Tempest Cleric Build Guide – The Righteous Thunder – 2024 Update

Learn the best build for the Tempest Cleric with full leveling guides, full spell lists, and easy to navigate sections to only read what you need!

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For all D&D guides on Nat1gaming, they only use the main sourcebooks (Player’s Handbook, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) as well as Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (mostly for Silvery Barbs) as those tend to be the most commonly used books at tables. Always be sure that if you’re following a guide that you’re adhering to your tables rules about what sourcebooks you are allowed to follow.

Any spell, class, feature, or other game item that is linkable on this website is covered by the 5th edition Open Games License and will be in the Player’s Handbook, but not everything in the Player’s Handbook will be linked to. All other materials that aren’t linked to are from other sourcebooks or aren’t allowed to be linked to per the 5th Edition Open Games License, so please refer to the appropriate sourcebooks for that information.

For the purposes of this guide, it will be assumed that you would not be multiclassing. While multiclassing can be excellent for many of these, this is for those who want to play the build all the way through in the same class. Guides that use multiclassing will be separate from these.

For spellcasters, you may notice substantial overlap between the spell lists of builds with the same base class. This is due to each guide utilizing a generically good spell list and not considering extenuating factors that will influence how you particularly sculpt your spell list. When creating your own spell list, you should take into account the campaign setting, what spells any other party members are capable of casting, potential overlap (ritual spells tend to overlap so it’s rare you need multiple people capable of casting them), or potential shortcomings in the parties total spell list. While this guide can definitely help point you in the right direction for crafting a spell list, you should use your judgement and preferences to figure out what spells make the most sense for your character.

To that end, please refer to the Spell List and Spell Tier list for any substitutions you’d want to make to the build.

Why Tempest Domain Cleric?

Unfortunately, Tempest Cleric definitely leaves a bit to be desired from a power level standpoint, but if you like mainly using Thunder and Lightning spells (despite there only being one Lightning spell for this class…), then this is perfectly fine for that purpose.

If you are in a high difficulty campaign or allies are optimizing this character, it’s hard to recommend this unless you really like it thematically, but this can serve you fine in a normal campaign.

Tempest Cleric Abilities Ranked

Bonus Proficiencies (Level 3) D Tier – This was a good ability until the Protector from Divine Order was a thing. Still, since you get both martial weapon and heavy armor proficiency, you can grab Thaumaturge which sucks, but it is free. To that end, this ranking is for Thaumaturge rather than the proficiencies.

Wrath of the Storm (Level 3)D+ Tier – Not bad early, but this damage doesn’t scale at all making it weaker and weaker as you level up. Still, your reaction is rarely going to be used so free damage is free damage.

Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath (Level 3)C Tier – This ability is actually pretty good, but Tempest Cleric receive so few spells they can use with this that it really limits the usefulness of them. Would it really have been so terrible to give this class Lightning Bolt? Ok, that would be really strong as you could sling 48 damage Lightning Bolts starting level 5, but there is definitely something that could’ve been done to make this more balanced.

1st Level Spells (Level 3)C- TierThunderwave is ok and works with your Channel Divinity and Fog Cloud is really niche, but may have some use.

2nd Level Spells (Level 3)D TierShatter is not good, but it is a decent target for your Channel Divinity for a couple of levels.

3rd Level Spells (Level 5)A- TierCall Lightning is going to be your main damage spell as it is alright and does work with your Channel Divinity. Wish this spell was a bit stronger as it would make this class more appealing, but what can you do? Sleet Storm, on the other hand, is an excellent CC spell that Clerics don’t normally get access to so this is a big pickup.

Thunderous Strike (Level 6)C+ Tier – Pushing enemies can be good, especially in this new edition which has a lot of emanation effects, but you do need to connect with a spell that deals thunder or lightning damage which makes this a bit restrictive.

4th Level Spells (Level 7)F Tier – Two terrible spells that you will likely never use.

5th Level Spells (Level 9)C TierInsect Plague isn’t great, but using your Channel Divinity on Destructive Wave will give you an average of 47.5 damage which is definitely not bad.

