DnD Subclasses Guide: The Complete List – 2024 Update

While there is a lot of unique and fun ways to build your character, arguably no decision is more important than what class you pick. The class you pick is going to help dictate how you roleplay your character, how you interact with the world around you, and how to fight your enemies.

Below we have listed every base class with a guide to every subclass the base classes have. The main classes are not going to include any multiclassing, but there is a section at the bottom for builds that do. You can use these guides as a strict build or simply as a launch point, whatever you feel is most appropriate!

These guides use just the 2024 Player’s Handbook, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, and Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos (mostly just for Silvery Barbs as it’s such a popular spell, however that may be banned at your table). All other sourcebooks have not been considered for these guides, however, there may be class guides from sourcebooks outside of these four on the list as well.

As a final note, all guides here are for One D&D/2024 PHB play and not for 5e/2014 play.

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Table of Contents

Choosing a Class

There are many ways to choose which class you want to play, and to make matters even more complicated, subclasses can drastically change how the base class is played. To that end, there are three ways that most people choose which class to play.

The first way is that they have a character idea in mind (how the character plays, what they can do) and they find the class and subclass that fits the bill the closest.

The second way is that they want their character to fulfill a particular role in their party and they find the appropriate build to fill that role. While these classifications are definitely not strict, here’s a good breakdown of general roles and what classes most fit the bill – classes will obviously fill multiple roles, but classes at the top of the list are better in that category than those lower.

Martial Damage DealerRanged Damage DealerTank/DefenderThe InfiltratorOffensive MageSupport Mage

The final, and arguably best way to pick your class is just to look around, see what you think is cool, and play it! To that end, there’s no wrong way to pick your class.

DnD Classes


A spellcaster and tinkerer at heart, the Artificer is an excellent for those who like creating magic items to help them both in and out of combat. With how diverse the Artificer’s kit is, you can be nearly anything including a hearty tank, a solid martial character, or a support spellcaster.

Artificer Subclasses Breakdown

  • Alchemist Artificer Build Guide: No build guide yet.
  • Armorer Artificer Build Guide: No build guide yet.
  • Artillerist Artificer Build Guide: No build guide yet.
  • Battle Smith Artificer Build Guide: No build guide yet.


Nothing defines the Barbarian more than straight-forward and constant aggression. Barbarians are often extremely hearty as they have the highest health pool in the game on top of Rage which makes them resistant to many common forms of damage. If you love rushing headlong into battle without a care in the world, you can’t go wrong with Barbarians.

Barbarian Subclasses Breakdown

  • Ancestral Guardian Barbarian Build Guide: The ultimate defender, Ancestral Guardian Barbarians are all about defending your friends.
  • Battlerager Barbarian Build Guide: A very specific Barbarian subclass, this requires you to be a Dwarf to get access to Spiked Armor and abilities pertaining to using it effectively!
  • Beast Barbarian Build Guide: Utilizing the power of beasts, the Beast Barbarian can take attributes from animals to aid them both in and out of combat.
  • Berserker Barbarian Build Guide: The iconic Barbarian, this class got a nice face lift in 2024 that made it go from unplayable to a reasonable option that’s all about the Rage!
  • Giant Barbarian Build Guide: Using the strength of Giants to grow in size, hit from further away, or throw their weapons with great efficiency, Giant Barbarians are excellent skirmishers.
  • Storm Herald Barbarian: No build guide yet.
  • Wild Heart Barbarian Build Guide: Channeling animal spirits, the Totem Warrior Barbarian is hailed as the most tanky barbarian with the ability to gain resistance to nearly all forms of damage.
  • World Tree Barbarian Build Guide: The newest class to the party, World Tree is unique where none of the abilities deal additional damage, but give you a lot of utility in combat instead!
  • Wild Magic Barbarian Build Guide: These Barbarians can’t control the magic inside of them which manifests into random effects, but with all of them being helpful, this is a chaotic and fun subclass.
  • Zealot Barbarian Build Guide: For players who love rushing headlong into battle, Zealots are very good at not dying, and even if they do, not staying dead.


A versatile class that has nearly endless utility for in and out of combat scenarios, Bards excel at being extremely proficient in a lot of skills as well as acting as an unparalled support caster. For those who love roleplaying and stealing the show without being the main damage dealer, this is an excellent choice.

