combat spell like Shield or Silvery Barbs which can be useful, even if it’s once per day.

MusicianA Tier – A generically excellent feat for any class.

Savage AttackerD Tier – This is at its best for martial characters, but a pretty weak feat in general.

SkilledC- Tier – A reasonable feat for most classes, but definitely worse on Rogues with Reliable Talent.

Tavern BrawlerD- Tier – Rogues probably aren’t using unarmed strikes much, and if they were, you would be doing so to make grappling possible, not to just push someone 5 feet.

ToughA- Tier – Extra health is always great, especially if you’re fighting on the front line.

General Feats

ChargerC Tier – Rogues are generally not charging headlong into battle as they can pretty effectively fight from a distance or just stand there and fight. That being said, this will be relevant on the first turn you’re engaging an enemy in melee and could be relevant for each other enemy you engage in melee, so it’s still fine.

Crossbow ExpertA+ Tier – I feel that dual wielding Hand Crossbows alongside Skulker is going to be a really common combination for Rogues making this a good choice.

CrusherC- Tier – This is a solid feat in general, but most Rogues probably aren’t using bludgeoning weapons making this pretty hard to use.

Defensive DuelistA+ Tier – Rogues rarely have use of their reaction and are generally holding a Finesse weapon making this a really easy choice for most Rogues.

Dual WielderA Tier – If you’re looking to maximize your DPR, this is how you’re doing it. While not every Rogue is going to be looking to do that, I think dual wielding Scimitars is going to be a pretty common choice for Rogues if you aren’t fighting at a distance.

Fey-TouchedC TierDon’t get me wrong, I love having access to Misty Step (and Silvery Barbs presumably), but this feat isn’t amazing on non-casters as you’re limited to casting these once per day. Not a bad feat, but not one I’m usually looking to take on a pure martial character.

Inspiring LeaderC Tier – This is an excellent feat, I would just hope that the Fighter wouldn’t need to take it. If you have to, there are worse options since every team should probably have one person with Inspiring Leader, but hopefully a Wisdom caster can grab this instead.

Mage SlayerA Tier – Just an excellent feat to mess with spellcasters and to get a functional charge of Legendary Resistance.

PiercerB+ Tier – A solid feat if you’re using mostly ranged weapons which is going to be a solid choice for many Rogues.

ResilientB- Tier – Always a solid option if you’re looking to make a particular saving throw better.

SentinelC+ Tier – While a solid feat, keeping the enemy in front of you in particular may not be in your best interest as you are not the most hardy martial compared to a Barbarian, Fighter, or Paladin, but this can still be good if this is a part of your team’s general strategy.

SharpshooterD Tier – From what may have been the best feat in the 2024 handbook to one of the weakest ones. You still get a much larger range, the ability to ignore cover, and +1 to your Dexterity, but not having the -5/+10 damage bonus is extremely brutal. This is more feasible if your DM lets you take shots at massive ranges and/or uses cover a lot, but not something I would take otherwise, even on ranged Fighters.

SkulkerA Tier – Skulker gives a lot for Rogues in particular as getting advantage to Hide in combat is great, not losing your invisibility from hiding if you miss and even getting some blindsight is really nice overall. I like taking this on functionally any Rogue to give you more options in how you can get your Sneak Attack.

SlasherB Tier – Decent buffs to a pretty common damage type for Rogues.

SpeedyC Tier – While this generally wouldn’t be my first choice, being faster is never a bad thing for any class.

Rogue Play Styles (Builds)

Ranged RogueA- Tier – Rogues are the furthest thing from hardy, so you generally want to using ranged weapons to fight. You generally want to get an ally near the enemy you’re looking to hit and/or hide in combat, pepper them with crossbow bolts, and repeat. What is pretty awkward about this play style is how common knocking enemies prone is which makes this much less effective, but I still think this is your best bet. If you’re going this route, I would likely pick Skulker at level 4, Crossbow Expert at level 8, and then Mage Slayer at level 10. Past that, it’s really up to you what you want.

