Swords Bard Build Guide – The Most Stylish Blademaster – 2024 Update

Learn the best build for the Swords Bard with full leveling guides, full spell lists, and easy to navigate sections to only read what you need!

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For all D&D guides on Nat1gaming, they only use the main sourcebooks (Player’s Handbook, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) as well as Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (mostly for Silvery Barbs) as those tend to be the most commonly used books at tables. Always be sure that if you’re following a guide that you’re adhering to your tables rules about what sourcebooks you are allowed to follow.

Any spell, class, feature, or other game item that is linkable on this website is covered by the 5th edition Open Games License and will be in the Player’s Handbook, but not everything in the Player’s Handbook will be linked to. All other materials that aren’t linked to are from other sourcebooks or aren’t allowed to be linked to per the 5th Edition Open Games License, so please refer to the appropriate sourcebooks for that information.

For the purposes of this guide, it will be assumed that you would not be multiclassing. While multiclassing can be excellent for many of these, this is for those who want to play the build all the way through in the same class. Guides that use multiclassing will be separate from these.

For spellcasters, you may notice substantial overlap between the spell lists of builds with the same base class. This is due to each guide utilizing a generically good spell list and not considering extenuating factors that will influence how you particularly sculpt your spell list. When creating your own spell list, you should take into account the campaign setting, what spells any other party members are capable of casting, potential overlap (ritual spells tend to overlap so it’s rare you need multiple people capable of casting them), or potential shortcomings in the parties total spell list. While this guide can definitely help point you in the right direction for crafting a spell list, you should use your judgement and preferences to figure out what spells make the most sense for your character.

To that end, please refer to the Spell List and Spell Tier list for any substitutions you’d want to make to the build.

Why Swords Bard?

If you’re looking to play a College of Swords Bard, that means you’re extremely interested in the iconic spellsword (or gish)! While I would argue that Bladesingers are more powerful as a gish class, Sword Bards operate like more versatile Paladins with a full spell list to work with rather than a more offensive build like Bladesingers.

With a good offensive game plan and plenty of spells that Bards like, you don’t have to take a backseat in fights and instead can both support and deal damage from the frontline!

Swords Bard Abilities Ranked

Bonus Proficiencies (Level 3)B+ Tier – Medium Armor and Scimitar proficiency? You get similar offensive power to the Ranger but with an infinitely better spell list! Furthermore, you get to use your weapon as a spellcasting focus, so in conjunction with War Caster, you can seamlessly cast spells in combat. The only issue is that incentives you to either dip into another class to get Weapon Mastery or grab the feat for the mximum amount of attacks, but you’ll do what you have to!

Fighting Style (Level 3)C- Tier – A bit of extra damage if you connect with your second attack. Obviously fine, but it’s never going to be that impactful.

Blade Flourish (Level 3)B+ Tier – Beyond your Slashing Flourish, this ability is pretty strong and gives you solid uses of your Bardic Inspiration.

Extra Attack (Level 6)A Tier – While still excellent on Swords Bards, you will be tempted to spellcast in battle, and when you do, you won’t be able to use the Extra Attack. Still, this is excellent.

Master’s Flourish (Level 14)A Tier – Getting free Blade Flourishes, even if you aren’t going to get a particularly large number on average, is really strong.


Quick Level Up Guide

LevelClass Features/FeatNotes
1Spellcasting, Bardic Inspiration (d6)+ Prestidigitation
+ Vicious Mockery
+ Detect Magic + Faerie Fire
+ Feather Fall + Healing Word
2Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest (d6)+ Comprehend Languages
3Bonus Proficiencies, Combat Inspiration, Blade Flourish, Expertise+ Suggestion
4Feat: Dual Wielder (DEX)+ Mage Hand + Aid
5Bardic Inspiration (d8), Font of Inspiration+ Dispel Magic
+ Hypnotic Pattern
6Extra Attack+ Tiny Hut
7Countercharm+ Polymorph
8Feat: Weapon Mastery (DEX)+ Dimension Door
9Song of Rest (d8)+ Greater Invisibility
+ Telepathic Bond
10Bardic Inspiration (d10), Expertise, Magical SecretsFaerie Fire
+ Minor Illusion
+ Scorching Ray
+ Conjure Minor Elementals
11Comprehend Languages
+ Spirit Guardians
+ Mass Suggestion
12Feat: War Caster (CHA)None
13Song of Rest (d10) + Teleport
14Master’s FlourishNone
15Bardic Inspiration (d12)+ Maze
16Feat: Charisma to 20Polymorph
+ Simulacrum
17Song of Rest (d12) + Wish
18Superior Inspiration+ True Polymorph
19Epic Boon: Boon of Luck+ Mass Heal
20Words of Creation+ Power Word: Heal (Words of Creation)
+ Power Word: Kill (Words of Creation)
+ Shapechange