Bard Subclasses Breakdown

  • Creation Bard Build Guide: With an emphasis on utility, Creation Bards can conjure a multitude of items to help them in a moments notice.
  • Dance Bard Build Guide: Flitting around the battlefield, the Dance Bard is interesting as it’s a full caster with the movement options or a dexterous class like a Monk or Rogue.
  • Eloquence Bard Build Guide: The most charismatic bard around, Eloquence excels in negotiations and have the most Bardic Inspiration to pass around compared to other subclasses!
  • Glamour Bard Build Guide: Utilize extraplanar and ethereal forms to beguile and overpower your enemies.
  • Lore Bard Build Guide: The most magical version of Bards, you get additional Magical Secrets, which seems small, but ends up being incredibly powerful
  • Spirits Bard Build Guide: Channeling the souls of the dead, Spirit Bards bring a lot of utility and randomness in their abilities making them both versatile and fun!
  • Swords Bard Build Guide: A proper spellsword, Sword Bards can fight on the frontline while still being a solid utility caster
  • Valor Bard Build Guide: The tankier version of Swords Bards, Valor trades some abilities for a substantially higher armor class.
  • Whispers Bard Build Guide: Besmirching the good name of Bards, Whisper Bards are much more nefarious and tackle their problems using more subtle methods.


While generally relegated to just a “healer”, Clerics are extremely diverse casters that can be anything from an excellent support mage to a hearty frontliner backed up with magic. With a diverse and powerful spell list as well as diverse subclasses, Clerics can be built in extremely different ways making no two feel the same, but all of them feeling powerful.

Cleric Subclasses Breakdown

  • Arcana Cleric Build Guide: Utilizing a small dip into the scholarly aspects of magic, Arcana Clerics have all the power of normal Clerics with some assistance from the Wizard spell list!
  • Forge Cleric Build Guide: A multifaceted cleric with frontline capabilities, an excellent tank, and fire spells to dish out the pain.
  • Grave Cleric Build Guide: With powerful healing and damage options, this Cleric is a master of death whether they’re preventing it or causing it!
  • Knowledge Cleric Build Guide: A unique subclass with a focus on information gathering, the Knowledge Domain is a unique spin on the classic support archetype that Clerics tend to fill.
  • Life Cleric Build Guide: While Clerics are much more than healers, Life Domain is all about maximizing the power of their healing.
  • Light Cleric Build Guide: Don’t let the name fool you, the Light Domain is the blasting subclass of Clerics specializing in Fire and Radiant spells to incinerate your opponents.
  • Nature Cleric Build Guide: A blend between Cleric and Druid, Nature Domain is for those who want the connection to nature without the limitations of Druid.
  • Order Cleric Build Guide: A powerful utility and frontline subclass, these pseudo Paladins are strong in and out of combat while ironically combining well with the cunning Rogue.
  • Peace Cleric Build Guide: The ultimate support caster, what Peace Domain lacks in offensive option they more than make up for in buffs and protecting their allies.
  • Tempest Cleric Build Guide: The masters of thunder and lightning, live out your dreams of playing as Thor when picking this class.
  • Trickery Cleric Build Guide: An interesting blend of Cleric magic and a Rogues cunning, Trickery Domain is for players who like playing a bit more sleuthy.
  • Twilight Cleric Build Guide: The masters of darkness, Twilight Domain draws their immense power from the night sky.
  • War Cleric Build Guide: The most aggressive of Clerics, you’ll find them on the front line dishing out damage while still having the spell list of a full caster.


Hermits that drawn their magic from the natural world, Druids are some of the best support mages DnD has to offer. With a litany of powerful CC, buff, and healing spells, Druids excel at controlling the flow of combat with a steady stream of spells that can heal or harm.

Druid Subclasses Breakdown

  • Dreams Druid Build Guide: An interesting blend of different options, the Dreams Druid offers a huge amount of utility across all their abilities.
  • Land Druid Build Guide: The most versatile spellcasters on the Druid roster, Land Druid has the largest access to spells and can cast more of them than anyone else.
  • Moon Druid Build Guide: The masters of Wild Shape, Moon Druid focuses completely on fighting in animal form and using spells to support this play style.
  • Sea Druid Build Guide: Completely focused on their Wrath of the Sea aura, Sea Druid is all about getting near enemies and then blasting them away!
  • Shepherd Druid Build Guide: The true summoning subclass, the Circle of Shepherd has a huge emphasis on conjuring creatures to fight for you while still having additional utility.
  • Spores Druid Build Guide: While themed around spores and fungus, this subclass is actually the tankiest of all the Druids as they’re able to gain massive amounts of temporary health in combat.
  • Stars Druid Build Guide: Focusing on the nature of the stars, this Circle has extremely unique and powerful abilities that make them a huge menace in combat.
  • Wildfire Druid Build Guide: Focusing on the natural element of fire, Wildfire Druids are far from one trick ponies as they have a specialized summon that can help them in combat!