Dual Wielder B+ Tier – If you don’t want to fight from a range, you’re probably looking to dual wield instead. You may not always use the bonus action attack if you need to use your Cunning Action, but having the option is important in my opinion. If you’re going this route, take Dual Wielder or Skulker at level 4, the other at level 8, then Mage Slayer at level 10. After that, it’s up to you what you’d want to grab.

Rogue Multiclassing

Not every potential multiclass is going to be mentioned as most don’t synergize well with Rogues, just the ones I would consider. For a more thorough breakdown on multiclassing, check out the link below.

FighterB- Tier – The classic multiclassing choice for any martial. You don’t really need the armor proficiencies, but getting a Fighting Style and Action Surge at level 2 will always be relatively tempting.

Rogue Subclasses

Arcane Trickster Rogue Build Guide: With the natural dexterity of a Rogue and a sliver of magic capabilities, the Arcane Trickster is extremely versatile on and off the battlefield.

Assassin Rogue Build Guide: Using any means necessary to get the drop of enemies, Assassins look to end their targets immediately before they can fight back.

Inquisitive Rogue Build Guide: Ironically excellent at discerning truth, Inquisitive Rogues use their extraordinary perception and insight to both play detective and fight their enemies.

Mastermind Rogue Build Guide: An expert in non-violent solutions, Mastermind Rogues don’t like getting their hands dirty with combat, but instead focus on alternative solutions to their problems.

Phantom Rogue Build Guide: Empowered with the strength of the dead, Phantom Rogues can deal additional damage, entreat the dead, or even become incorporeal.

Scout Rogue Build Guide: A blend between Rogue and Ranger, Scouts are Rogues that specialize in fighting and navigating in natural environments.

Soulknife Rogue Build Guide: Using their psychic powers to manifest blades of psychic energy, Soulknife Rogues get to use these special weapons and their other latent abilities to combat enemies up close and afar.

Swashbuckler Rogue Build Guide: A smooth-talking pirate adjacent class, Swashbucklers excel in close combat as well as social scenarios.

Thief Rogue Build Guide: For those who prioritize stealing over all else, the Thief Rogue is easily one of the most unique subclasses for Rogues as you have a mix of super flavorful and solid abilities!

Rogue Subclass Rankings

Rogues Rankings

The quality jumps between these subclasses is extremely stark. Arcane Trickster was already the best Rogue subclass, but with the changes, it is now leagues better than every other option. The Phantom also boasts a pretty strong suite of abilities and stands out amongst the Rogues, just at a lower tier compared to Arcane Trickster. After that, many of the Rogue subclasses have similar power levels with a lot of them being mostly unimpressive.

  1. Arcane TricksterC Tier
  2. PhantomC- Tier
  3. SwashbucklerD Tier
  4. SoulknifeD Tier
  5. AssassinD Tier
  6. ScoutD Tier
  7. ThiefD Tier
  8. InquisitiveD Tier
  9. MastermindF Tier
Arcane Trickster

Mage Hand Legerdemain (Level 3)B- Tier – While I don’t believe this is particularly helpful in combat, being able to turn a Mage Hand invisible and pick locks with it is really nice for utility.

Cantrips & 1st Level Spells (Level 3)A+ Tier – You get so many nice options here that range from being useful for utility to lifesaving in the right circumstances.

2nd Level Spells (Level 7) A Tier – While you get awesome options, I find these to be less impactful than the 1st level spells, even though they are stronger. With fewer spell slots available to you, you really have to make these count, and realistically, you may want to save a slot or two for an emergency 1st level spell.

Magical Ambush (Level 9)B+ Tier – This won’t affect many spells in general, but this is a generally strong ability.

Versatile Trickster (Level 13)D- Tier – Unless your Mage Hand is already out, it’s going to be very hard to set this up as this will eat into multiple bonus actions to make work. I’d much rather keep my cunning action then potentially trip a second creature that I couldn’t even personally capitalize on.

3rd Level Spells (Level 13)A+ Tier – You get 3 spell slots for this pretty quick and you have all bangers here.

Spell Thief (Level 17)B Tier – On one hand, this is infinite Counterspells until you get this to work which is super cool, but once it does work, it’s not going to be that impactful. You’re looking to use this against a high level spell effect, and if you succeed, it’s not like you’ll be able to use it yourself and the enemy probably could only use it once anyway. Still, a free Counterspell is a free Counterspell!