Stormborn (Level 17)B Tier – A little specific, but an indefinite flying speed is still really powerful.

Quick Level Up Guide

LevelClass Features/FeatNotes
1Spellcasting, Divine Order (Thaumaturge)+ Guidance + Light + Sacred Flame + Toll the Dead
+ Bless + Detect Magic
+ Guiding Bolt + Healing Word
2Channel Divinity (x2)+ Command
3Tempest Domain, Bonus Proficiencies, Wrath of the Storm, Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath+ Fog Cloud (Tempest)
+ Thunderwave (Tempest)
+ Aid
+ Gust of Wind (Tempest )
+ Shatter (Tempest)
4Feat: War Caster (WIS)+ Word of Radiance + Lesser Restoration
5Sear Undead+ Call Lightning (Tempest)
+ Revivify
+ Sleet Storm (Tempest)
+ Spirit Guardians
6Channel Divinity (x3), Thunderous Wrath+ Dispel Magic
7Blessed Strikes (Potent Spellcasting)+ Banishment
+ Control Water (Tempest)
+ Ice Storm (Tempest)
8Feat: Resilient (CON) + Divination
9+ Commune
+ Destructive Wave (Tempest)
+ Greater Restoration
+ Insect Plague (Tempest)
10Divine Intervention+ Thaumaturgy
+ Summon Celestial
11+ Heal
12Feat: Wisdom to 20None
13Guiding Bolt
+ Conjure Celestial
+ Plane Shift
14Improved Blessed StrikesNone
15+ Holy Aura
16Feat: Heavy Armor Master (CON)None
17Stormborn+ Mass Heal
18Channel Divinity (x4)+ Antimagic Field
19Epic Boon: Boon of Fate+ Gate
20Greater Divine Intervention+ True Resurrection

Level One Build

Species: Human


CONSTITUTION15 (+1 background) = 16
WISDOM15 (+2 background) = 17

Class: Cleric

Class Features: Spellcasting, Divine Order (Protector)

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Medicine, and Perception (Human)

Background: Farmer

Human Feat: Musician (or Alert if two or more party members have Musician)

Starting Equipment: Mace, Scale Mail, Explorer’s Pack, a Shield, Holy Symbol, and 30gp + 50gp from background

Starting Spells:

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellGuiding Bolt
1st Level SpellHealing Word

Species: Human

Humans are simple – you get an extra Origin feat, Heroic Inspiration each long rest, and an extra skill. This is a great species for those who didn’t get their origin feat of choice with their background.

Human Feat: Musician (or Alert)

Musician is an excellent feat that at least one party member should have, if not two. However, if your team doesn’t need a Musician, Alert is an excellent backup.


CONSTITUTION15 (+1 background) = 16
WISDOM15 (+2 background) = 17

Like other casters, Constitution and their spellcasting attribute (Wisdom in this case) should be pumped as much as possible. Beyond that, you do have a little bit of flexibility in how you want to modify your character past that. I like having some amount of strength and a flat Dexterity so your DEX saves aren’t always awful (though they likely will be anyway with Heavy Armor). If you prefer a little but of Intelligence or Charisma, feel free to go for that instead.

Proficiencies: Insight, Medicine, and Perception (Human)

Solid proficiencies for Cleric as they’re all Wisdom based skills.

Background: Farmer

The best background for Clerics as it gives Constitution and Wisdom on top of the best Origin feat that you can get with this attribute split.

Starting Equipment – Mace, Scale Mail, Explorer’s Pack, a Shield, Holy Symbol, and 30gp + 50gp from backgrond

Standard Cleric fare if you aren’t going Protector. If you are, swap out Scale Mail for Chain Mail and 25 gold.

Class – Cleric

Starting out, Clerics get two abilities – Spellcasting and Divine Order (Thaumaturge).

Spellcasting is pretty much the same as the other full casters and will be expounded on in other sections.