The archetypal warrior. While Fighters may seem a little one-note, they are the supreme martial class with a lot of interesting ways to approach the art of combat. Even if the base class is a bit bland, the subclasses that Fighter has adds a substantial amount of variety in both gameplay and roleplaying opportunities.

Fighter Subclasses Breakdown

  • Arcane Archer Fighter Build Guide: With the ability to infuse magic into their arrows, Arcane Archers fight from long distances and disrupt enemies with powerful magical effects!
  • Battle Master Fighter Build Guide: Focusing on alternate combat actions or adding effects onto attacks, Battle Masters get to deal massive amounts of damage while also disrupting enemies.
  • Cavalier Fighter Build Guide: While the name implies you have to use a mount, Cavalier’s have a suite of powerful late game abilities that make them a menace whether they have a mount or not.
  • Champion Fighter Build Guide: Aiming to score as many critical hits as possible, the Champion Fighter maxes out their attacks in order to shred enemies as effectively as possible!
  • Echo Knight Fighter Build Guide: Considered the strongest of the Fighter subclasses, Echo Knights get to use a copy of themselves for repositioning and extra damage.
  • Eldritch Knight Fighter Build Guide: Do you want all the good parts of a Fighter, but still want to cast spells? Then the Eldritch Knight is your way to make that happen!
  • Psi Warrior Fighter Build Guide: With a versatile set of abilities, Psi Warriors get to use psychic powers to attack, defend, or use telekinesis.
  • Rune Knight Fighter Build Guide: Utilizing the strength of runes, Rune Knights get to inscribe their equipment with powerful magical effects that grant strong passive abilities with explosive activated effects.
  • Samurai Fighter Build Guide: Masters of one on one combat with their Fighting Spirit ability, Samurais can attack more accurately than other Fighters by constantly having advantage on their rolls.


An interesting blend between the martial prowess of the Fighter and the cunning of a Rogue, Monks are the king of unarmed combat. While they can be a bit complicated with all the abilities they have for combat (and some without), they offer an extremely different take on martial classes that will feel very unique and fulfilling once mastered.

Monk Subclasses Breakdown

  • Astral Self Monk Build Guide: Learn to utilize the power of your Astral Self with increased perception, increased damage, that all culminates in a powerful astral form to fight your enemies!
  • Drunken Master Monk Build Guide: While many would conflate Drunken Masters with drunken fools (and fairly so), Drunken Masters offer an interesting play pattern with awesome roleplaying opportunities.
  • Elements Monk Build Guide: With an elemental form that grows stronger and stronger, the new and improved Elements Monk gets to dole out some nasty abilities in combat with a little bit of versatility on top of it.
  • Kensei Monk Build Guide: While Monks mostly focus on unarmed combat, the Kensei have a deeper focus on weapons that give them some nice abilities that utilize your weapons well in combat.
  • Mercy Monk Build Guide: Monks may be an offensive class, but that doesn’t mean you can’t heal too! Mercy Monks, while exceptionally good at doling out damage, get to heal their allies and even revive them when they get strong enough.
  • Open Hand Monk Build Guide: The true masters of unarmed combat, Open Hand Monks are the most powerful when they’re using their Flurry of Blows to CC their enemies.
  • Shadow Monk Build Guide: Like Vampires, Shadow Monks may not be that deadly in the light, but get them in dim light or darkness, and you may not find a deadlier version of Monk.
  • Sun Soul Monk Build Guide: With a reverence for the Sun, Sun Soul monks utilize flames and radiance to damage their radiance from up close and a distance.


The holy warriors of D&D, the Paladin is a heavily armored damage dealing, spell casting, smooth talking machine. While the role-playing may be a bit forced as you are the only class that’s forced to uphold their particular code of ethics, Paladins are absolute powerhouses for any team.