Level One Build

Species: Aasimar


DEXTERITY15 (+1 background) = 16
CHARISMA15 (+1 background) = 17

Class: Bard

Class Features: Spellcasting, Bardic Inspiration

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Performance, and Persuasion

Background: Entertainer (Musician)

Starting Equipment: Leather Armor, 2 Daggers, Musical Instrument of choice, Entertainer’s Pack, and 19 gp + 50gp from background

Starting Spells:

CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellDetect Magic
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word

Species: Aasimar

The best species for your average build. Human is a consideration as well to grab Alert on top of Musician, but Aasimar just give a lot of value, and since you have a background you’re happy with, Aasimar is the next best choice.


DEXTERITY15 (+1 background) = 16
CHARISMA15 (+1 background) = 17

A Bard’s main stat is Charisma so that has to be buffed. Beyond that, Dexterity and Constitution are most important to not get constantly downed, so pumping those up is also a great idea.

Proficiencies: Insight, Performance, and Persuasion

As a Bard, you should be really good at playing instruments and really good at talking with people. These skills allow that the best in my opinion, but you can change these as you want.

Background: Entertainer

You need a background that gives you a bonus to Charisma at a minimum, but if you can get the best Origin feat to boot? This is an easy choice for Bards.

Starting Equipment – Leather Armor, 2 Daggers, Musical Instrument of choice, Entertainer’s Pack, and 19 gp + 50gp from background

Standard Bard fare, nothing novel here.

Class – Bard

Sorcerers get two inherent features at level one: Spellcasting and Bardic Inspiration.

Spellcasting will be discussed more in the next section, but like the other full casters now (sans Wizard who’s slightly different), you have a prepared list of spells rather than spells known which is a nice change.

Bardic Inspiration is a unique feature that grants allies a die that can be used to aid any d20 test for a full hour, and better yet, they can wait to see the result of the roll before deciding. This is a very powerful feature and one that really helps the Bard stand out.

Starting Spells

CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word

For Bards, this is going to pretty much always be the starting spell list I would recommend.

For your cantrips, most players would say that Vicious Mockery is mandatory as it’s the Bards best attack cantrip. There is Starry Wisp if you prioritize damage, but giving up an average of 1 point of damage for a little bit of CC is well worth it in my eyes. For your second cantrip, it’s more up to you on what utility cantrip you’re interested in. I’m in the camp that Prestidigitation is the most versatile, but if you like Mage Hand or Minor Illusion more, absolutely feel free to take those (as this build will do eventually anyway).

Since Bards don’t have the best damage options, I recommend sticking to what they’re good at – utility (Detect Magic, Feather Fall), support (Healing Word), and CC (Faerie Fire).

The Build Level 2 Onward

Level 2-5

Level 2

Class Features: Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest (d6)

Spell Change Log: + Comprehend Languages

CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word

Level 2 immediately brings a lot to the table in terms of abilities.

The first Bard ability you gain access to is Jack of All Trades, where you can add half your proficiency bonus to any skill check you aren’t proficient in. While this isn’t going to do very much early, if your campaign is going into the later levels, being able to pick up an additional 2 or more on your skill checks is quite good.

The second ability is Song of Rest (d6), which simply means that Short Rests heal everyone an additional 1d6 health. Not super high impact, but the larger the party, the more health you’re restoring which can definitely add up over time, especially as this doesn’t consume a resource.

Overall, all solid abilities for level 2.