Divine Order lets you choose between Protector and Thaumaturge. Protection gives you heavy armor and martial weapon proficiency and Thamaturge gives you an additional cantrip and the ability to add your WIS modifier to Arcana and Religion checks. While I would normally always pick Protector, even for subclasses that get heavy armor proficiency so you also have martial weapon proficiency, you may as well pick Thaumaturge here as Tempest gives you both proficiencies in a few levels. However, if you know you might be level 1 or 2 for a substantial amount of time, picking up Protector may still be worth it just so you have a higher AC in the interim and you get to start with Chain Mail. This is completely up to you as having better skills and an extra cantrip is not that exciting.

Starting Spells

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellGuiding Bolt
1st Level SpellHealing Word

This is going to be an extremely standard spell list for a level one Cleric. You have good cantrips and versatile level one spells with varying effects with buffs, damage, and healing. Simple and effective.

The Build Level 2 Onward

Level 2-5

Level 2

Class Features: Channel Divinity (x2)

Spell Change Log: + Command

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellGuiding Bolt
1st Level SpellHealing Word

Level two brings another spell, but more importantly, your Channel Divinity!

Your Channel Divinity brings two charges per day and two features to the table with Turn Undead and Divine Spark. Turn Undead potentially makes undead run in fear if they fail a WIS save which is a unique feature, but not always the most useful as this obviously only works against undead. Divine Spark lets you use your action to either deal or heal a little bit of damage. Definitely not great, but the healing can be helpful in a pinch.

For your spell choice, you can pick up Command. While right now it’s not a great spell as using your action and a spell slot to potentially rid one enemy of their action is not a good trade. However, as you get to upcast it, trading a spell slot and action for potentially ridding multiple enemies of their action is a much better deal. Save this for a few levels from now.

Level 3

Class: Tempest Domain

Class Features: Bonus Proficiencies, Wrath of the Storm, Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath

Spell Change Log: + Fog Cloud (Tempest) + Thunderwave (Tempest) + Aid + Gust of Wind (Tempest ) + Shatter (Tempest)

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellGuiding Bolt
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)

Level 3 brings your subclass which gives you many abilities and new spells!

Your first ability is both Heavy Armor and Martial Weapon proficiency which is pretty nice. Martial Weapon proficiency will not be relevant for that long (as you don’t want to be in melee range in later levels), but Heavy Armor is always going to be good.

Your next ability is Wrath of the Storm which lets you use your reaction (something Clerics very rarely get to use) to hurt enemies that hurt you. Decent in earlier levels, but since it doesn’t scale, it does get worse as you progress. it is pretty free regardless making it a decent ability.

Yout third ability is Tempest Domain Spells and you get Fog Cloud, Thunderwave, Gust of Wind, and Shatter.

Fog Cloud is decent if you need a large area of heavy obscurement which can be useful in some fights, escapes, etc.

Thunderwave is another solid spell. Decent damage over a decent area and can reposition enemies is good, especially for a class that can functionally never do that. The first level spells do leave a bit to be desired, but over all aren’t too bad.

Gust of Wind is, unfortunately, an extremely specific and difficult spell to use. It only really works if you’re trying to lock down a corridor or another narrow space, and even then, this isn’t particularly good. Not terrible, but not great.

Lastly, you get Shatter which is an alright spell. Clerics generally don’t get AOE spells so having access to one is nice, even if it isn’t the strongest out there. Still, this is acceptable in early levels and is quite solid with your Channel Divinity.

Your final ability is the Tempest Domain Channel Divinity – Destructive Wrath. This simply lets you maximize damage when using Lightning or Thunder which is quite good, even if you don’t get to use this ability particularly often. This will get better as you get spells that have more dice to roll, but even using it on a Thunderwave for the time being isn’t bad.

For this level, you can pick up a new spell with Aid.

Aid is an excellent temporary health buffer for your team as 15 total points for a second level slot is quite nice, and better yet, this scales quite well with higher spell slots put into it.

Level 4

Feat: War Caster (WIS)

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: + Word of Radiance + Lesser Restoration

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellGuiding Bolt
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellSpiritual Weapon

Level four brings a feat, cantrip, and new spells!