Paladin Subclasses Breakdown

  • Ancients Paladin Build Guide: A paladin with tinges of Druid, Ancients Paladins use holy and natural magic to combat their foes
  • Conquest Paladin Build Guide: With an emphasis on fear and domination, Conquest is a mix between damage dealer and CC specialist
  • Devotion Paladin Build Guide: When you think of a Paladin, this is what you’re thinking of. The archetypal Paladin of light that defends the weak and smites the wicked.
  • Glory Paladin Build Guide: Like the Grecian Olympians of old, Glory Paladins look to earn their fame with their incredible grappling abilities
  • Redemption Paladin Handbook: Always trying to take the pacifist route, Redemption Paladins excel in defense rather than trying to take the offensive
  • Watchers Paladin Build Guide: An Oath all about defeating extraplanar threats, Watcher Paladins excel in defeating these foes and are quick to act
  • Vengeance Build Guide: A Paladin with a huge emphasis on offense, Vengeance Paladins are damage dealing machines looking to end those who’ve wronged them
  • Oathbreaker Paladin Build Guide: For Paladins who have lost their way, you gain a suite of powerful and evil abilities to utilize.


A very interesting blend between a martial, spellcasting, and infiltration class, Rangers are definitely a jack of all trades class. While they aren’t the best in any one category, being able to be a capable martial character while still having the versatility of spells can be really fun to play.

Ranger Subclasses Breakdown


One of the most unique classes in D&D, Rogues are super interesting as they are excellent in infiltrations, great at role-playing, and can be incredibly deadly in encounters. With their main mechanic being Sneak Attack, Rogues are all about proper positioning and spacing to maximize their unique toolkit.

Rogue Subclasses Breakdown

  • Arcane Trickster Rogue Build Guide: With the natural dexterity of a Rogue and a sliver of magic capabilities, the Arcane Trickster is extremely versatile on and off the battlefield.
  • Assassin Rogue Build Guide: Using any means necessary to get the drop of enemies, Assassins look to end their targets immediately before they can fight back.
  • Inquisitive Rogue Build Guide: Ironically excellent at discerning truth, Inquisitive Rogues use their extraordinary perception and insight to both play detective and fight their enemies.
  • Mastermind Rogue Build Guide: An expert in non-violent solutions, Mastermind Rogues don’t like getting their hands dirty with combat, but instead focus on alternative solutions to their problems.
  • Phantom Rogue Build Guide: Empowered with the strength of the dead, Phantom Rogues can deal additional damage, entreat the dead, or even become incorporeal.
  • Scout Rogue Build Guide: A blend between Rogue and Ranger, Scouts are Rogues that specialize in fighting and navigating in natural environments.
  • Soulknife Rogue Build Guide: Using their psychic powers to manifest blades of psychic energy, Soulknife Rogues get to use these special weapons and their other latent abilities to combat enemies up close and afar.
  • Swashbuckler Rogue Build Guide: A smooth-talking pirate adjacent class, Swashbucklers excel in close combat as well as social scenarios.
  • Thief Rogue Build Guide: For those who prioritize stealing over all else, the Thief Rogue is easily one of the most unique subclasses for Rogues as you have a mix of super flavorful and solid abilities!


Having their power borne from their ancestry or a magical encounter, Sorcerers are full spellcasters that trade the expansive spell list of other classes for powerful Metamagic features that can enhance their spells. With a litany of interesting origins to choose from, Sorcerers can have very unique and powerful spell lists on top of interesting abilities to make each Sorcerer feel unique.

Sorcerer Subclasses Breakdown

  • Aberrant Sorcery Sorcerer Build Guide: Gifted with psionic powers, Aberrant Mind Sorcerers have some of the most unique abilities amongst spellcasters as well as access to fantastic spells.
  • Clockwork Sorcery Sorcerer Build Guide: With a focus on Order, this excellent subclass takes Sorcerer a bit more in the support direction with powerful CC abilities and access to support spells.
  • Divine Soul Sorcerer Build Guide: Born of a divine bloodline, these Sorcerers get access to both their normal spell list and the Cleric spell list!
  • Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer Build Guide: With a dragon ancestor somewhere in their family tree, these sorcerers channel their ancestry through tougher skin and affinity to elemental damage.
  • Shadow Magic Sorcerer Build Guide: Gaining mastery over the shadows, this subclass has extremely unique and powerful features centered around darkness.
  • Storm Sorcery Sorcerer Build Guide: No build guide yet.
  • Wild Magic Sorcerer Build Guide: Not able to contain the magic in their own bodies, Wild Magic is a chaotic and fun subclass where truly anything can happen!