For your spell choice, I like picking up Comprehend Languages nice and early. In some campaigns this is not going to be a helpful spell, but in most, you will get use out of this.

Level 3

Class: College of Swords

Class Features: Bonus Proficiencies, Combat Inspiration, Blade Flourish, Expertise

Spell Change Log: + Suggestion

CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

You pick your subclass at level 3, and of course, it’s College of Swords! Swords gives you not two, but three new abilities right off the bat with Bonus Proficiencies, Fighting Style, and Blade Flourish!

First, you get proficiency in medium armor and scimitars (may seem random, but it’s relevant for those looking to dual wield). Medium Armor proficiency is solid, but without shields, your AC is still going to be relatively low. On top of that, you’ll lose out on some of the AC that Dexterity naturally gives you as medium armor only adds up to 2 AC from Dexterity, but since that’s also your damage stat, you can’t just go for 14. This is still a good proficiency even with the inherent issues with it.

The second ability is getting to pick a Fighting Style between Dueling and Two-Weapon Fighting. This is a tough choice as this class is interested in picking up War Caster which stops you from needing a free hand for somatic components and you can use your weapon as your spellcasting focus. Since you aren’t proficient in shields and you’re grabbing War Caster anyway, you may as well go for Two-Weapon Fighting! Get extra attacks in rather than having an open hand doing nothing.

Your third ability is Blade Flourish which is an alternate way to spend Bardic Inspiration dice that has a lot of abilities. First of all, if you make an attack, you get a free 10 additional feet of movement no matter what. Definitely don’t mind free stuff. Then, if you connect with an attack, you can spend a die to have one of three effects: Defense, Slashing, or Mobile. The Slashing Flourish is alright to deal additional damage, but definitely a bit weak. Mobile is also alright as you can shove enemies away, but the bonus movement this grants you forces you to move closer to the target again anyway which is confusing considering you likely used this to get away from the target, not just reposition them (AOE spells could make using both halves of this good though). The Defensive Flourish, however, is the best by a pretty big margin. Not only do you deal additional damage, you get bonus AC until your next turn. This is very unique to get bonus AC that last so long as will go a long way to shoring up the low AC problem that Sword Bards tend to have.

Your final ability is Expertise, which as the name says, gives you Expertise in two skills of your choice that you’re already proficient in. While you can choose any of the skills you are proficient in, I like starting with Insight and Persuasion as you’re going to be using these constantly.

With all of that out of the way, level 3 also brings second level spells! My favorite second level spell for Bards is easily Suggestion. This spell is extremely versatile as it has both in and out of combat utility as you can compel the target to do what you want. Out of combat you can have someone fork over all of their possessions. In combat, you can convince the target to just leave or something another action that’s just as impactful!

Level 4

Feat: War Caster (CHA)

Class Features: None

Spell Change Log: + Mage Hand + Aid + Lesser Restoration

CantripMage Hand
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellSuggestion

Level four brings an feat, a new cantrip, and a new spells!

Level 4 brings your first feat, and you definitely want to get to 18 Dexterity so a true feat it is. Since you’re going to be using two weapons, you have to pick up the Dual Wielder feat! In short, between this and the Nick property, you can now get three attacks a turn with your action and bonus action. Next level when you get an Extra Attack, you get four attacks and all of them get DEX in bonus damage because of Two Weapon Fighting! This is going to make your damage potential really high, just slightly less than STR users.

For your cantrip, I’d recommend picking up True Strike. This will work well if you’re looking to get into melee to get a bit of extra damage, and if you chose this class, you probably are!

Finally, you get a new spell with Aid.

I’m a big fan of Aid. 15 health split amongst three allies is definitely solid, and this scales up reasonably well with upcasting which makes it a solid spell over all.

Level 5

Class Features: Bardic Inspiration (d8), Font of Inspiration

Spell Change Log: + Dispel Magic + Hypnotic Pattern

CantripMage Hand
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern

Level 5 gives you a buff to Bardic Inspiration, Font of Inspiration, and third level spells.

First your Bardic Inspiration increases to 1d8 which is great considering the average roll will be a 4.5 which is a sizable buff, especially at this level.