For your first feat, you absolutely have to pick up War Caster. Buffing your Wisdom to 18, getting advantage on concentration checks, and being able to spellcast when you don’t have two free hands is excellent.

For your cantrip, you already have the best ones, but Word of Radiance can be alright if you find yourself surrounded often enough. Since you may be getting into the fray relatively often, you should find ample opportunities to use this.

For your spell, you can pick up Lesser Restoration! While you won’t be using it often, being able to heal most conditions can be useful in a pinch so it’s good to have prepared!

Level 5

Class Feature: Sear Undead

Spell Change Log: + Call Lightning (Tempest) + Revivify + Sleet Storm (Tempest) + Spirit Guardians

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellGuiding Bolt
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians

For level five, your Turn Undead feature upgrades with Sear Undead. Now undead that fail the saving throw for Turn Undead take damage equal to your WIS modifier in d8s. While this is still a pretty niche ability, it’s much better than the Clerics old features.

Two more Domain spells join the list with Call Lightning and Sleet Storm.

Call Lightning is a decent source of consistent damage, even if the casting conditions are a bit stringent. The damage definitely leaves a bit to be desired, but your Channel Divinity can always juice it up.

The second spell you get is Sleet Storm which is quite strong. Cleric doesn’t normally get area denial spells like this, especially one so potent, as this is good against every enemy barring ones with really good ranged damage.

For your third level spell choices, you get two excellent spells immediately with Revivify and Spirit Guardians.

Revivify is a staple spell that can bring back a freshly killed friend back, but generally, that’s more than good enough. You want minimum one Revivify user on your team to ensure that nobody has to go down permanently.

Your next choice is yet another Cleric staple – Spirit Guardians. This spell is egregiously good and really shines on tanky clerics as enemies will have a very hard time breaking your concentration on this. Walking up to a group of enemies, triggering this and then moving slightly out of the way so allies can shove them back into this is going to be a super common play pattern.

Level 6-10

Level 6

Class Features: Channel Divinity (x3), Thunderous Strike

Spell Change Log: + Dispel Magic

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellGuiding Bolt
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians

You get your third Channel Divinity charge for level 6 and your next subclass feature, Thunderous Strike.

Right off the bat, I have a lot of problems with Thunderous Strike. First off, it’s called Thunderous Strike, and doesn’t work with thunder damage, only lightning. WHY. The second issue ties into the first, it only works with Lightning damage. Let’s count how many Lightning spells Cleric gets access to. One. Call Lightning. Like I get this ability is solid, but it only works with A SINGLE SPELL. Huge oversight as this wouldn’t be busted if it included Thunder damage, just fine. To that end, I would highly consider asking your DM that, if you play this, to errata this to also include Thunder Damage so you can actually use this class as it was likely designed to be used.

For your spell choice, you can pick up Dispel Magic, and since Clerics don’t naturally have Counterspell, this is the next best thing.

Level 7

Class Features: Blessed Strikes (Potent Spellcasting)

Spell Change Log: + Banishment + Control Water (Tempest) + Ice Storm (Tempest)

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellGuiding Bolt
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)

Level 7 brings a new class ability and more spells to the table.

Your ability for this level is Blessed Strikes which gives your melee weapons an additional 1d8 damage per turn (Divine Strike) or you get to add your WIS modifier to cantrip damage (Potent Spellcasting). At this point you’re almost certainly moving away from attacking with your weapon, so the cantrip improvement would be my choice.

For your Domain spells this level, you get to pick up Control Water and Ice Storm.

For your first Domain spell you get Control Water which feels like a flavor choice rather than a practical one. It can have some uses if you happen to be near a large body of water, but that’s obviously very situational.

The second domain spell is Ice Storm, and unfortunately, this spell is rough. Low damage and two different damage types is not ideal, but again, this is something Clerics don’t normally get access to, especially since you get difficult terrain after the fact (for a turn). Hard to imagine wanting to use this over a Spirit Guardians, but there may be a situation where you can’t get close enough to use it.