4th Level Spells (Level 19)B- Tier – Your fourth level options are good, just getting them so late and only one spell slot a day is a little brutal.


Assassinate (Level 3)B+ Tier – Weaker than it used to be, but this feature is still quite good as advantage on initiative and you get to Sneak Attack most targets round one is nice.

Assassin’s Tools (Level 3) C+ Tier – I’ll never say no to two proficiencies, and both can be good if you’re creative with them.

Infiltration Expertise (Level 9)C+ Tier – The first half of this ability is pure utility, and can be useful in the right situations. Roving Aim is definitely useful as well, but I question how often you want to be attacking from range which does limit the usefulness of this ability. Overall, I’d say this ability is solid but that will definitely vary from player to player.

Envenom Weapons (Level 13)D+ Tier – The Poison cunning strike is not the option I would want to use most of the time, and the additional damage granted by this ability isn’t much of an incentive. This isn’t bad if you’re facing an enemy with low Constitution, but this is very unexciting.

Death Strike (Level 17)B Tier – Constitution saving throws are rough as a lot of enemies have really high Constitution scores, but if they fail against this, they can get obliterated which is always fun.


Ear for Deceit (Level 3)D Tier – Very specific and may only be useful once your level is high enough to have a good PB.

Eye for Detail (Level 3) D Tier – Once again, a really specific ability and only really helpful if your DM likes giving you encounters where you need to figure something out/find something in the midst of it.

Insightful Fighting (Level 3) C- Tier – In regular encounters this probably won’t be helpful, but this can be good in boss encounters as trading one bonus action to potentially always have Sneak Attack against a target can be a good trade.

Steady Eye (Level 9)C Tier – Helpful for general utility or if you’re using your Eye for Detail.

Unerring Eye (Level 13)D+ Tier – The Poison cunning strike is not the option I would want to use most of the time, and the additional damage granted by this ability isn’t much of an incentive. This isn’t bad if you’re facing an enemy with low Constitution, but this is very unexciting.

Eye for Weakness (Level 17)C Tier – This forces you to use Insightful Fighting which is annoying, but this is a decent damage boost in the capacity that you can use your Cunning Strikes a bit more liberally.


Master of Intrigue (Level 3)B- Tier – This is a lot of proficiencies packed into one skill, and if you’re picking this class, I would assume you can make them useful.

Master of Tactics (Level 3) C Tier – This is a really interesting feature, and while it’s hard to say if you’d prefer to do this or a different Cunning Action, this ability is good enough to at least consider using it over your Cunning Action.

Insightful Manipulator (Level 9)D- Tier – There are similar features to this that are so much better, and while this isn’t useless, it’s close.

Misdirection (Level 13)D- Tier – While this is actually a strong ability, the amount of set up required to fully capitalize on this is ridiculous. This would only work if an enemy is covering you from another enemy attacking at ranged, and even then, they can probably establish another sight line instead. I will say though that there is a lot of comedic value to using this on your allies assuming your table is close enough friends where this would be funny rather than infuriating. That said, even if you could use this tactically with allies (hide behind your tank), enemies could still just move in such a way to not trigger this pretty easily.

Soul of Deceit (Level 17)D- Tier – This should’ve been a third level ability, and even if it were, it would get this rating. This is so unbelievably niche that I’m surprised this was approved to be the capstone.


Whispers of the Dead (Level 3)B Tier – A rotating proficiency is stronger than it may seem as it can help you solve a problem you couldn’t solve prior to your short rest. Your party can’t identify these strange looking runes? Short rest, get proficiency in Arcana, and try again!

Wails from the Grave (Level 3) C+ Tier – Free damage is free damage, especially if this requires no additional action to make work. While this doesn’t work the best with cunning strike, if you’re looking for pure damage output, you can just avoid using them for a turn.

Tokens of the Departed (Level 9)B+ Tier – With the amount of goons the average player mows through, you should have a nearly endless supply of these to use for combat or utility! The only issue is the Speak with Dead adjacent feature as you’ll have to track who’s trinkets you have unless you’re planning on using them immediately.