Furthermore, Font of Inspiration lets you regain your Bardic Inspiration on both short and long rests which can, at a minimum, double the amount of Inspiration you get to pass around which is obviously incredible.

For the spells you get, you have Dispel Magic and Hypnotic Pattern.

While Bards can’t normally get Counterspell (until Magical Secrets anyway), Dispel Magic is the next best thing. Being able to cancel a magical effect can be extremely important both in and out of combat.

For a combat spell, this is a good time to pick up the excellent Hypnotic Pattern. This spell is such a potent CC spell that it’s in contention for best third level combat spell with Fireball. Being able to potentially lock down multiple enemies with one spell slot is extremely powerful.

Level 6-10

Level 6

Class Features: Extra Attack

Spell Change Log: + Tiny Hut

CantripMage Hand
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)

Level 6 brings another ability with Extra Attack.

Extra Attacks are great, and unfortunately unlike Valor Bards, you can’t sub in a cantrip with your attack. I feel like the intention of the Extra Attack on Valor Bards should be transferred to here as well, but this could be a good way to differentiate the two classes as well so it’s up to your DM if they want you to have this ability to.

For your spell choice, this is a good opportunity to pick up the excellent ritual spell – Tiny Hut. This is just a generally good spell to use if you have to camp out for the night as it can protect you from enemies, the elements, and it can let you get the the drop on someone who doesn’t notice it.

Level 7

Class Feature: Countercharm

Spell Change Log: + Polymorph

CantripMage Hand
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellPolymorph

For your regular Bard ability, you get Countercharm. If you or an ally fail a save to stave off the charmed or frightened condition, you can force a reroll with advantage. This is a nice ability to have, it just comes up pretty infrequently so it’s a bit easy to forget about it.

Now that you’re level 7, you get access to the best fourth level spell in the game – Polymorph. Polymorph is so egregiously good as it can take yourself or an ally who’s low on health, low on resources, or for whatever reason not able to fight and turn you back into a threat. While the Beasts don’t scale past level 8, Giant Ape and Tyrannosaurus Rex will remain viable for quite a long time regardless. Furthermore, this can function as CC as well to turn an enemy into something harmless like a Crab for a little bit in case you need that. Excellent spell all around.

Level 8

Feat: Weapon Mastery (CHA)

Class Features: None

Spell Change Log: + Dimension Door

CantripMage Hand
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellPolymorph

For your feat, you can pick up Weapon Mastery! Now with Dual Wielder and Weapon Mastery, you can make four attacks a turn which is going to combine deliciously well with Conjure Minor Elementals in a few levels. You’ll have to be mindful about having a free hand for spellcasting, but you can easily draw or stow your extra Scimitar as needed to make it possible.

For your spell choice, you can pick up one of the best teleportation spells in the game – Dimension Door. Being able to teleport without seeing where you’re going is excellent for infiltrations, escapes, and you can even bring an ally along!

Level 9

Class Features: Song of Rest (d8)

Spell Change Log: + Greater Invisibility + Telepathic Bond

CantripMage Hand
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFaerie Fire
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)

Level 9 brings a buff to Song of Rest bringing it up to 1d8, which again, nothing incredible but definitely solid.

For your spell choice, you can pick up the excellent buff – Greater Invisibility. While this is active, you can give yourself advantage on all attacks and enemies will have disadvantage on all of their attacks against you. Simply, yet extremely effective.

Telepathic Bond is a great option to talk covertly with your buds which is stronger than it may seem, and since it’s a ritual, it doesn’t eat into one of your precious fifth level spell slots nor your prepared spell list!

Level 10

Class Features: Bardic Inspiration (d10), Expertise, Magical Secrets

Spell Change Log: Faerie Fire / + Minor Illusion + Scorching Ray + Conjure Minor Elementals

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellComprehend Languages (R)
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)

Level 10 brings a lot to the table with a buff to Bardic Inspiration (d10), Expertise, and Magical Secrets.

The Bardic Inspiration buff, like last time, is great. An average of 5.5 added to a roll is pretty massive.

Expertise comes back around and you can now cover your Performance and Stealth checks.