For your actual spell choice, you can pick the best one available with Banishment. Banishment is a solid CC spell that can take an enemy out of the fight for the length of the spell, but if the enemy is an extraplanar being, you have a chance to send them back to their home plane if they fail both saving throws! This can obviously be helpful in campaigns with a lot of extraplanar enemies, but will still be good in your average campaign.

Level 8

Feat: Resilient (CON)

Class Features: None

Spell Change Log: + Divination

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellGuiding Bolt
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellDivination (Tempest) (R)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)

Level 8 brings a new feat and new feature!

Level 8 brings your second feat and this is a good time to pick up Resilient (CON). Getting more health on top of proficiency in constitution saving throws is really good for casters, especially in conjunction with War Caster.

For your spell choice, you can pick up Divination,

Divination is a really nice ritual spell which lets you ask a god or their servant a question and you’ll receive a truthful reply, even if it’s a bit cryptic. Free information is really powerful in D&D and generally underrated as well, so I like picking this up at this point.

Level 9

Spell Change Log: + Commune + Destructive Wave (Tempest)+ Greater Restoration + Insect Plague (Tempest)

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellGuiding Bolt
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellDivination (Tempest) (R)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)
5th Level SpellCommune (R)
5th Level SpellDestructive Wave (Tempest)
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration
5th Level SpellInsect Plague (Tempest)

Level 9 brings you fifth level spells and the final spell additions from your Domain spell list.

You get a solid option right off the bat from the Domain spell list with Destructive Wave. Good AOE, solid damage, knocking enemies prone, and avoiding allies is pretty solid.

Your final Domain spell is a strange addition to this spell list with Insect Plague. Not only does this fill a somewhat similar role to Destructive Wave, but a weaker version. This is obviously different enough that it still has its uses, but this isn’t something you want to be casting over Destructive Wave often.

For your spell choices, you can pick up Commune and Greater Restoration.

Your first choice is the best Divination spell in the game – Commune. Unlike the other Divination spells, you get three questions rather than just one. This is a lot of information to gather and getting specific answers is extremely good.

Your second spell choice is a lot more niche, but still great, with Greater Restoration. While this is not something you’re going to cast often, it’s definitely invaluable when you need to cure conditions like exhaustion, petrification, or cursed item attunement. While these sometimes can wait, sometimes fixing this quickly can be extremely important and time sensitive.

Level 10

Class Features: Divine Intervention

Spell Change Log: + Thaumaturgy + Summon Celestial

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellGuiding Bolt
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellDivination (Tempest) (R)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)
5th Level SpellCommune (R)
5th Level SpellDestructive Wave (Tempest)
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration
5th Level SpellInsect Plague (Tempest)
5th Level SpellSummon Celestial

Level 10 brings you a really unique feature in Divine Intervention. Now once per day, you can call upon your deity to get a spell effect that’s 5th level or lower without using a spell slot or any components. Even if it’s one free spell per day, being able to choose any lower leveled spell is extremely powerful as you aren’t limited to spells you actively prepared, giving you a much wider pool of spells to pick from.

You get your final Cleric cantrip now, and since you already have all the good ones, you just have to pick from what’s left. You can pick up Thaumaturgy as a crappy utility cantrip, but it’s better than nothing.

This is also a good opportunity to pick up a Cleric’s best summoning option – Summon Celestial. While it’s not the greatest at level 5, upcasting it to level 6 gives your summon more health, AC, and attacks making it a substantially better option and a sixth level spell in spirit!

Level 11-15

Level 11

Class Features: None

Spell Change Log: + Heal

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellGuiding Bolt
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellDivination (Tempest) (R)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)
5th Level SpellCommune (R)
5th Level SpellDestructive Wave (Tempest)
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration
5th Level SpellInsect Plague (Tempest)
5th Level SpellSummon Celestial
6th Level SpellHeal

Level 11 brings sixth level spells!

For your spell, it’s hard to go wrong with the classic Heal. 70 flat points of recovery with some status recoveries is some solid in combat healing, even if it’s a bit pricey.