Drawing their strength from a more powerful entity, Warlocks are full time spellcasters that are completely unique compared to other spellcasters. Rather than the classic spell slot system, Warlocks get a few, powerful spell casts per short rest on top of Mystic Arcanums for their most powerful spells. While they are strange, Warlocks can range from powerful martial combatants with spellcasting, Eldritch Blasting machines, or fully devoted spellcasters.

Warlock Subclasses Breakdown

  • Archfey Warlock Build Guide: Influenced by the beguiling nature and trickiness of a Fae, the Archfey are absolute masters of battlefield movement with constant teleportation.
  • Celestial Warlock Build Guide: Taking a lot from the Cleric class, Celestial Warlocks somewhat get the best of both worlds with powerful support spells on top of the strong Warlock kit.
  • Fathomless Warlock Build Guide: With a focus on water and tentacles, this patron is surprisingly powerful and versatile with strong abilities for both in and out of combat situations.
  • Fiend Warlock Build Guide: With a slew of powerful abilities and an emphasis on fire spells, Fiend Warlock is just a generally excellent patron.
  • Genie Warlock Build Guide: While there are many specific patrons to choose from with their own unique spell lists, the Dao patron takes center stage as it enables an extremely powerful build known affectionately as “The Cheese Grater”.
  • Great Old One Warlock Build Guide: With a solid expanded spell list and unique abilities, the Great Old One lets you be pals with ancient horrors like Cthulu.
  • Hexblade Warlock Build Guide: The most powerful Warlock patron, the Hexblade allows you to operate more as a martial character while still retaining all the powerful spellcasting of a Warlock.
  • Undead Warlock Build Guide: Making use of the power of the dead, Undead Warlocks channel different facets of undead to empower and even change themselves.
  • Undying Warlock Build Guide: Emphasizing staving off death rather than embracing it, Undying Warlocks look to prolong their life by any means necessary.


The archetypal spellcaster, Wizards are extremely potent with a wide range of abilities and spells at their disposal to tackle any situation. With an absolute deluge of potential builds and subclasses, Wizards are fully customizable on top of having access to some of the most unique and powerful spells in all of D&D.

Wizard Subclasses Breakdown

  • Abjuration Wizard Build Guide: Focusing on defensive wards, Abjurers are excellent at protecting their allies with spells or their arcane ward.
  • Bladesinging Wizard Build Guide: Utilizing both sword and magic, Bladesingers are unique as they are just as threatening up close as they are from afar, and also rare for Wizards, can be extraordinarily difficult to hit!
  • Conjuration Wizard Build Guide: Rather than an archetypal summoner, Conjuration Wizards have an extremely diverse skill set that help showcase all that conjuration has to offer.
  • Divination Wizard Build Guide: Being able to view the future, Divination wizards are experts in information gathering and manipulating luck to their favor.
  • Enchantment Wizard Build Guide: The masters of CC spells, Enchantment wizards are an excellent support class that specialize in locking down opponents so their allies can clean them up.
  • Evocation Wizard Build Guide: Concerned with all things damage, Evocation Wizards are glass cannons focusing their efforts in dealing as much damage as humanly possible.
  • Illusion Wizard Build Guide: Focusing on illusions, this school has complete mastery over illusions letting them manipulate them and even sculpt them into reality!
  • Necromancy Wizard Build Guide: Controlling the forces of undeath, Necromancers look to build up their undead forces to absolutely overwhelm their enemies.
  • Scribes Wizard Build Guide: The most studious of all the Wizard, Order of Scribes can manifest different powers through their spellbooks and learn new spells more efficiently than anyone else!
  • Transmutation Wizard Build Guide: Majorly focused around their Transmuter’s Stone, this subclass adds a lot of utility to Wizards making them a very unique support build.
  • War Magic Wizard Build Guide: Masters in the art of combat, War Wizards abilities emphasize defense while their spells more than cover the offense.

Multiclass Guides

Sorlock Build Guide – Focused on obliterating enemies with Eldritch Blast, the Sorlock retains nearly all the spellcasting potential of a full caster while having a powerful resource-less damage option.

Robert Lee
Robert Lee

DoggertQBones is an avid player of games, predominately D&D! Previously a highly published author for another popular Wizards of the Coast game, Magic: the Gathering, he's been playing D&D since childhood as both player and DM!

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