Finally, you get Bard’s best ability – Magical Secrets. Now moving forward, you can pull spells from the Bard spell list, Cleric spell list, Druid spell list, or Wizard spell list. Realistically, you’re mostly just going to pull spells from the Wizard list, but having the versatility to grab spells from four spell lists is obviously incredible. To that end, I recommend grabbing Scorching Ray and Conjure Minor Elementals.

Since there are so many spells you want at this point, you have to nix ones to make room. While it’s likely been a bit helpful at this point, Lesser Restoration can hit the bin for now as this is nice to have, but far from a necessity.

For your latter two spells, combining Scorching Ray and Conjure Minor Elementals is extremely potent. While an additional 2d8 damage per attack roll is solid by itself, when upcast, all attacks you do deal an additional 2d8 damage per spell level. That can get out of control really quickly, especially as you start getting higher level spell slots as you can combine this with anything that has multiple attack rolls (in this case, Scorching Ray) to deal an obscene amount of damage.

Level 11-15

Level 11

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: Comprehend Languages / + Spirit Guardians + Mass Suggestion

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellMass Suggestion

Since you want a few spells this level, you need to yet again cut a spell to make room, and this time its Comprehend Languages. This isn’t a spell you really need anymore, and if you really do, you can pick it back up later.

For this level, you can pick up Spirit Guardians and Mass Suggestion.

Spirit Guardians is an excellent emanation spell that minces enemy, deals a bunch of damage, and even slows enemies that are near you. This is really powerful if you cast it at base level, or upcast it to blend enemies even more. If you have allies that can push or pull enemies into your Spirit Guardians, the damage potential here is super high.

You have sixth level spells now, so you get access to the best one – Mass Suggestion. Suggestion is already an excellent spell, and being able to to do that to up to twelve targets is extremely powerful.

Level 12

Feat: War Caster (CHA)

Spell Change Log: None

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
5th Level SpellMass Suggestion

For your third feat, you absolutely have to pick up War Caster. Buffing your Charisma to 18 and getting advantage on concentration checks is obviously huge. While spellcasting with your hands full doesn’t matter as much as you can use your weapon as your focus (which can replace both somatic components and material components as long as the material components aren’t used up or cost anything), this ability could still come in handy. If you’re not interested in this feat, grabbing something like Inspiring Leader would be great as well.

Level 13

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: + Teleport

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellTeleport

Seventh level spell time!

Your spell is one of the best utility spells with Teleport. Being able to move long distances instantaneously is extremely helpful and saves massive amounts of time in travel.

Level 14

Class Features: Master’s Flourish

Spell Change Log: None

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellTeleport

You get your final subclass feature to work with – Master’s Flourish.

Instead of using your Bardic Inspiration die to Blade Flourish, you can use a 1d6 instead. While the die is small, getting this for free when you run out of Bardic Inspiration or simply don’t want to use it is quite powerful.

Level 15

Class Features: Bardic Inspiration (d12)

Spell Change Log: + Maze

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility
4th Level SpellPolymorph
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellTeleport
8th Level SpellMaze

Level 15 brings your final upgrade to Bardic Inspiration up to d12, which again, is great.

Maze is always a fun one as Intelligence saving throws are pretty hard to pass for most characters, and if you’re facing an enemy with a negative bonus to Intelligence, they literally can’t escape (barring your DM doesn’t rule nat 20s as auto-successes no matter the DC like Baldur’s Gate 3 does), making this excellent.

Level 16-20

Level 16

Feat: Charisma to 20

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: Polymorph / + Simulacrum

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellSimulacrum
7th Level SpellTeleport
8th Level SpellMaze

Level 16 brings your final feat, and now you should max out your Charisma for the best spells possible!

While you don’t normally get a spell this level, you can if you swap one out. To that end, it’s time to take out Polymorph. While an excellent spell, it’s not necessarily going to hold up at these super high levels.

Simulacrum, while a spell you won’t prepare often, is very messed up. This will break easily and none of the spells nor abilities refresh, but having a mini-me can be invaluable if you know you’re heading into a really tough encounter. Look to prepare this only if you intend on spending a day to cast this rather than having it perpetually prepared. Furthermore, remember that any spells you have prepared on the day you cast this will be what it has access to, so be mindful of that.