Level 12

Feat: Wisdom to 20

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: None

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellGuiding Bolt
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellDivination (Tempest) (R)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)
5th Level SpellCommune (R)
5th Level SpellDestructive Wave (Tempest)
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration
5th Level SpellInsect Plague (Tempest)
5th Level SpellSummon Celestial
6th Level SpellHeal

Twelfth level brings your third feat and you can now max out your Wisdom for the strongest spells possible.

Level 13

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: Guiding Bolt / + Conjure Celestial + Plane Shift

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellDivination (Tempest) (R)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)
5th Level SpellCommune (R)
5th Level SpellDestructive Wave (Tempest)
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration
5th Level SpellInsect Plague (Tempest)
5th Level SpellSummon Celestial
6th Level SpellHeal
7th Level SpellConjure Celestial
7th Level SpellPlane Shift

Seventh level spell time and you can pick up really good ones with Conjure Celestial and Plane Shift.

For your first spell, you can pick up Conjure Celestial! You create a pillar of light that you can move for free to sear enemies while healing allies. In a tough fight, this can be invaluable as the hit point differential you can make with this spell is massive.

For your second spell, you can pick up the best teleportation option available to Clerics – Plane Shift. While you can’t use it for travel within the same plane, this can be a decent escape tool provided you aren’t in combat and you have the magic fork attuned to the plane you’re trying to go to. What’s nice about this, though, is that if you’re going back to your original plane, this doesn’t have a fail chance like Teleport would. In a real pinch, you can try to banish creatures with this as well making it rather versatile.

Level 14

Class Features: Improved Blessed Strikes

Spell Change Log: None

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellDivination (Tempest) (R)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)
5th Level SpellCommune (R)
5th Level SpellDestructive Wave (Tempest)
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration
5th Level SpellInsect Plague (Tempest)
5th Level SpellSummon Celestial
6th Level SpellHeal
7th Level SpellConjure Celestial
7th Level SpellPlane Shift

You get a somewhat new feature this level with Improved Blessed Strikes, and now you get some temporary health to dole out when you cast cantrips. Even just a bit of temporary health can go a long way.

Level 15

Spell Change Log: + Holy Aura

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellDivination (Tempest) (R)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)
5th Level SpellCommune (R)
5th Level SpellDestructive Wave (Tempest)
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration
5th Level SpellInsect Plague (Tempest)
5th Level SpellSummon Celestial
6th Level SpellHeal
7th Level SpellConjure Celestial
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
8th Level SpellHoly Aura

Eighth level spells and you may as well pick the best one – Holy Aura. Granting advantage on saving throws and disadvantage on attacks made against those covered by the aura is really strong and makes your allies very hard to meaningfully hurt for the extent of the combat.

Level 16-20

Level 16

Feat: Heavy Armor Master (CON)

Class Feature: None

Spell Change Log: None

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellDivination (Tempest) (R)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)
5th Level SpellCommune (R)
5th Level SpellDestructive Wave (Tempest)
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration
5th Level SpellInsect Plague (Tempest)
5th Level SpellSummon Celestial
6th Level SpellHeal
7th Level SpellConjure Celestial
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
8th Level SpellHoly Aura

You get your final feat and you can pick up Heavy Armor Master (CON)! Being able to reduce the damage of attacks hitting you can add up really quickly, especially since your proficiency bonus is quite high at this point.

Level 17

Class Feature: Stormborn

Spell Change Log: + Mass Heal

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellDivination (Tempest) (R)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)
5th Level SpellCommune (R)
5th Level SpellDestructive Wave (Tempest)
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration
5th Level SpellInsect Plague (Tempest)
5th Level SpellSummon Celestial
6th Level SpellHeal
7th Level SpellConjure Celestial
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
8th Level SpellHoly Aura
9th Level SpellMass Heal

Level 17 brings your final subclass feature and most importantly, ninth level spells.

Your final subclass feature is Stormborn which means you can Fly outside. It’s unfortunate that this is limited by location as you may not be outside that often in a campaign. A great ability, but obviously is highly dependent on how often you’re fighting outside.