Ghost Walk (Level 13)A Tier – This ability is very strong, especially since you’ll have an endless supply of Soul Trinkets that will make this ability available to you functionally every fight.

Death’s Friend (Level 17)B- Tier – You probably didn’t need help in the Soul Trinket department, but it is nice as well as getting more damage for free. A little weak for a capstone, but not alarmingly so.


Skirmisher (Level 3)C Tier – If an enemy ends their turn near you, then it’s a little late for this ability, but free repositioning tools can still be helpful as you can get far enough away where other enemies can’t get to you.

Survivalist (Level 3) B- Tier – Double Expertise for free is no joke, even if they are pretty niche skills.

Superior Mobility (Level 9)D+ Tier – 10 extra feet of movement isn’t bad, but after waiting 6 levels to get an additional ability, you would hope it’s a little bit more than just this.

Ambush Master (Level 13)B- Tier – Advantage on initiative rolls is great and getting advantage on your first attack is also nice, but I still wish this did more to help make up for the lack of abilities prior to this.

Sudden Strike (Level 17)A Tier – Getting two Sneak Attacks in one turn is extremely good, it’s just a shame it took this long to get an exciting ability.


Psionic Power (Level 3)C- Tier – Neither ability is necessarily bad, but they are both very unexciting.

Psychic Blades (Level 3) C- Tier – While this is the main feature of the class, it’s just not that exciting. This is going to be generally worse than Dual Wielding Scimitars, but you do have the utility of the Thrown property, the Vex Mastery, and they leave no marks and such. It is cool, and they aren’t bad, but they don’t get particularly useful until future abilities buff them.

Soul Blades (Level 9)A- Tier – Now this is a pretty nice upgrade. Being able to use your Psionic dice is more exciting ways is obviously awesome and being able to convert misses into potential hits or a much longer short range teleport are both strong abilities.

Psychic Veil (Level 13)B- Tier – The ability to stay invisible for an hour is pretty solid for a lot of varying scenarios, no surprise there.

Rend Mind (Level 17)B Tier – The stunned condition is really strong, but reusing the ability does cost a lot of dice, even for this level. Use sparingly, but it can be devastating when it works.


Fancy Footwork (Level 3)B+ Tier – This is a really nice ability as Rogues seldom want to be right next to enemies when they end their turn.

Rakish Audacity (Level 3)A- Tier – Bonuses to your initiative and a new and easy way to trigger Sneak Attack is really strong as this means you don’t have to constantly use your cunning action to hide if you need damage.

Panache (Level 9)C+ Tier – This is an interesting ability as it has both in and out of combat applications, but it isn’t easy justifying using this in combat versus just attacking the enemy. That said, if you want to really hurt an enemies damage potential and you can stay out of their way, you could go for this check and just keep a solid distance so they can’t get to you.

Elegant Maneuver (Level 13)D Tier – Useful out of combat, I can’t imagine when you would use this in combat.

Master Duelist (Level 17)C Tier – Turning a missed attack into a potential sneak attack is nice, but you don’t get to use this often and abilities similar to this tend to be stronger.


Fast Hands (Level 3)C Tier – The first half of this ability is pretty niche, but being able to activate a magic item with just a bonus action is definitely pretty solid if you always have one with you.

Second Story Work (Level 3) D Tier – This ability isn’t bad, but it’s super easy to find alternative ways to climb a structure or find you way across a chasm.

Supreme Sneak (Level 9)D Tier – This is very specific, only works if you are planning on attacking from range, and isn’t even that useful as you can just look to use your cunning action to hide again away. If you did use this, what would you use your bonus action for? I don’t really get the point of this, but maybe I’m missing something.

Use Magic Device (Level 13) B+ Tier – The ability to use scrolls or get a potential free charge from magical items is neat and all, but this rating is mostly for the fourth attunement slot which is really good. There’s a lot of good magic items out there, especially at this level!

Thief’s Reflexes (Level 17)B+ Tier – I think this is probably weaker than most people anticipate, but this is still a very strong ability.


DoggertQBones is an avid player of games, predominately D&D! Previously a highly published author for another popular Wizards of the Coast game, Magic: the Gathering, he's been playing D&D since childhood as both player and DM!

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