Level 17

Class Features: Song of Rest (d12)

Spell Change Log: + Wish

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellSimulacrum
7th Level SpellTeleport
8th Level SpellMaze
9th Level SpellWish

Level 9 spell time, and as a treat, your final buff to Song of Rest, all the way up to a d12.

Wish is the best spell in the game, but can come with some real drawbacks depending on what you wish for, one of them being the potential to lose the ability to cast Wish. You can safely replicate eighth level spell effects or lower, but it’s just pure chaos from that point. Know who wouldn’t mind casting Wish though? Your Simulacrum! Make them cast the Wish for you, and then next level, True Polymorph them into something better. What a combo!

Level 18

Class Features: Superior Inspiration

Spell Change Log: + True Polymorph

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellSimulacrum
7th Level SpellTeleport
8th Level SpellMaze
9th Level SpellTrue Polymorph
9th Level SpellWish

You get your penultimate class ability this level with Superior Inspiration. This simply gives you a Bardic Inspiration die when you enter a combat if you’re out of them. A bit unexciting, but it’s something.

You get yet another excellent spell this level with True Polymorph.

True Polymorph has all the advantages of Polymorph, but you get to pick from any creature that’s your CR or lower, and if you hold Concentration for an hour, the change is permanent* (once you lose the temp HP pool, you revert, but this is still pretty good). While the old version of this spell was stronger, you can use the “permanent” transformation more liberally as you can always revert once you take enough damage. Better yet, once your Simulacrum has almost run its course, you can just permanently change it into a huge threat to get more use out of it!

Level 19

Epic Boon: Boon of Luck

Class Features: None

Spell Change Log: + Mass Heal

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellSimulacrum
7th Level SpellTeleport
8th Level SpellMaze
9th Level SpellMass Heal
9th Level SpellTrue Polymorph
9th Level SpellWish

Level 19 brings your Epic Boon, and it’s hard to go wrong with Boon of Fate. Being able to potentially turn a failure into a success and vice versa, even if it’s once per short or long rest, can be the difference between surviving an encounter and not.

For your spell choice, you can pick up Mass Heal. Mass Heal simply doles out SEVEN HUNDRED points of healing amongst your team, which in nearly every scenario, is going to be a full heal. Use this in a tough combat to really turn the tide on the enemy.

Level 20

Class Feature: Words of Creation

Spell Change Log: + Power Word: Heal (Words of Creation) + Power Word: Kill (Words of Creation) + Shapechange

CantripMage Hand
CantripMinor Illusion
CantripVicious Mockery
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFeather Fall
1st Level SpellHealing Word
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellScorching Ray
2nd Level SpellSuggestion
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellHypnotic Pattern
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
3rd Level SpellTiny Hut (R)
4th Level SpellConjure Minor Elementals
4th Level SpellDimension Door
4th Level SpellGreater Invisibility
5th Level SpellTelepathic Bond (R)
6th Level SpellMass Suggestion
7th Level SpellSimulacrum
7th Level SpellTeleport
8th Level SpellMaze
9th Level SpellMass Heal
9th Level SpellPower Word: Heal (Words of Creation)
9th Level SpellPower Word: Kill (Words of Creation)
9th Level SpellShapechange
9th Level SpellTrue Polymorph
9th Level SpellWish

For your capstone ability, you get Words of Creation! Words of Creation gives you both Power Word: Heal and Power Word: Kill for free, which isn’t that exciting as neither spell is that great. However, this ability lets you target an additional creature within 10 feet of your original target which is super cool. I don’t envision that you are going to use this too often, but this can be pretty high impact when you do.

Your final spell choice is Shapechange! Shapechange does a very similar thing as True Polymorph, but instead of being able to make the transformation permanent, you can change forms in order to reset health and any other abilities the new form you’re switching to will have. Excellent for tough fights, just a bit less versatile than True Polymorph.


DoggertQBones is an avid player of games, predominately D&D! Previously a highly published author for another popular Wizards of the Coast game, Magic: the Gathering, he's been playing D&D since childhood as both player and DM!

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