For your spell choice, you’re going to pick up the best ninth level option available to Clerics with Mass Heal. Simply put, this heals 700 damage split how you choose, so this will be a full heal for every party member more often than not. In fights where multiple party members are heavily injured, this can easily turn the tide back in your favor.

Level 18

Class Features: Channel Divinity (x4)

Spell Change Log: + Conjure Celestial

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellDivination (Tempest) (R)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)
5th Level SpellCommune (R)
5th Level SpellDestructive Wave (Tempest)
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration
5th Level SpellInsect Plague (Tempest)
5th Level SpellSummon Celestial
6th Level SpellHeal
7th Level SpellConjure Celestial
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
8th Level SpellAntimagic Field
8th Level SpellHoly Aura
9th Level SpellMass Heal

Level 18 gives you four charges of Channel Divinity and an additional spell!

For your spell choice, you can pick up Antimagic Field. While this isn’t a spell you’ll need often, having the ability to turn magic off when needed is really powerful.

Level 19

Epic Boon: Boon of Fate

Class Features: None

Spell Change Log: + Gate

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellDivination (Tempest) (R)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)
5th Level SpellCommune (R)
5th Level SpellDestructive Wave (Tempest)
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration
5th Level SpellInsect Plague (Tempest)
5th Level SpellSummon Celestial
6th Level SpellHeal
7th Level SpellConjure Celestial
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
8th Level SpellAntimagic Field
8th Level SpellHoly Aura
9th Level SpellGate
9th Level SpellMass Heal

Level 19 brings your Epic Boon, and it’s hard to go wrong with Boon of Fate. Being able to potentially turn a failure into a success and vice versa, even if it’s once per short or long rest, can be the difference between surviving an encounter and not.

Clerics have very few ninth level options, but in terms of versatility, your next best option is Gate. There are a lot of interesting uses for this spell, but one of the most interesting is the forced transport of a creature in a different plane from you, no save given. If you have an enemy that you know is hiding in a different plane, force them out. If they’re on the same plane as you, Plane Shift away and then gank them with a Gate spell.

Level 20

Class Feature: Greater Divine Intervention

Spell Change Log: + True Resurrection

CantripSacred Flame
CantripToll the Dead
CantripWord of Radiance
1st Level SpellBless
1st Level SpellCommand
1st Level SpellDetect Magic (R)
1st Level SpellFog Cloud (Tempest)
1st Level SpellHealing Word
1st Level SpellThunderwave (Tempest)
2nd Level SpellAid
2nd Level SpellGust of Wind (Tempest )
2nd Level SpellLesser Restoration
2nd Level SpellShatter (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellCall Lightning (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellDispel Magic
3rd Level SpellRevivify
3rd Level SpellSleet Storm (Tempest)
3rd Level SpellSpirit Guardians
4th Level SpellBanishment
4th Level SpellControl Water (Tempest)
4th Level SpellDivination (Tempest) (R)
4th Level SpellIce Storm (Tempest)
5th Level SpellCommune (R)
5th Level SpellDestructive Wave (Tempest)
5th Level SpellGreater Restoration
5th Level SpellInsect Plague (Tempest)
5th Level SpellSummon Celestial
6th Level SpellHeal
7th Level SpellConjure Celestial
7th Level SpellPlane Shift
8th Level SpellAntimagic Field
8th Level SpellHoly Aura
9th Level SpellGate
9th Level SpellMass Heal
9th Level SpellTrue Resurrection

Your final level up gives you Greater Divine Intervention, which is the Wish spell in a sense! Every week or so, you can entreat your deity to give you a Wish which is obviously super sick.

For your spell choice, this is a decent opportunity to pick up True Resurrection if you want it. It’s rare that you’re going to need this over the humble Revivify, and even rarer you’ll be in a scenario where it can’t wait a day, but you have it if you need it. Realistically, between this level and next, anything you pick here isn’t going to matter much as you’ve more or less exhausted every option you’d normally be interested in.


DoggertQBones is an avid player of games, predominately D&D! Previously a highly published author for another popular Wizards of the Coast game, Magic: the Gathering, he's been playing D&D since childhood as both player and DM!

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